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Teachers in hospitals are a unique phenomenon. Their students are sick, hospitalized children with a range of physical, emotional, and cognitive needs. Teachers are expected to be dynamic, flexible, creative, open-minded, and efficient to function in the most appropriate manner. However, a recent study showed that these teachers tend to procrastinate on some of the most common tasks that teachers perform on a daily basis in the regular school system. The present study was an initial investigation into the reasons for procrastination in teachers who work in two hospitals in Israel. Thirty-two teachers were interviewed. The findings indicated that the primary reason for procrastination among teachers in the hospital was professional role ambiguity, with emotional factors and situational determinants which were identified. Future research should further explore reasons for procrastination in the workplace, in general, and its association with professional role ambiguity specifically.  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is a prevalent behavior that negatively influences students’ performance and well-being. The growing number of students with learning disabilities (LD) in higher education communities leads to the need to study and address academic procrastination in this unique population of students and to develop ways to prevent and intervene. The present study examined the difference in academic procrastination between LD, non-LD, and supported LD college students in Israel. Findings indicated a significant difference between the three groups, both in academic procrastination and in the desire to change this behavior. Interestingly, supported LD students were similar to non-LD students in all parameters of academic procrastination; however, they expressed less desire to change this behavior than unsupported LD students. These findings highlight the effect of general academic support on academic procrastination in LD students. Future studies will need to further explore the specific elements of support that most contribute to the reduction of academic procrastination in LD students. Specific support programs for academic procrastination in LD students who take into account the findings of these future studies can then be developed and studied.  相似文献   


Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in academic settings. It has been studied from many different theoretical angles, and a variety of causes and consequences have been suggested. Recent studies support the notion that academic procrastination can be seen from a situational perspective and as a failure in learning self-regulation. It suggests that interventions should address situational as well as deficits in self-regulation to help students overcome their procrastinating tendencies. The present review examined the recent literature on causes and consequences of academic procrastination and the limited number of studies of academic interventions for academic procrastination. Findings of this review strengthen the need to further study the topic of academic interventions for academic procrastination and to develop effective interventions. At the end of this review, several suggestions for the development of academic interventions are outlined.  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon with a range of negative outcomes. Many studies focused on causes and correlates of academic procrastination; however, the study of interventions for academic procrastination is scarce. The present study is an initial effort to study the relationship between academic procrastination, online course participation, and achievement, as a basis for developing an intervention for academic procrastination. Findings indicated that studying procrastination was negatively associated with final exam grade as well as with the three online course participation measures. Final exam grade was positively associated with two of the online course participation measures, and they positively correlated with each other. In addition, results indicated that studying procrastination, in combination with online course participation measures, explained about 50% of variance in final exam’s grade. Frequency of activities in course Web site had the strongest positive effect on final exam’s grade.

These findings strengthen the notion that studying procrastination is an impediment to students’ academic performance and outcomes and clarifies the need to develop and study academic interventions for academic procrastination as a means to decrease its prevalence in academic settings.  相似文献   

作者通过对征地拆迁领域的职务犯罪作案形式、特征,及征地拆迁安置中职务犯罪的原因进行了有理有据的分析,并对预防和惩治征地拆迁安置中的职务犯罪提出了极具操作性的对策。  相似文献   

城市化进程中,征地拆迁工作是 一项十分重要的前期工作,直接影响到 新城建设的步伐和质量.受利益驱使,征地拆迁领域潜规则盛行,职务犯罪高发,社会不稳定因素聚集,极易造成国家资产损失和社会不和谐稳定.  相似文献   

区域经济合作是东亚地区在实践中产生的一种适合于各有关经济体的共同发展方式。由于历史原因和政治、经济、社会、文化背景的差异,当一些地区以组建大范围的区域经济合作组织时,相邻的国家和地区间,建立“增长三角”或次区域经济合作是一种有效的合作途径。区域经济一体化过程中,预防职务犯罪工作面临着新的机遇,也面临着严峻的考验,如何把预防职务犯罪工作延伸到区域经济一体化进程中,更好地服从、服务于党的工作大局,是我们当前和今后一个时期务必做好的一项崭新工作。  相似文献   

近年来,全国检察机关把加强侦查信息化工作作为职务犯罪侦查工作基础建设的重点,努力探索信息引导侦查的新型工作模式.本文运用比较分析的方法,指出检察机关在职务犯罪侦查信息化建设方面存在的不足,并对检察机关开展职务犯罪侦查信息化建设提出了建议.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,行政法律法规的逐步完善,行政执法领域的不断拓宽,行政执法人员的职务犯罪也在不断攀升。检察机关是国家法律的监督机关,有力地打击职务犯罪,是检察机关的重要职责,也是检察机关调查研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

农村基层组织人员职务犯罪立法及法律适用问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对本辖区农村基层组织人员职务犯罪情况进行调查和对相关立法的学习与思考。笔者认为,在立法上,构成农村基层组织人员犯罪的主体还不够明确,某些本应构成犯罪的行为也未在立法上规定为犯罪;在法律适用方面,对于农村基层组织人员职务犯罪的量刑普遍存在着轻刑化等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文对于检察机关加强职务犯罪信息情报发现能力这一问题进行了探讨和分析。论述了职务犯罪信息情报发现能力的含义和意义,阐明了结合职务犯罪侦查工作实践,指出制约检察机关职务犯罪信息情报发现能力的实然因素,即发现渠道不畅和主动发现平台缺乏。最后提出提高检察机关发现能力的途径,即通畅举报渠道、拓展发现渠道、构建信息共享的发现平台。  相似文献   

本研究着眼于受害女性的经验和解释,试图通过这些女性在工作中经历的性骚扰事件以及她们的态度和感受,了解性骚扰背后的制度和文化因素,以及这些制度和文化因素对这些女性态度和自我定位的影响,同时了解受害女性是如何感受和评价性骚扰带来的危害和后果,等等,以此为反性骚扰的法律、制度和社会文化的形成与完善提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

儒家理想人格与当代人的全面发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
儒家的理想人格设计在历史上对我国文明与人的发展曾经做出了重要贡献。在当代全球化、信息化的背景下 ,儒家理想人格仍然有其独具的优越性。它所提倡的尚义崇仁、追求至善的价值目标 ,好学深思、通古博今的人才范式 ,自强不息、坚韧不拔的内在品格 ,厚德载物、协和万邦的广阔胸襟 ,都是值得我们现代人继承学习的闪光之处。当然对于其中的价值取向神圣化、片面化、不公化、保守化的糟粕思想及其对当代国民心理的影响也要进行全面的批判与深刻的反思。  相似文献   

从2000年起到现在,我国国企改制工作不断加快,随着国企改制后经济效益的显著提升,一些国企改制过程中或国有控股、参股公司中的职务犯罪便成了高发区。本文通过对这一问题的法律适用问题研究,旨在加强国有资产保护,维护公平正义,促进社会和谐稳定。  相似文献   

反职场性骚扰中雇主责任的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为性骚扰立法应以惩治侵害女性性权利和工作机会的职场性骚扰为重点,着重强化雇主责任。文章结合国外关于制止职场性骚扰的状况,分析反职场性骚扰中雇主责任问题,提出从雇主责任的确立角度来解决职场性骚扰的框架。  相似文献   

为了适应司法改革的需要,便于对自侦案件的监督,检察院自侦案件审查决定逮捕权上提一级全面推行。笔者现结合本院工作实际,探讨实施过程在各个职能部门之间出现的问题,以期促进侦查监督工作顺利进行。  相似文献   

While U.S. colleges and universities ponder their mission, vision, values, and virtues, researchers at a large, urban, Catholic, patron-identity university actively engaged in empirical assessments of “who we say we are.” In this themed issue, faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students are a research team engaged in quantitative and qualitative analysis of their school's mission identity and mission-driven activities. Results from several sets of studies around student perceptions and impact of mission are presented and discussed. School administrators and those interested in community engagement impacts on students may find these articles useful and informative.  相似文献   

何其二 《桂海论丛》2011,27(2):46-48
英雄是理想人格的象征与代表,是人类精神的向往。作为一种人类社会普遍存在的社会现象,英雄崇拜是人们对英雄强烈情感的外部表现,是一个民族不竭的精神动力。它是激发人们学习英雄动机的心理基础和内化英雄精神、完成人格重塑的重要途径。  相似文献   

肖海明 《思想战线》2005,31(6):91-96
中国道教的真武图像经历了一个不断变化的过程,特别是宋、元、明三代的变化,真武逐步从武神走向了文神、从地域神走向了全国神.明代武神真武、古圣贤模样的文武神真武、古圣贤模样的文神真武、天帝图真武四种类型,基本概括了宋、元、明真武完成人格化以来所形成的几种基本类型.这种变化表现出一种"一线多元"、多元并存的格局,但真武的披发跣足等基本特征一直保持着相对的稳定性.  相似文献   

从几起大案看犯罪人格的形成及预防   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
犯罪人格在严重暴力犯罪中起着重要作用。犯罪人格的形成有一个过程 ,在这个过程中 ,成长环境、人生经历等起着重要的作用。要遏制犯罪人格 ,必须净化成长环境 ,满足合理需要 ,加强人格预警以及对劳动教养、劳动改造的方式、方法进行深入改革。  相似文献   

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