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目的分析评价织物上洗涤过的血斑DNA检验的效果。方法取棉、化纤和麻布块各25份,用40μL新鲜血均匀涂制成直径约1.5cm的圆形血斑,样本分为5组,分别在加有皂粉的洗衣机中洗涤1、3、10、30、60min;所有样本用IQ试剂盒提取DNA,用Identifiler PlusTM试剂盒扩增,并进行STR分型检测。结果各种载体血斑周边处检材中,仅棉布载体洗涤1min检材检出RFU200的峰,但等位基因丢失率可达50%以上,不能正确判型。各种载体血斑检材洗涤30min以内均可得到成功分型,但峰高以棉布最高、化纤最低,洗涤60min时仅棉布血斑检出率为100%,其他载体血斑均有明显的等位基因丢失及非特异性扩增,检出率低于60%。结论洗涤一定时间后的血迹仍具有DNA分型检验的价值,能否正确提取洗涤后的血迹检材是分型成功的关键,洗涤时间较长的检材判型应谨慎。  相似文献   

目的探讨尼龙植绒拭子与棉拭子血痕DNA分型检验的效果。方法取抗凝全血用去离子水倍量稀释2、4、8、16、32、64、128倍,各取1μL分别滴加于尼龙植绒拭子与棉拭子头部,干燥制成血痕,应用Chelex-100提取每个浓度两种材质拭子的血痕样本DNA,采用Identifiler Plus试剂盒进行复合扩增,3500XL型遗传分析仪进行检测,对比各组DNA分型检验成功率。结果 1检验成功率:稀释16~64倍尼龙植绒拭子血痕均明显高于相同稀释倍数的棉拭子血痕(P0.001);其余浓度血痕两种材质拭子的检验成功率无明显差异;2分型图谱峰高和均衡性:不同浓度尼龙植绒拭子血痕峰高多为棉拭子血痕的2倍以上,16~64倍稀释血痕尼龙植绒拭子均衡性更好。结论尼龙植绒血痕拭子的检验效果优于棉拭子血痕,在微量血痕检验时优势更明显。  相似文献   

目的依据分型图谱,直观、简便识别是否存在Amelogenin基因Y片段丢失的可能。方法采用计算分型图谱中等位基因峰高之和比值的方法,统计1 968份人员样本经Power Plex~ 21试剂盒扩增后Amelogenin与D3S1358基因座之间的均衡性、Amelogenin X等位基因与Amelogenin Y等位基因的均衡性以及D3S1358基因座不同等位基因的均衡性情况。结果 90.8%的女性样本Amelogenin X等位基因峰高不低于D3S1358基因座等位基因峰高和的60%,94.9%的男性样本Amelogenin X等位基因的峰高不超过D3S1358基因座等位基因峰高和的70%。结论 Power Plex~ 21试剂盒扩增后的分型结果中,当Amelogenin基因只检测到Amelogenin X等位基因,且Amelogenin X等位基因的峰高不及D3S1358基因座等位基因峰高之和的70%时,应考虑存在Y片段丢失的可能性。  相似文献   

国产Goldeneye~(TM) 20A试剂盒性能指标验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的测试国产GoldeneyeTM20A试剂盒技术性能指标,评估其法医学应用能力。方法从方法学验证、准确性、峰值均衡性、灵敏度、批次间试剂及稳定性测试、耐受性、不同检材的适应性与一致性、种属特异性、混合样本等9个方面对GoldeneyeTM20A试剂盒进行测试。结果阳性DNA样本分型正确,内标和等位基因分型标准物符合要求;等位基因间的均衡性≥83%,同一荧光标记基因座间的均衡性≥55%,不同标记物间的均衡性≥52%;0.125ng DNA阳性样本可检出全部STR基因座分型,不同批次间和反复冻融后试剂盒测试可以获得正确分型,对降解检材和混有抑制剂的样本等具有一定的耐受性,能对案件中多种检材进行分型且分型结果一致,具有一定的种属特异性和混合DNA样本检测能力。结论国产GoldeneyeTM 20A试剂盒可用于法庭科学实际检案与建库。  相似文献   

目的对Goldeneye TM DNA身份鉴定系统25A试剂盒的技术性能进行测试及评估。方法依据规定的方法对该试剂盒的准确性、灵敏度、一致性、均衡性、稳定性和混合样本等方面进行检验,并应用于部分人员血样和常见案件检材的检验。结果各等位基因间均衡性≥42%,阳性DNA样本分型准确,0.125 ng的阳性对照样本可检出完整分型。结论 Goldeneye TM DNA身份鉴定系统25A试剂盒可以用于法庭科学的DNA数据库和部分案件的DNA检验。  相似文献   

目的探索全基因组扩增技术对微量检材DNA分型的有效性。方法通过显微操作制备含1~20个细胞的模拟微量检材样本,在常规PCR-STR分型前加入全基因组扩增步骤,从等位基因不平衡、等位基因丢失、基因座丢失、伪等位基因(包含stutter峰)等方面探究PEP和MDA两种全基因组扩增方法对微量检材DNA分型的有效性。结果 MDA扩增效率高于PEP,但等位基因丢失和伪等位基因严重;PEP方法的正确分型率高于MDA,但小片段DNA优势扩增现象较严重。结论 MDA方法并不适合目前以STR分型为主导的法庭科学,当微量检材样本的绝对量相当少时,可以考虑使用PEP方法来扩大样本量,以满足重复检验的要求,但可能面临大片段DNA扩增失败的风险。  相似文献   

目的比较GoldeneyeTM20A和SinofilerTM试剂盒的技术性能指标。方法从灵敏度、杂合等位基因峰高均衡性、耐受性、混合样本检测及等位基因分型结果 5个方面对GoldeneyeTM20A试剂盒和SinofilerTM试剂盒进行了比较。结果两种试剂盒的检测灵敏度值均为125pg;两种试剂盒在不同模板量扩增得到的杂合子平均峰高比值相近;GoldeneyeTM20A试剂盒对血红素抑制剂的耐受性略好于SinofilerTM试剂盒,当血红素含量为80μmol/L也可以得到完整的分型结果;两种试剂盒对7:1和1:7比例的混合样本都能得到主要与次要成分的完整等位基因分型结果。同一样本两种试剂盒在15个共有基因座上的分型结果完全相同。结论两种试剂盒的性能无明显差别,均能满足检验需要。GodeneyeTM20A试剂盒只需一次检验即可得到19个常染色体STR基因座和1个性别基因座的分型信息,在法庭科学检验和DNA数据库建设中具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨一种适用于小体积生物物证检材的包装方式。方法选择M4型螺丝钉作为研究对象,经去污消毒处理,通过手握方式转移人体脱落细胞到其表面,对螺丝钉采用两种不同的包装方式(滤纸包裹和悬空固定),经KingFisher Flex自动提取工作站进行DNA提取,从基因座等位基因检出情况、STR分型谱带峰高、均衡性等方面比较两种包装方式对螺丝钉上DNA检出率的影响。结果悬空固定包装螺丝钉实验组获得的STR分型谱带峰高、均衡性等方面均优于滤纸包裹包装实验组,其在基因座检出数量、分型完全相同样本数及有效分型样本数方面也多于滤纸包裹包装实验组。结论为降低微量生物检材DNA二次转移造成的损耗,提高小体积生物检材DNA的检出率,建议对小体积生物检材采用悬空固定方式进行物证包装。  相似文献   

目的采用Mini Filer~(TM)及YFiler~(TM)试剂盒对孕妇血浆进行STR分型,评估上述试剂盒进行无创产前亲子鉴定的可行性。方法采用Mini Filer~(TM)及YFiler~(TM)试剂盒,对2例成人男性的全血及血浆进行STR分型,评估血浆检材的分型准确率及适用性;对8组已知亲子关系的孕妇家系(4组非父,4组亲父,均为男胎样本)采用Mini Filer~(TM)及YFiler~(TM)试剂盒进行STR分型,对STR分型图谱直接观察,总结归纳孕妇血浆STR图谱的特征,探讨进行无创产前亲子鉴定的可行性。结果血浆检材的STR分型结果与全血STR分型结果 100%一致,且等位基因峰高接近,表明血浆是一类可以进行STR分型的检材;观察8组孕妇血浆检材的STR分型图谱,可获得2~5个可用(含胎儿STR信息)Mini-STR位点,1~8个可用Y-STR位点,且在位点充足的情况下(6个),肯定父权家系可计算累计父权指数达192 653,否定父权家系中有3~7个位点支持否定父权。结论采用Mini Filer~(TM)及Yfiler~(TM)试剂盒对孕妇血浆进行STR分型,存在进行无创产前亲子鉴定的可能性。  相似文献   

目的比较05式警用转轮手枪弹壳表面接触性DNA检验方法,为实际检验提供参考和借鉴。方法制备40例击发后手枪弹壳的模拟样本,分别用两步转移法提取弹壳表面不同部位检材,采用两种DNA提取法和两种扩增试剂盒对样本进行STR分型检验,比较评价检验结果。结果避开发射药残留区域采用两步转移法提取样本,有助于提高检出率;Chelex-100联合Microcon-100法提取模板DNA的产量最高可达1.18ng,高于Mini M48试剂盒法(0.91ng);MiniFilerTM试剂盒的等位基因检出率(23.61%)高于IdentifilerTM试剂盒(6.41%)。结论采用选择适当区域提取检材,采用Chelex-100联合Microcon-100法提取DNA,经MiniFilerTM试剂盒扩增,进行弹壳接触DNA分型的效果较好。  相似文献   

目的研究常见洗手方式对92式手枪射击残留物检出率的影响,为确定犯罪嫌疑人射击与否的推断提供依据。方法实验人员使用92式手枪分别射击1枪和3枪,射击后0.5h内,射击人员的手分别用清水、肥皂和洗手液清洗3遍(对照组为未清洗),对实验人员的手部进行射击残留物的提取,利用扫描电镜和能谱仪对射击残留物进行检验。结果持枪射击后,射击人的手部会附着大量的射击残留物,用常见的洗手方式进行清洗后,仍然能检测到射击残留物,且不同的洗手方式对射击残留物的检出率的影响差异显著。结论常见洗手方式不能完全清除手部的射击残留物,对涉枪案件犯罪嫌疑人的判定有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The presence of Cannabis sativa DNA was detected on the skin of persons who have recently handled both leaf and resinous material. The persistence of C. sativa DNA was examined on the skin. The subjects were asked to either repeatedly rub their hands on their trousers, place their hands repeatedly into their pockets or wash their hands in soap and water. After rubbing the hands on trousers or placing them in pockets C. sativa DNA could still be detected. No DNA could be detected after washing the hands.  相似文献   

3种常用PCR扩增试剂盒检验血样DNA的结果比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨常用的ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒检验血样DNA的差异。方法510名无关中国汉族个体血样,分别用ProfilerPlusTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒进行DNA检验,然后对有不同检验结果的同一样本,再用ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16等三种试剂盒进行检验,并比较其结果。结果在510名个体血样的DNA检测结果中,发现同一样本有不同结果的有7例,其差异率为1.3725%;ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16各有1例在D13S317或FGA基因座上出现等位基因缺失现象,缺失率为0.1961%;ProfilerPlusTM有5例在D8S1179基因座上出现扩增严重不平衡现象,相应的IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒的检验结果为正常杂合子。结论ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒检验血样DNA均会出现扩增不平衡和/或基因丢失现象,其发生几率IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒较ProfilerPlusTM少。  相似文献   

目的采用Identifiler Direct PCR试剂盒直接扩增法进行棉签擦拭血痕、肋软骨和烟蒂唾液斑DNA分型检验,并评价其应用价值。方法收集棉签擦拭血痕、烟蒂各20份,肋软骨10份,采用Identifiler Direct PCR试剂盒进行直接扩增及分型检验,以相同检材采用磁珠法/Chelex-100法提取模板DNA后扩增检验结果作为对照,对两组所得结果进行比较分析。结果棉签擦拭血痕和肋软骨一次检测完整分型率均为100%,分型结果与对照组一致;烟蒂上唾液斑有2份检材第一次未能完整分型,调整方法再次检验后获分型成功。结论实际检案中的棉签血痕、肋软骨和烟上唾液斑,采用直接扩增法检测,方法简单、快速、稳定、检材用量小,可在实际检案中选择使用。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(5):423-431
DNA samples collected at crime scenes are often degraded so this research focused on the ability of the Promega PowerPlex® Fusion 5C amplification kit to type both naturally and artificially degraded DNA.DNA was degraded naturally by placing equal volumes of blood on white fabric that was stored either inside, outside in a shaded area, or outside in direct sunlight. Samples were then collected every 10 days for 60 days and the DNA extracted (QIAamp® DNA Investigator). Artificially degraded samples were created by exposing extracted DNA to either UV light or 95 °C heat for varying times. DNA was also degraded artificially by placing blood samples into a 50% bleach solution for varying times prior to extraction.Following sample treatment, standard forensic DNA analysis was performed including quantification (Investigator® Quantiplex) and amplification (PowerPlex® Fusion 5C). Separation and detection were performed on an ABI 3130xl capillary electrophoresis unit and analysis was performed using GeneMapper ID v3.2.1.While the time and shade samples showed similar amounts of degradation, the samples exposed to direct sun showed more degradation. The artificially degraded samples showed more signs of degradation such as reduced overall peak height and peak height imbalance at heterozygous loci. There were also some cases where an allele that was known to be in the profile exhibited total dropout. Although there were some instances of both allelic dropout and heterozygote peak imbalance, PowerPlex® Fusion was able to reliably type degraded DNA as all alleles detected were consistent with the known donor profile. The results show that PowerPlex® Fusion is a robust kit capable of handling forensically challenged samples.  相似文献   

Impacts of validation design on DNA signal were explored, and the level of variation introduced by injection, capillary changes, amplification, and kit lot was surveyed by examining a set of replicate samples ranging in mass from 0.25 to 0.008 ng. The variations in peak height, heterozygous balance, dropout probabilities, and baseline noise were compared using common statistical techniques. Data indicate that amplification is the source of the majority of the variation observed in the peak heights, followed by capillary lots. The use of different amplification kit lots did not introduce variability into the peak heights, heterozygous balance, dropout, or baseline. Thus, if data from case samples run over a significant time period are not available during validation, the validation must be designed to, at a minimum, include the amplification of multiple samples of varying quantity, with known genotype, amplified and run over an extended period of time using multiple pipettes and capillaries.  相似文献   

Because of the increase of evidence of blood stains, that have been washed or cleaned in an attempt to mask the analysis of DNA profiles, there is also an increase in the use of presumptive tests on samples sent to laboratories. Some of the presumptive tests, used to identify blood and semen stains, could potentially affect the recovery of high molecular weight DNA from the samples, or extinguish them, especially those already present in small quantities. After the presumptive tests, often these samples are discarded. This study aimed to examine the possibility of obtaining a DNA profile from samples submitted for presumptive testing and cleaned with bleaches with and without chlorine. Two different protocols were conducted: (a) A unique sample of human blood in natura (5 μL), already typed through the DNA techniques with the genetic profile previously known (control), was distributed onto cotton fabrics and dried at room temperature. Four samples of fabric were macerated in saline solution and Coombs serum and then stored for three months (room temperature and freezer −20 °C). (b) Another sample of human blood, type A, in natura, already typed through the techniques of DNA (control) was used. Aliquots of 200 μL were distributed in: cotton, denim and synthetic fabric. The samples were dried at room temperature for 24 h. The blood stains in those fabrics (cotton, denim and synthetic) were then divided into three groups: unwashed, cleaned with chlorine bleach and cleaned with chlorine bleach and soap powder. The samples were again dried at room temperature for 24 h, before the use of luminol. The DNA were extracted with Chelex 100 and amplified with the Identifiler Kit (Applied Biosystems). The blood stains exposed to saline and Coombs serum had DNA profiles consistent with untreated samples (controls). This result shows that the experts should keep and store the samples treated with saline and Coombs serum for future DNA confrontation when necessary. Also discussed in this paper the pattern of blood stains after washing with bleaching solutions, as well as the quantity of DNA obtained from these samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: The AmpF?STR® MiniFilerTM PCR Amplification Kit is designed to genotype degraded and/or inhibited DNA samples when the AmpF?STR® IdentifilerTM PCR Amplification Kit is incapable of generating a complete genetic profile. Validation experiments, following the SWGDAM guidelines, were designed to evaluate the performance of MiniFiler. Data obtained demonstrated that MiniFiler, when used in conjunction with Identifiler, provided an increased ability to obtain genetic profiles from challenged samples. The optimum template range was found to be between 0.2 and 0.6 ng, with 0.3 ng yielding the best results. Full concordance was achieved between the MiniFiler kit and Identifiler kit except in a single case of a null allele at locus D21S11. Numerous instances of severe heterozygous peak imbalance (<50%) were observed in single source samples amplified within the optimum range of input DNA suggesting that caution be taken when attempting to deduce component genotypes in a mixture.  相似文献   

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