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罗伟 《工友》2013,(9):26-28
一位陕西籍农民工在外打工时,不慎遭遇车祸,成为终身瘫痪的残疾人。为养活自己,他在网上开店,每月收入七八百元。2008年开始,他用自己的行动奉献爱心,资助的贫困学生多达数十人,募捐数额达到数十万。2013年,他又发起了千里单骑助学活动,为贫困学生募集资金。他,就是被誉为"最美中国人"的马华。  相似文献   

陈仕川 《重庆工运》2006,(10):37-37
9月18日,100名贫困学生得到了中国教育发展基金会资助的7.8万元人民币。重庆永川市教委当日下午举行了“中国教育发展基金会资助永川市贫困学生仪式”.李世龙、刘婷婷等100名来自板桥、红炉等11个受旱灾严重镇的学生每人得到了600元至1200元的资助金。  相似文献   

从今年9月起,在玉溪市红塔区读普通高中的学生不再缴纳学费和住宿费,贫困学生还能获得生活补助。至此,我省高中免费教育率先在红塔区实现。  相似文献   

高校校园文化反映了高等院校在生活方式、价值取向、思维方式和行为规范上有别于其他社会群体具有高等院校校园特色的团体意识、校园精神和生存环境,是维系高校团体的一种精神力量。建设富有特色的高等院校校园文化应该对其内涵与结构要素,功能与构建要素进行全方位的思考和研究。  相似文献   

<正>广东青年管理干部学院是经广东省人民政府批准、国家教育部备案正式成立的公办成人高等院校,是全国共青团系统首批成立的成人高等院校之一,也是中南7省唯一一所青年干部院校。  相似文献   

教育投入是支撑高等院校长远发展的基础性、战略性投资,是学校开展教育、科研事业的基本物质基础.除政府投入外,多渠道筹措经费增加教育投入是高等教育体制改革的重点和难点之一.因此,创建我国高等院校的募款机制和方式,对于促进我国高等教育投入多元化的发展,缓解高校资金压力,满足公立高等院校经费需求,有效利用资金有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

作为进行终生教育场所的成人高等院校 ,对于学术问题的研究 ,绝不能采取等待和观望的消极态度 ,而应积极开展多层次、多形式、多渠道的科研活动 ,切实改变目前成人院校科研滞后的被动局面。  相似文献   

纷纷扬扬的大雪下了一个晚上还没有停,地上足有半尺厚的积雪,山城笼罩在一片白茫茫之中。刘书记早早来到办公室。最近,栖霞市委在领导干部中开展了“结对子”救助贫困学生活动,由领导干部个人捐资捐物帮助贫困学生完成学业。刘书记救助的学生叫肖峰,肖峰的父亲多年瘫痪在床,母亲下岗。今天,刘书记要亲自到肖峰家里去。   李秘书望着窗外厚厚的积雪和漫天飞舞的雪花,试探着问:“刘书记,是否改日再去?”“不,现在就去 !”刘书记毫不犹豫地回答。“可是,车不能……”“我们走着去。”刘书记打断了秘书的话,一边踱步,一边回味…  相似文献   

一位普通的银行职工,一个素昧平生的贫困学生,一个 偶然的相逢,演绎了一段感人 至深的故事。中国农业银行山东 省汶上县支行女职工郭荷荣,放弃了自己深造学习的机会 , 用自己准备上学的钱和贷款,默默地承担起一位贫困学生上学 的费用。4年来,她先后 资助近一万多元,却从来没有任何张 扬。直到有一天,受助大学生王芳来到汶上县委宣传 部,激动 地诉说4年来所发生的一切,人们才知道这段人间真情……  “知识能够改变一个人的命运,如果眼睁睁地看着王芳 失学我的心不安啊!”  1997年8月,郭荷荣在农行汶上县支行郭楼乡营业所担…  相似文献   

倡扬"爱岗敬业、争创一流,艰苦奋斗、勇于创新,淡泊名利、甘于奉献"的劳模精神,有助于解决高校思想政治教育中存在的普遍问题。在培育劳动热情、涵养奉献理想、提升集体意识、矫治就业观念诸方面加入劳模精神教育具有特定功效。弘扬劳模精神是加强高等院校思想政治教育工作的重要手段。  相似文献   

自主性、稳定性是成人学习的主要心理特征 ,个体和社会的需求是成人学习的基本动机。成人教学的方法原则就应该创造尊重成人学习的氛围 ,把握成人学习的需要 ,挖掘成人学习的资源  相似文献   

关于新时期大学生情感问题的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生是一群正在成长的青年,亲情、友情、爱情是大学生生活中重要的感情支柱,极需慎重对待。重视大学生良好情感的培养,不仅有助于大学生学业的进步,还会影响他们未来的人生。  相似文献   

高校是大学生生活的基本空间,学生对学校的归属感直接影响学生人生观和价值观的形成,同时也影响着学生对国家和社会归属感的建立,提升大学生的学校归属感具有重要的现实意义。要提升大学生学校归属感,就需要高校明晰思想政治教育层次,转变思想政治教育模式;推进大学生朋辈辅导计划,构建和谐校园人际关系;改善学校的软硬件,注重校园文化建设;丰富第二课堂活动,带动学生社团发展,切实在大学生学校归属感培育上取得实效。  相似文献   

This research examined the “mental health literacy” of adolescents concerning eating-disordered behavior. A vignette describing a fictional 16-year old female meeting diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa was presented to 522 female high school students, followed by a series of questions concerning treatment of and treatment-seeking for the problem described. Results indicated that primary care practitioners, mothers and close female friends were most highly regarded as potential sources of help. Self-help interventions, including the use of vitamins and minerals, were also highly regarded, whereas participants were less positive about the benefits of mental health specialists and ambivalent about the use of anti-depressant medication. Most participants believed that the problem described would be difficult to treat, and that relapse was likely even given appropriate treatment. An additional finding of note was that among participants with a high level of eating disorder symptoms (n=36, 6.9%), recognition of an eating problem was poor. We conclude that beliefs likely to be conducive to low and/or inappropriate treatment-seeking for eating problems may be common among adolescent girls. In addition, the findings suggest that prevention programs for the eating disorders need to target not only at-risk individuals, but also individuals in their immediate social environment.  相似文献   

Theorists interested in intellectual development have increasingly focused their attention on the problem-solving strategies individuals develop to meet the demands they face in the changing social contexts of the life course. Direct assessments of the relationship between contextual demands and problem solving strategies, however, have been lacking. The orientation espoused here is that progress through the life course is, in part, determined by individuals' ability to solve problems posed by the development tasks confronting them. In a preliminary ethnographic investigation, the developmental tasks of first- and fourth-year medical students were assessed. A follow-up study revealed (a) the everyday problem solving of students in both years was oriented toward completing the tasks associated with their year in school, (b) the styles students developed to interpret contextually relevant problems were associated with their social environments and developmental tasks, and (c) developmental tasks accounted for more variance of everyday problem solving than in interpretive styles. The findings provide more direct support than was previously available for a relationship between practical intellectual development and life course contexts.Received Ph.D. from West Virginia University. Research interests include contextual influences on cognitive development, social cognition, goal-directed reasoning, and practical intelligence.  相似文献   

合作学习是指在教师指导下,学生在小组中从事学习活动,并以小组的总体成绩为奖励依据的教学方式。这种教学模式以小组学习为基本形式,以师生互动、生生互动合作为教学活动的主要取向,以问题为导向,以大班教学与小组研讨相结合为重要特色。  相似文献   

对教学、教学管理及学生学习来说有两类问题值得研究:一是什么是影响学生学好某课程或专业的显著因素;二是哪些因素显著影响学生对教师教学的评价,尤其是学生的成绩是否显著影响学生对教师教学的评价。通过开设劳动经济学所获得的学生问卷数据及计量经济学的方法,对这两类问题进行了经验研究。发现:至少微观、宏观经济学和数学是学好劳动经济学的重要的课程基础,用功是学好的关键。学生从课程学习中收获大,对所学课程感兴趣且用功学习,获得较好成绩倾向给老师的教学以更好的评价。  相似文献   

This study investigated associations between peer status, peer group social influences, and risk-taking behaviors in an urban sample of 647 African American seventh-grade students. The highest rates of problem behaviors were seen in the controversial peer status group, or those youth who were both highly liked and highly disliked by other youth. Findings also revealed contrasting patterns of peer group leadership. The more conventional, positive leadership style predicted lower rates, and the less mainstream, unconventional style predicted higher rates of involvement in problem behaviors. Conventional leaders were most likely to be popular status youth, while unconventional leaders were mostly to be both controversial and popular status youth. Controversial status youth were also more likely to be involved in deviant peer groups. Results highlight the importance of controversial status students as key influence agents during early adolescence. We discuss the implications of these results for preventive interventions to reduce adolescent problem behaviors.  相似文献   

Unmet mental health need is a significant problem for adolescents. Although stigma is identified as a major barrier to the use of mental health services among youth, there is limited research on this topic. In-depth interviews (n=57) among a sample of 8th grade students in a suburban, mid-Atlantic community portray adolescent mental health attitudes and how these views are shaped. Satisfactory personal experiences with mental health services as well as accurate mental health knowledge contribute to positive mental health attitudes among teens. The anticipation of negative responses towards mental health care-seeking from family members, peers, and school staff are key factors in teens’ comfort and willingness to address mental health concerns. The research provides critical information on the factors that contribute to the development of stigma and emphasizes the need to address stigma in youth mental health education, programs, and treatment plans. Authors are affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences. Dr. Chandra has a background in adolescent health, and is particularly interested in improving the accessibility and appropriateness of youth mental health services and involving young people in the translation of research into practice. Dr. Minkovitz is interested in improving preventive service delivery, enhancing quality of care, and understanding maternal factors that influence children’s receipt of health care  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the individual characteristics, cultural orientation, and ethnic identity of academically successful 17-year-old adolescents of Turkish and Moroccan background in the Netherlands. One hundred and six successful and less successful adolescents of Turkish, Moroccan, and Dutch background participated in the study. The successful ethnic minority students were expected to be highly motivated and determined to succeed. They were thought to have more problems with their ethnic identity as well. It was concluded that success might be explanable in terms of a more positive attitude toward the Dutch society. The successful students did not need to be highly motivated to be academically successful. Although the successful Turkish and Moroccan background students had somewhat more doubts and more negative feelings about belonging to their ethnic group, this does not seem to lead to identity problems.  相似文献   

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