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This paper explores some significant sources of variation in the way health standards are derived and used in various countries: differences in biological and regulatory philosophies, in enforcement strategies, and in institutional arrangements. Such cross-national variations raise a number of questions about the process of standard-setting. Among the issues discussed here are the nature of the trade-off between long-run goals and feasibility criteria that merely codify current technical and economic practice, and the possibility of replacing statutory regulation by self-regulation and non-statutory codes and standards.  相似文献   

Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice (the Greenbook) provided a valuable framework for child welfare agencies, domestic violence agencies, and the courts to work together to address the co‐occurrence in families of child maltreatment and domestic violence. It did not specifically address the overrepresentation of families of color in the child welfare system or the disparity of outcomes for these families. Yet the Greenbook’s approach to systems change can be used as a foundation to implement strategies to reduce overrepresentation and to improve safety, permanency, and stability for children and families.  相似文献   

All manner of "sanctions" and restrictions introduced in international trade by the U.S. government in recent years, including those that were designed to impede the construction of the Soviet export gas pipeline, here evoked sharp protests not only in Western Europe but in the USA as well.  相似文献   

This essay reviews three books as they document and explain the 1990s crime decline: Alfred Blumstein and Joel Wallman, eds., (2006) The Crime Drop in America; Arthur S. Goldberger and Richard Rosenfeld, eds., (2008) Understanding Crime Patterns: Workshop Report; and Franklin E. Zimring (2007), The Great American Crime Decline. It presents the empirical detail of the crime decline and examines the most commonly cited explanatory factors: imprisonment, policing, demography, and economic growth. It then suggests alternative lines of research in urban sociology—urban development, youth culture, and immigration—that may better explain the decline as the result of changes in the cultural and social fabric of American society, particularly in cities where the steepest declines occurred.  相似文献   

The study explored the incidence of spouse abuse in Korean American families and interrelations between conjugal violence, marital power structure, stress, and socioeconomic and cultural factors. Rate of conjugal violence in these families is higher than those for other Asian American families. Data were collected from 256 families selected at random. In male dominant couples, rate of severe violence, wife beating, was four times higher than that of egalitarian couples. Husbands who experienced higher levels of stress had a greater rate of assaulting their wives. Wives in egalitarian and female dominant couples experienced a lower amount of stress and shared more decision-making power than did those in the male dominant couples. The longer the couples had been in the United States and the more American education they had received, the more egalitarian and female-dominant marital relations they tended to have. The residual influence of the traditional culture, in which they lived prior to immigration, is a factor suggesting why men were more abusive than women. Cultural differences associated with conjugal violence and needs for services are discussed.  相似文献   

汪劲 《科技与法律》2014,(2):168-182
国务院通过的《核安全与放射性污染防治"十二五"规划及2020年远景目标》提出,要抓紧研究制定原子能法和核安全法。国际法的要求和各国的立法实践表明,同时推进这两部法律的立法工作不存在法律障碍。在我国还没有一部专门规定核能产业发展与核安全方面内容的法律的情形下,同时推进两部法律的立法工作,解决"无法可依"的局面势在必行。但鉴于两部法律可能存在的内容重叠和交叉情况,正确处理这两部法律的关系对明确我国核安全立法的定位尤为重要。  相似文献   

伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想是习近平为实现中华民族伟大梦想提出的新时代的伟大方略,是中国走向崛起与辉煌的实践新路径;伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想战略构想充满着辩证法的智慧与光辉,是新时代中国化马克思主义的理论表征,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的创新实践;解读伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想之内在关系,从目标、手段与条件统一中把握其哲学实质是理解其时代价值之道。  相似文献   

In the period leading up to the 27th Congress of the CPSU, a landmark in the life of our country, it is one of the important tasks of science and practice to undertake a thoroughgoing analysis of those positive changes that have emerged in recent years in the activity of the soviets of people's deputies, to endeavor a critical assessment of the work so far completed, to exchange opinions on ways to effect possible and necessary changes for the better in their activity and to enhance their role in the system of socialist democracy. The period between the 26th and 27th Party Congresses has seen a considerable rise in the level of leadership by the bodies of state power in respect to economic and sociocultural construction throughout the entire soviet system. The role of the soviets has broadened in all state activity, their influence on the growth of the economy has increased, there is now more coordination in economic and sociocultural construction and in providing consumer and other services to the population, and more attention is being devoted to securing legality and law and order, and protecting the rights and lawful interests of citizens. All these things have been furthered by the CPSU's unflagging observance of the constitutional foundations to the organization and activity of the soviets, by the broadening of their powers, and by strengthening the material and financial basis and the personnel resources of the bodies of state power and government.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners around the globe are grappling with how to improve the effectiveness of complex, transboundary, and multilevel environmental regimes. International environmental agreements (IEAs) have been around for decades yet achievements and outcomes have not met expectations. While international relations scholars have primarily focused on the effectiveness of agreements between states, public policy scholars have been interested in outcomes at a variety of scales including international, national, sub-national, and local across various environmental policy domains and at the instrument and program levels. This article presents findings from a case study of environmental regime effectiveness that uses a modified version of the Oslo-Postdam solution to assess the effectiveness of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, a long-standing, bilateral international environmental agreement between Canada and the USA. The findings indicate that there is a need to more broadly define international environmental agreements in complex transboundary systems to include both formal and informal regime features and multilevel governance efforts and to focus on specific policy goals and ecological outcomes associated with IEAs. This case also illustrates the potential to modify the Oslo-Postdam approach by combining expert assessment and data collection methods with traditional policy analysis and program evaluation methods in assessments of environmental regime effectiveness.  相似文献   

One of the more recent developments in historiography has been the emergence of 'new imperial history'. The articles within this special edition of the History of the Family offer examples of how some historians have dealt with the histories of both empires and families.  相似文献   

One of the more recent developments in historiography has been the emergence of 'new imperial history'. The articles within this special edition of the History of the Family offer examples of how some historians have dealt with the histories of both empires and families.  相似文献   

This longitudinal investigation examined main and interactive effects of coparent support and conflict on mother and child adjustment in 248 low-income, African American, single mother-headed families. The findings indicated that coparent conflict was a more robust predictor of mother and child maladjustment both cross-sectionally and longitudinally than was coparent support. Moreover, findings revealed that coparent conflict and support interacted to predict one parenting behavior, monitoring, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Coparent relationships characterized by high levels of support and low levels of conflict were associated with the highest levels of parental monitoring behavior, whereas coparent relationships characterized by low levels of support and high levels of conflict were associated with the lowest levels of monitoring. The findings highlight the importance of examining both positive and negative aspects of coparent relationships in this at-risk, but understudied, group.  相似文献   

本文考察西方中世纪中晚期城市、社团及其城市法律制度。城市共同体的兴起促进了西欧范围的市场贸易活动的广泛复兴,并对中世纪欧洲封建地方体制给予了有力冲击;同时,城市共同体作为社团组织的独特发展形式,形成特有的城市等级会议制度,动摇和破坏封建社会的内部关系并为新社会结构的形成奠定了基础。这是导致历史上早期宪政观念产生的最为关键的因素。由于城市共同体自身的缺陷,统一市场的变革要求被民族国家所替代。  相似文献   

张正印 《时代法学》2009,7(6):77-85
灾难包括冲击和威胁社会生存的一切自然和社会事态。灾难在法制的生存和发展中发挥着不可替代的根本性的作用。从法律起源可以看出,它对灾难的防制具有极其关键的意义。灾难与重大社会变动藕合,会导致整个社会结构和法制体系的根本性变革。危机时期的法制变革对其后的法制发展具有根本的约束作用,在应对危机过程中发展出来的“专制”因素构成各种政治制度存续的基本条件。  相似文献   

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