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试论收入分配差距对经济增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收入分配问题作为经济学界的经典问题,长期以来一直是理论界争论的焦点,通过各国体现全社会贫富阶层整体差异程度的基尼系数的对比发现,我们的GDP发展速度较高,但在收入分配方面我们却要逊色得多,这充分反映了我国分配不公平的增长,并且已经产生了明显的消费差距.通过对库兹涅茨收入分配倒U型曲线理论的研究与论述,得出结论我们不能把"缩小国民收入分配差别"这一想法寄希望于宛如空中楼阁的经济理论,应该找到适合中国国情的新的经济理论.通过对"不同阶层间收入差距的扩大,对经济发展存在正负两个方面的影响"的论述,阐明了"只要正确分析它的影响面,认清它存在的利与弊,就可以做到正确把握、宏观调控,通过多种政策和途径,达到一个适度的分配比例,很好地利用"收入分配差"这把双刃剑,保证国家经济在不同时期的稳定增长"的观点.  相似文献   

绿色型经济增长方式:中国经济发展的必然选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了“绿色型经济增长方式”这一新的概念 ,并认为它应该是转变我国经济增长方式所要实现的最终目标。  相似文献   

我国出口导向型经济增长模式已面临着越来越严重的国际国内约束,扩大内需是保持国民经济可持续发展的重要手段,在国家干预和工会的共同努力下,提高作为劳动者收入主要组成部分的工资水平是当务之急,这将会在很大程度上启动国内需求,同时缓和与主要贸易伙伴的摩擦,为我国经济长期稳定的快速增长提供持久的动力。  相似文献   

扩大民间投资:促进中国经济增长的长期动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间投资对需求的扩大和经济的长期增长具有拉动作用,但由于融资制约、产业准入制约和环境制约,使民间投资的后续跟进不足,制约了需求的进一步扩大。因此,我们应加大对非国有经济的融资支持,拓展民间投资的发展空间,加快存量资产的流动,建立民间投资的社会化服务体系。  相似文献   

本文在不否认经济全球化趋势和某种进步性的前提下,首先客观分析当前经济全球化的基本特点、利益分配和多种后果等理论与现实。接着,提出我国若干应对之策,认为较圆满地实现利大于弊必须做到:一是加快建立“三控型”民族企业集团,以应对“海外兵团”的涌入;二是争取对半式双赢,以求在全球化过程中实现利益均沾;三是尽快对外资企业实行国民待遇,以为本国企业争取好的竞争环境;四是加大科教投入,创造知识资源,以确立应对全球化的根本之策。  相似文献   

今年3月,十届全国人大第四次会议通过了国务院提出的“十一五”规划纲要。“十一五”期间,如何克服中国经济多年来积累下来的问题,是一项宏大的系统工程。为此,本刊邀请上海行政学院的5位经济学教授进行笔谈,交流他们的研究心得。  相似文献   

China`s economic growth relies deeply on political incentive. Local government officers` actual tenure plays decisive influence on the local economic growth. Based on 1978-2018 contemporary China local government officers` actual tenure and survey results, this paper concludes that five-year fixed tenure system has gradually shrunk as three-year administration, meanwhile the major local government officers frequently face office change in the third year in office. Accordingly, political tenure and economic factors, especially fixed-asset-investment, shapes the significant tenure cycle featured as an inverted-U shape withthree-years-up and two-years-down. The western scholars adopt political business cycle theory to explain political alternation`s shock to economic adjustment. These existing empirical studies have gradually confirmed that China also has significant political business cycle. This paper proposes that tenure cycle is the decisive core of China`s political business cycle, and China model as well, which forms a new perspective on China`s economic growth. Accordingly, tenure control has also become an important policy tool for the central government's macroeconomic control.  相似文献   

This paper selects the influence factors and economic growth effect of OFDI as a starting point, using China’s OFDI and related data, building VAR model, with a principal component analysis, co-integration test, impulse response and Grainger test method to explore the impact factors and the economic growth effect of China’s OFDI. The results show that the basic economic factors, investment environment factors and operating cost factors are the main factors affecting the development of China’s OFDI. At the same time, China’s OFDI and economic growth maintain a positive equilibrium relationship in the long term. In the short term, the economic growth effect of China’s OFDI is still weak, requires further development to better serve the economic restructuring and economic growth.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the measures UK financial regulators applied as responses to the 2008 financial crisis, in order to provide reference for the post-crisis regulation for our country. The article compares the pros and cons of rule-based regulations and principal-based regulations, then takes United Kingdom as an example, analyzing the introspection and rectification of the principal-based regulations, and the prudent incremental changes of the legal rules, proposed that the regulators in our country should focus more on the reconsideration upon the principles of the regulation, rather than the change of the legal rules themselves, which may be a more meaningful and cost effective choice in practice. The revised principal-based regulations may provide reference for our country to answer the questions caused by the complexity and innovations of the financial market. Finally, the article points out the non-transparency in the process of government bailout leads to the unpredictability of the market, and proposes that our government should draw lessons from their experience, to make the rescue process more open and definite, to ensure the predictability of law. Therefore the market participants will be able to expect the consequences of their actions.  相似文献   

失业率和通货膨胀率普遍被认为是宏观经济业绩的基本指标,这些变量构成了贯穿西方政治经济周期理论文献的共同主线。在一届政府当选前夕,政府会实行扩张性的经济政策,即以适度的通货膨胀为代价以便降低失业率;在当选之后,政府采取的措施是实行紧缩性的经济政策来降低实际通货膨胀率,以降低人们的通货膨胀预期,在此过程中失业率也会上升,从而引发宏观经济的周期性波动。  相似文献   

Liu Yong’s Ci about business trip typically reveals the contradiction of his cultural identity. Due to the particular viewpoint of life experience narrated by himself rather than being a spokesman or lyrics writer, his Ci about business trip demonstrates the complication of his own inner world, becoming a direct manifestation of his life experience of dilemma. On the theme of nostalgia and patriotism, his Ci shows a tendency towards classic tradition; however it emphasizes features such as estrangement from politics ontology and abandoning political personality of literati and officialdom in feudal China. The nature of his cultural identity is to highlight the individual sensibility and pursue the life with emotion and love. Retrospection of ole lover, missing and admiring the beauty constitute the important factors to compensate the frustration of losing homeland when drifting and wandering when he travels; in the meantime, it also shows the retreating consciousness of being addicted to sensibility and incapable of establishing life values.  相似文献   

全球化是当代世界发展的必然趋势,对于我国而言,全球化是机遇,也是挑战。因此,正确认识全球化具有重要的理论和现实意义。全面透视全球化,可以从两个角度入手:一方面要对具有多维度特征的全球化理论群进行共性研究;另一方面要将全球化与现代化、国际化、一体化、区域化进行辨析。在此基础上,可以运用公共选择理论,将全球化视为公共物品,纳入经济学的研究范畴,分别从供给和消费角度分析全球化进程中的利益冲突。  相似文献   

《追赶型经济增长理论:一种组织经济增长的新思路》一书自1995年7月第一次出版至今已经连续修订了5次,最近修订的第六版又已由中央党校出版社出版。正所谓:经典的理论是不会老的。尽管这本书已经出版十多年了,但经过作者钟阳胜同志的不断修改充实,今天拿起来研读仍然耳目一新、富有启迪。经济增长问题,一直是经济学家孜孜以求、不懈探讨的话题。亚当·斯密、马尔萨斯和大卫·李嘉图等西方古典经济学家,把对经济增长过程的分析作为自己理论的核心,悉心探究工业革命条件下资本主义社会经济增长的源泉和规律,得出了“一部分社会产品的积累和投…  相似文献   

大学外部治理结构改革是深化我国高等教育综合改革的重要组成部分,是大学逐渐走向社会中心的时代要求,是建设中国特色现代大学制度和依法治校的核心内容.我国大学外部治理历经行政化管制、法制化管理和法治化治理等阶段的变革与变迁,日益突显出现代大学外部治理“法治与共治”的基本价值取向,二者的纵横结合是大学外部治理有效执行的根本保障,二者的和谐共生才能满足现代大学制度对大学外部治理的要求.以形成规约大学外部治理权力、优化大学外部治理媒介、强化大学外部治理监督的新路径,实现大学外部治理新常态.  相似文献   

文章研究隐私关注与MPS采纳行为意愿之间的影响关系,创新性提出从用户主观认知视角的MPS采纳理论模型。通过调研收集421份问卷,并采用结构方程模型进行隐私关注程度测量与用户隐私认知之间关系分析,验证各影响因素与隐私关注,以及隐私关注与采纳MPS意愿之间的理论假设。结果表明,用户隐私倾向、内控点、社交群体对隐私关注信息收集、错误使用、不正当访问、二次使用都有显著的正向影响;用户开放性、随和性和外向性对隐私关注上述四个维度都有显著的负向影响;同时,提出的影响因素通过隐私关注四个维度均负向影响用户采纳MPS的意愿。文章能为企业革新隐私关注下的网络营销方式,以及促进用户采纳MPS意愿向实际行为转换提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Through the depiction of the tragedy of cross-race marriage in South Street, William Gardner Smith reveals the conflicts between marital ethics and ethnic passing in American society, making invectives against the repression and destruction of humanity in racial discrimination and prejudice. The racial complex, negative acculturation and judicial injustice combined together greatly do harm to the legal rights of cross-race marriage and result in the loss of social marital ethics, widening the gap between whites and blacks. The racist situational field leads black and white people into a terrific trap of marital ethics. Any of white people's restriction on or deprivation of blacks' marital freedom is a violation of social ethics. Family members as well as friends' well-meaning interference in cross-race marriage is unfavorable to the people pursuing happy marriages. This novel expands the themes of African American urban naturalistic fiction, blaming the systematic power and situational power, which are caused by white racism and black internalization of racism, for the hindrance, repression and destruction of the marriage based upon true love, and thus highlighting the greatness and limitation of human nature.  相似文献   

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