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Fengtai Reborn     
FENGTAI County in north-western Anhui Province is named after the phoenix. In ancient times, it was said that it had the power to attract the legendary bird. It was also the site of the Battle of Feishui, a famous battle in Chinese military history.  相似文献   

Peony Reborn     
Celebrated Chinese composer Tan Dun brings a Kunqu opera classic The Peony Pavilion to New York audiences with a modern retelling In a quiet garden in the middle of New York City,the sound of trickling water fills the air and the resounding call of a gong transports a small audience hundreds of years back in time to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).A zither and bamboo flute call  相似文献   

Rock Reborn     
In China, the Dazu Rock Carvings enjoy the same fame as the Dunhuang Grottoes, with 50,000 statues dating all the way back to the ninth century.  相似文献   

A School Reborn     
Principal Li Bangjian has every reason to take pride in the well-equipped new campus of Tuqiao Primary School in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

China's animated film industry got its start at about the same time as those of Europe and the United States. The first Chinese cartoon debuted in 1900, and the first animated feature film was released in 1926. However, the industry fell behind in subsequent decades as war and instability gripped China, and Chinese animators watched helplessly as they were overtaken by rivals in the West and closer to home.  相似文献   

The Chang’e-4 lunar probe’s landing on the far side of Moon was a good start to China’s performance in aerospace in early2019,while the liftoff of the third Long March-5,also known as Long March-5 Y3,saw a remarkable ending.The flawless liftoff overcame the most difficult problem in the country’s carrier rocket history.  相似文献   

A Company Reborn     
HE 30 years from 1978 to 2008 have witnessed China's rise in the world economy amid industrial restructuring and the rise and fall of various enterprises, both state-owned and private. Some state-owned enterprises have been merged, while others have grown stronger and bigger through effective restructuring and reform. Freet Petroleum Equipment Company Limited is among the latter.  相似文献   

Rural villagers hit hard by the 2008 earthquake start to live a better life The devastating 2008 Sichuan Province earthquake froze life for Luo Village’s 49-year-old Wang  相似文献   

A Port Is Reborn     
On September 5, 400 ,000 tons of ore transported from overseas were directly sent to a storage yard for blending after being offloaded at Dalian Port in northeast China’s Liaoning Province."Last year, the Dalian Area of China (Liaoning ) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ ) launched an innovative regulatory system for bondedore blending , streamlining customs procedures and making trans shipment more efficient. This has not only benefited enterprises, but also created a model that can be applied throughout the country,” Shi Chengmin , Vice General Manager of Dalian Port Bulk and General Cargo Terminals Co. of the Liaoning Port Group, said.  相似文献   

<正>A national plan guiding the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is currently in the works and is expected to be released soon.The One Belt and One Road initiatives,which have attracted worldwide participation,represent some of the leading programs of their kind with respect to the ongoing process of economic globalization.  相似文献   

A Town Is Reborn     
<正>A year after being buried by a deadly mudslide, Zhugqu has risen again On August 6, a microblogger using the name Kayne posted, It will be the first anniversary  相似文献   

1979年,《中外合资经营企业法》在对外开放的焦虑中诞生了。它和《外资企业法》、《中外合作经营企业法》等外资企业法律共同引领了我国外资企业三十年的飞速发展。当下的外资企业立法面临着诸多困境,亟待实现三大转变,即:规制重心需由组织转变为行为;规制重点需由"绿地投资"变替为外资并购;外资企业立法应摆脱"双轨制",与《公司法》实现并轨,并另行制定《外国投资法》规制外商投资行为。唯有如此,才能在外资企业立法三十周年之际,实现我国外资企业立法的重生。  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, the biggest earthquake in China in 60 years,measuring 8.0 on the Richter Scale, hit the more than 100,000-square-km area that has Yingxiu Town in Wenchuan County,  相似文献   

从汶川大地震报道看中国传媒的国际公信力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川大地震报道.极大地提升了中国传媒的国际公信力.传媒界应该以此为契机,主动消除以往与外国媒体之间的"刻板印象".在此基础上,重视突发事件的报道,坚持独立自主的报道立场,构建完善的传播体系.把握好文化的"再嵌入"和"脱域"的平衡,从而提升中国传媒的形象和国际公信力.  相似文献   

面对汶川大地震.中国政府迅速启动应急顸案,通过成功的危机管理,把损失降到了最低.从此次危机管理可见,我国危机管理体系建设得到了大力推进,但仍有不少亟待完善和健全的地方.我们要认真总结此次危机管理过程的经验教训,进一步改进和完善我国政府的危机管理体系.  相似文献   

人,之所以为人,我认为当有大爱,当有大格局和大境界. 无独有偶.2009年第81届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,颁给了日本的电影<入殓师>.初听名字,想象中的电影或是恐怖或者令人费解.事实上这是一部从头到尾都充满了无限温情的电影.影片透过一个失业后初入入殓师职业的年轻人小林的视角,为我们讲述了一个个逝者的故事,展现了人生的无常及死亡的种种无奈. 其实,表现死亡只是影片的一个表象,透过表象,传达给我们的恰恰是对生命的更深沉、响亮地质问:人究竟应该怎样地活?在小林直面一次次死亡的过程中,也为我们层层剥开了人生的内核,回答了诸如生命的意义、生活的价值和人生的真谛等种种疑问:即活着时该怎样地对父母、对爱人、对儿女、对亲人、对朋友、对事业、对家庭、对社会……怎样做才能使人们在告别世界之际没有遗憾,无论是生者抑或逝者?人们心灵在不断受到震撼的同时,也感受着亲情、孝道、家庭、责任等等词语背后所透出的别样感动和力量,让人们从单纯的悲伤中跳脱出来,去沉思个人对于生命的态度和思考.  相似文献   

XIA LI 《人权》2008,(4):8-12
Confronted with the sudden devastating quakes that rocked Sichuan and half China on May 12, the Chinese government and the Chinese people transformed the sorrow and grievances into enormous force and stood up from the debris undaunted.  相似文献   

5.12汶川特大地震发生后,我国社会工作机构和工作者第一次大规模介入抗震救灾和灾后重建,在提升灾区自我发展、探索社会工作嵌入灾区发展的模式、推动社会工作机构的健康发展等方面取得了一些成绩。但是,灾区社会工作在合法性、保障性、长期性、规范性、有效性、发展性等方面都还存在问题,因此,应通过加强灾区社会工作的制度化建设,加大灾区社会工作的经费投入,促进灾区社会工作本土化。  相似文献   

法学界应通过对汶川地震涉及的主要法律问题的追问,围绕国家紧急权力来构建和完善非常法治和非常法学.一是国家紧急权力及其宪法地位.我国宪法对国家紧急权力的规定应由间接保障主义发展为直接保障主义.二是<突发事件应对法>、<紧急状态法>、<戒严法>的逻辑关系.在汶川地震这样的自然灾害面前,<突发事件应对法>确实无能为力,因为处置汶川地震所要采取的措施远远超出了<突发事件应对法>的规定.这种情况下,应由国务院宣布四川省范围內部分地区进入紧急状态.同时,<突发事件应对法>的制定和颁布不应该影响<紧急状态法>的立法进度.三是认真对待非常法治和非常法学.在成文法国家,处置汶川地震这样的巨大灾难,关键在于正常状态时的积累和准备,包括法律准备和法学准备.其中,应在现有国家安全生产监督管理总局的基础上,整合国务院应急管理办公室等相应国家机构和研究力量,组建紧急情况部,成立中国应急管理大学.  相似文献   

在四川汶川大地震一周年之际,我们回顾在这场大灾难中中国人所表现的"大爱无言,大德无痕,大责无疆"的高尚精神.其实是在新时代以新理念弘扬了孔子的"仁者爱人"的精神.仁爱,既是儒家的核心思想和首要价值,也是中华民族的民族精神和基本价值观.同时,以仁为人的最高道德原则和人生价值理想,构成了生生不息的仁学.这是我们每个人安身立命之所在,亦是人之所贵,此乃汶川大地震留给我们的精神遗产.  相似文献   

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