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In his letter to the symposium commemorating the 70~(th)anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward that "people's happy life is the greatest human right ".The academic implication of this important exposition is that it puts forward a major concept,the right to a happy life as a human right,in the field of hum an rights.The right to a happy life is the right that people pursue,enjoy and realize a happy life,which belongs to the general right,that is,the "bundle of rights".Teleological interpretation provides a strong defense for the right to a happy life.However,teleological interpretation may bring many risks,which may get the right to a happy life into many dilemmas,such as the loss of dignity due to the degradation of "human" as a tool,the loss ofjustice due to the damage to the human rights of a few individuals or groups,the possible violation of human rights due to the promotion of the expansion of government power,and the difficulty of universal recognition due to differences in the pursuit of happiness and the happiness itself.Therefore,we must adhere to the "people-centered" principle and justice to enhance the government's serious handling of human rights and reach an overlapping consensus in the pursuit of happiness,so as to restrict the teleological interpretation of the right to a happy life in a rational manner and promote the development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

The Chinese Dream is not only the dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,but also the dream of human rights of the Chinese people.To accurately understand the shared root and origin of the Chinese Dream and the protection of human rights in China,we must understand that the Chinese Dream provides new strategic guidance for the protection of human rights in China,and the protection of human rights in China is an important measure to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.To realize the Chinese Dream in the new era,Chinass human rights protection must always be people-centered,and adhere to the resolution of the main social contradictions in the new era.On the basis of raising the awareness of the whole Party and society to respect and protect human rights,we should remove obstacles and barriers to human rights protection and promote the building of a community with a shared future for human beings.At the same time,the protection of human rights in China in the new era must be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.We must adhere to the path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics,and study and solve various practical problems of human rights protection in China in the course of upholding integrity and innovation,so as to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for realizing the Chinese Dream and protecting human rights in China.We must unswervingly follow the CPC's lead and open up a new stage in the development of Chinas' human rights cause in the new era on the great journey to the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

The UN Charter first of all affirmed the basic concept of international protection of human rights and opened up a broad space for international protection of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an important document in the development of the international human rights cause. It established a set of international standards for basic human rights, represents the world's most important consensus on human rights, and contributes greatly to the creation of an international human rights legal system. The important theory put forward by President Xi Jinping to build a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings, as a Chinese program for today s global major issues, also outlines a new blueprint for national human rights protection and will play a major role in promoting the development of China's human rights and international human rights protection.  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China70 years ago,the human rights discourse of the Communist Party of China has been constantly updated.In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China,the CPC spontaneously formed a collective discourse on human rights with the right to subsistence and self-determination as its core;in the 1980 s,in the process of reflection and refutation,the CPC paid more attention to individual rights,and gradually increased the sense of a human rights discourse with Chinese characteristics;since the 1990s,the CPC has combined the specific national conditions and the international environment to form a human rights discourse.The system of human rights discourse has been constructed in terms of the order of priority of human rights protection,path of human rights development,relationship between human rights and sovereignty,and development of the world human rights cause.Since the 18~(th) National Congress of the CPC,the CPC has put forward the idea that "living a happy life is the primary human right" at home and the idea of building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings for the world,and the discourse system of human rights with Chinese characteristics has gradually been improved.The independent variable of the change of human rights discourse of the CPC is the specific national conditions at different stages and the recognition of national identity formed on this basis.The other variable is the international environment and external relations that China is facing.  相似文献   

Safeguarding world peace. Contributing to global development.Preserving international order. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, characterized China's international engagement with these catchphrases at a ceremony in Beijing on July 1 marking the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding. "The Party cares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in tandem with all progressive forces around the world," Xi, also Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, said. While it does not bear aggressive traits, the Chinese nation will never allow any foreign force to "bully, oppress, or subjugate" it, Xi added.  相似文献   

In the context of globalization, violent extremist forces pose a serious threat to the fundamental human rights of the people all over the world. Strengthening human rights protection requires reinforcing the momentum to crack down and prevent the violent acts of extremist forces. As one of the countries that is the victim of violence by extremists, China has taken a series of measures to tackle the challenges of violent extremism. As President Xi Jinping has pointed out, "the realization of the full enjoyment of human rights by human beings is the common goal of human society." While establishing a community of common destiny for all mankind, the international community should take action to effectively address the root causes of violent extremism, maintain a peaceful and secure development environment, and defend the basic human rights and well-being of all peoples, so as to ensure a safe and brighter future for all.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记发表了许多有关统一战线工作的重要论述,是我们做好统战工作的具体指南。结合统战工作实际,认真学习贯彻,以教促学,不断提高我们的教学科研水平,不断增强广大党外人士坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路的信念和信心。  相似文献   

LIU Ming  NIU Huizi 《人权》2021,(1):117-130
The right to peace means that all people have the right to resist aggression,and to safeguard and enjoy peace.As a collective right enjoyed by a country or people,the right to peace has not been clearly established as a legal right by international laws or international conventions.This situation is closely related to the Western countries' long-term control of the individualistic human rights discourse.With the deepening of globalization and the addition of the concept of a community with a shared future for human beings in UN resolutions,peace is the common goal of all countries,and the whole of human society,and the international community is raising an increasingly higher demand for the right to peace based on the rule of law.The right to peace based on the rule of law requires that the international community stipulate the right to peace via international laws and conventions and clarify its connotations,the subjects of the right and their obligations,as the implementing agencies and ways to realize the right.  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping has described China's democracy as a wholeprocess people's democracy.The very purpose of developing socialist democracy is to give full expression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, spark their creativity, and provide systemic and institutional guarantees to ensure the people run the country, according to him.  相似文献   

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化最新成果,为全党全国人民实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了行动指南。十八大尤其是十九大以来,毕节试验区深入学习贯彻落实习近平总书记对毕节试验区的重要指示精神,取得了一系列新成果,彰显了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的强大力量,对贫困地区的发展具有示范作用。  相似文献   

The controversy between Karl Marx's concept of human rights and the Western liberal concept of human rights has been a focus of the contest between Eastern and Western values for a long time.Based on historical materialism,Marxism exposes the incompleteness of the Western liberal concept of human rights in terms of human rights subjects,human rights objects and epistemology of human rights,and promotes gradual integration of norms of international human rights discourse,with international human rights instruments as a carrier,into pluralistic cultural perspectives.A review of such controversy and its influence on development of norms of international human rights discourse will be in the interest of China's objective response to Western export of human rights(democracy) discourse for the time being,and expanding space for discourse on human rights practice with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

习近平总书记在十九大报告中指出,要深化司法体制综合配套改革,全面落实司法责任制,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。案件质量是司法办案的生命线,是人民群众评价司法公正的重要标准。加强对保障案件质量的工作机制研究,确保办理的每一起案件都经得起时间和法律的检验、历史和人民的检验,是加强检察机关司法规范化建设、维护社会公平正义的客观需要,是推进司法责任制改革的必然要求,是科学谋划新时代检察工作发展思路的重要途径。  相似文献   

The discourse power over the right to development is the basis for value consensus and practical effect of the right to development. Over the three decades since the adoption of the United Nations' Declaration on the Right to Development, China has developed an innovative discourse system and practices on the right to development and contributed a series of original new concepts, new propositions and new ideas to the right, which may be generally summarized as ten major aspects: in terms of orientation, the right to development is a primary fundamental human right; in terms of the nature, the right to development is an essential requirement of socialism; in terms of strategy, the right to development is to be implemented through the strategy that "development is the primary task"; in terms of contents, we should realize the right to development integrating economy, politics, culture, society and ecological conservation; in terms of concept, we propose that people equally participate in the equal right to development; in terms of principle, we should stick to the people-centered orientation of the right to development; in terms of steps, we should enhance the right to development in the Chinese dream for the great revitalization of the Chinese Nation; in terms of focus, we should construct a fair social security system; in terms of method, we should promote the right to development by the idea and method of rule of law; in terms of ideas, we should guide the right to development by an innovative, coordinated, green, open and sharing outlook on development.  相似文献   

张谨 《长白学刊》2021,(2):25-31
作为一种话语,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在话语生成、话语维度、话语范式、话语性质上独具一格,它在大众文化中的转化有着充分的逻辑理据。这种转化可以从三个层面加以分析。一是话语主体的转化,即由单一性的话语主体转向多样性的话语主体,其实质是话语实践和社会实践的形成过程。二是话语内容的转化,把话语意义转化为形象化的话语符号;使新思想的文本话语通过文化艺术的象征性隐喻达到同构作用。三是话语表达方式的转化,该转化有着双重效用,能够把中华优秀传统文化的大众化与21世纪马克思主义文本话语的文化建构有机统一起来;大众文化话语表达方式的多样性决定了转化平台的多样化。三个不同层面的话语转化有利于维护21世纪马克思主义话语权的主导地位、推进其大众化的历史进程;有助于引领大众文化高质量发展、开辟其发展的新境界。  相似文献   

面对日益复杂严峻的台海局势,我们亟须以习近平总书记对台重要论述为指导,构建和创新“以我为主、对我有利、为我所用”的新时代两岸关系学术话语体系。必须思考如何打破西方的“话语垄断”和“话语霸权”,揭露台湾当局的“话语扭曲”和“话语抹黑”,体现新时代的“中国特色、中国风格、中国气派”。新时代两岸关系学术话语体系应该具有时代性、政策性、理论性、开放性、包容性等特点,进行包括追求国家统一正当性、遏制“台独”分裂必要性、延续和平发展重要性、深化融合发展必然性、反对外部干涉合理性等内容的话语构建。新时代两岸关系话语体系建设路径,至少包括两岸关系的理论体系、学科体系和传播体系三个子系统的建设。厦门大学师生的台湾研究成果为两岸关系学术话语体系建设作出了积极努力,本文以他们的部分研究成果为例加以阐述,以纪念厦门大学百年校庆。  相似文献   

The CPC Central Committee has put forward the thesis of integrating the leadership of the Party, the position of people as masters of the country, and the rule of law. This thesis is an important development of the Marxist legal ideology and the socialist theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. It is also a main line of the construction of a socialist rule of law country with Chinese characteristics and should be the general and basic principle of the construction of the theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the CPC should also endeavor to guarantee the realization of human rights, under the leadership of whom we advance the rule of law of "ensuring that the people are masters of the country" and "respecting and protecting human rights" in order to implement the modernization of the state governance system and capacity in which democracy, rule of law and human rights are the core elements of the country.  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review reporter LiNan,William Brown, Academic Director of the One MBA program at the School of Management, Xiamen University, shared his observations on President Xi Jinping's recent declaration that China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

正On April 22, when speaking at a virtual climate summit hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the international community to work together to foster a community of life for man and nature with "unprecedented ambition and action."  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2020,(12):I0001-I0006
新冠肺炎疫情是对中国人民生命安全和身体健康的一个重大威胁,也是对全球公共卫生安全的一次重大挑战。面对严峻考验,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心、众志成城,形成了抗击疫病的强大合力,书写了可歌可泣的英雄篇章,赢得了国际社会的钦佩与支持。  相似文献   

Human rights are of great concern to the international community, as they focus on the survival of all people and people's right to development. The right to life is a prerequisite for the right to development. For countries of the Global South, the right to life is fundamental to development. Thus the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by the Chinese government in 2013 presents opportunities for the human rights development of Global South countries. However, several factors such as the large poverty-stricken populations, economic backwardness, and the cultural difference present challenges to the promotion of human rights ideology and culture. South-South Countries should strive to address this challenge by eliminating poverty, and strengthening communication and cooperation with developed countries promoting inter-cultural exchanges, and finally promoting South-South human rights development cooperation.  相似文献   

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