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According to a joint investigation by a group of top world companies, China has for the first time surpassed the U.S. to become the most favored destination for direct foreign investment. The Financial Times reports that the September 11th incident has provoked worries about security in the U.S among foreign investors. According to UN statistics, nearly US $50 billion of direct foreign investment was channeled into China in 2001, and still more is on its way. Foreign investment in the United States, on the other hand, dropped from its 2000 level of US $301 billion to US $125 biinon.  相似文献   

Overseas investment The overseas direct non-financial investment of China was $6.92 billion in 2005, up 25.8 percent over a year ago, said the Ministry of Commerce. Of the total, equity investment was $4.07 billion, surging 53.6 percent and accounting for 58.8 percent of the total overseas investment, and reinvested earnings was $2.85 billion, the same as that of the previous year and  相似文献   

CHINA has been a recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI)for some time, starting when the country embarked on reforms and opened-up in the late 1970s.Inflows of FDI were US $1.956 billion in 1985 and by last year had risen to a staggering US $111.716 billion, with an annual increase of 15.54 percent. During  相似文献   

THE Global Investment Trend Monitor released last October by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)revealed that China had surpassed the U.S.in the first half of 2012 as the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment(FDI).The statement was corroborated by figures from China’s Ministry of Commerce:in the first three quarters of 2012,the foreign investment China’s mainland used in real terms added up to US $83.42 billion.Though this marks a 3.8 percent dip compared with the same period in 2011,the sum going into the service industry(excluding real estate)picked up.Meanwhile,transnational corporations built more R & D centers and regional headquarters in the country,signifying their confidence in China’s investment environment and prospects for growth.The continued influx of global capital,technology and professionals led to more rational distribution and structure of FDI in China.  相似文献   

谢旭人 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(26):后插6-后插8
The U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing this week will have a major bearing on the sustainable and healthy development of our economic relationship. Since the United States and China established diplomatic relations, bilateral trade volume has grown nearly 120-fold. U.S. direct investment in China has topped $63.1 billion, and China's direct investment in America has also grown rapidly, in tandem with indirect investment in Treasury bonds and other American assets.  相似文献   

Japan overtook China as the largest foreign holder of U.S.Treasury securities at the end of 2009 after China sold $34.2 billion in American securities last December.China had previously surpassed Japan as the largest holder in September 2008.Since then,China has increased and reduced its holding from time to time.The latest amount,however,accounted for 4 percent of all Chinese holdings and was the biggest single month reduction in years.  相似文献   

WHEN Intel announced 10 years ago that it would build a test and assembly plant in Chengdu at an investment of US $375 million, few people outside China knew anything about the city other than that it is the habitat of the giant panda. The U.S. semiconductor and chip maker was the first world top 500 company to invest  相似文献   

正INWARD investment into China continues to be the highest of any developing economy,at US$101 billion in 2013,according to UN fi gures,but its pattern is changing signifi cantly as the country develops,and this trend will inevitably deepen.In the first decades after the start of China’s economic reforms in 1978,foreign direct investment was primarily  相似文献   

Wang Dongjin, vice minister of Labor and Social Security, said that although progress has been made in overseas employment, China‘s overseas work force makes up less than 1 percent of the international labor market, This is surprisingly low in view of China‘s huge population, According to statistics, at the end of 2003, China‘s overseas work force amounted to 525,000 and created foreign exchange earnings of US $2 billion.  相似文献   

LAST year the imports and exports of China’s service industry reached US $470.58 billion, a steep rise from the US $66 billion in 2000, and its global ranking leaped from the No. 12 to No. 3. It was in this context that the China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services was launched. As international corporations flock to the Chinese market lured by its tantalizingly large demand for quality services,  相似文献   

正University students from China and the United States meet in New York to find common ground and share ideas What will the world look like in 2020?According to many international relations observers,in four years’time,China will be world’s leading economy,pioneering green energy policies and launching space  相似文献   

THE U.S.is spearheading economic recovery of the developed world,while China is at the fore of the emerging economies.Throughout this unbalanced,slower than expected resuscitation,China and the U.S.thus remain the two leading engines of global economic growth–a phenomenon that has given rise to debates on which economy is more successful.Quarterly data over the past five years show strong performances  相似文献   

正Restrictive measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have triggered concerns among financiers with investment environments across various economies. Which country is most attractive to foreign investment? The answer is China, according to the World Investment Report 2021 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on June 21.  相似文献   

正Swiss manufacturing companies eye closer cooperation in a robust market The largest robotics manufacturing and research facility of ABB,a Switzerlandbased technology company,is set to start operating in Shanghai by the end of this year.Its annual production capacity is expected to reach100,000 robots,about a quarter of the world's total back in 2019.  相似文献   

美国新一届国会,也即第107届国会于2001年1月3日正式开议。此届国会因其共和、民主两党实力非常接近的特点而引人注目。目前国会的情况是两党在参议院差不多平分秋色,这是1881年来的第一次。众议院则出现了共和党占221席,民主党占212席的局面。不过,共和党的优势虽然已经减小,但仍然创下了20世纪20年代以来该党一连四届控制众议院的记录。第107届国会共出现了52位新议员,其中众议员41位,参议员11位。与上一届国会相比,此届国会更趋向于走中间路线。尤其在两党利益发生较大冲突时,哪一方都没有绝对把握战胜对方,所以温和的保守主义…  相似文献   

ORDOS is perhaps theyoungest of 600 or socities in China. OnFebruary 26. 2001,the State Council approved theestablishment of Ordos City,for-merly known as Ih Ju Meng.Erdos CashmereThe Erdos Cashmere (Group)Ltd., is the largest cashmere pro-cessing enterprise group in theworld, and is the first enterprise in the Chinese cashmere textileindustry to be awarded the"Chinese Famous Brandname"title. Back in 1981, however,thecompany bad just one engineerand a dozen assistant engineers. Itlac…  相似文献   

正Focusing on the Cutting-edge Trend of International Capital.Tapping into the Latest Industry Development Opportunity.Interpreting Economy Trends with an Open Mind,Mobilizing Prime Resources with the Power of Communication.Developing a Bilateral Investment Promotion Platform,an Authoritative Information Release Platform and an Investment Trend Discussion Platform.Pool All Forces to Advanca and Contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative.Embracing the Vast Ocean,the City Hosts Visitors from Around the World.Join us In 2020 CIFIT and Belt and Road Investment Congress!  相似文献   

China Southern Airlines operates the largest and most technologically advanced airline fleet, as well as the most extensive domestic air network in the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

徐科 《青年论坛》2011,(4):38-41
通过对3种网络媒体报道中所呈现的"90后"形象的研究,发现媒体报道"90后"形象并非以负面为主,而是很大程度以正面形象展示在大众面前,与人们脑海中媒体对"90后"经常冠以"非主流"、"脑残"等负面词语的报道相异。同时,媒体在报道"90后"生活主题上也存在偏离常态。  相似文献   

正The astonishing transformation of China—its economic prowess, its rapid urbanization without slum cities, its scientific and technological prowess, the education of its vast population, its modern infrastructure which is the envy of much of the world, and its continually evolving pattern of governance that has enabled all these developments—has of course all occurred under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).  相似文献   

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