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印度的海洋战略及印美在印度洋的合作与矛盾   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑励 《南亚研究季刊》2005,2(1):113-120
作为主要的印度洋国家,印度长期以来寻求一项确保自身安全和经济利益的大国海洋战略,它体现了印度立足南亚、面向印度洋、争做世界大国的战略图谋。冷战结束以来,特别是随着印度综合国力的发展以及追寻其“大国梦”的步骤加快,印度对印度洋的安全需求持续增大,将确保海洋战略利益、特别是保证印度洋海上石油通道的安全视为保护其基本国家战略利益的头等大事。鉴于印度洋对印度和美国的重要战略意义,印度在实施其海洋战略过程中既会与美国保持合作,同时也可能引发相互间的利益冲突。  相似文献   

It is sometimes claimed that India has ambitions to become the leading power in the Indian Ocean. This article examines the different streams of Indian strategic thinking about the Indian Ocean and how they will likely contribute to future Indian strategic behavior. It argues that although many among its elite aspire for India to eventually become the leading power in the Indian Ocean, there is little conceptualization as to what India needs to do to achieve this. For several reasons, including an attachment to ideas of non-alignment and strategic autonomy, Indian strategic behavior in the Indian Ocean will likely continue to be relatively reactive and constrained.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean is increasingly becoming the point of focus in assessing Asia's future security challenges. As both India and China are building up their naval presence in the Indian Ocean and as China's stakes in the region (protecting its maritime trade) interact with India's aspirations (being the regional dominant power and security provider), tensions are likely to rise. The United States has an established role in the Indian Ocean, and its approach to the contestation between Indian and Chinese interests may play a key role in limiting frictions. These developments have led many analysts to foresee the emergence of a balance of power system in the Indian Ocean region and East Asia which would be comparable to that of nineteenth-century Europe. In presenting the interplay between the three major stakeholders in the Indian Ocean, this paper aims to outline the implications of a balance of power system in the Indian Ocean region and demonstrate that it may not guarantee peace and stability, but, with regard to Organski's ‘power transition’ theory, could lead to quite the contrary.  相似文献   

印度海洋战略析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张威 《东南亚》2009,(4):16-20
作为印度洋地区的重要国家,印度积极推行以称雄印度洋为核心目标的海洋战略,争当海权强国。经过20多年的发展与完善,印度已经形成一套完备的海洋战略思想体系,其体系建构之宏大,远洋海军发展信心之坚定日益引起亚太地区国家的广泛关注。尤其是近年来,印度大举扩充海军军备,意图打造一支攻守兼备的庞大远洋海军,更令周边国家感到不安。如何看待印度海洋战略的内涵和利益指向是包括中国在内的国家应当审慎思量和切实应对的重要问题。  相似文献   

近年来,印度因中印边界争端和中国快速崛起而对中国的恐惧感不断上升。为反制中国战略“威胁”,印度利用南海争端日趋复杂化之机,将南海作为遏阻中国扩大战略影响、牵制中国战略布局的新战略支点,通过加强与南海争端国和域外大国关系,强化自身在南海的实际存在等方式介入南海,使中国的周边地缘政治环境变得更加复杂,增加了中国维护南海权益的难度,对中国在东南亚和印度洋的战略利益形成了挑战。  相似文献   

张杰 《东南亚》2009,(3):1-7
马六甲海峡是连接印度洋和太平洋的交通要道,航运繁忙,战略意义十分重要。冷战结束后至今,印度尼西亚和马来西亚在马六甲海峡安全合作上的模式选择发生了显著的变化。“海盗”和海上恐怖主义威胁并未给两国造成严重的影响,但对其进行打击、防范的成本却过高,因此两国选择了消极合作模式加以应对。美国介入马六甲海峡事务的企图最终促成了印度尼西亚和马来西亚的合作。  相似文献   

“珍珠链战略”:印度的认知与应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘庆 《南亚研究季刊》2010,(2):21-27,93
“珍珠链战略”是一个由美国人发明的不规范的战略概念。这一术语传播到印度后,迅速引起了印度战略和防务界的极大关注,并成为印度政府制定印度洋安全政策的重要内容。由于这一概念主要针对中国且充满了错误认知,我们理应对此保持密切关注。  相似文献   

Because of its unique geopolitical importance,China's aid to construct Gwadar Port has caused much concern in the U.S. and other countries. The U.S. sees it as strategic expansion in the Indian Ocean and claims that China is intent on using Gwadar Port as a naval base in its "string of pearls strategy." The U.S. and China maintain conflicting interests on this issue. Although Sino-U.S.relations may not be affected greatly in the near future, the negative influence in the long term cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

印度海洋安全战略的制定与调整深受外部安全环境影响,后者既有延续性也有变动性。近年来,印度海洋安全环境变动加速,主要涉及四方面:首先是印度洋战略地位持续提升;其次是传统安全与非传统安全交织,大国角逐等传统安全问题回归;再次是非安全问题的战略重要性凸显;最后是地区治理结构破碎,多个海洋合作倡议呈竞争性发展,不确定性加大。这些环境变动促使印度对其海洋安全战略进行了较大调整,包括持续更新战略文件;积极确立新型海上安全观,主动回应新型特别是非传统海上安全挑战;进一步细化各子战略,全面回应新的海洋安全环境;积极推动海军国际交流合作,援引外力提升本国安全。  相似文献   

First proposed in 1964 by the Sri Lankan prime minister, the Indian Ocean Zone of Peace [IOZP] entailed eradication of foreign military bases from the Indian Ocean region as well its denuclearisation. During the Cold War, India was one of the most vehement supporters of IOZP. If some saw India’s interests in the IOZP as another manifestation of Nehruvian idealism, others viewed it as a part of its non-aligned foreign policy. This analysis argues otherwise. India’s record on IOZP reveals a policy of selective alignment with Great Powers and its adaptation to the principles of power politics in international relations. India’s support for the presence of one or the other Great Powers in the Indian Ocean region found premise on balancing those it considered hostile to its national security interests. In public, India supported the call for IOZP as dictated by its non-aligned foreign policy; privately, New Delhi remained highly sceptical and often worked to IZOP’s detriment. Under the cloak of IOZP, India not only pursued diplomatic alignment with Great Powers but also ensured that its own regional ambitions remain unchecked. In this picture, India’s role was not only supportive of the Cold War but to the extent it could use the opportunities provided by superpower rivalry in the region to further its own ends, even determinative of the process.  相似文献   

冷战时期,基于抗衡美国、控制印度洋的共同战略,苏印进行了有效的海军合作。在前苏联支持下,印度海军迅速壮大,前苏联也因此而加强了在印度洋的存在。冷战后,俄印在互利贸易的基础上建立了合作研发的新型海军合作关系,印度的远洋控制战略使其更加依赖俄罗斯的海军武器,双方合作的深度和广度大幅提升。俄印海军合作的目标中有一定针对中国的因素。近年来其合作面临着印度与美国等西方国家海军合作的压力,但俄罗斯对印度海军的影响将是长期的。  相似文献   

In stark contrast to the increasing geopolitical and geo-economic value of the Indian Ocean, the effects of regional governance mechanisms are less satisfactory than expected to address the intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats. The international community should, based on existing security mechanisms, work to build a kind of governance that is more open, inclusive, pragmatic and sustainable.  相似文献   


In a March 2015 speech delivered in Mauritius, India’s current Prime Minister Narendra Modi outlined what he described would be India’s vision for the Indian Ocean Region. Under the acronym, SAGAR or “Security and Growth for All in the Region,” five key points were elucidated. At the time, the speech was praised for articulating a proactive approach to the Indian Ocean and the various visits to, and agreements that followed with, littoral and island countries, appeared to confirm this. This paper seeks to assess the extent to which India has been able to deliver an agenda of security and growth for the maritime region. Despite the enthusiastic reception to SAGAR, the critique is often made that India is slow to deliver on the promises made as part of the country’s maritime and naval diplomacy. The paper highlights a selection of decisions and actions taken since 2015, which have contributed to maritime governance in the region and argues that there is a substantial change in the way SAGAR provides a framework for strategic action.  相似文献   

刘务 《东南亚》2011,(2):6-10
缅俄关系的发展是基于现实利益的相互需求,缅甸需要俄罗斯在安理会的支持,利用俄罗斯来实现其大国平衡政策和多边主义外交以及巩固新军人政权。而俄罗斯的南亚、东南亚和印度洋战略,乃至其实施能源战略都需要发展对缅关系。  相似文献   

美印在印度洋上的博弈对双边关系的制约与推动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美印关系在多个维度内取得长足发展的同时也存在许多不确定因素,这些因素如果处理得好则会进一步改善两国关系,处理不好不仅严重影响美印关系,甚至对地区稳定造成威胁,印度洋安全就是其中之一。美国和印度在印度洋上既有相同的利益又有不同的战略目标,这就必然导致它们要在印度洋上进行多种博弈,印度洋因此成为推动与制约美印关系的双因素。  相似文献   

This article examines the experiences and outcomes from collaboration between a group of researchers and a Northern NGO to improve recovery work in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. A Real-Time Research methodology was established to follow and intervene in the recovery practices as they took place on the ground. What was learned and achieved through this collaboration is assessed, with particular reference to the relationships between various stakeholders in the collaboration.  相似文献   

从印度洋海啸分析国际人道主义援助模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年底发生的印度洋海啸给人类带来了一场空前的灾难,随后的国际人道主义援助无论从规模上,还是从数量上都突破了历史记录。通过对这次国际援助的分析,我们看到国际人道主义援助模式还不可能摆脱国际权力政治,依然是一个援助国和受援国之间互相作用的复杂过程。要使国际援助更加符合人道主义的本意,国际社会还需要继续培养合作意识,加强国际协调组织的建立和作用。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,印度洋安全治理制度进入了一个新发展阶段,在此过程中,既创建了新的制度,也有一些旧的制度被改建或者重建。例如,在海盗问题治理领域,就形成了一系列"多层次、多主体"的新制度安排。尽管这些层次不同、范围各异的制度安排大多是非正式的,但新制度安排的出现在某种程度上反映了印度洋安全治理方式的演变。印度洋安全治理制度的发展变迁受到多重因素驱动,包括外部环境变迁、制度学习和不同制度间的竞争、重要的利益攸关国家对制度建设的重视与推动以及非国家行为体积极参与相关治理实践等。由于各种原因,目前制度发展依然面临诸多困境。未来,相关治理主体在制度发展与重构过程中应该继续发挥能动性,在参与治理实践过程中从观念层面和具体操作层面不断推动制度优化发展。  相似文献   

Yogesh Joshi 《India Review》2013,12(5):476-504

It took approximately two decades for the Indian Navy to acquire submarines even when the first naval plan prepared by the Naval Headquarters in New Delhi and informally submitted to the British Admiralty in September 1947 contained an active submarine component. Other littoral navies in the Indian Ocean went for submarines much earlier. Using Indian, British, and U.S. archives, this article argues that the delay in India’s submarine arm was largely a result of the vagaries of the Cold War. Both Britain and the United States wanted the Indian Navy to contribute to the Western effort for a collective defense against the communist threat, which was largely conceived to be submarine based. This resulted in a surface heavy force structure. However, as India’s threat perceptions changed in 1960s, its quest for submarines gained momentum. When negotiations with the Western powers did not result in anything concrete, Indian Navy turned to the Soviets for initiating its own submarine arm. This decision had long-term implications for the Indian Navy as its underwater fleet thereafter remain dependent upon Soviet assistance for the rest of the Cold War.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦政府大规模开发瓜达尔深水港有利于巴经济发展及国内局势稳定,牵动着国际战略博弈的大局。瓜达尔港可望成为地区枢纽港,激活巴地缘优势,全面促进巴经济发展。从长远来说,这些都可望促进俾路支省局势的积极发展,但在短期内也加剧了当地人对人口、就业、经济受益三方面的疑虑。从国际战略博弈来观察,瓜达尔具有重大价值。它有利于巴扩展战略纵深,可望促进中国西部与外界的交通,可望促成部分替代马六甲航线的油气通道。中关印等国高度关注瓜达尔的战略价值。瓜达尔开发前景广阔,但仍面临着地缘因素牵制、基础设施不足、安全局势不稳等不利因素。  相似文献   

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