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Rush to Become Civil ServantsLast year, 8,662 vacancies in 97 government ministries and departments were announced to the public. The announcements drew almost one million applicants, double the number for 2004. Experts ascribe the increasing interest in civil servant positions to job stability, respected social status and comprehensive welfare benefits - attributes that are either non-existent or on the wane in the private sector.Chinese Visit Cinema Once Every Five Years Though Chinese …  相似文献   

Prospective CollegeGraduates’MostDesirable Companiesand Industries  相似文献   

According to statistics released by Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, the deposited savings of Beijing residents exceeded RMB 1.2 trillion in 2008, averaging RMB 71,000 per capita. The figure in 1978 was RMB 930 million, averaging RMB 106.7 per capita. In terms of people's incomes, the per-capita disposable income leapt from RMB 365 in 1978 to RMB 24,725 in 2008,  相似文献   

China's Birth Control Policy"If China had no birth-control policy, the population would be bigger by 300 million, and there would be half the number of current college students," stated Professor Wu Cangping of the People's University at the 2003 China Social Sciences Forum.She added that by successfully inhibiting population growth by 300 million during the past 30 years  相似文献   

A Deluge of Junk E-Mail,Total Chinese Bank Assets Exceed RMB 52 Trillion,Google Gefs Involved with China s Free Music Download Market,Peking University Professor Appointed World Bank VP  相似文献   

China Suspends Imports of Certain U.S. Frozen Meat Products,Shortfall in the Supply of Housing Loans Predicted for 2008,China Has 15 Million Teenage Smokers,China Becomes Main Target of Anti-dumping Probes.  相似文献   

Traveling in a Virtual Forbidden City,NBA Plans to Build Arenas in China,Exports Make Negative Contribution to GDP Growth in 2008,University Enrolment Expansion Slows  相似文献   

Voice Surveys show that 90 percent of county-level hospitals are operating in the red;that is what the 14th Forum for Hospital Chiefs concluded,according to Cao Ronggui,chair of the Chinese Hospital Association.Cao blames insufficient government input for the financial bind of county hospitals,which he worries will result in excessive prescribing of drugs as these institutions try desper- ately to cover their deficits.Pharmaceutical  相似文献   

Voices We believe India and China are two countries that can and should rise in the region simultaneously. The ascent of both countries is not confrontational,nor adversarial;  相似文献   

Voices The fact that core technologies are controlled by other countries is the crux of the problem why China’s industrial sector is big but not strong. To reverse this situation, science and technology has to be brought into full play,said Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei in an interview with People’s Daily. He spoke about the progress China has made in recent years, including setting up 127 national engineering research centers,729 state-level enterprise  相似文献   

Central Budget Detailed on Website
The Ministry of Finance recently posted a breakdown of the nation's central budget for the year 2010 on its website. The state revenue is predicted at RMB 3 ~06 billion, a six percent rise over that of last year. Expenditures will reach RMB 4,666 billion, up 6.3 percent The deficit is to grow by RMB 100 bil- lion to RMB 850 billion. The central government plans a 8.8 percent increase in its spending on people's well-being,  相似文献   

Mainland-Taiwan Airfare to Drop
Li Jiaxiang, director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), said that airlines from both the mainland and Taiwan had decided to slash ticket prices for flights across the Straits by 10 to 15 percent. The announcement was made at the second Straits Forum, opened from June 20 to 25 in Xiamen, Fujian Province. According to the Air China website, the full price for a June flight between Beijing and Taipei is RMB 3,500.  相似文献   

Last November 45 Japanese war orphans were invited to China for a reunion with their Chinese foster families. The delegation, which included a dozen Japanese councilors and lawyers, received a warm welcome from Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who raised the war orphan issue in his April 2007 speech to the Japanese parliament, the first address by a Chinese leader there in 22 years.  相似文献   

Chinese Economic Standings
Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics show that for the first half of this year China's GDP grew by 11.1 percent over the same period in 2009, and the consumer price index was up 2.6 percent. The output of summer crops fell 0.3 percent, but still ranks the third largest in the PRC's history.  相似文献   

Student Academic Scores Source of Teacher AngstA week-long psychological examination of 200 teachers at the Shanghai Linzi Psychological Consultant Center revealed that 40 percent of participants had psychological problems, and 5 percent had obvious psychosomatic symptoms.  相似文献   

China’S Police Force Understaffed According to statistics provided by the Chinese Ministry of Public Secunty.the number of Chinese police has increased neady 1 million from its 650,000figure of 1986.Owing to greater population flow and an increased crime rate.however,it is seriously undermanned.The ratio of Chinese police is currently  相似文献   

Voice Some food safety reports do make people shudder, admits Zhi Shuping,chief of General Administration for Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine,at a national meeting on product quality control.He singled out powdered milk,which ignited a wide public uproar after a number of tainting scandals in recent years,as one on the target list for tough state measures.The government will play hardball with producers of powdered milk for infants and  相似文献   

Voice For many years Yao Ming has put his charisma in the service of charity and public wellbeing projects.In May 2003 he called for the public to fight SARS,standing out as a model athlete advocating for public good.In following years, also acting as an individual,he backed Paralympics programs,  相似文献   


Gender Discrimination Dies Hard A study by All-China Women's Federation on female college graduates concludes gender discrimination is worsening in the labor market. As many as 91.9 of recent female graduates it  相似文献   

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