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Major incidents occurred, occur and will still occur all over the world, at any place at any time. Such an event is not always handled like it should and could be. The reason for this is not necessarily a deficiency in preplanning or the non-existence of procedures or guidelines. A possible solution to make things work more fluidly could be the creation of a genuine vision and mission statement on disaster handling followed by the alignment of all involved services within the statement. This would be a real challenge for all authorities and services involved in the planning phase and the preparation for major incidents.  相似文献   

This paper purports to present a brief overview of the measures taken by Mauritius in preparing for prosecution and trial of suspected pirates. It outlines the law of Mauritius on piracy in 2010 and the main heads of assistance under the European Union–UN Office on Drugs and Crime Joint Programme. It sets out salient features of the transfer agreement entered into with the EU and of the Piracy and Maritime Violence Act 2011. It refers to the conclusion of instruments this year with the UK, Puntland and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Lastly, it focuses on the preparation at the level of prosecutors in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that law graduates need to be prepared for working in a global legal context. Whether working in global law firms or small, local non-global law firms, law graduates need to have the knowledge, skills and attributes that will better equip them to work within and across multiple, international legal jurisdictions. The purpose of the article is twofold: first, to report on and disseminate research on a collaborative project on internationalising the Australian law curriculum aimed at preparing law graduates for global legal practice, of which the authors were the lead researchers; and second, to discuss and demonstrate the practical application of the proposed curriculum framework to the teaching of Constitutional Law.  相似文献   

唐志容  苏治 《法学杂志》2002,23(1):35-36
自从北京成功申办 2 0 0 8年奥运会以后 ,怎样将这届奥运会承办成功就成为举国关注的话题。人们似乎过多地将注意力集中于奥运会对中国经济的客观推动作用 ,却忽视了其他方面的研究。如何将国内现有法律制度与奥运会相关内容相衔接 ,这已成为我国法学界必须着手研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

The structure and operation of the WTO have not been at theforefront of attention of negotiations ever since the GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade was introduced in 1947. The modusoperandi of negotiations has essentially remained unchangeddespite the turn towards non-tariff barriers in complex operationsof treaty-making ever since the Kennedy Round. The note arguesthat the evolution and introduction of the two-tier system ofdispute settlement in 1995 marks the most profound structuralchange, but is not able on its own to deal with all of the challengesof tackling non-tariff barriers in the WTO. Today, the Organizationforms part of a complex system of multilayered governance, bothhorizontally and vertically. It calls for more appropriate structure–substancepairings. The note addresses the need to review negotiatingprocesses in the field of non-tariff barriers. It suggests establishinga proper balance with dispute settlement and case law, and renderingthe function and role of the Secretariat of the WTO more transparent.The creation of a two-tier system is suggested, with a ConsultativeCommittee and a Standing Committee on Legal Affairs within theWTO in order to support and initiate a long overdue structuraldebate in the WTO.  相似文献   

司法鉴定文书作为鉴定意见的书面法定载体,体现司法鉴定的整个过程和科学技术方法标准,体现鉴定人科学客观的逻辑思维过程。法医类司法鉴定文书的制作应着重注意检案摘要、检验过程、分析说明、鉴定意见、附注和附件等几个方面的问题。司法鉴定文书的质量和水平直接反映鉴定人业务能力和水平,一份高质量、规范的司法鉴定文书要求鉴定人做到准确周密的调查、全面系统的检验、敏锐的观察发现、坚实的理论基础、辩证的逻辑思维,实事求是的科学态度。  相似文献   

The design of climate policy architectures depends on how its multiple designers identify the climate problem, on the principles they adhere to, and on the criteria they apply for assessing the performance of the constructed agreements. This article presents five core features of the climate policy problem, five principles demanding respect when designing policy, and a particular specification of the four general criteria: efficacy, efficiency, equity, and institutional feasibility. The central policy problem of climate change is the phasing out of non-sustainable energy use by orchestrating trillions of decisions by billions of people. Principles like universality, realism, and transparency are important, but when balancing a global agreement, taking into account diversity and sovereignty are outstanding. For addressing the climate change challenges, the equity criterion should be taken more seriously by the negotiating countries than at present. In a diverse world, equity conflicts are likely to be further exacerbated by attempts to impose uniform approaches like global carbon trading or a harmonized global carbon tax rate. The uniform approaches, lauded by economists and policy makers as superior, are also criticized here as not being so effective and efficient as pretended.  相似文献   

A rapid method for preparing cross-sections of textile fibers is described which is applicable to all major generic classes of synthetic fibers and can be used to cut tiny fragments of individual fiber. Visualization of colourless fibers can be enhanced by staining the embedding medium.  相似文献   

Intractable international conflicts and difficult or intractable family conflicts have much in common. Relationships are damaged or destroyed, escalation causes parties to become polarized and make bad decisions, communication is strained or nonexistent, and competition and coercion take the place of collaboration. Similarities also exist in the realm of solutions, and those caught in (or intervening in) difficult family conflicts can learn much from the strategies and tactics of international peacebuilders. This article describes eight steps that peacebuilders at both the family level and the international level can take to make very damaging conflicts more constructive.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Limiting escalation is important in both contexts.
  • Preventing or correcting misunderstandings is key to resolution in both contexts as well.
  • Be sure you are focusing on the real problem(s).
  • Get the facts straight (and agreed upon) before making agreements.
  • Healing past wrongs is important for long term stability.
  • Working both within and beyond the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) is essential in both contexts.
  • Working to improve relationships helps all parties and improves the outcome.

Meaningful assessment and comparisons on the injury potentials of various types of ammunition and credible forensic reconstruction require an agreement on standard tissue simulant. Gelatine blocks are relatively inexpensive and easy to produce and they meet most of the criteria for a good terminal ballistic simulant. This research looks into the variables of preparing ballistic gelatine and their effects on penetration resistance. It was found out that consistent quality gelatine blocks are easy to make and that the variables like water temperature have a far smaller effect than previously thought. Also water acidity variances allowed by European Council directive on drinking water do not have any measurable effect. A proposed standard method for gelatine preparation is presented together with penetration function for verification of gelatine quality.  相似文献   

An improved technique for recording infrared spectra from minute amounts of synthetic fibers by using KBr micropellets is described. The procedure is the same for all commonly encountered synthetic fiber varieties; hence, no preliminary identification is required.  相似文献   

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, throughout the Pacific Rim, European and American colonizers reorganized indigenous systems of property rights in land to make them look more like European property systems, with disastrous effects for the indigenous people involved. The very first of these schemes, however, was the Māhele of 1845–1855, which took place not in a colony but in the independent Kingdom of Hawaii. Why did the Hawaiians do this to themselves? I argue that the Māhele was a sophisticated and partially successful response to the prospect that Hawaii would soon be colonized. The object of the Māhele was to ensure that in the event of annexation, Kamehameha III and other elite Hawaiians would not be dispossessed of their landholdings. The strategy was to convert those landholdings into a legal form that would be recognized by an incoming colonial government—whether American, British, or French—as private property.  相似文献   

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