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葛兰西紧紧结合二十世纪二、三十年世界政治大动荡年代西方社会资产阶级统治方式的改变和社会主义革命失败的现实 ,深刻地研究了资本主义国家 ,创造性地探讨了社会主义国家 ,提出了“现代国家是加上了专政的领导权”或“现代国家 =政治社会 +公民社会”的概念 ,强调“现代国家”意识形态领导权的重要性 ,重视知识分子在“现代国家”中的作用 ,等等。他的理论 ,对于我们研究新形势下马克思主义国家观的发展 ,同时研究如何加强社会主义思想文化建设 ,促进我国社会主义现代化事业的发展 ,很有借鉴意义  相似文献   

解读葛兰西的霸权理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛兰西的霸权理论论述了霸权是某一社会集团争取其他集团对其表示积极赞同、自觉服从并自动融入到该社会集团的权力结构中来的一种控制方式。其本质是通过智识与道德领导达成非强制性的政治效果的一种政治手段。在市民社会、完整国家和意识形态三方面的阐述中充分地展示了其理论内涵。  相似文献   

葛兰西的“主导性理论”对传统马克思主义进行了修正和补充,对政治理论的一系列关系概念作出了新的解读,如经济基础和上层建筑,阶级利益和意识形态,政治社会和公民社会,支配型统治和主导型统治,统治阶级和被统治阶级,错误意识和积极认同等。葛兰西的“主导性理论”尤其适用于分析和理解资本主义社会的柔性和当代社会主义社会的局限性。  相似文献   

葛兰西的"文化领导权"理论强调文化自身的功能及意识形态对经济基础的能动作用。他提出了"完整国家"的思想,并据此把市民社会看作是一个社会文化交往领域和赢得文化领导权的社会空间。葛兰西认为文化领导权的占有是通过社会中的有机知识分子阶层来实现的。因此,教育和培养自己的知识分子阶层是无产阶级革命的必备条件之一,要实现这一目的就必须使知识分子自觉地同人民群众紧密联系在一起。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,以金砖五国等新兴国家为代表的“第二世界”崛起对全球产生广泛影响,并由此带来了国际关系与国际政治经济的变迁。葛兰西的核心理论框架——“霸权”概念以及以考克斯为代表的新葛兰西主义学派对探究新兴国家崛起的问题是有启发作用的,但是全球化与跨国资本主义的深化对新葛兰西主义学派提出了挑战。在整合新葛兰西霸权理论和后霸权批判理论,并将“第二世界”和“相互依存”加入分析框架之后,理论界提出一种新观点,即新兴国家作为一种新型反霸权的国际政治经济力量,在全球资本主义时代,尚不能建立起替代性的独立霸权,而“相互依存式霸权”将主导当今这个时代。“相互依存式霸权”定义为根植于金砖国家的崛起所带来的基于地区合作所形成的联盟型关系,这一联盟型关系的形成主要为了牵制并超越由单一国家或单一权力中心(西方)所产生的霸权。届时在国家利益、地区走向、共同政治议程、政治联盟以及潜在危机管控等方面,“第一世界”(西方国家)和“第二世界”(新兴国家)将相互影响、相互制约,共同重塑国际安全与国际政治经济秩序。  相似文献   

黑格尔、卢梭及马克思政治哲学思想的内在关联应被立足于政治哲学视域下的“个人”、“国家”和“社会”之间关系的视角来审视。黑格尔的法哲学开启了马克思关于“个人”、“国家”和“社会”三者辩证统一发展之社会整合视域。卢梭的政治学说和国家观启发了马克思对黑格尔法哲学的批判并内在地影响了马克思这一整合视域。在如何整合“个人”、“国家”与“社会”三者和谐辩证统一发展问题的思维路径上,马克思与黑格尔、卢梭的致思趋向具有一致性,并内在地构成了他们三者哲学思想的内在联系和机制。“个人”、“国家”和“社会”的关系问题在马克思的理论视野中至为重要,对这一问题的认识和澄清,将有助于深入理解马克思政治哲学乃至整个思想的理论实质及其理论旨趣和终极关怀。  相似文献   

马克思国家理论体现在他对资本主义国家的批判之中,其蕴含三个方面的伦理向度,即在对资本主义国家"虚假共同体"的批判中提出了国家正义的伦理向度;在对资本主义国家与社会异化关系的批判中提出了国家自由的伦理向度;在对资本主义国家权力异化的批判中提出了国家民主的伦理向度。无产阶级专政的社会主义国家作为对资本主义国家的超越,包含这三方面的伦理向度。当代中国的国家建构是马克思国家理论最生动的实践,国家也要有道德,并履行好道德职责,这是公民爱国主义的国家伦理基础。  相似文献   

“市民社会”是政治学和社会学研究中一个非常重要的概念,是认识近代和现代社会发展的一个重要观察视角。由于历史环境的不同,不同的思想家在运用这个概念的过程中差异很大,其涵义发生了很大的变化。黑格尔最早对市民社会进行了系统的阐述。马克思批驳了黑格尔的家庭和社会是从属于国家的论点,揭示了国家的基础。西方马克思主义具有重要地位的葛兰西的市民社会理论将马克思“物质生活关系的总和”的定义基本被排除,转而强调意识形态和文化领域。而哈贝马斯最大的贡献在于引入了“公共领域”的概念。他所担心的是国家权力的膨胀和追求利益的冲动会摧毁社会文化生活领域。  相似文献   

我们需要思考,要如何推进当代中国国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化。从威权主义政治形态下的国家治理学术研究来看,我们的话语权基本被垄断,少有创见。在中央与地方、国家与社会两个维度的国家治理经验方面,可分别归纳为“代理型地方发展主义模式”和“运动式治理模式”,前者主要是中央政府“做对了激励”;后者主要是各级政府普遍使用“地方国家统和主义”的做法。未来国家治理不能回避四个问题:大国如何治理?为了什么而竞争?在地方上谁代表国家?社会治理如何创新?答案是将中央与地方实践性分权的动态博弈过程回归到法理型权威治理和制度化分权的轨道上来,赋予地方治理大胆实践创新的空间与能力;在国家与社会双向互动关系中改变地方性的政府统合主义途径,激活体制改革红利,释放社会潜力与活力,实现赋权增能双赢发展。最后指出,通过做好的社会科学研究,赋予国家治理实践理论指导,大有可为。  相似文献   

“市民社会”是一个历史悠久、内涵丰富的术语,从其产生以来一直处于流变之中。近代以来,洛克和黑格尔对市民社会有较深刻认识且后者对前者有较大发展。马克思扬弃了黑格尔的市民社会理论,正确地阐述了黑格尔颠倒了的市民社会和政治国家的关系,确立了市民社会决定国家的历史观。马克思的市民社会理论蕴含着巨大的理论意义和实践价值,是市民社会理论发展的高峰。  相似文献   

From the perspective of political philosophy, Marcuse's philosophy provides a new insight into the research of his theory. Marcuse's critical theory of his political ideology convincingly argues that the scientific technology, language, art and philosophy of the advanced industrial society has completely been alienated, which forms the society without negative dimension. This new perspective is a great inspiration to the construction of China's socialist culture and ethics and China's political philosophy.  相似文献   

Giddens fully absorbs the Marx's capitalism critical theory of capital criticism as the core by including Marx in historical framework of late modernity. Based on fracture of modernity, Giddens criticizes historical materialism and develops structural theory of understanding of the developed capitalist society. Thereby, Giddens shows the current status of modernity: pluralistic structure and high risk of society dominated by the forces of globalization. According to the principle, Giddens proposes “the third way” as self-salvation of capitalist society: adhere to the ideals of socialism, beyond the traditional opposition of government and market, making full use of the balance between state and market to build a society of positive welfare. Laying aside political label of “the third way”, the exploration of the balance between government and market is of great practical significance for China to promote the balance between government and market, and to manage the challenge of globalization. However, the position of Postmodernism indicates that Giddens criticism of Marx's historical materialism is a failure undoubtedly.  相似文献   

China`s economic growth relies deeply on political incentive. Local government officers` actual tenure plays decisive influence on the local economic growth. Based on 1978-2018 contemporary China local government officers` actual tenure and survey results, this paper concludes that five-year fixed tenure system has gradually shrunk as three-year administration, meanwhile the major local government officers frequently face office change in the third year in office. Accordingly, political tenure and economic factors, especially fixed-asset-investment, shapes the significant tenure cycle featured as an inverted-U shape withthree-years-up and two-years-down. The western scholars adopt political business cycle theory to explain political alternation`s shock to economic adjustment. These existing empirical studies have gradually confirmed that China also has significant political business cycle. This paper proposes that tenure cycle is the decisive core of China`s political business cycle, and China model as well, which forms a new perspective on China`s economic growth. Accordingly, tenure control has also become an important policy tool for the central government's macroeconomic control.  相似文献   

中国经济增长存在深刻的政治激励。地方政府主官的实际任期对于地方经济发展具有十分重要的影响。基于1978-2018年当代中国地方党政主官实际任期的统计以及问卷调查结果分析,本文发现:五年任期制逐渐缩水为“三年之政”,多数地方主官在任期的第三年便面临岗位调整;相应地,政治任期与投资等经济性因素形成了“三上二下式倒U型”分布,形成了显著的任期周期。西方民主国家以政治商业周期理论解释政治换届对经济波动的影响,既有的实证研究也证实中国同样存在政治商业周期,但中国政治商业周期有独特的制度逻辑和结构特征。本文提出,任期周期构成了中国政治商业周期的重要内涵,也是中国模式的重要解释机制,为理解中国经济增长提供了新的思考视角。相应地,任期调控也成为中央政府宏观经济调控的重要政策工具。  相似文献   

Through the depiction of the tragedy of cross-race marriage in South Street, William Gardner Smith reveals the conflicts between marital ethics and ethnic passing in American society, making invectives against the repression and destruction of humanity in racial discrimination and prejudice. The racial complex, negative acculturation and judicial injustice combined together greatly do harm to the legal rights of cross-race marriage and result in the loss of social marital ethics, widening the gap between whites and blacks. The racist situational field leads black and white people into a terrific trap of marital ethics. Any of white people's restriction on or deprivation of blacks' marital freedom is a violation of social ethics. Family members as well as friends' well-meaning interference in cross-race marriage is unfavorable to the people pursuing happy marriages. This novel expands the themes of African American urban naturalistic fiction, blaming the systematic power and situational power, which are caused by white racism and black internalization of racism, for the hindrance, repression and destruction of the marriage based upon true love, and thus highlighting the greatness and limitation of human nature.  相似文献   

Saul Bellow more than once expressed his introspection on the Nazi Holocaust in his works. This article expounds by stages among the several novels like The Victim, Mr. Sammler's Planet, The Bellarosa Connection and Ravelstein, from horrors and the sufferings in the forties to the directly denouncing and emphasizing repeatedly on historical memories in the sixties and eighties, and up to the similar testament in his last book in the new century, with the purpose of illuminating and analyzing author's deep connotation by based on western culture, general humanity and human's historical dimension. Meanwhile this wide-view way of thinking is also another contribution on literature.  相似文献   

This essay is a contextual analysis of Wang Zhao's six letters which were recently discovered in Japan. The first two letters reveal that the contents might not be the obstinacy of this prominent figure of constitutional reform group but an incitement under Kang Youwei while Wang Zhao exiled himself in Japan. The two secret imperial edicts copied in these two letters are apparently different from previous records in archive file. We can thus treat it as a result of Kang Youwei's garble. Before Wang Zhao's secret return to China as a desperado, he ingratiated himself to Kang Youwei in order to solicit money by hook or crook. We can thereby sense his existential predicament. He also twice went to Kochi Prefecture prior to his secret home trip. Other than exchange views with intellectuals there, fund-raising for secret emigration from Japan to China seemed to be his main objective.  相似文献   

国家政权建设,是国家政权的科层化与理性化程度不断提高,以及在破除国家整体论,迈向多层级、具体化国家基础上的对社会渗透与引领不断强化的过程。研究通过对建国以来居委会产生、发展、曲折与扭曲、改革与完善过程“知识系谱”的历史检视,发现居委会行政化与现代国家政权建设的过程是“同频共振”的。在居民委员会发展的不同阶段,国家通过政权建设的逻辑、革命的逻辑以及改革的逻辑实现了对居委会的不断渗透与控制,呈现出强国家与弱社会下基层的政治动员与国家与社会的一体化策略,国家统合社会中革命的传统与基层治理的失序运行,以及国家渗透与社会成长中国家与社会治理空间的转换与变迁。本质上是国家政权建设逻辑在基层社区中的展演与映射。  相似文献   

In John Killens's novel And Then We Heard the Thunder, the protagonist Solomon Sanders could not make the right decision both in his career and marriage, and his personality is often in a split state. This paper maintains that Sanders's practical difficulties and psychological predicaments are closely related to his wrong perception of male identity. All signs indicate that what Sanders identifies is a kind of “Self-Made Man” masculinity which has long been advocated by the mainstream society of America. This model of masculinity's most serious defect lies in the fact that it pays much attention to men's external performance and banishes the spiritual and moral claims in terms of its judgment standard and value orientation. With a full display of Sanders's psychological and practical predicaments, the novel carries out an incisive introspection upon this model of masculinity.  相似文献   

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