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为探究个体做出腐败行为的行为经济学原因,以受贿行为为例,设定了若干组收益-损失决策问题作为实验材料,以成年人为被试进行施测并观察其决策倾向。实验结果表明:与收益参数和损失参数都确定的情况相比,当收益参数确定,同时损失时间和概率不确定时,个体会更倾向于选择冒险性方案;与过去的受贿决策中遭受过损失的个体相比,在过去的受贿决策中没有遭受过损失的个体,更有可能在当前的决策情境中选择冒险性方案。因此,为有效遏制个体腐败行为,一是让个体明确意识到一旦受贿将遭受惩罚的程度、时间和概率三者的确定性。二是要加大受贿惩罚力度,让个体在面临受贿情境时作出正确的决策。  相似文献   

已有文献较少研究微观层面的个体腐败决策过程,即腐败行为模型研究。在梳理腐败行为模型理论背景和有关概念基础上,介绍了这一模型所构建的个体从事腐败行为前的四阶段决策过程理论框架,分析了模型中个体动机、意志、认知和情绪等多种成分对腐败的影响机制。总结该模型在个体、情境和组织等因素影响腐败的有关研究中的应用现状,结果表明,相对于宏观因素,个体因素对腐败意图和行为的影响可能更具有决定性。最后提出了腐败行为模型的研究展望:进一步完善理论框架,深入探讨模型中各有关变量的作用机制,对情境和组织层面的腐败影响因素进行整合。  相似文献   

研究不同因素影响下个体的抢购行为决策规律,有利于危机篱理部门进行有效的策略构建。从个体对危机环境的主观反应和客观特征两方面因素,提出个体抢购行为决策的影响因素概念模型及研究假设,并运用调查问卷和二二元Logistic回归方法进行实证研究。结果表明,对危机事件越恐惧、对政府越不信任、媒体报道造成的压力越火、对可能危险源的...  相似文献   

翁定军  范雅娜 《青年研究》2015,(2):20-29,94
本研究将个体的客观社会地位、生活感受、生活信心、个体行为倾向和集体行为参与意向视作一个关系链,探讨个体的生活信心和反映个体行为"偏向"的"行为倾向"在集体行为中的基础性作用。研究表明:生活信心既受客观地位、生活感受等方面的影响,又对行为倾向和集体行为参与意向等产生着广泛的影响,这种集影响的"汇聚"和"扩散"于一体的特征,说明生活信心是影响集体行为的关键心理因素;侵犯倾向和沉默倾向并不提高集体行为的参与意向,说明行为倾向不是集体行为的心理基础。研究认为:为防范生活信心的降低成为集体行为的心理基础,应打破阶层之间机会结构的锁闭状态,使个人能够通过自己的努力和贡献实现向上社会流动。  相似文献   

所谓自我意识,就是个人对自己的身心状况以及自己与客观世界的关系的一种仪式。自我意识包括对自己的思想认识、情感体验、行为意向、个人特点以及人际关系等方面的认知、感受、评价和调控。初进入大学校园,从学习到生活很多问题等待去解决。如果没有健康稳定的自我意识系统为基础,他们的大学生活将无法顺利的进行下去,更甚者学生个体自身会出现心理的问题,导致无法完成大学的学业。  相似文献   

体验是一种力量,推动人类文明产生和进步的重要力量。立足人的个体存在,从个体体验的视角,分析和论述人的个体体验是推动人类文明产生和进步的推动力。通过对人类发展史中人的感官初体验、树叶遮羞体验、战争杀戮体验、科技双刃剑体验的理论与例证分析,以期引起全社会在重视科学技术是社会文明进步第一推动力的同时,将目光投向文明进步和社会发展的另一核心推动力——个体体验,从为了人、解放人和发展人的角度为构建和谐文明社会提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

情绪是指人对认知内容的特殊态度,是以个体的愿望和需要为中介的一种心理活动。情绪包含情绪体验、情绪行为、情绪唤醒和对刺激物的认知等复杂成分。情绪对入的行为影响非常大,有人说,积极的情绪是盏灯,照到哪里哪里亮;消极的情绪是个坑,跌到里面爬不起。  相似文献   

本文运用来自3个县市6个合作社空间覆盖范围内358个农户的问卷调查资料,以实证检验农民分化与社会互动对农户参与合作社决策行为的影响。研究发现,农民专业合作社的发展中确实存在着农户从入社意愿向入社行为转换的障碍,二者之间的数量差异占样本农户的比例高达36.9%。因子分析和Logistic回归分析的结果表明:农民分化会通过信息的传播及农户对信息的占有差异而对他们参与合作社的入社决策行为产生影响;社会互动会通过村域交往促进信息的传播,增进农户对合作社法律法规、政府政策及相关知识的了解程度,有助于更多的农户采取入社决策行为。整体来看,农户对合作社信息掌握情况对他们最终是否采取入社决策行为产生关键作用。因此,着力填补不同阶层以及具有不同资源禀赋条件的农民之间的知识鸿沟对当前农民合作社不断扩增社员规模、提升合作水平、更好地发挥规模经济的效应,具有重要的实践价值。  相似文献   

作为政府行政行为关键环节的行政决策,在管理社会事务、提高行政效率、降低行政成本方面起着至关重要的作用。决策正确,可以少走许多弯路,起到事半功倍之效;而决策失误导致的不仅是对经济发展的伤害,还会影响到政府形象,损害人民群众的利益,失信于民。  相似文献   

刘莹莹 《学理论》2013,(8):69-70
身体自我是指个体对自己身体的认知和评价,它是个体自我意识中最早萌发的部分,是自我概念的一个重要的基础部分。身体自我涉及个体对自己的相貌、体格、体能等的看法和评价。负面身体自我是对身体的消极认知、消极情感体验和相应的行为控制,对青少年健康心理的发展和健全人格的形成有重要的影响。目前国内外对负面身体自我的研究都处在一个发展和充实的过程当中,专门直接测量负面身体自我的模型和量表还需继续完善。  相似文献   

情感是人对客观事物是否符合自己需要的态度的体验。情感与决策同属于人的主观范围。情感的"两重性"特点,决定了它对决策过程影响具有"两重性"。稳定、健康的积极情感对决策主体的决策过程可以起增力作用,表现在对决策目标的抉择、对决策思维能力的提升、对决策过程的沟通、对决策创新能力的影响上。消极情感对决策过程的负面效应也是比较突出的,决策主体要克服消极情感,发挥情感在决策过程中的积极影响。  相似文献   

The minimax regret model of decision making under uncertainty, which was proposed by Ferejohn and Fiorina (1974) as a model of the voting decision, is here generalized to encompass forms of political participation (such as contributing money or time to a campaign) in which the range of alternatives is continuous. A principal implication of the model is that aggregate campaign contributions may be substantially increased by limiting the amount that any one individual can contribute. The conditions under which the behavior of a minimax regret decision maker can be unambiguously distinguished from that of an expected utility maximizer are also specified.  相似文献   

人类生而便具备情绪能力,这些情绪能力称为基本情绪,它们先于认知而发生,有其独立的功能。它们会随着相应的认知与行为发展,形成一种动态的情绪——认知相互作用,这便为情绪图式。情绪图式可以作为一种文化基因被传播和复制,它的作用与认知的发展中认知图式所起的作用有许多共同之处。另外时常循环的一些相关的情绪图式可能被解释为气质或者人格特质。  相似文献   

The roles of intelligence, communications and signals in crisis decision-making routinely are mentioned in passing but rarely assessed in detail. This study examines these issues in three international crises: the great eastern question, 1877–78, Chanak, 1922 and Munich, 1938, and briefly compares these findings to two others, July 1914 and Cuba, 1962. It demonstrates that intelligence, communications and signals are more problematical in crises than is generally believed. This study challenges the conventional view that crises are essentially something to manage. Instead, it argues, crises are explosive, unpredictable and high in risk, dominated by emotion, factionalization, communication failures, missed signals and unintended consequences.  相似文献   

The paper builds upon an original pre- and post-election survey that we conducted before and after the 2015 Canadian election. Directly after Election Day, we asked Canadians for which party they voted, and whether they regret their choice. We find that 39% of them are not perfectly happy with their decision, and 4% even say that they made a bad decision. We show that the propensity to regret can be explained by a mixed-utility theory, whereby voters attempt to maximize a mixture of instrumental and expressive utilities. Our study contributes to the literatures on voting behaviour and political economy, which usually considers that voters are either instrumental or expressive, but not both at the same time.  相似文献   

One of the most noted phenomena in social and political decision-making is the occurrence of a framing effect. For example, on problems involving risky choices, individuals tend to act risk-averse when the problem is framed in terms of gains (e.g., saving lives, making money) and risk-seeking when the same problem is instead framed in terms of losses (e.g., deaths, losing money). Scholars have begun to identify the processes underlying framing effects as well as the conditions under which framing effects occur. Yet, extant work focuses nearly exclusively on cognitive processes, despite growing recognition of the importance of emotion in general decision-making tasks. In this paper, we explore the impact of emotional states on risk attitudes and framing. We find that emotions significantly influence both individuals’ tendencies to take risks and the impact of a frame on risky choices (e.g., emotions amplify or depress a frame’s impact). The precise role of emotions depends on the problem domain (e.g., a life-death or a financial decision), and the specific type of emotion under study. Moreover, in contrast to much work in political science, we show that emotions need to be distinguished beyond their positive or negative valence, as different negative emotions exert opposite effects. Our results accentuate the importance of integrating emotions into research areas traditionally dominated by more cognitive perspectives.
Rose McDermottEmail:

Although some political pundits have expressed concern that political polarization has a deleterious effect on voter behavior, others have argued that polarization may actually benefit voters by presenting citizens with clear choices between the two major parties. We take up this question by examining the effects of polarization on the quality of voter decision making in U.S. presidential elections. We find that ideological polarization among elites, along with ideological sorting and affective polarization among voters, all contribute to the probability of citizens’ voting correctly. Furthermore, affective polarization among the citizenry if anything strengthens, not weakens, the influence of political knowledge on voter decision-making. We conclude that to the extent that normative democratic theory supposes that people vote for candidates who share their interests, polarization has had a positive effect on voter decision-making quality, and thus democratic representation, in the United States.  相似文献   

Adam Meirowitz 《Public Choice》2005,122(3-4):299-318
We analyze a, model of two candidate competition in which candidate and voter preferences are private information. If candidates simultaneously commit to policy platforms the uncertainty about candidate preferences reinforces the incentive for platform divergence. After a candidate observes the other candidate’s stance but before she learns about voter preferences she may face regret about her choice. This ex post irrationality suggests that a 1 period model may not capture the relevant incentives. In a multi-period proposal game in which candidates first make non-binding public proposals and then they make binding public proposals (similar to Ledyard, 1989) we find that candidates are uninformative during the first stage, as they have a disincentive to reveal their preferences to the opposing candidate. This finding offers an explanation for candidate ambiguity or inconsistency early in an election which does not involve efforts to deceive voters. Candidates may be trying to keep their opponent guessing. With a strong pre-election commitment technology, candidates can only be deterred from this type of behavior if they anticipate that a sizeable number of voters (more than a majority) will vote contrary to their preferences over policy.  相似文献   

The majority of research on the retirement decision has focused on the health and wealth aspects of retirement. Such research concludes that people in better health and those enjoying a higher socioeconomic status tend to work longer than their less healthy and less wealthy counterparts. While financial and health concerns are a major part of the retirement decision, there are other issues that may affect the decision to retire that are unrelated to an individual's financial and health status. Judgment and decision-making and behavioral-economics research suggests that there may be a number of behavioral factors influencing the retirement decision. The author reviews and highlights such factors and offers a unique perspective on potential determinants of retirement behavior, including anchoring and framing effects, affective forecasting, hyperbolic discounting, and the planning fallacy. The author then describes findings from previous research and draws novel connections between existing decision-making research and the retirement decision.  相似文献   

The fields of political psychology and election studies often live separate lives. One reason has been the difficulty of including long psychological question batteries in the high-quality, representative samples that are the hallmark of election studies. In this study, we examine a novel one-item measure of psychological differences in sensitivity to one particular emotion: disgust. We demonstrate that disgust sensitivity serves as a foundational political difference that colors a very large range of social and political attitudes and behaviors: including ideology, political engagement, reactions towards outgroups, support for government intervention, behavior during a pandemic, and vote choice.  相似文献   

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