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正IN recent years,growing numbers of Chinese enterprises have initiated investment in Africa.From2009 to 2012,China’s direct investment in Africa increased from US$1.44 billion to US$2.52 billion,with an annual growth of 20.5 percent.Over the same period,China’s cumulative direct investment in Africa rose from US$9.33 billion to US$21.23billion.Currently,over 2,000 Chinese  相似文献   

KUNMING in central Yunnan Province is he largest city in Chi-na's extended south-vestern frontier. Two housand years ago, it was a hub on the Southern Silk Road that connected inland China with Southeast Asia and a converging point on the Sichuan-Yunnan-Vietnam passageway. Today, as the capital city of Yunnan, it is home to 26 ethnic groups and a popular destination for tourists and business travelers from around the world.  相似文献   

In 2002 the CPAFFC gave full play to its characteristics and advantages, worked hard to serve the country's total diplomacy, economic construction and world peace, opened up new prospects in nongovernmental diplomacy, and made considerable achievements in various aspects of its work. It received 360 delegations with 5,478 person/times from 61  相似文献   

FENGDU County is located in the center of Chongqing Mu- nicipality,a two hours’drive from Chongqing International Airport,on the banks of the Yangtze River.It has a long history,with evidence of human occupation as long as 100,000 years ago.During the Zhou Dynasty(C 1100-256 B.C.)Fengdu was the capital of the mysterious Ba Kingdom,and later  相似文献   

The big bus of the Sichuan Tours I boarded set out from Chengdu in early morning, heading for Jiuzhaigou, a world-class natural reserve, to the northwest of the city. The vast Chengdu plain covered with blooming yellow rape flowers presented a sight as mag-  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC), Mr. Dario De La Fuente, vice chairman of the Chilean-Chinese Institute ofCulture (CCIC), and his wife paid a visit to Shanghai, Guilin, the Yangtze River Three Gorges,Wuhan and Beijing from June 4 to June 17. During their stay in Beijing, CPAFFC Vice-presidentXu Qun met with and entertained them. On separate occasions they had discussions on questionsthey were interested in with the leading officials of the China National Publications Import and Ex-  相似文献   

The QinHuai River, Living with thousands of historyThe Qinhuai River, as one branch of Southern Bank of the Changjiang River Downstream, is about 110 Km long, with the drainage area of about 2,631Km2. The Watershed within Nanjing Area is divided into master steam and tributary, flowing from Xibei Village in Jiangning District to Entrance of the Changjiang River in Sancha River, the length is about 34 Km, as Shipping Convention, this named as Outer Qinhuai River, and as no-shipping  相似文献   

Du Haotian first visited Tsinghua University, a prestigious seat of learning in China, in the summer of 2013 to install air conditioners. At the time, he was a high school graduate with a part-time job in Beijing, awaiting his enrollment notification from Shenyang Agricultural University in northeast China.  相似文献   

The article is based on a visit to the Tilanqiao, Qingpu and Women's prisons and a juvenile delinquent rehabilitation center in Shanghai and the Suzhou Prison of Jiangsu Province in February 2001 by the author, a graduate student of human rights. She made the trip with a group of experts from China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

Agood beginning is a job half done, and so it was for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. On the night of August 8, thou-sands of performers entertained an audience of 91,000 in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) with highlights from China’s history and culture.  相似文献   

正KAIFENG,located in the heart of China,was the world’s biggest and busiest city during the 11th and 12th centuries.As the intersection of the land and maritime Silk Roads,it was a place from where goods were dispatched and traders from the East and West met.Today,it is a major city in the central China economic region due to its integrated development with Zhengzhou,capital of Henan Province.  相似文献   

Having visited Tilanqiao Prison, I began to feel much better, with all the uneasiness and fears with "imnates" and "prisons" gone. On the way to Qingpu Prison I had learned that it is of a new model, quite civilized. The prison is a complex of white buildings surrounded by a wide stretch of garden, If not for the four Chinese characters "Qing Pu Jian Yu" on the gates, no one could guess that it is a prison. It is more like a university. From the production area to the living area, from the teaching building to the medical  相似文献   

A number of different generations, with the possible exception of the younger one, can still remember their favourite actors, scenes, and songs from these revolutionary films produced from 1949 to the beginning of the Cultual Revolution, as if they had seen them yesterday.Passionately intense orchestral music building cease less crescendos of fervent love for one's country - and Party - was the order of the day when it came to film scores in post-1949 China. Chinese movie buffs were fed a sta…  相似文献   

With legendary luxuriant black soil, a stretch of farmland in Chenjiadian Village, Jilin Province in northeast China, has been divided into smaller plots, each growing a specific soybean variety."These are the new varieties we have developed for farmers to choose from," Leng Jiantian, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.  相似文献   

Ivisited Belgium and France from June 23 to 27 last summer with a delegation from the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC). My third overseas trip with a CEC delegation, this brief visit on a tight schedule nonetheless left me with deep impressions.  相似文献   

Six days before the tragic events of September 11, I came home to Toronto with my nine-teen year-old daughter from an intense yet exhila-rating tour of China. I thought that based on whatwe saw, which revealed a steady progress of thecondition of life for the 1.3 billion population na-tion, our modern world in the Twenty-first Cen-  相似文献   

The 2002 Tianjin Interna- tional Children's Culturaland Art Festival cosponsored bythe CPAFFC and the Tianjin Mu-nicipal Government was held inTianjin from July 28 to August2, 2002 with the aim of enhanc-ing understanding and friendshipthrough art exchanges betweenchildren of different countries soas to promote world peace andjointly create a happy future.  相似文献   

Yunnan is a province of outstanding natural beauty and home to many colourful ethnic nationalities. These contrasts came home to me when I took the 1-hour flight south from Lijiang to Jinghong. Lijiang is dominated by great snow mountains and is home to the Tibetan-related Naxi people. Soon the mountains were left behind and the land below became a mixture of dense green forests interspersed with tea plantations and groves of  相似文献   

AS a large-scale,multi-disciplinary theatrical performance by the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe,My Dream was a cultural highlight of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.It included 18 programs that ranged from music and Peking Opera,to dance dramas and musicals.Its evocation of Oriental charm,with a blending of international cultural themes,left many audiences in tears.  相似文献   

Invited by the CPAFFC, a24-member delegation from theThailand-China Friendship Asso-ciation led by its presidentChatichai Choonhavan visitedBeijing, Tianjin and Shanghaifrom October 6 to 11. In Beijing,Vice-President of the Peoplp' sRepublic Rong Yiren met with thedelegation. CPAFFC President QiHuaiyuan and President ZhangWeilie of China-Thailand Friend-ship Association feted the delega-tion; a working session was heldto discuss the exchanges betweenthe two organizations. ZhangLichang, vice-mayor of Tianjin,  相似文献   

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