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As a critique of neoliberalism, this article considers Marcuse’s formulations on “paralysis of criticism” presented in his seminal text One-Dimensional Man. This is not a pessimistic perspective. Rather, the author promotes a social diagnosis on political struggles, considering the new challenges of advanced industrial societies to radical subjective experiences of emancipation. The article centers upon, it is important to note, a frequent question in Marcuse’s inquiries: How do we think critically in counterrevolutionary times? This is a question that mobilizes dialectics to revolutionary trends as it expresses an effort to re-think traditional categories of Critical Theory in their “obsolescence.” In a world of “no alternatives,” obsolescent categories are symptom of its diseases. Such obsolescence contrasts immediate relations of status quo with “radical” mediations of social forces. It mobilizes criticism in “catalytic” processes to emancipate “centrifugal social forces” from below, a qualitative leap to social changes able to face counterrevolutionary times.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):33-59

The concept of emancipation has an increasingly ambivalent status in postcolonial criticism. Under the influence of poststructuralism, the idea that the subaltern subject might overcome colonial relations of cultural domination through acts of self-representation has been thrown into disrepute. If there is to be emancipation, according to this view, it will not come through the recovery of an authentic speaking subject, but through strategies of ‘strategic essentialism’. Here it is argued that this postructuralist approach leaves the subaltern in a politically pre carious position and should be exchanged for the kind of hermeneutic approach that makes possible a genuine politics of recognition.  相似文献   

A key task of governments is to construct and manage systems of consultation whereby the vast array of interest groups seeking to influence public policy can be accommodated. Conventional wisdom holds that key insider groups secure for themselves special privileges, not least of which is an ability to prevent radical policy change. A concomitant view is that public policy emerges from relatively stable networks of actors who have some mutual resource dependencies. One reason why this paradigm is showing signs of intellectual fatigue is that it seems weak in explaining policy change. Yet, policy change does take place. Indeed, it is one of the characteristics of the 1980s and 1990s. This article examines an example of the traditional modalities of consultation failing to accommodate new interests, knowledge and ideas. This breakdown appears to have occurred by the use of alternative policy 'arenas without rules' by outsider groups, leading to a radical new 'framing' of transport policy. Moreover, government has failed to constrain the new policy issues in predictable and stable systems of consultation.  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想,反映了我国最广大人民的共同意愿,体现了当今世界和中国发展的时代精神、实践精神和创新精神开拓了马克思主义发展的新境界,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果。  相似文献   

批判实在论与马克思主义哲学的主要区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
批判实在论的一个重要发展方向就是自觉地与马克思主义密切联系起来,并认为自己在很多方面是对马克思主义的丰富和发展.事实上二者有很多本质区别,这些主要区别可以从本体论、认识论、辩证法和价值论四个领域分别加以澄清.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of Amnesty International's relationship with the British Government. It demonstrates that Amnesty has a close working relationship with the Foreign Office over human rights violations abroad but is excluded from policy formation with regard to human rights in Britain. The differential treatment accorded to this legitimate group within different policy networks is discussed with regard to pluralist and state autonomy theories. It concludes that present accounts of pluralism cannot be empirically differentiated from reasonable theories of state autonomy.  相似文献   

罗伯特·布伦纳(Robert Brenner)系当代美国“经济马克思主义”学者.受法国结构主义马克思主义阿尔都塞的影响,并在英国马克思主义历史学派的直接启发下,他致力于在二战后的英美世界继续从事历史唯物主义当代重建这一传统西方马克思主义重要使命.基于此,他提出了著名的“社会财产关系理论”,引发了著名的关于社会形态过渡(主要是从封建社会向资本主义社会过渡)的“布伦纳之争”,并由此重新开启了探讨历史唯物主义的经济学维度,按照他自己或者英美世界通行的说法,就是探索马克思主义社会与历史理论的经济学视角.  相似文献   

生态马克思主义从许多方面发展了马克思主义理论:生态马克思主义是当代马克思主义的新发展,在生产力与生产关系方面的论述发展了马克思主义理论,纠正了传统社会主义与市场经济不相容的错误看法,等等。生态马克思主义把生态理论与马克思主义理论相结合,对以往绿色环保理论实现了超越。生态马克思主义对于今天我们建设中国特色社会主义生态文明具有重要启示。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学新形态:邓小平发展哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乔秀民 《理论探索》2006,3(1):14-16
邓小平的伟大贡献之一,就是在把马克思主义哲学同中国社会主义现代化实践相结合的过程中,坚持了马克思主义世界观的根本要求,创立了邓小平的发展哲学。它不仅从研究对象、研究方法和内容上突破了传统哲学教科书的抽象形态,而且在其作用上也实现了马克思主义哲学指导现实实践的功能。因而,寻求马克思主义哲学在当代中国发展的新形态,不能离开邓小平的发展哲学。  相似文献   

文化生产力的产生不仅有其深刻的社会根源和时代背景,也有其深厚的马克思主义哲学基础.它是马克思唯物史观关于"生产力理论"、"精神生产"和"人的全面自由发展"等思想发展的逻辑必然.深入探讨文化生产力问题不仅在实践层面有助于当前我国解放和发展文化生产力,繁荣中国特色社会主义文化,而且从理论上有助于丰富和发展马克思主义,特别是马克思主义唯物史观.  相似文献   

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