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毒品犯罪作为一种全球性犯罪,已经严重危害到了人类的生存发展和社会的和谐稳定.自上个世纪80年代以来,为打击毒品犯罪,我国制订了一系列方案,在毒品犯罪的各个环节布下天罗地网,以期彻底消除毒品危害.然而,在毒品犯罪侦查领域,因毒品犯罪的特殊性导致公安机关在犯罪侦查过程中步履艰难,而作为其中一项较为行之有效的诱惑侦查又饱受质疑.因此,本文将通过借鉴国内外相关理论及研究成果,探求完善我国诱惑侦查的方法.  相似文献   

情报导侦——侦查决策指挥的首要观念毒品案件侦查的成败,在很大程度上取决于特情建设和情报调研工作。因为它是侦查的前提和基础,并贯穿于侦查过程。毒品犯罪的整个过程都是在隐蔽情况下进行的,如果没有广泛的情报来源,我们就无案可侦、无毒可查。因此,作为毒品案件侦查的决策指挥,首要的就是必须牢固树立情报导侦观念。泉州市公安局侦办“2005·04·06”贩毒案就是一起以情报  相似文献   

论当前我国毒品违法犯罪的特点及禁毒对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
改革开放以来,饱经殖民地半殖民地毒品祸害的中国,又一次遇上了毒品问题。党和政府高度重视对毒品违法犯罪的治理,取得了明显的成效。然而毒品的危害仍较严重,禁毒形势依然严峻。当前毒品违法犯罪呈现出新的特点,对此须认真分析,以采取有针对性的全方位的禁毒对策,逐步达到根治之目的。  相似文献   

据统计,2002年全国登记在册吸毒人员达到100万,全国2863个县(市、区)中有2148个存在毒品问题,一些地区甚至呈泛滥趋势。河北1997年全省登记在册吸毒人员为1700人,到2002年发展到7978人,6年增长了近5倍。2002年河北省共破获各类涉毒案件1059起,缴获毒品海洛因300千克。然而我们目前打击毒品案件的力度与毒品案件上升的  相似文献   

秦强 《法制与社会》2012,(20):264+270
职务犯罪分子在案件查办各个阶段实施的各种反侦查活动严重阻碍案件的侦查,可能造成严重的后果,检察机关必须予以重视,必须在初查、抓捕、审讯、后期补证等各个环节想方设法找出应对之道,最大限度的降低反侦查活动带来的不利影响.  相似文献   

毒品犯罪全球化问题已时人类的生存和发展构成重大威胁.犯罪分子使用的贩毒手段极为隐蔽狡猾,人体内藏毒、物体央层藏毒等手段频频出现.对于毒品犯罪在我国的迅速蔓延,必须加强情报工作,通过各种情报来源,发现嫌疑线索,主动寻找战机,打击毒品犯罪.同时使用特殊的侦查手段来对付现代的毒品犯罪,建立相应的情报机构,形成完善的毒品情报处理的科学机制,以及时了解犯罪动向,掌握侦查工作的主动权.  相似文献   

在勒索型绑架犯罪手段日趋智能化、反侦查意识大幅提高、跨国案件与日俱增的形势下,针对勒索型绑架犯罪的社会危害性,在以人质安全第一的原则下,公安机关应抓紧战机,做好人质家属的指导和先期调查工作,采用多种侦查措施,加强协同作战,及时营救人质.  相似文献   

在所有的毒品犯罪中,制贩毒品犯罪是国家打击的重中之重.当前,由于社会条件的变化,制贩毒品犯罪呈现出新的犯罪特点,新的形势、新的特点的出现给我国打击制贩毒品犯罪提出了新的要求.本文从分析当前制贩毒品犯罪的特点入手,进而明晰当前制贩毒品犯罪蔓延的原因,并最终提出打击制贩毒品犯罪的侦查对策与建议来有效应对制贩毒品犯罪.  相似文献   

目前在世界各国缉毒侦查工作中广泛使用的各种主动且秘密型的侦查方式主要包括:诱惑侦查、控制下交付、卧底侦查、监控侦查、特情侦查这五种具体的侦查方式和与其密不可分的搭梯子策略和金融调查策略这两项具体的侦查策略。  相似文献   

由于毒品犯罪手法的不断翻新,案情复杂多变,以及有关部门在执法实践中尚存在一些难点、疑点,给有关部门开展打击毒品犯罪工作带来了一些消极的影响。本文首先分析了当前毒品犯罪的新特点,其次,就如何有效侦查打击毒品犯罪力度进行了深入的探讨,提出了自己的建议和看法,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):843-876
The primary goal of this research is to investigate whether adolescent correlates of criminal behavior also serve as correlates of specialization and escalation in the criminal career. Prior research on offense sequences has focused on (1) establishing the existence of specialization and escalation and on (2) testing whether observed patterns of offense sequences differ across age and race of offender. We use data on 2,294 offenders from the Predicting Parole Performance in the Era of Crack Cocaine study (Haapanen & Skonovd, 1999). A series of multinomial logit models test for significant behavioral, social, and psychological correlates of the likelihood of offender specialization and escalation. The results show that without taking into account offender characteristics, there is evidence of specialization and escalation comparable to that found in prior research. Once offender background characteristics are controlled statistically, overall evidence of specialization and escalation is significantly reduced, indicating that (1) background characteristics are important predictors of types of offending and (2) background characteristics help to explain patterns of offending across the criminal career.  相似文献   

Summary TOC behaves like or assumes the structure and the operations of a secret orga-nization. Powerful TOC organizations grow in symbiosis with the security structures of their host countries. In recent years, the way in which criminals in organized groups think has made them very successful. They are serious about their ‘business,’ and those who would defeat them must understand this. Counterintelligence personnel are especially well-equipped for this task because they are trained to deal with secret structures. Therefore it is worthwhile and necessary to attempt to gain more and better knowledge of TOC by employing the approach and methods of counterintelligence. This approach has after all been quite successful in the past in countering hostile intelligence and security services.  相似文献   

In Finland, homicide by ligature strangulation is a rare event. The purpose of this study was to investigate recent homicide cases by ligature strangulation and to analyse offence and offender characteristics. All forensic psychiatric evaluation statements of offenders accused of ligature strangulation homicides during the 7-year period 1996--2002 (n=19) were reviewed retrospectively. Thirty-five percent of the victims were females. In four cases, the victim was the offender's intimate partner; in one case, it was the stepson; in one case, a father and in the rest of the cases (n=13), an acquaintance. None of the cases involved planning, sadism or sexual elements. In 89% of the cases, the offender was either intoxicated or on drugs at the time of the offence and in 94% of the cases, the victim was found at the scene of the killing. Of the offenders, 63% had crime history, and approximately half of the offenders had experienced parental alcohol abuse, domestic violence or previous trauma. Most of the offenders were unemployed at the time of the offence. In all, 89% were diagnosed as having personality disorder and two were schizophrenic.  相似文献   

Purpose. Crime scene actions displayed by offenders in arsons were analysed in relation to offender characteristics and self‐reported motives. Methods. Data were drawn from an official police database and consisted of a random sample of arsons occurring in Finland between 1990 and 2001 (N = 189). The structure of dichotomous variables derived through a content analysis of crime scene actions and offender characteristics was analysed using non‐metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) analyses. Results. The analyses revealed four separate crime scene action types, with thematic emphasis on either expressive or instrumental motivation and the target being either a person or object. The MDS solution for offender characteristics suggested four types of offenders: Self‐destructive, Serial, Criminal, and Adolescent. In order to analyse the associations between action and characteristics themes, each case was assigned to one of the action and characteristic themes or a hybrid based on the frequency of variables present from each theme. Several statistically significant associations between the action and characteristic themes were found. Self‐reported motives were also analysed in relation to the themes. Conclusions. The results support the thematic classification of arsonists presented in Canter and Fritzon (1998). The results are discussed with regard to earlier research and deducing offender characteristics based on crime scene actions.  相似文献   

Approximately 9% of the homicides in Finland are committed by adolescents under 20 years of age. The purpose of this study was to investigate the offence and offender characteristics in homicidal adolescents. Forensic psychiatric evaluation statements of adolescent offenders accused of a homicide during 1990-2001 were reviewed retrospectively (n=57). In 38% of the cases, there were multiple offenders. In 58% of the cases, the victim was an acquaintance, in 25% a stranger, in 12% a family member and in 5% of the cases an (ex)intimate partner. Sixty-nine percent of the offenders were intoxicated and 21% under the influence of drugs at the time of the killing. The most frequent motives were an argument (25%) and a robbery (25%). Sixty-four percent of the offenders had developmental problems and 42% had a crime history. Approximately half were diagnosed as having a conduct or a personality disorder, but 32% of the offenders were considered not to suffer from a mental illness or substance abuse. For 63%, the level of intellectual functioning was average or above average. There were signs of more than one form of violence in 54% of the cases and 28% of the cases contained excessive violence. The use of multiple and excessive violence was significantly related to the offender age, multiple offenders, offender-victim relationship and substance abuse, but not related to having developmental problems, crime history or mental illness.  相似文献   

Purpose. To investigate whether and to what extent the thematic structure of crime scene actions in arsons identified in Canter and Fritzon (1998) is replicated for juvenile firesetters and to explore whether any associations between the crime scene action themes and offender characteristics would be evident. Methods. The crime scene actions and offender characteristics of 61 male and 5 female juvenile firesetters (aged 6‐17 years) were examined. The data were drawn from a larger database originally collected and content analysed in Fritzon (1998). In total, 43 dichotomous crime scene actions, 17 offender background characteristics and offender criminal record variables had been coded. Smallest space analysis was employed to examine the configuration of crime scene action and offender characteristic variables. The associations between the crime scene actions and offender characteristics, as well as the criminal record variables, were analysed using the correlation. Results. Distinct structural themes for crime scene actions were found in juvenile firesetting, similar to those identified in Canter and Fritzon (1998). Contrary to Canter and Fritzon, only two groups of background characteristics were identified, depressed and delinquent, the latter being more common and related to an instrumental form of firesetting. The expressive form of firesetting was associated with offenders' psychopathology and female gender. The presence of a crime scene action theme was associated with the offender's age. Conclusions. The structural themes of firesetting behaviour appear to transpire early. The background characteristics of juvenile firesetters indicate that juvenile firesetting is often associated with antisocial behaviour and psychopathology, deserving, therefore, disparate prevention, intervention and investigation programmes.  相似文献   



An enduring legacy of the 1980s “war on drugs” is the increased use of imprisonment for drug offenders. Advocates anticipated, in part, that prison is more effective than community sanctions in reducing recidivism. Despite the contribution of drug offender incarceration to prison growth nationally, and debates about whether this approach should be curtailed, only limited rigorous research exists that evaluates the effect of imprisonment on drug offender recidivism. To address this gap, this paper uses sentencing and recidivism data from a cohort of individuals convicted of felony drug offenses in Florida to examine the effect of imprisonment—as compared to community sanctions—on recidivism.


Regression discontinuity analyses are used. These minimize potential selection bias by exogenously assigning cases to conditions based on a rating variable and a cut-off score.


Results indicate that prison has no effect on drug offenders’ rates of reconviction. This finding holds across a range of offender subgroups (racial and ethnic, gender, age, and prior criminal justice system involvement).


Imprisoning individuals convicted of marginally serious drug offenses—that is, those close to a cut-off score for being sent to prison—did not reduce subsequent offending. This finding suggests that curtailing the use of imprisonment for such individuals will not appreciably affect future criminal activity and may have the benefit of reducing correctional system costs.

Among a number of widely used risk assessment instruments with adult sexual offenders, the Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool-Revised (MnSOST-R) has been subject to relatively few evaluation studies. Only two independent research groups have published replication studies in the peer-reviewed literature with data not provided by the MnSOST-R's developers, and the results regarding the accuracy of predicting sexual recidivism have been mixed. In this article, important differences between the Barbaree et al. and Langton et al. studies are presented. Analyses reported for the various subsets comprising these two samples indicate that coding discrepancies in the Barbaree et al. study account for the different findings, with a moderate level of predictive accuracy using the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve ultimately found for the MnSOST-R in both data sets.  相似文献   

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