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On the advent of the "International Human Rights Day" on Dec. 10, 2007, our staff reporter Interviewed Research Fellow Mo Jihong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on how the international human rights conventions are implemented in China.
Born in May 1965, Mo Jihong is a native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province. He is a research fellow at the Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social sciences and a tutor for Ph.D candidates in the International Human Rights Law. He also serves as an executive member of the Society for International Constitution Studies and vice-president of the Constitution Chapter of the China Society of Law. He was a visiting scholar at the Human Rights Institute of Norway, and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. His principal works include International Human Rights Convention and China (2005), Principles of Constitutional Sciences in Practice (2007) and In Defense of Legislation (2007). He was elected as one of the ten most outstanding young jurists in China.
The following is the full text of the interview:  相似文献   

ZHOU Wei,born in Qamdo in 1958,holds a doctorate in Tibetology,and writes and speaks Tibetan fluently.His tanned complexion stems from the annual field investigations of several months duration that he has made on the plateau.As the world witnesses the marked improvement in the local economy and people’s livelihood in the autonomous region in the 60 years since its peaceful liberation,Zhou Wei points to how well traditional Tibetan culture is being transmitted in a modern society.  相似文献   

正THIS year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Commonwealth of Dominica.China’s1.3 billion-strong population dwarfs Dominica’s less than 100,000 inhabitants.However,the two countries share a common understanding of equality and mutual benefit and have developed bilateral relations noticeably over the past 10 years,witnessed by achieve-  相似文献   

In its Medium- and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy, drawn up in 2007, China set itself a goal: increase the percentage of renewable energy in its energy consumption to 10 percent by the year 2010, and then 15 percent by 2020. Four percent of that would be in the form of power generatedfrom wind, solar, biomass and other renewable energy sources.  相似文献   

Human fights has always been a concept that evolves with the development of globalization. To clarify their relations, Human Rights made an interview with Xu Tiebing, an associate researcher on international studies with the Communication University of China. Xu has recently translated the French book Atlas de la Mondialisation into Chinese.  相似文献   

EVERY March, participants from all walks of life and political parties gather in Beijing to take part in China’s two most important political events of the year. At the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC), its highest legislative body  相似文献   

SINO-AFRICAN cooperation has a long history with many high points, but there is a wide gap between the Chinese and Western world views in terms of Sino-African relations. China Today interviewed He Wenping to explore this difficult territory from her perspective as director of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He Wenping obtained her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from the School of International Studies, Peking University.  相似文献   

CHINA has long had a close relationship with Africa, and in recent years economic and political ties have grown even stronger. Both the Chinese government and private enterprises have significant investments on the African continent. Last November a 20-member governmental delegation came to Beijing from the central-east African nation of Uganda, to talk to Chinese political and business leaders about fostering economic and cultural links between the two countries. Shortly after the delegation's visit, two China Today reporters met with the Ugandan Ambassador, Mr. Charles Madibo Wagidoso, to discuss what was achieved, the ambassador's impressions of China and the upcoming Beijing Olympics.  相似文献   

Setting up the China-Africa Development Fund (CAD Fund), the aim of which is to support Chinese enterprises’ investment in Africa and exploration of the African market, was among the eight measures to advance practical China-Africa cooperation that President Hu Jintao raised in November 2006 at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).  相似文献   

CHINESE higher education is changing fast. The sector is rapidly expanding. A decade ago roughly one million college students graduated per year. This year there were almost seven million graduates, according to a recent statement from the State Council. The quality of teaching and research at universities has improved significantly since the turn of the millennium. A massive increase in university funding is largely to thank for this. Project 211, initiated at the end of the 199os, saw loo leading universities receive a total of RMB 36.8 billion to build physical plant. Project 985, launched soon after, sought to create world-class universities out of 39 institutions. Peking University alone received US $36o million under the project. The nine leading universities from these 39 institutions sub- sequently received extra cash injections with the formation of the C9 League, China's answer to America's Ivy League.  相似文献   

AS the world enters a new year,its largest developed nation and developing nation approach the 40th anniversary of the start of normalization process of diplomatic relations. Defined by dramatic twists and turns,the China-U.S. relationship has bounced back and forth from such optimistic events as the tentative contact during the Ping Pong Diplomacy of 1971,President Nixon’s visit in 1972,  相似文献   

BEFORE leaving for Africa,we held an interview with Emmanuel MBA ALLO,Gabonese Ambassador to China,to talk about Sino-Africa and Sino-Gabon cooperation.  相似文献   

王祥 《公安学刊》2007,(4):41-45
毒品问题是国际性问题,但世界各国的禁毒立法不尽相同。通过对中美两国禁毒立法的比较,发现中美两国在禁毒立法上既有相似之处,也有差异点,各具特色。借鉴美国的禁毒立法经验,无疑有助于进一步完善我国的禁毒立法。  相似文献   

苏联模式与新中国的社会主义建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于历史的原因,新中国成立之初照搬了苏联社会主义建设模式。这一模式对中国的社会主义建设曾经发挥过积极作用,但随着中国经济的发展,它所产生的负面影响日益显现。毛泽东试图突破苏联模式,探索中国式工业化道路,但未获成功。邓小平依据马克思主义基本原理,从解决“什么是社会主义”、“如何建设社会主义”入手,创立了有中国特色社会主义理论,中国最终彻底突破了苏联模式的禁锢,取得了改革开放的巨大成就。  相似文献   

●没有对人的尊重,就没有诚信可言。●在法治社会,政府应该是服从于法律的。●中国文化的实用性影响了中国人的创造力和探索精神。夏日来临,这是一年之中生命最活跃的季节,也是人们最易对生命发出感悟和怀想的季节。生命的活跃体现了人们拥抱生活的激情,而对于生命的思考则将这种激情凝固为一种情结。近日来沪演讲的中国社会科学院哲学研究所周国平研究员面对沪上的人文气象和时下的商业氛围,抒发了对于人文精神的思考,并对知识分子应该具有的责任提出了自己的解释。在周国平研究员的题为《人文精神的哲学思考》的演讲结束后,记者就学界关心…  相似文献   

中美少年审判制度差异比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在青少年犯罪日益泛滥的当今世界,中美两国同样都建立了自己的少年审判制度。作为不同法系的两个国家,在对于青少年犯的审判制度上当然存在相当程度的差别。为相互借鉴,共同防范青少年犯罪,对两国的少年审判制度进行差异比较是有积极意义的。指导思想的差异在美国,第一个青少年法院是在芝加哥设立的。1899年5月和7月,伊利诺斯州议会分别通过了《安置生活不能自理、被遗弃和违法儿童条例》和《少年法庭法》。同年,考克县青少年法院在芝加哥成立。它和这之前其它州所颁布的一些关于青少年审判工作的法案一起标志着美国少年审判制度的初…  相似文献   

刘静  陈巍 《前沿》2011,(4):110-113
20世纪中后期美国调解制度经历了迅速发展,目前已经广泛存在于社会生活的各个领域。美国从事调解活动的组织机构大致分为五种类型。关于调解的正当性存在两种论证方式,当今社会利益发掘型调解越来越引起重视。美国调解制度的诸多特点,对于中国当下的调解制度走向具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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