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宋晓磊 《学理论》2010,(5):128-129
本文以Sperber&Wilson的关联理论为指导理论,以言语交际中的语用失误为研究对象,试图从认知语用学的角度对语用失误的原因进行探讨并提出相应的对策,使其成为对语用失误研究的一个补充。本文从听说双方入手,一方面,如果说话人对听话人的语境资源和认知能力预设失误,就会生成对听话人来说明示性差,关联度弱的话语,从而导致语用失误的产生,另一方面,在认知推理过程,听话人对语境假设的选择也影响语用失误的产生,如果听者选中的语境假设与说话者认为的语境不一致,语用失误就会发生。  相似文献   

系统功能语言学理论可用于翻译研究,从文献看,应用该理论进行语篇和文体分析的研究已有很多,但将其用于影视翻译方面的探讨还不多见。本文结合系统功能语言学当中人际功能的语气对英汉影视翻译研究进行了初步的探讨,分析了影视翻译中译文对原文的语气保持和改变两种情况,并简要分析了情景语境对语气的影响,结果表明语气分析对影视翻译具有参考价值,给提高影视翻译水平带来很大启示。  相似文献   

Grice提出的会话含义理论涉及了会话中的合作原则以及言外之意的产生.它虽然是语用学的一个重要理论,但是对翻译也有很强的解释力和指导作用.不同的语言在不同的情形下以不同的方式应用合作原则,相应的翻译决策和翻译技巧的掌握成为译者能力的一部分.由于会话含义取决于话语的语境和交际者的意图,语用等效翻译成为了指导翻译的一个重要标准.译者应当通过考察原文词语出现在语境中的意义以及原文表达的意图在译文中设法再现原作者的语用用意.  相似文献   

张高远 《学理论》2009,(6):133-135
名词化实现于不同的语法环境,导致出现名词性程度不同的成分,这是非时间范畴化的结果。动词源名词从动词的限定式蜕变为名词,丧失了体现时态和一致关系的能力,其动词典型特征或完全丧失,或部分中和。从句法上讲,动词名化是动词向名词范畴转化;从语用上讲,是语言形式由陈述功能向指称功能转化;从语义上讲,是行为动作范畴向事物范畴转化。为适应新角色、发挥新功能,这种变化必然引起动名特征的代谢消长。  相似文献   

刘燕 《学理论》2014,(33):226-227
近年来,国内外研究者对语用失误开展了大量的研究,但大多局限于言语层面的语用失误,对于非言语层面的语用行为失误,还缺乏系统而成熟的研究。从语用行为失误的定义和分类出发,分析了大学生语用行为失误产生的原因,建议在大学英语教学中,要及时引入文化教学,了解文化差异,提升学生的语用行为意识,丰富学生的语用行为知识,以及通过帮助学生了解语言与社会变量之间的关系来提高学生语用行为失误的敏锐性,从而提升学生的语用行为能力。  相似文献   

当前,对钱钟书的作品《围城》的研究,大部分都局限于修辞手段的分析,语用性介入较少。鉴于语用隐含高度依赖于语境并涉及说话者和受话者,因此具有很强隐蔽性和模糊,本文将通过语境、预设、会话含义、言语行为等隐含手段来分析《围城》某些片段的隐含,旨在为文学批评提供一个新的视角和方法。  相似文献   

广告翻译是一种目的性很强的跨文化交际活动。语用顺应论为广告翻译研究提供了一个新的视角。广告翻译过程中语言的选择和使用是以实现广告终极目的为目标的动态顺应的过程,翻译中应特别注意对受众交际语境和语言语境的顺应。  相似文献   

影响"还"虚化的主要因素是语言经济性原则及语境,"还"的词义引申、逻辑义的衍生、及其话语功能的形成的主要演变的机制是主观化.语言使用者对"还"的词义、句义及话语结构的理解,最终导致了它的语义演变.在这样一种语义→语用的演变过程中,语言使用者的视角、情感、态度起了至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

王艳萍 《学理论》2013,(12):181-182
随着企业的快速发展,企业的对外场合越来越多,企业急需在商务英语语用能力上有较大提高。从目前企业的对外商务交往来看,应根据跨文化交际理论的指导,开展企业商务英语语用策略的研究,保证企业能够不断提高商务语用能力,提高在商务交流中的沟通效果,为企业带来直接的经济效益。由于企业商务英语语用能力属于跨文化交际的范畴,因此我们应按照跨文化交际理论的要求,深入研究目前企业商务英语语用现状,对企业商务英语语用存在的问题进行研究和分析,并提出解决方案,保证企业能在商务英语语用领域取得成功。  相似文献   

从科学语境视角看,科学知识合法化表征为"结构主义""功能主义"及"语用主义"的语境解释。科学知识合法化语境解释的判据在于科学思维的超越性逻辑、科学功能的异化危机以及科学知识的单边话语霸权。科学知识合法化语境解释的意义体现为:为科学知识合法化争论提供判据,有利于回归科学知识合法化的伦理规范以及有助于科学知识合法化的话语转换。  相似文献   

刘继虎 《学理论》2012,(9):79-80
重新分析在"自在"词汇化过程中首先发生在语义层面。词汇化的动因是人们对一句法成分赋予新的意义并凝结成一个固定结构的过程,在这一过程中伴随着其句法环境的变化。  相似文献   

Exit,voice and loyalty: Analytic and empirical developments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. This paper seeks to reconstruct and revitalize the famous Hirschman framework by providing a comprehensive review of the current use of 'exit, voice and loyalty'. We begin by critically examining Hirchman's original account, and then look at the way his argument has been extended in different fields both conceptually and empirically. We suggest that while advances have been made, the results so far are somewhat disappointing given the perceptiveness of the original insight. We believe this is because his apparently simple schema is more complex than it first appears, and different aspects of exit, of voice, and of empirical foundations of loyalty need to be analytically distinguished in order to produce testable empirical hypotheses about their relationships.  相似文献   


Theology in four voices represents a fitting methodological model for the study of political ideology, given the similarities between religions and ideologies as belief systems with ineliminable, fundamental beliefs. The formal theological voice is dropped from consideration on the grounds that, while the involvement of academic theologians in the theology of ordinary believers is entirely appropriate, political theorists ought not to be involved in seeking to change or refine the ideologies which they research. The normative voice – which we refer to as the established voice – consists of texts which carry authority within a particular ideology, such as The Communist Manifesto in Marxism, or J.S. Mill’s On Liberty in liberalism; the espoused voice represents that which adherents of an ideology explain about what they believe; the operant voice consists of the political action taken by the adherents. While there are potential disadvantages to this method, there are also potential advantages. Firstly, it enables a fuller understanding of an ideology, especially when tensions arise between the three voices. Secondly, it allows the researcher to enter at any one of three points into a circle leading from pre-understanding to understanding. Thirdly and finally, the model presents opportunities to combine different methodological approaches into ideological research.  相似文献   

We trace the pragmatic turn in regulatory governance from the level of the state and civil society to the coalface of the regulated organization. Since the 1980s, an array of new regulatory models has emerged. These models, while distinct, are unified in two related tendencies. First, they support the devolution of responsibility for standard setting, program design, and enforcement to the regulated organization. This delegation of governance to the organization itself has catalyzed the creation of accountability infrastructures within organizations, a network of offices, roles, programs, and procedures dedicated to aligning the organization's operations with external standards, codes of conduct, ethical and normative expectations, and regulations. Second, the diverse regulatory models depend, often implicitly, on organizational accountability infrastructures that incorporate the tenets of pragmatist philosophy: inquiry through narration, adaptation to context, and problem-solving through experimentation. Reviewing the empirical literature on organizational compliance, we find ample evidence of inquiry through narration at the organizational coalface. However, we find limited evidence of narrating plurality in the organization and narrating experimentation as problem-solving, as these activities create tensions with internal and external parties who expect singular, stable representations of governance. These tensions reveal an important incongruity between pragmatic governance across organizations and pragmatic governance within organizations. We contribute to the regulatory governance literature by documenting this important shift in the locus of governance to the organizational coalface and by charting a new research agenda. We argue that examinations of regulatory governance should be retraced in three ways. First, attention should shift to the organizational coalface, recognizing and analyzing accountability infrastructures as the central contemporary mechanism of governance. Second, the long-standing focus in regulatory studies on why parties comply should shift to understanding how regulated parties manage themselves to achieve compliance. Third, analyses of compliance should examine the tensions in narrating adaptation and experimentation, and the implications of such tensions for the achievement of prosocial outcomes.  相似文献   

Lorenzo Rocco  Zié Ballo 《Public Choice》2008,134(3-4):347-366
Nondemocratic governments under the rule of weak institutions use repression against the opposition to remain in power. Repression both muffles the opposition’s voice and strengthens the government’s supporters. Nevertheless, when repression becomes strong enough, it becomes intolerable to its victims who revolt and initiate a civil war. The government is aware of the mechanism and determines the level of repression accordingly. This paper studies the circumstances in which the ruler’s best alternative is to intensify repression to the point of provoking civil war. Although the model is abstract, its implications are discussed using the recent civil war in the Ivory Coast as a case study.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of cross-border interactions and public spaces in the local mediation of national conflicts in three Polish-German border towns. It draws on Luc Boltanski's pragmatic sociology in order to address questions raised in the recent literature on urban conflict and borders. Our analysis traces transformations under Schengen in relation to Boltanski's concepts of uncertainty, justification and tests. We investigate ordinary inhabitants' everyday experiences through different place-making strategies in the context of a shifting border. Recent transformations challenge a longstanding situation of “arrested conflict” rooted in blocked local networks, disconnected from supranational discourses of cooperation.  相似文献   


Among the New Public Management (NPM) tools that have been implemented, one of the most common is use of indicators. Many studies have argued that imposition of an indicator entails a bureaucratization process. But the scholarly debate on these instruments has been shaped by a vertical perspective and has been focused on the effects of top-down indicators on organizations at the local level. In this paper, we wish to lay the emphasis on an emerging indicator, constructed and used by the actors themselves within a local forest management unit. We wish to draw attention to the manner in which, at the micro-level, a performance measure is worked out. We argue that these emerging indicators place a new locus of power in the hands of rangers but, rather than emphasizing hierarchy and chain of command, such indicators do not contribute to development of a Weberian iron cage. In contrast, there appears a metric cage, a mix of pragmatic rationality (instrumental and communicative), non-fixed rules, and technical-normative authority.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of ideology and political motives on the choice of management for urban water services. Our contribution is two-fold. Firstly, we use a considerably more detailed set of variables to represent ideological and political motives than previous research. Secondly, the variables that explain local politicians’ decisions are observed at the time decision-making occurs, rather than at a later date. Beyond pragmatic reasons, we find that ideological and political motives also matter when explaining decisions regarding the management of water services. Furthermore, considering the time dimension of decision-making noticeably improves the explanatory power of our model.  相似文献   

In response to various pressures for change arising from the present situation, the university will have to adopt a new purpose which may be recognized as a means of increasing the capability of society for continuous self-renewal. With this new purpose in mind, the structure of the university will be determined by the concept of an integral education/innovation system for which four principal levels are considered: empirical, pragmatic, normative and purposive levels. From multi-, pluri-, and crossdisciplinary approaches, all pertaining to one systems level only, the university is expected to develop increasingly interdisciplinary approaches, linking two systems levels and coordinating the activities at the lower level from the higher level through common axiomatics. Ultimately, the entire education/innovation system may become coordinated as a multilevel multigoal hierarchical system through a transdisciplinary approach, implying generalized axiomatics and mutual enhancement of disciplinary epistemology. Current university approaches to develop interdisciplinary links between the pragmatic and normative systems levels are discussed. Finally, a transdisciplinary structure for the university is briefly outlined; its main elements are three types of organizational units—systems design laboratories, function-oriented departments, and discipline-oriented departments—which focus on the interdisciplinary coordination between the three pairs of levels in the education/innovation system, i.e., on method and organization rather than on accumulated knowledge. An important role for policy sciences is seen in the linkage between the top pair of systems levels.Dr. Erich Jantsch is currently Richard Merton Professor at the Technical University, Hanover, Germany. While developing some of the concepts reported in this paper, he held a visiting appointment as Research Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

Not all citizens’ voices are heard with equal strength in the political chorus. Based on studies of policy feedback, we suggest that engaging underrepresented citizens in the production of public services (i.e., making them “coproducers”) increases their political voice. We use a field experiment to test the effect of involving ethnic minorities in the education of their children on their propensity to directly voice their preferences with the education policy through government citizen surveys and their tendency to vote in elections. Among these normally underrepresented citizens, coproduction increased their propensity to voice their preferences to politicians through citizen surveys but not their tendency to vote. The effect on voicing in government citizen surveys tends to be larger among nonvoters. The results indicate how policies involving underrepresented citizens can raise the voices of people who would not otherwise be heard.  相似文献   

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