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Located at the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is one of the key coastal cities in China. Covering an area of 10,654 square kilometers, the city has a population of eight million.  相似文献   

美丽的青岛欢迎您,800万热情好客的市民欢迎您! 青岛位于山东半岛南端,是中国重要的沿海开放城市、国家历史文化名城和旅游、度假胜地。城市总面积10654多平方公里,辖七区五市,有800多万人常年在这里工作、生活。  相似文献   

Located at the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is one of the key coastal cities in China. Covering an area of 10,654 square kilometers, its resident population has reached eight million.  相似文献   

Qingdao is a quaint seaside city on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula. Covering an area of 10,654 sq kin, it has jurisdiction over seven districts and five county-level cities, totaling a population of 8.5 million.  相似文献   

Qingdao is a quaint seaside city on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula.Covering an area of 10,654 sq km,it has jurisdiction over seven districts and five county-level cities,totaling a population of 8.5 million.  相似文献   

Qingdao is a quaint seaside city on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula. Covering an area of 10,654 sq km, it has jurisdiction over seven districts and fi ve county-level cities, totaling a population of 8.5 million.  相似文献   

Qingdao is a quaint seaside city on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula. Covering an area of 10,654 sq km, it has jurisdiction over seven districts and five county-level cities, totaling  相似文献   

Literally millions of stars filled the clear sky, yet no hu man light broke the darkness of the ground. Train 89 from Beijing had entered Inner Mongolia, the vast Au tonomous Region occupying much of northern China. I could not sleep. I was transfixed with this natural wonder until the darkness gradually gave way to the soft glow of early morning. A few trees grew alongside the clear waters of nameless shallow streams that irrigated small plots of grain or potatoes. Most of the land however was empty - a mixture of scanty grasslands and semi-desert stretching towards distant jagged mountains. This was "Big Sky Country". Occasionally small settlements built with earth-bricks appeared. Smoke drifted up from houses inside walled compounds. Piles of straw and winter cabbages stood outside. Wooden fences penned a few cattle and horses in. Goats were tethered on long ropes. Dogs were disturbed by the train.  相似文献   

Qingdao,a beautiful seaside city in Shandong Province,boasts a mild climate,the vertiginous Laoshan Mountain,magni cent coastlines and many sandy bays.Home to European-style buildings from its colonial past,the city has been called"a classic of world architecture."  相似文献   

文化产业又名“内容产业”或“创造性产业”。文化和文化产业迄今都没有统一定义。联合国教科文组织认为:文化产业是关于文化内容的创造、生产和商业化的产业,包括文化商品和文化服务。文化产业的特殊性在于它的双重属性,其一是经济属性,知识和劳动密集,创造财富和就业;其二是文化属性,传递价值观、思想和民族属性,促进和维持文化多样性。 文化产业自古就有之,但21世纪的文化产业,代表了世界经济现代化的一种新潮流,并将改变世界经济格局和人类生活方式。事实上,世界每一个民族都有自  相似文献   

城市化--妇女发展的又一机遇与挑战   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
21世纪上半叶,中国即将经历城市化加速的过程,城市文明为妇女发展提供了崭新起点:经济参与机会和参与方式以及接受教育的机会和组织资源都会大幅增加;大工业产业、都市服务业以及新经济领域、文化产业、社区建设等,为女性提供了新的活动舞台.但妇女也将面对严重的挑战:利益流注的男性优先和女性滞后,使非农化在造成阶层分化的同时也将带来新的性别分化;面临城市功能重新定位和结构调整,女性有被边缘化的可能;而在城市化过程中仍然留在农村的那一部分妇女,面对农业的新一轮结构性调整,她们的命运同样有许多不确定因素,需要妇女和妇女组织做出积极的回应.  相似文献   

YOU must frown at seeingsuch an incongruous title.At a time when globaliza-tion and stock marketfluctuations threaten the "bud"of the new economy, the goldenanniversary of a start-up soundsnonsensical. In terms of theextraordinary course of ChinaToday's 5…  相似文献   

The coronavirus crisis should make us appreciate our common humanity The novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)is now a truly global crisis,which has spread from public health to the economy and governance.With more than 460,000infections reported globally as of March 26 and the fatalities rising its impact in Europe has been particularly hard.Italy,Spain and Germany have been profoundly affected.  相似文献   

The prospect of better wages in skilled blue-collar jobs is drawing college graduates Two groups with very different demands exist simultaneously in China’s job market:college graduates vying for whitecollar jobs and employers scrounging for skilled blue-collar workers.A saturation of college graduates has resulted in declining starting salary of many white-collar jobs,whilst a shortage of skilled laborers has prompted blue-collar salaries to rise.Li Qiang,a 34-year-old college-educated professional,recently decided to become a skilled blue-collar worker.On July 30,he enrolled at the Laiwu Polytechnic Institute in Laiwu City,  相似文献   

施书芳 《中国发展》2008,8(2):57-61
黄金是稳健、保值的理财产品。由于国家对黄金的严格管制,中国黄金投资市场与国内其他金融投资市场相比,发展起步晚、市场容量小、产品过于初级与单一。随着中国金融领域逐步与国际接轨,黄金投资市场改革发展步伐将明显加快,这为商业银行的业务发展提供了良好的契机,民间浓厚的黄金情节将使中国的黄金市场更加繁荣,可以预见,商业银行涉足黄金投资业务具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

AFEW years ago, being a sports translator meant starving to death," jokes Song Dongsheng, who has worked mainly as a team interpreter and trainer since graduating from Shanghai International Studies University in 1982. Over the years, many of Song's colleagues switched to more lucrative fields like machinery, chemicals, energy and automobiles. But recent times have seen a sudden explosion in international sporting events in China, with demand for sports translators rising accordingly. In the lead up to the Beijing Olympics, it is becoming increasingly difficult to even find a sports translator, no matter how high the salary on offer.  相似文献   

AS China's second largest in terms of international trade, Qingdao Port has achieved growth against a backdrop of shrinking global markets. By the end of June, it had already handled over 157.57 million tons of freight and 5.09 million standard containers, an increase of five percent and two percent respectively over the previous year.  相似文献   

"文化经济":历史嬗变与民族复兴的契机   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
谢名家 《思想战线》2006,32(1):31-38
“文化经济”是一个新的时代命题和战略构想。文化与经济相互作用的运动,在现代社会以前是以潜在的朴素的形态存在着。文化经济一体化从产生到发展经历了人类社会物质基础、政治环境、价值理念不断演化、变迁的历史过程。“文化经济”展现了中华民族实现伟大复兴的最佳契机和发展路径,文化经济的核心是追求人与自然、社会、经济、文化的和谐统一,目标是促进社会形态的发展和实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   

一、白银面临的困难问题迫切要求发展循环经济 甘肃省白银市是依托铜资源而发展起来的资源型城市,素有"中国铜城"之称.但是,近年来随着原有优势资源的锐减,有色金属工业和相关产业发展受到严重影响,加快循环经济发展已成为当务之急.  相似文献   

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