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An American author’s debut novel explores a cross-culturalexperienceinChina Two teenage boys,separated by culture and connected by the universal experience of growing up in a changing world,search for their identities and learn that what brings people together is more important than what keeps them apart.This is the story of  相似文献   

Beautiful Life     
WAWA is a makeup artist working in the wonderful world of fashion. She can repaint a model's face faster than a Formula 1 team can change four wheels in a pit stop. Originally from Harbin, Wawa has been living in Beijing for five years. She showed a talent for fashion from an early age and delighted in daubing her face with makeup and parading around in her mother's dresses and high heels  相似文献   

China steps up efforts to combat wildlife smuggling fangchenggang in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a nexus for the illegal wildlife trade. An important gateway to Southeast Asia, the city borders Viet Nam and  相似文献   

From the onset of the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavims in Wuhan,Hubei Province in central China,in late 2019,people have been trying to unravel a mystery:Where did the virus come from,and how was it first passed to humans?  相似文献   

Known as "Hawaii of the Orient," Sanya in Hainan Province is the only tropical coastal tourist city, with sunbathed silver-sanded beaches, blue sky, coconut trees, and top quality tourism facilities. Its scenic spots, beautiful landscape and pleasant climate attract tens of thousands of tourists each year. Sanya's best-known scenic spots are nanyahaijiao(The Ends of the Earth),Yalong bay,Luhuitou  相似文献   

The Kushui rose has become a well-known brand that means more money for local farmers The rose is commonly called the flower of love, representing romance and passion.Today,farmers in Yongdeng County  相似文献   

Like many migrant workers,Xu Xiaojun,a 25-year-old kitchen cabinet installer who came to Beijing in 2001 from a small village in central China's Henan Province,hopes to find his way in the city instead of going back to the countryside.  相似文献   

Extinction is irreversible. Once a species is gone, it's not coming back (,barring some Jurassic Park-like scientific development). Extinction has wide-ranging ramifications for the ecosystem and biodiversity. Many species are affected by the disappearance of one. Sometimes the effects are foreseeable - most of the time they are not. Ensuring that all spe- cies have the chance to thrive free of human interference is paramount to ecological conservation, and doing so will also benefit humanity. These are the core messages of a recent interview with Zhao Shucong, director of the State Forestry Administration that leads China's wildlife protection efforts. Excerpts from the interview are below:  相似文献   

正With the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) having concluded on November 14, a new catchphrase of building a beautiful China has spread across the nation. First proclaimed in the political report by the then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu  相似文献   

<正>Despite conservation efforts,China’s wetland has shrunk in the past decade,which calls for national action Winter is poetic in Xixi National Wetland Park,located in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province.Tall reeds crowned with fluffy white flowers dip and sway in wind,with bits and pieces drifting off like flurries.Lying 5 km away from the famous West Lake,the wetland park covers an area of 10  相似文献   

Since the first batch of cultural and natural sites of China were inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987, China now has 40 listed sites, ranking third in the world in terms of the number of listed sites.  相似文献   

正When ferocious beasts loom in human domains, there is no doubt they will trigger local screams. And as of late, such scenes have not been uncommon across China. On April 23, an adult Siberian tiger pounced on a villager toiling on his farmland in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and then fled the scene. Later, when people tried to trace the tiger, the animal slammed aggressively into the window of their vehicle with the seeming intention to hurt someone.  相似文献   

LASTyear,duringlateJuly,FengGang,afamousnesewildlifephotographer,hadgottenlostdeepintheGobiDesertwhilefollowingaherdofwildAsiaticdonkeys.Tohim,thevastanddesolatedesertlookedthesameinalldirections.Hewanderedaimlesslyfor14hoursuntilalmostcompletelydehydrated.Hisheartbeganbeating120timesPerminute,andhebegantohallucinate.Withwhatlittlestrengthhehadleft,hehunghissleepingbagandawhiteplasticbagfromhistripodassignals.Then,hewrotealettertohiswife,saying"Ifsomethinghappens,pleasedonotbesad..."Heth…  相似文献   

Protecting Jobs     
Despite the serious impact of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19),China hasn’t seen massive layoffs,and its employment situation is basically stable.According to a survey by the National Bureau of Statistics,unemployment rate in urban areas stood at 5.9 percent in March,down by 0.3 percentage point from February.  相似文献   

正The first part of the 15 th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), also known as the COP15, took place in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, on October 11-15. While drawing on the know-how the international community has thus far gained in biodiversity conservation, the meeting also mapped out wideranging plans for global eco-diversity governance over the next decade.  相似文献   

“女人是水做的”,一语道出了女人与水的不角之缘。女人爱水,离不开水,只有水分充盈的女人才能美丽动人。在这个乍暖还寒的四月时节里,许多职业女性在劳累了一个星期后都想好好放松一下,然而选择什么方式才好呢?于是,一些女性朋友选择了泡温泉,选择去温泉做条快乐的“鱼”,让美丽和健康兼得、加倍。  相似文献   

正A physically challenged woman helps and inspires others with her strong-mindedness and self-esteem Dong Ming, a 26-year-old woman in Wuhan City, central China's Hubei Province, has been bound to a wheelchair for 17 years. But that has not prevented her from helping and inspiring others. She  相似文献   

NINGBO is a tranquil coastal city, its 500-km coastline forming a scenic seascape. The HemuduCulture of 7,000 years ago records the lives of ancient ancestors that inhabited the region, and the Sun and the Moon Lakes,dug in the seventh century. are a particularly beautiful sight. The peopleof Ningbo have throughout their history had a deep affinity for the ocean. Two thousand years ago. XU Fu, a necromancer of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.). led a fleet from here. thus becoming the firs…  相似文献   

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