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吴灿新 《岭南学刊》2011,(3):132-134
建设学术强省是广东文化强省建设乃至经济社会发展的文化根基,然而要建设学术强省,必须要有科学、客观、公正、公平、正确的学术评价。学术评价是学术文化建设的导向标,对学术文化建设和学术强省建设具有重大影响。要使学术评价在正确健康的轨道上运行,必须要建设一个良好的学术评价环境。  相似文献   

学术期刊作者群的组建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
期刊的市场化趋势对刊物的作者群体提出了新的要求。要通过多种方式组建合适的作者队伍,要用动态的观点调整、充实作者队伍,要以感情、事业和优厚的稿酬稳定作者队伍,使学术期刊在市场化之路得以拓展。  相似文献   

坚持唯物主义和唯心主义、辩证法和形而上学以及中学和西学之间对立的绝对性和统一的相对性,避免用其对立的绝对性排斥统一的相对性,才能从根本上把“百花齐放,百家争鸣”学术政策落到实处,才能真正实现精神文明的重大发展。  相似文献   

“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”,这是唐代大诗人杜甫登泰山极顶后的感慨。读罢徐勇、高秉雄主编的《地方政府学》(高等教育出版社2005年8月出版),笔者似有同样的感受。具体地说,以笔者管见,该书堪称当今中国大陆地方政府研究的学术制高点。虽然国外地方政府学研究已有百年的历史,中国在上个世纪30———40年代也曾有一些研究著作,但在新中国或者说1949年以后的大陆,作为学科的地方政府研究才20多年的时间。时间虽短,但成就斐然。早在上个世纪80年代初,湖北省社会科学院政治学研究所就形成了以刁田丁、陈嘉陵、田穗生等为核心的地方政府研究群体,…  相似文献   

学术传媒具有学科领域广泛性、作者群体有限性以及与科研工作的互动性,必然要求其形成并确立鲜明的个性与特色。学术传媒的特色创建体现在跟踪学术前沿、为经济建设和社会发展服务以及新颖独特的装帧设计和栏目设置等方面。编辑策划是创建学术传媒特色的重要保证,学术传播工作者要通过选题策划、组稿策划、栏目策划、市场策划等各个环节的协调运作,树立和培养策划意识。  相似文献   

共同富裕思想的理论意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,理论界对共同富裕思想的解读主要集中在共同富裕思想体系和内涵的横向研究上,而从马克思主义发展史的角度对共同富裕思想和“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观之间的关系进行纵向研究,并阐述共同富裕思想在全面建设小康社会中的实践导向功能和实现历程的研究却不多。本文努力从这一方面谈一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

我国学术界对治理的研究可以主要从内涵、背景、内容、研究方法、评价五个方面加以把握,并形成了“国家-社会”研究范式,它在治理中的展开代表了学术的进步。无论是全球治理还是国家内治理,我们均需要在哲学认知、政治发展潮流、社会本质属性、文化心理意识及治理评估等方面继续深化。  相似文献   


Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in academic settings. It has been studied from many different theoretical angles, and a variety of causes and consequences have been suggested. Recent studies support the notion that academic procrastination can be seen from a situational perspective and as a failure in learning self-regulation. It suggests that interventions should address situational as well as deficits in self-regulation to help students overcome their procrastinating tendencies. The present review examined the recent literature on causes and consequences of academic procrastination and the limited number of studies of academic interventions for academic procrastination. Findings of this review strengthen the need to further study the topic of academic interventions for academic procrastination and to develop effective interventions. At the end of this review, several suggestions for the development of academic interventions are outlined.  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon with a range of negative outcomes. Many studies focused on causes and correlates of academic procrastination; however, the study of interventions for academic procrastination is scarce. The present study is an initial effort to study the relationship between academic procrastination, online course participation, and achievement, as a basis for developing an intervention for academic procrastination. Findings indicated that studying procrastination was negatively associated with final exam grade as well as with the three online course participation measures. Final exam grade was positively associated with two of the online course participation measures, and they positively correlated with each other. In addition, results indicated that studying procrastination, in combination with online course participation measures, explained about 50% of variance in final exam’s grade. Frequency of activities in course Web site had the strongest positive effect on final exam’s grade.

These findings strengthen the notion that studying procrastination is an impediment to students’ academic performance and outcomes and clarifies the need to develop and study academic interventions for academic procrastination as a means to decrease its prevalence in academic settings.  相似文献   

广东学术界探研政治文明理论主要经历了率先启动、迂回蓄势和活跃勃兴三个阶段。政治文明理论探研在广东的率先启动,主要缘于广东良好环境氛围的孕育、市场经济实践的推动以及理论工作者学术智慧和历史主动精神的彰显。在探研政治文明理论过程中,广东学术界敢为人先,知难而进,抓住机遇,埋头苦干,广泛开展各种学术研讨活动,积累了一批有价值的学术成果,为我国政治文明理论发展作出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

由武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心、武汉市社会科学院、武汉市政协文史学习委员会发起并组织的“张之洞与武汉早期现代化”国际学术讨论会,近期在湖北省武汉市举行,来自美国、法国、日本等国家和中国内地的70多位专家、学者及相关人士出席了这次盛会并提交了约40篇论文。大会围绕着“张之洞与武汉早期现代化”这一主题,从多角度进行了深入的探讨。下面就这次讨论会中涉及的几个主要问题综述如下:一、张之洞与中国、武汉近代化的关系张之洞督鄂18年,在湖北兴办洋务,推行新政,对武汉乃至全国的近代化都产生了重大的影响。本次学术讨论会以“张…  相似文献   

Following the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, policymakers have sought ways to improve safety on college and university campuses nationwide. Among the more recent proposals is to permit concealed handgun licensees to carry on campus. To date, eight states have enacted legislation implementing this measure. A limited body of research considers the perceptions of students and other members of the campus community about these laws and their passage. The present study seeks to offer a new perspective, assessing student opinions about the recently passed legislation in Texas and whether they would support such a law in a state with strict gun control measures in place. The results indicate that while students collectively did not support concealed carry on their campus, males, Republicans, and gun owners were significantly more likely to express attitudes favorable of the law. Policy implications for its implementation, as well as limitations of the study, are considered.  相似文献   

民族共生理论是基于生物共生理论视域,以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,以社会转型时期的民族关系为具体研究对象,以实现民族共同发展、共同优化为现实目标,以系统、微观的视角全面分析民族关系的核心内容、表现形式、本质特征、实现方式以及实现过程的方法论。民族共生理论认为.民族共生关系是一种多层面的民族共同适应、共同发展的优化路径,要求诸民族在合作竞争机制的驱动下互惠共生、自行趋优。民族共生关系的存在,最重要的是体现在形成一种共生能量。为保障各个民族及民族关系持续健康发展,应建立或进一步完善民族激励机制、民族优化机制、利益共享与补偿机制以及民族关系协调与应急机制。  相似文献   

人文学术期刊作为一种宣传舆论工具,在促进社会主义和谐社会建设方面有着不可替代的重 要作用。人文学术期刊要为构建和谐社会提供正确的舆论导向,必须坚持以科学的理论为指导,必须注重 提高宣传质量,把坚持正确的政治方向与高超的宣传艺术结合起来。  相似文献   

陈占彪 《桂海论丛》2007,23(5):20-23
在学术与政治之间,郭沫若是心向政治的,他踏入学术圈,很大程度上是出于无奈或无聊,然而,他又不甘于做那种与世无涉的学术"蠹鱼",身为"革命的学术家",他将马克思主义思想理论渗入到学术研究之中,使得学术与政治两者因此得以沟通,学术最终成为郭沫若参与社会、介入政治的另一种方式,他的学术实践的成绩与失误皆在于此.  相似文献   

本文通过对三位影响世界文明进程的经济学大师卡尔·马克思、亚当·斯密和约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯青年时期学术生涯的回溯,认为创新的学术勇气、深入社会并躬于实践、多学科的知识基础以及勤奋的钻研精神是他们青年时期求学治学的共性,而这些共性为经济学大师们后来辉煌学术成就的取得奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

警察临战学是警察学科群中的一门应用学科,具有其独特的研究领域,与其相关学科存在着密切联系。对警察临战学进行深入研究,一方面可以加强对临战实践的指导,另一方面可以丰富与完善警察学的理论体系。  相似文献   

In this study, we applied an evolutionary perspective to analyze the relationship between aggressiveness, academic performance, and sociality in a population of 528 adolescents of both sexes. In men, we expect physical aggression (PA) and sociality to be negative predictors of academic performance. However, in women, PA would be a negative predictor of academic performance, and sociality a positive one. Our results report a negative association between academic performance and PA in both sexes. As we expected, social effect derived from the use of PA seems to be different for each sex, where men could display a rebellious attitude to increase chances of finding a mate. In contrast, results for women are not conclusive, because no relationship between academic performance and any aggressive mechanism, were predicted by sociality. We conclude that an evolutionary framework, which includes sex-specific hypotheses, is appropriate to obtain a holistic perspective of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

最近 ,由华东师范大学历史学系、日本神户学院大学大学院人间文化研究科、华东师范大学农村社会研究中心联合主办的“中国农村社会变迁与现代化”国际学术研讨会在华东师范大学举行 ,来自日本、美国和北京、上海、江苏、浙江、河北、湖北等地的50多位专家学者参加了此次研讨会。会议主要围绕农村土地产权、农村基层政权演变等专题展开了热烈讨论。一、农村土地产权问题土地产权制度是一个社会的农村经济发展的根本制度。人类社会的农村经济发展史 ,很重要的一个方面就是一部土地产权制度变迁史。与会者们紧紧围绕这一主题 ,从不同的视角、…  相似文献   

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