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Regional cooperative development apart,the Pan-Pearl River Delta also aims at the international market.  相似文献   

Chen Kezhi:a prestigious oil painter and a household name in Chinese fine arts circles,is add- ing luster to the cultural prosperity of the country with his artistic efforts.The latest sensation is over his masterpieces of the Three Gorges area.Since 1996,he has devoted himself to the Three Gorges series.These paintings reproduce the original impression of the Three Gorges area that will never be seen again.The paintings deliver the mystic atmosphere of the orient and the majestic scenery of China.Chen recently sat down with Beijing Review reporter Huang Jun to share his views and experience on these masterpieces.  相似文献   

July, 2003: Guangdong provincial government first proposes the concept of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation.August 8-9, 2003: Joint meeting of directors of the planning commissions of the nine relevant inland provinces/ autonomous region held. Zhong Yangsheng, executive vice-governor of Guangdong, makes a speech. Attendees discuss basis ideas, development goals and measures for regional cooperation and reach  相似文献   

TheThreeGorgesoftheYangtzeRiverBystaffLIXIASIXTHOUSANDandthreebundledkilometerslong,theYangtzeRiverisChina'slongestandtheworl...  相似文献   

TheRiseoftheyellowRiverDelta¥(TryingtogivenewlifetoChina'soldestregions.)BystaffreporterZHANGXUEYINGTHEYELLOWRiver,oftencompa...  相似文献   

THE Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD) Regional Cooperation development strategy has received the central government and relevant State Council departments' immediate attention. As regional cooperation operates under a market system, the governmental role is service-oriented, while enterprises have more decision making power.  相似文献   

THE southeastern coastalcities in Guangdong Prov-ince around the PearlRiver Delta were amongthe forerunners of China'seconomic reform and prosperity. Thearea is now the country's most dynamiceconomic powerhouse. Since 2003, thePan-Pearl River Delta regional coopera-tion policies have propelled the emer-gence of a megalopolis (a cluster of me-tropolises) around the delta region. He-zhou in Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion, a member of the Pan-PearlRiver Delta Sphere, is a three-year-oldc…  相似文献   

浙江省嘉兴市位于上海、江苏、浙江三省市交界处,处干最具经济活力的长江三角洲和中国沿海经济带的中心位置。距上海、杭州和苏州均在百公里之内。  相似文献   

IF China has become the world's manufacturing center over the past 30 years,then the Pearl River Delta(PRD)in Guangdong Province is undoubtedly the nation's"factory."But despite decades of rapid development and dizzying economic growth,the area s labor-intensive industries are now facing growing cost pressures.How have the enterprises of the PRD reacted?  相似文献   

YANGJIANG inGuangdong Province can be summed up by the superlative "largest." The city is the largestfruit jelly producer in Southeast Asia, the largest knife producer and exporter, and the largest shark fin producer in China. It is also the hometown of kites and has recently emerged as a popular lourisl city.  相似文献   

“边境、热带、少数民族多元文化和原始生态”是西双版纳的四个分支形象,神奇的澜沧江、幽雅的竹楼、美丽的凤尾竹,穿着鲜艳筒裙的傣族姑娘,恰到好处地勾勒出景洪这个边陲小城的风姿。  相似文献   

Burgeoning private car ownership has broadened China's scope of holiday travel. Tours in cross-country vehicles are increasingly popular, and make exploring remoter regions an exciting and viable vacationing proposition.  相似文献   

In Foshan, culture and economy are parallel lines of development. Its traditional culture having evolved into a contemporary economic force, the two are indivisible. Foshan's goal is to accelerate its ongoing fusion of culture and economy, thereby promoting all-round social development.  相似文献   

IN an article entitled “China's Ancient Skyline” published on July 15, 2007 in The New York Times, American journalist Simon Winchester wrote about his tour of Zhangjiajie, describing scores of mighty towers climbing endlessly into the foggy sky, like some surreal and unexpected ruined city. “It is a sight utterly to astonish the unprepared, akin only perhaps to the moment when a Midwestern soybean farmer is flushed out of the Lincoln Tunnel into the canyons of Midtown Manhattan.” He added, “In terms of astonishment I found myself saying time and again, as I gaped from cliff-edge and bridge and viewing tower: This is as great as the Great Wall.”  相似文献   

Qixia District is located along the Yangtze River and is a Nanjing's district with the longest coastedline of the river and the richest deep wa-  相似文献   

如今中国人旅游、休闲生活的半径随着车辙延伸得愈发遥远。车轮承载着人们对大自然美景、对历史遗迹追怀凭吊的梦想,并将它变得真实可及。或许,这就是自驾车旅游越来越流行的原因。 浑善达克,蒙语为“狐驹”。是曾在13世纪叱咤风云的、人类历史上最著名的征服者成吉思汗西征经此沙地时,为其最心爱的坐骑起的名字。这里的古战场遗址以及历代英雄金戈铁马、壮烈激昂的传说,最能激发男人们的向往与崇敬。 浑善达克位于内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟南部,克什克腾旗  相似文献   

Xiamen is surrounded by ocean on three sides, and faces Taiwan straight across. Between the azure sky and aqua sea with its long beaches are mountain villas hidden by green trees. It's no wonder the city has been called the best residence in China.  相似文献   

AFTER successful experi-mentation in south China'sSEZs, the reform and open-ing policy was applied tocoastal cities, and then to centraland western China. Shenzhen andShanghai's Pudong constitute theeconomic backbone of theZhujiang and Yangtze RiverDeltas, and Binhai New Area isthe economic heart of Bohai Bay.The rapid development of BinhaiNew Area in recent years has stim-ulated economic growth in Tianjinand all of northern China.  相似文献   

WETLANDS are a vital link in the global ecosystem, the "kidneys of the earth" fil-tering water flows and pro-viding a fertile habitat for countless organisms. The Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in North China is a particularly rich "biological su-permarket" packed with 1,922 species of plants and animals.  相似文献   

"The Yellow River Delta is the last of the country's big river deltas awaiting the development that will ensure its rise, and its time has come," asserts Zhang Qiubo, secretary of the Dongying municipal committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Following the economic booms of the Yangtze and Pearl river deltas, China has now switched its attention to developing the area where its second largest river -the Yellow -enters the sea.  相似文献   

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