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Victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) often are blamed for remaining in abusive relationships. As a result, victims may communicate messages rationalizing why they stay. Systematic, comparative examinations of these messages directed toward self and others by males versus females have not been conducted. This study addresses a gap in the literature by exploring victims’ communication regarding staying. Self-reports of 345 heterosexual IPV victims (N = 239 women, 106 men) demonstrated that more justifications were communicated internally to self than externally to others. Men and women differed significantly in only three of 14 messages, with men choosing more stereotypically masculine reasons for staying. Findings are discussed in terms of applications to victims and their stay-leave decision-making in IPV relationships.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed the question: Are African-Americans treated more harshly than similarly situated whites? This research employs meta-analysis to synthesize this body of research. One-hundred-sixteen statistically independent contrasts were coded from 71 published and unpublished studies. Coded study and contextual features are used to explain variation in research findings. Analyses indicate that African-Americans generally are sentenced more harshly than whites; the magnitude of this race effect is statistically significant but small and highly variable. Larger estimates of unwarranted disparity are found in contrasts that examine drug offenses, imprisonment or discretionary decisions, do not pool cases from several smaller jurisdictions, utilize imprecise measures, or omit key variables. Yet, even when consideration is confined to those contrasts employing key controls and precise measures of key variables, unwarranted racial disparities persists. Further, a substantial proportion of variability in study results is explained by study factors, particularly methodological factors.  相似文献   

The role of low self-esteem in aggressive behavior has been questioned by theorists who claim that inflated, rather than deflated, self-esteem is associated with violence, and that societal efforts to increase self-esteem may actually increase, rather than decrease, violent behavior. This conjecture was tested in two treatment samples of partner violent men, one (n = 61) that received a behavioral intervention, and one (n = 107) that received a workshop program designed to enhance compassion for self and others. Both samples reported significant reductions in relationship violence perpetration and significant increases in self-esteem from pre- to post-treatment. In both samples, change in self-esteem was inversely correlated with change in physical aggression. Follow-up data from victims were available for one of the samples, and revealed that self-esteem and its enhancement during treatment did not significantly predict relationship violence during the year after treatment. These results indicate that self-esteem enhancement during treatment for partner violent men is correlated with violence reduction, and does not increase the risk for subsequent relationship aggression.  相似文献   

《Law & policy》1996,18(1-2):115-136
This paper examines the effectiveness of two sentencing strategies for managing serious and violent juvenile offenders: judicial waiver to adult court and determinate sentencing in juvenile court. Corrections data were analyzed and it was found that both groups consistently receive longer terms of incarceration than are available through normal juvenile justice processing. However, this finding changed when actual time served was taken into consideration. A discriminant analysis showed that juveniles determin-ately sentenced in juvenile court are more likely to be younger and receive and serve shorter sentences than juveniles waived to adult court and sentenced to prison.  相似文献   

The intergenerational transmission of domestic violence is most commonly studied from the perspective of social learning theory, with the consequence that variables external to that perspective are often overlooked. This study was undertaken in an effort to broaden the theoretical basis of intergenerational transmission of domestic violence by assessing if incorporating variables from attachment theory (measures of separation and loss) with exposure to violence in family of origin would increase predictive power of a multiple regression model. Subjects (N = 74) were men in treatment for domestic violence. Separation and loss variables were found to exert effects on respondents’ violent behavior greater than or comparable to those from exposure to family of origin violence. Findings supported a need to broaden theoretical views of the etiology of domestic violence perpetration.  相似文献   

This study uses criminal justice data to compare women and men arrested for domestic violence on their levels of violence, reported victimization, general criminality, and substance abuse. Participants were 45 women and 45 men convicted of domestic violence between 1996 and 1998. Results indicate that women were less likely than men to have a history of domestic violence offenses and nonviolent crimes. They were also more likely to report that they had been injured or victimized by their partner at the time of their arrest. However, in other ways, women and men were similar: they were equally likely to have used severe violence and inflicted severe injuries on their victims; to have previously committed violence against nonintimates; and to have been using drugs or alcohol at the time of their arrest. The implications for treatment for women arrested for domestic violence are discussed.  相似文献   

姜楠 《人民司法》2020,(3):57-61
你在被周围人不断地催婚么?你在婚恋网站上期待又无望地一次次点开对方资料么?你相信QQ群、摇一摇美丽又惊喜的邂逅么?你站在婚姻的边缘向外窥探么?你的男友,向你借钱了么?  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) display poorer performance than controls on neuropsychological tests of executive functioning (EF) and impulsivity (Imp). In a treatment-seeking sample of 80 partner-violent men, the current study examined EF and Imp as correlates of anger-reactivity, cognitive distortions, irrational beliefs, anger expression, anger control, hostility, and abusive relationship behavior. Executive functioning had significant inverse associations with cognitive distortions, irrational beliefs, and anger-reactivity assessed during anger induction using the Articulated Thoughts within Simulated Situations (ATSS) paradigm, and with global self-reports of anger expression and general hostility. Impulsivity was positively associated with cognitive distortions, irrational beliefs, and anger-reactivity on the ATSS. No significant associations were found between neuropsychological functioning and anger control or self-reported levels of physical assault and psychological aggression. Limitations in neuropsychological functioning among IPV perpetrators are associated with distorted cognitive processing of negative relationship stimuli and difficulties with anger reactivity, anger expression, and general hostility.  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(1):165-170
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Media reports routinely reference the drug-related violence in Mexico, linking crime in communities along the Southwest U.S. Border to illegal immigrants. The primary purpose of the current research is to examine whether the media assertions can be supported. Logistic regression models were run to determine the impact of citizenship on the likelihood of disproportionate arrest for federal drug and violent crimes, along the U.S./Mexico border. In arrests for homicide, assault, robbery, and weapons offenses, U.S. citizens were disproportionately more likely than non-citizens to be arrested. The only federal crime where non-citizens were disproportionately more likely to be arrested than were U.S. citizens was for marijuana offenses. Results of the current study challenge the myth of the criminal immigrant.  相似文献   

This study explores the pre-arrest domestic violence victimization and attitudes towards domestic violence reported by women and men confined in a Midwestern metropolitan jail. Results indicated that women in the jail sample had more fear for the safety of battered women than men in the jail sample. Women in jail were more likely than men in jail to view the legal system as a deterrent to domestic violence. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore associations between jail detainees’ pre-arrest experiences of domestic violence and their gender, age, education, race, parental status and other violent victimizations. The variables associated with pre-arrest domestic violence victimization were being a woman, a parent, a victim rape and a victim of threats with a deadly weapon.  相似文献   

Recent increases in the number of women arrested for domestic violence raise important questions about implementation of proarrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders. This study compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past domestic violence history of men (n = 5,578) and women (n = 1,126) arrested for domestic assault against a heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data collected by local criminal justice agencies, we found that female arrestees were significantly less likely than males to have histories that warrant concern regarding the potential for future violence. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has shown that college women are at considerable risk for sexual assault by dating partners, and studies have shown early detection of threat risk cues is an important factor in rape avoidance. This study examined how men and women process sexual encounters in a date rape situation and how they differ in interpretation of cues and response decision-making using Crick and Dodge’s (1994) model of social information processing (SIP). Participants listened to an audio vignette depicting a female resisting sexual contact as the male continues to make sexual advances. The vignette was paused at a point in which there is ambiguity concerning the sexual intentions of the actors, and multiple choice/forced answer questions reflecting five stages in social information processing (causal and intent interpretation, goal clarification, response decision, response efficacy, and response evaluation) were administered. Analyses revealed males and females significantly differed in all SIP stages, and emotional reaction was a significant predictor of response decision. Implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

This study of graduates of the University of Michigan Law School from the late 1970s reports on the differing ways that women and men have responded to the conflicting claims of work and family. It finds that women with children who have entered the profession have indeed continued to bear the principal responsibilities for the care of children, but it also finds that these women, with all their burdens, are more satisfied with their careers and with the balance of their family and professional lives than other women and than men.  相似文献   

我国1978年规定的男女不同年龄退休制度,如今遭受违宪质疑。对基于性别而进行分类的立法规制的审查,其基准宜采用"严格的合理性审查基准"。据此,规定女性比男性早退休的手段与实现对女性的保护的目的应存在实质性关联。然而由于立法事实的变化,如今这两者之间不仅不存在实质性关联,反而会导致一种"逆反差别"。而且,与规定刚性的男女退休不同年龄制度相比,存在更加宽松的规制手段来达到同样的保护女性的目的。因此,我国的男女退休不同龄制度存在违宪的嫌疑,应及时加以修改。建议在原则上统一男女退休年龄的基础上,允许女性根据自我情况选择提前退休。  相似文献   

The relationship between the dissociative and somatic symptoms in a clinical sample of 216 women and 35 men survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) was examined. Symptom patterns were measured by the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the Somatization Scale of the Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90-R), and the Hypochondriasis, Hysteria, Health Concerns, and Harris–Lingoes Somatic Complaints Scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Somatization and dissociation were related, but not at a great enough magnitude to suggest that somatic symptoms as a generic category are an integral component of dissociation. With the exception of one of the measures of somatization, the SCL-90-R somatization scale, no significant differences were found between men and women CSA survivors in symptom levels. However, the relationship between somatization and dissociation was stronger in women than in men. The findings of this study should be considered preliminary and interpreted with considerable caution, since the scales used probably are of limited validity.  相似文献   

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