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正The Guangdong--Hong Kong--Macao Greater Bay Area in south China is gearing up to be a world--class city cluster Huang Yuanhao, an entrepreneur in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, was very happy to see that a clip of his recent interview was included  相似文献   

戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所于2000年10月开始企业化转制,作为中国南车集团公司下属的科技型企业党组织,如何应对形势变化,围绕第一要务,提高五种能力,加大融合力度,体现和增强党的执政能力,保证国有资产保值增值,推动企业持续快速健康发展,是当前研究所迫切需要探索的重要课题。一、不断提高科学判断形势的能力,准确把握工作主攻方向市场环境的变化,对研究所党组织提出了新挑战,要求党组织必须“登高望远”,审时度势,以建设学习型领导班子带动学习型企业的建设,着力提高党组织两级班子成员科学判断形势的能力,以应对市场环境变化,寻求发展对…  相似文献   

西藏巨商邦达昌的兴衰与功过   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张忠 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(2):163-172
邦达昌为邦达家族创立的商号。邦达家族出身藏东平民,因受十三世达赖喇嘛的提携而垄断了西藏羊毛的出口,成为西藏数一数二的大商人,掌握了西藏经济命脉,邦达昌一度成为官商合办之企业。邦达家族亦官亦商,亦文亦武,权势显赫,富甲一方,在西藏近代史上具有举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

按照“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”方针,造就一大批能担当跨世纪重任,符合“三个代表”要求的年轻干部,是保证我们完成党的各项任务的组织基础。作为年轻干部要不辜负组织的信任和群众的期望,必须从强化优势和克服不足两方面入手,加快自身成长步伐。  相似文献   

Man,the Creator     
<正>A Chinese scientist has advanced science to the point where he can fuse peaand corn into a new hybrid plantOn January 1,the New Plant Variety Protection Office of China’s Ministry of Agriculture issued"birth certificates"to two new plant species,Bioroad Pearl 18 and Bioroad Pearl 216,which were created by hybridizing the chromosomes of pea and corn.The achievements are just two among those  相似文献   

坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,最关键的是要坚持与时俱进。理论创新是马克思主义唯物辩证法的根本要求,进行理论创新,必须坚持两个基本要求:一是必须坚持马克思主义的基本原理;二是一定要不断解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进。  相似文献   

EVIDNCE of the lasting influence of the Chinese philosopher Confucius can still been seen around the world.In September 2009 a life-size bronze statue of the scholar was erected at Hermann Park in downtown Houston,  相似文献   

统战系统学习江泽民同志的"七一"重要讲话,首先要全面正确把握"三个代表"重要思想这个主线和解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、开拓创新这个精髓,把学习《讲话》精神不断引向深入;另外要深刻认识坚持和实践"三个代表"与巩固发展统一战线的内在联系;再是要自觉以江泽民同志重要讲话精神为指导,进一步加强参政党的自身建设.  相似文献   

刘志军部长在全路工作会议上指出:“新形势下我国铁路职工队伍建设要以满足铁路现代化需要为目标,以既有人力资源开发为主攻方向,以主要行车工种队伍、专业人才队伍、领导干部队伍建设为重点,以提升思想和业务素质为核心,全面加强职工队伍建设,为铁路现代化建设提供可靠的人力资源保证”。按照这一要求,  相似文献   

当前,我国国民经济运行中的突出矛盾还没有从根本上解决,特别是煤电油运供求紧张的矛盾尚未得到有效缓解,而“煤”、“电”、“油”问题的症结在于“运”,铁路已是制约国民经济和社会发展的“瓶颈”中的“瓶颈”。为了解决铁路运输能力不足的问题,要求我们在加快铁路建设的同时,必须进一步挖潜提效,坚持不懈地深化铁路内涵扩大再生产。一、深化内涵扩大再生产是深入推进铁路跨越式发展的内在要求1.从铁路肩负的历史使命上看。铁路作为重要的交通运输方式,在当前我国经济东中西部相互促进、共同发展的新格局中,肩负着提供可靠运力保证的重任…  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在中央纪委第六次全会上的重要讲话,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,从加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设的战略高度,全面阐述了新的历史条件下学习贯彻党章的重要性和必要性,对深入学习贯彻党章提出了明确要求。讲话立意高远,内容丰富,寓意深刻,对于加强和改进党的建设具有重大的指导意义。我们要深刻领会、坚决贯彻胡锦涛总书记的重要讲话精神,坚持把学习贯彻党章落实到直属机关党的各项工作之中,积极开展以“学党章、懂党规、守党纪、强党性”为主题的学习贯彻党章教育活动,切实增强各级党组织和广大共产党员学习…  相似文献   

<正>Standardization injects fresh impetus into Hainan’s tourism development Hainan is a place of dreams to Wang Yanfen,who went on a long-planned visit to the southernmost province of China,the same latitude as Hawaii,in late November.With its warm weather and beautiful scenery,Hainan,hailed as the"back garden"of China,is  相似文献   

正Through preservation and innovation,China is bridging the gaps between past,present and future.Ancient culture and modernity intertwine in the nation's rapid economic growth and daily life.And so it happened that21 young international professionals met in the heart of southwest China in early June.Their objective:to explore a land of contrasts seen as representative of China in its totality,aka Sichuan Province.Though landlocked,Sichuan has always maintained solid political and economic ties with its Southeast Asian neighbors as well as with Europe and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

“十二五”时期我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,也是高速铁路发展的重要时期,要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,全面贯彻落实党的十七届五中全会精神,遵循安全、便捷、高效、绿色的原则,  相似文献   

YUXI City, birthplace of Nie Er, composer of China's National Anthem, is at the center of Yunnan Province, 88 kilometers from the provincial capital  相似文献   

正Beijing’s factory buildings transform into innovative and cultural hubs Founded in 1951,the Beijing Foreign Language Printing Factory(BFLPF)was initially a printing company in China’s capital.With over 1,200 employees,the state-owned company was dedicated for over half a century to printing books,  相似文献   

Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi Province is one of the top f ive mountains in China. It is distinguished from others for its perilous cliffs and strangely shaped  相似文献   

黔南布依族、苗族、水族、汉族大学生音乐素质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和研究黔南州布依族、苗族、水族、汉族大学生音乐素质状况,发现其规律性和差异性,据此探索出对少数民族学生音乐教育的最佳途径和方法,从中寻找出适合本民族本地区的音乐教育模式,使民族师范学院的音乐教学更具针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

As tensions across the Taiwan Strait have risen in recent years, some have argued that the US policy of strategic ambiguity—under which Washington leaves unclear if and how it would intervene in a cross-Strait conflict—has outlived its usefulness because ambiguity may foster dangerous misperceptions about US intentions and hence contribute to future crises. In this essay I critically examine strategic ambiguity, and conclude that ambiguity remains the best policy available to Washington given current US goals in the Taiwan Strait. I argue that ambiguity remains essential both to deterring a Chinese attack and to restraining Taiwanese moves toward independence, but that it nonetheless carries with it inherent risks of conflict. I further argue, however, that these additional risks triggered by ambiguity per se are likely small, and hence are overshadowed by the strategic obstacles faced by the alternatives to an ambiguous policy. Moreover, I show that growing economic interdependence between Mainland China and Taiwan further reduces the risk that ambiguity itself would be a contributing factor to war in the Taiwan Strait. As such, the relative attractiveness of ambiguity has likely increased, rather than decreased as argued by its critics, over the past decade.  相似文献   

2001年以来,郑州铁路局党校以站段党政正职培训班为龙头,加强领导,精心组织,强化管理,收到了较好的效果。 一、精心设计教学计划是办好站段党政正职班的基础和前提  相似文献   

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