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<正>Arecent three-week visit to the United States after 18 months of working and traveling in China allowed me to get back into an American swing of things.I spent time with friends and  相似文献   

“三个北京”的三点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、 "三个北京"理念的提出:为什么? "三个北京"理念的提出是北京市委市政府学习实践科学发展观活动的科学结晶.2008年11月13日和14日,北京市委召开学习实践科学发展观务虚会,与会市领导围绕推动科学发展、建设"人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京",研究探讨今后一段时期首都改革发展的思路.  相似文献   

The Fourth Beijing Forumon human Rights was heldin Beijing from September 21-23,2011.Jointly sponsored by the China Society for human Rights Studies and the China human Rights Development Foundation,the forum was centeredon the theme of"Cultural Tradition  相似文献   

Beijing Biking     
<正>China is a land of bicycles.At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country.Back then everyone seemed to ride a bicycle.Up and down Chang’an Avenue that runs across the center of the city you would see people on bicycles.Millions of them.And all bicycles were black and would only go as fast as you could pedal.Cars were rare.They were a presence on the busy streets but most citizens did notown one.  相似文献   

Beijing Bumpkin     
正I live in Beijing,a city of 20 million people,the capital of the Earth's most populous country and a center of massive cultural,political and economic influence.I've also lived in Shanghai,the financial center of China.So why was I so shocked to discover a clean,sit-down toilet with toilet paper in a  相似文献   

Uniquely Beijing     
In today’s fast paced society,it is considered a luxury to stop and take in the sights,sounds and motion of our surroundings.If we care enough to stop momentarily in our tracks,we would appreciate the essence of culture in a country.  相似文献   

Beijing Life     
FIRSTcametoChinain1988forathree-montharchitecturestudytour.AtthattimeImetayounggraduatest-"dent,ZhangQiang,fromtheQinghuaUniversityarchitecturedepaxtment,withWhomIcorrespondedoverthenexttwoyears.WhenIreturnedtoChinawithmyhusband,Harlan,wemetmanyChinesestUdentsandmademanynewfriends.ZhanghadbecomeateacherandhadmetayoungwomannamedLiQian.Anerweret-urnedtoBeijing,ZhangtoldusheandLiintendedtomarryafterSpringFestival.Inthespringof1991,wevisitedZhang'shometowninZhejiangProvince,anditproved…  相似文献   

北京的风骨在旧城,旧城的经脉是胡同,胡同是北京城最好的名片. 2007年,北京市发布<北京胡同整治指导意见>.根据这一文件,历史文化保护区的胡同整治,要保持胡同原有格局和传统风貌,拆除违法建设,完善基本市政基础设施,修复历史原貌,提升环境质量.  相似文献   

Green Beijing     
Beijingers are attaching more and more importance to the environment of their city. From assorted garbage to daily environment forecasts, and from restricting the emission of auto exhaust to the planting of trees and grass; all this has shown the longing Beijing residents have for a green environment. One of the major topics in the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is that of a "Green Olympics." The bid provides added incentive in the common aim to create a green city. This is our origi…  相似文献   

正From December 7 to December 8 of 2017,the first"South-South Human Rights Forum"was held in Beijing.Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter.Mr.Huang Kunming,Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee,Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee,attended the opening ceremony of the forum and read President Xi Jinping’s  相似文献   

正A 30-year-old Western musical captivates theaudience in the Chinese capitalThe Phantom of the Opera—a musical on stage in the Chinese capital city for the first time since it debuted in 1986—wrapped up the last show of its Beijing tour on January 10.The musical,also staged in Guangzhou in south China's Guangdong Province,took in  相似文献   

In the Liao, Song and Yuan dynasties many Muslims from Central Asia settled in northern China, and the Niujie section is the largest Hui community in China's capital city. Dating back with a history of more than a thousand years, the term Niujie, oxen street, today is commonly used to refer to an area of some 60 winding alleyways, or hutongs, with a central "Niujie" in its midst.  相似文献   

Beijing Dries Up     
<正>China’s capital city becomes more serious about water shortages Li Xiao is a little disappointed there has been no snow as January draws to a close.  相似文献   

Onmyfirsttrip to a Beijing market, my intentions were clear. I needed a cheap watch. Nothing fancy, just a wristwatch. And, maybe, I thought to myself, I would look at some shoes I could wear to work.  相似文献   

IN the cosmopolitan gourmet capital of Beijing, virtually every cuisine in the world is available. But there is one that natives eat with relish, kids tuck into and whose temptations tourists succumb to without shame. That gourmet delight is Beijing Roast Duck.  相似文献   

The 2nd Beijing Forum on Human Rights was held on November 2-3 in Beijing. Senior human rights officials and experts from 26 countries and regions attended the forum, organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

正Large wholesale markets are moving out of Beijing For the 10th year in a row,Jiang Shaoxia made the 700 km journey back to Beijing from her hometown in central China’s Henan Province on February 13,right after the annual Spring Festival.But 2016 could mark the last year she makes the trek.Jiang owns a hat store at Beijing’s largest accessories wholesale market—Tianyi wholesale market—located in the downtown area of the  相似文献   

okay, I just want to get something out in the open here. I am a bike-oholic. It’s not that I have always had this affliction: In the past, I  相似文献   

<正>Conveniently located at the heart of Beijing,close to the West Second Ring Road,The Presidential Beijing is easily accessible from the Beijing Exhibition Center,Financial Street,Xidan business district,major government bodies and the city’s largest shopping area.The hotel is also only a five-minute walk away from the metro station.  相似文献   

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