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何红光 《学理论》2013,(20):302-303,380
创业文化培育是独立学院发展的呼唤,也是创业教育对独立学院应用性人才培养的时代要求。从创业文化培育的"萌生"、"扩展"和"传承"三阶段探析调查分析、继承创新、整合融同、文明规范、学习内化、践行强化、固化持续和发展完善等培育路径,但创业文化培育中也应也必须注重体系建设;必须做好与学院管理、创业教育、与企业文化相结合;全面拓展校园创业中文化培育新平台。  相似文献   

文化自信是一个政党、一个国家、一个民族对自身文化价值的充分肯定和积极践行。在高校推动创业文化培育过程中,文化自信能够起到指明发展方向、注入鲜活血液、树立核心价值观、凸显中国特色等作用。针对高校创业文化培育过程中存在的导向性不强、同质化严重、功利化明显的问题,本文将在文化自信视域下从物质文化、制度文化、活动文化、精神文化四个层面入手,深入探析高校创业文化培育路径,以强化高校大学生创业意识,推动"大众创业万众创新"。  相似文献   

创业符合时代的发展规律与潮流,也是人社会价值的体现,大学生群体创业有其自身的优势与必要性。文章探析各高校食品专业大学生创新创业教育的实施途径如下:创新创业教育与高校就业指导课结合;创新创业教育与食品文化课程结合;创新创业教育与创新创业大赛结合;创新创业教育与学生社团活动结合;创新创业教育与系列讲座和论坛结合。在培育大学生的创新精神和创业素质的同时,实现创新创业教育与专业教育的良好融合,树立正确的大学生创业观。  相似文献   

公益创业是促进高校毕业生高质量创业的新举措,是培养创新创业人才的新载体,也是大众创业的新模式。分析开展公益创业的重要性以及面临的困境,梳理总结出大学生公益创业的举措:营造宽容失败的创业文化,培育公益创业意识;依托创业教育,培养公益创业人才;搭建融合共生的保障平台,开展公益创业实践。  相似文献   

高校创新创业人才培育的过程并非孤立的存在,而是能动地与各种环境因素相互依赖、相互影响、相互作用的结果体现。布兰芬布伦纳提出了人与其生活环境相互作用的行为生态系统理论模型,其将个体置于生态系统理论中的微系统、中系统、外系统和宏系统中进行考察,提升了研究的信度和效度。文章基于生态系统理论对人才培育的影响因素进行具体考量,系统、全面分析影响大学生创新创业培育的立体环境因素,建构创新创业培育生态系统理论行为模型,并以2016-2018年全国150所创新创业典型经验高校为研究对象,萃取各高校采取的促进方法进行分析,为优化大学生创新创业培育环境提供启示。  相似文献   

知识经济时代需要大批创新创业型人才,随着高校毕业生就业压力骤增,创业教育作为缓解就业压力的重要途径得到了空前重视。而创业意识是创业者应具备的职业素养,也是即将踏上职场的大学生应具备的素养。加强大学生创业意识的培育与创业实践能力的提高,既可以加深学生对专业知识的理解,又能提高学生的综合素质,最终来适应社会、经济的发展。  相似文献   

创新创业载体和平台是大学课堂到工作岗位之间的桥梁,是实现由理论知识教学到实际社会需求无缝过渡的有效途径。为强化学生的电子商务创业精神与意识,培育学生电子商务创业实践知识,提升学生电子商务创新创业实践能力,高校应以"融合创新"为重点,以"实践育人"为抓手,整合校内外各类创业要素,建立遵循学生成才规律、教育教学规律和创业发展规律的优秀电子商务创业实践育人载体,形成以"校内专业性创业训练载体-社会性孵化载体-创业创新大赛载体-校园创业文化载体"为载体的链条式电子商务创新创业实践平台。  相似文献   

综合运用问卷调查、群体及个别访谈、实地走访、电话咨询等多种方式对海南大学生创业教育状况进行了总体调查,并对海南大学生创业教育的各方面情况、海南大学生创业教育存在的主要问题进行分析。海南创业教育应依托于系统化的视角,立足于海南本地,结合海南创业环境的整体状况、特点优点、发展方向等,以海南高校为依托,协同各子系统之间相互联系、相互作用、相互支撑的关系,构建一个完整的海南大学生创新创业教育培育体系。  相似文献   

卢银霞 《学理论》2013,(23):261-262
传统文化是影响我国创业教育的一个深层原因,试从我国传统文化视角出发,从传统文化中的守业文化、"官本位"文化以及集体主义文化来分析我国高校创业教育存在的问题,并在此基础上,提出相应的改进措施如下:营造创新、创业的校园文化氛围;转变观念,大力提高创业教育的社会认同度;满足大学生正当的利益诉求,提高大学生创业的积极性。  相似文献   

大学生创业心理品质的培育,对促进大学生良好创业人格的形成以及高校创业教育模式的构建有着重要的意义.运用心理资本理论,分析大学生创业心理品质的内涵和构成要素,并从树立希望、培养乐观心态、提高自我效能、加强韧性四个方面探讨了培育大学生创业心理品质的有效途径.  相似文献   

随着我国经济规模的不断发展、壮大。跨文化现象对于商业活动的影响变得越来越重要了。商务英语的学习过程中应当注意跨文化交际因素对于商务活动的影响。通过不同文化之间的沟通认同,实现交际的顺利进行。从而对商务英语教学,有着指导性的作用。  相似文献   

薛金祥 《学理论》2012,(26):104-105
中美商务谈判的差异表现主要在谈判战略、谈判战术、谈判决策和谈判方向四方面,这些差异可能对谈判造成误解、僵局乃至破裂等负面影响。中美商务谈判的差异表现根源在于中美文化的差异,主要表现在集体主义与个人主义的差异、思维方式差异和权力距离差异三个方面。为促进商务谈判的成功,可以采用双赢策略、团队策略、尊重策略和语言策略来应对这些差异。  相似文献   

Roger Sibeon 《政治学》1999,19(3):139-144
It is appropriate that social scientists should develop explicit conceptualisations of agency, structure and social chance, these being three major dimensions of social and political life. The agency–structure debate, which refers to theoretical and ontological issues that tend not to be explicitly discussed by political scientists, is an important interdisciplinary starting point for conceptual and empirical work involving collaboration between political scientists and sociologists. Following a theoretical review of agency, structure and chance, it is argued that empirical research concerned with the study of politics and policy – indeed, social scientific research on any topic – should employ an ontology and methodology that focuses on the dynamics of interaction between agency, structure and social chance.  相似文献   

  • Examining and understanding the culture of 200+ countries to determine how business is conducted in those countries is a daunting and overwhelming prospect. By combining theories of culture, it is possible to create a Classification Of Cultures Model using Time, Task and Relationship concepts. However, this model does not suggest how to adapt when conducting business in a particular political/economic environment. Continua of cultural elements related to conducting business are created based upon structural elements, process elements and communication elements. Combining the continua with the Classification of Cultures Model creates the Global Business Process Model. This framework is a way to capture the array of cultures, identify similarities and differences in business practices, and provide a starting point for creating adaptive strategies and behaviours.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

洋超市进入我国市场对本土商业形成很大的冲击,但在这种情况下我们不能盲目模仿,而应该了解商业业态的内涵,积极学习外商经营精华,并根据我国的实际情况,因地制宜地构建我们自己的商业网络.  相似文献   

This paper tests the proposition that voters advance a more liberal agenda in prosperous times and turn more conservative in dire economic times. A reference-dependent utility model suggests that, with income growth, the relative demand for public goods increases and the median voter is more likely to vote Democrat. With slowing income growth, the median voter derives increased marginal utility from personal income—making taxation more painful—and is more likely to vote Republican. Ordinary and instrumented analyses of a new time series for the US median voter are encouraging of this income growth model. This work links voting behavior to economic business cycles and shows that ideological change is endogenous to income growth rates.  相似文献   

While organized business is a key actor in regulatory politics, its influence is often conditional on the level of unity or conflict occurring within the business community at any given time. Most contemporary regulatory policy interventions put pressure on the normal mechanisms of business unity, as they are highly targeted and sector‐specific. This raises the question of how business unity operates across a highly variegated economic terrain in which costs are asymmetric and free‐riding incentives are high. In this paper, we empirically assess patterns of business unity within regulatory policymaking across different regulated sectors. Our analysis utilizes data from hundreds of regulatory policy proposals and business community reactions to them in the telecommunications, energy, agriculture, pharmaceutical, and financial sectors over a variety of institutional contexts. We find considerable empirical support for the “finance capital unity” hypothesis – the notion that the financial sector enjoys more business unity than other regulated sectors of the economy. When the financial sector is faced with new regulations, business groups from other sectors frequently come to its aid.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, the Journal of Public Affairs has solidified corporate public affairs as a legitimate leadership skillset vital to driving future business growth. Yet, more work at a persistently overlooked gap in the Journal, the intersection of public affairs and family businesses, might shed new light on thriving, trusted, and sustainable business practices. This paper examines the unique contributions of family businesses as trusted influencers. As one of the most prominent forms of business, worldwide, family businesses persistently enjoy unusually high levels of public trust while collectively employing millions of wage earners yet their contributions to corporate external affairs research ostensibly have been largely overlooked. These “silent” community and social influencers offer a potentially new perspective on effective public outreach given their persistent and unique trust advantage. Family business' trust-based capabilities can potentially bring new insights to understanding effective stakeholder engagement, credible communications, and issues management—the sweet spot of corporate public affairs functions. Future research opportunities based on relational- and locational- advantages of trusted family businesses are identified.  相似文献   

商务区经济的发展有赖于政府发挥其宏观调控、监管和有效服务的功能,而商务区政府功能的发挥离不开合理的管理与服务模式的构建。本文认为,通过理顺商务区政府与相关职能部门、企业的关系,发展各种企业协会组织,搭建政府、企业、社会合作的有效平台,有助于建设和谐商务区,为商务区经济的发展营造良好的软环境。  相似文献   

The political arena in the USA is portrayed as a marketplace in which businesses and other groups compete to influence public policy decisions. Managers can view this political market as an opportunity to shape the rules of the game by which they operate but must realise that it is a very competitive arena. Drawing on concepts from business strategy advocacy activities like lobbying, making campaign contributions, and organising grassroots efforts are analysed in terms of opportunities for gaining competitive advantage. Results from case studies indicate that many businesses miss opportunities to build support among employees for political advocacy because few firms use bottom up approaches for political action committees or grass‐roots efforts. Suggestions for managers interested in improving the effectiveness of their business advocacy efforts are discussed. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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