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作为认知科学的一个新取向,具身认知科学对传统认知科学有很大的突破。其中在元理论上,突破第一代认知科学作为思想基础的身心二元论,取而代之的是身心一体论和身心辨证统一论;突破人是机器的基本论断,提出人是人,与动物和机器不同,具有机器和动物所不具有的意向性和具身性,能够提问,能够沉思他们存在的意义,能够批判地反省其生命的意义,以使其行为方式发生变革;突破语言学哲学尤其是其重要理论形态逻辑实证主义,以心智哲学为指导思想。正是元理论突破,使得具身认知科学建构了与传统认知科学不同的体系,在理论、方法论、研究领域和研究方法等诸多方面都有新的突破。  相似文献   

王充 《中国法学》2006,2(6):56-65
在中日刑法学中,行为论作为一个重要的问题并没有得到应有的重视。从行为论与犯罪论的关系角度分析,我国的犯罪构成理论是作为行为论的犯罪论,由于行为论被包括在犯罪构成理论中,因而不具有独立的体系性地位,从而导致我国的犯罪构成理论难以充分实现罪刑法定原则所要求的人权保障机能;而日本的犯罪论则是作为行为属性论的犯罪论,虽然犯罪论与行为论相互分离,但是,由于现存的行为论难以实现它本应具有的理论和实践的机能,从而导致行为论的体系性地位低下。从认识论的角度分析,中日两国刑法理论具有相通性,本文从中日犯罪论体系互补的立场出发,尝试对两国的行为论以及犯罪论体系进行重构。  相似文献   

"本土资源论"在中国曾引起极大的轰动,具有一种重要的"范式价值"。然而它的证成却存在严重的内在悖论:第一,理想与现实的纠葛不清;第二,法律多元与法律一元的层层矛盾;第三,本土资源与法律移植之间的徘徊犹豫;第四,对法律规避态度的是非反复。之所以存在这样的几个悖论,根源在于苏力的"本土资源论"是建基于实用主义的法律观以及法律理论家与实践家相结合的角色观之上的。"本土资源论"可能的完善之处在于,坚持法学研究的辩证思维的基础上,对法律、法学和法律适用以及法学理论与法律实践做必要的区分,并秉持对法律和法治向上向善的价值追求。  相似文献   

在目前的法学教育和研究中,法律史的状况有些令人担忧。在教学中,有些课程,如中国法制史的课时越来越缩减;而有些课程,如中国法律思想史则为“选修”。这种学科的分野和讲授时间的匆忙,不仅很难将具有五千年传承的中国传统法较为客观地展现给学生,而且误导研究,造成了人们对传统法的片面理解,进而造成社会对传统法文化的自信阙失。本文从中国法律思想史学科的发展、学科研究方法的反思和学科所具有的意义论证珍惜传统法的重要。因为珍惜是复兴的前提,一个国家和民族的法律发展无法离开传统的平台,所以传统法的改造成功之日,就是具有中国特色的法治形成发展之时。  相似文献   

实质法治论是中国学界盛行的主流观点。由于缺乏理论上的自洽性和清晰性,它受到形式法治论者的深刻批评。对实质法治进行理论辩护是完全可能的。要在理论上认真对待实质法治,就必须回应形式法治论者对实质法治论的两个典型批评:一是对实质法治论的“冗余论”批评,二是实质法治论的“反法治悖论”。形式法治论者对实质法治论的批评,既是出于对实质法治概念的简单化理解乃至误解,也是因为实质法治欠缺足够的理论建构。关于实质法治的理论建构,一方面我们要真正理解实质法治概念中实质价值和形式条件这两个要素之间的关系;另一方面,实质法治也需要一种关于实质价值之分类和筛选的资格理论,因为并非所有的价值都应进入实质法治概念中。  相似文献   

本文从均势理论和相互依存论入手,结合中国与日本两个国家在东亚的关系,剥离出均势理论"均衡"的观点,相互依存论的"引力"的优点,去除了均势理论驱动主体的问题以及相互依存论在"斥力"方面的缺失。文中依据社会学中的"共生论"的本质——"斗争与妥协的互动"在国际关系中的运用,通过模型分析了中日两国在东亚的共生关系。  相似文献   

曾加  郭彬 《政治与法律》2008,(2):149-155
中国检察制度对证人的保护受中国传统文化的影响,具有中国的民族性格.然而,西方建构主义文化理论和法治现代化理论主导了中国法治现代化的进程,从而影响了中国检察制度对证人保护的具体规定.在中国法治现代化过程中,应该思考关于后现代主义提出的一系列问题,关注中国自身文化和思维方式的保留,突破二元文化论和西方法治霸权.  相似文献   

余净植 《河北法学》2011,29(6):46-54
"利益衡量"是在法律形式主义的对立面上被提出的,用以指称那种在具体案件的背景下,比较权衡系争利益并做出价值判断的过程或方法。利益衡量理论在以德国为代表的欧陆国家出现并发展起来,其他法系国家也在批判法律形式主义的基础上形成了相关的理论。各国的衡量理论大致呈现出事实论和规范论的两种倾向性。规范论的衡量进路体现了司法衡量需要同时关照规范和事实两个维度,更重要的是它强调了法规范及规范体系性的价值。鉴于中国法学研究和司法实务在形式理性、逻辑分析及精确思维方面的欠缺,所以采取以规范分析为进路、围绕规范而展开的司法衡量方法,对于中国法治的发展和司法公正而言尤为必要。  相似文献   

<正> 当前,我国流通领域的改革正在向纵深发展,商事法制的建设已经提到重要议程。但是,在法学理论上至今还有许多问题尚待研究,特别是对传统商法的看法还存在不少值得商榷的问题。这些问题如不加以澄清,就可能对建立具有中国特色的商事法制产生不利影响。为此,笔者想就其中的几个问题,谈点个人的看法。一、怎样理解传统商法的概念传统商法是资本主义国家中一个重要法律部门。自从法国在十九世纪初制定五大法典(1804年的民法典、1806年的民事诉讼法典、1807年的商法典、1808年的刑事诉讼法典、1810年的刑法典)以来,五大法典加上宪法,被视为资本主义国家法律体系的六大  相似文献   

非法人团体广泛存在于我国现行各部门法中,同时也广泛存在于现实生活的方方面面,然而传统民法理论却认为非法人团体不具有民事责任能力。但是,从财产和与法人民事责任能力的比较两个角度,可以论证非法人团体具有相对独立的民事责任能力。  相似文献   

两千余年的汉语语法研究史可以概括为三大传统:小学传统、马建忠传统和赵元任传统.小学传统是汉语语法研究的根基所在;马建忠传统借鉴西洋语法学框架,初步建立起汉语语法学体系;赵元任传统借鉴结构主义语言学方法,使汉语语法研究更加精密化、科学化.融合三个传统,吸纳西方语言学最新成果,建立成熟的汉语语法学体系,是21世纪的艰巨课题.  相似文献   

Despite considerable public and academic attention to the phenomenon of serial homicide and mass murder, researchers have generally lamented the lack of progress that has been made, especially in the area of theoretical advances. As has been found in other areas that have embarked on similar developmental paths, taking stock of the historical development of the field in terms of the type and quality of research being conducted is an important step in moving forward. To address this concern, the present study provides a review of the current “state of the art” in multiple homicide research. Although academic articles exploring this phenomenon have steadily increased, the statistical and methodological sophistication of these studies is sorely lacking. Furthermore, researchers investigating this phenomenon rarely publish multiple articles in the area and these are generally spread through many different journals and fields. Suggestions for future research and recommendations to streamline the efforts in this field are provided based on the study results.  相似文献   

New research in the field of developmental criminology has led researchers to reconceptualize desistance as a behavioral process that unfolds over the life course. This approach puts more emphasis on the pathways by which people reach the state of non-offending, and less emphasis on the state of non-offending itself. This reconceptualization has implications for how we measure desistance in longi-tudinal data. In this paper, we suggest that the traditional measurement approach is inconsistent with this view, and we present an alternative measurement approach based on the premises of developmental criminology. Although not perfect, we argue that the dynamic measure better describes the key elements of the process of desistance. Both approaches are implemented using data from the Rochester Youth Development Study, a longitudinal study of youthful offenders. We demon-strate that the two approaches identify different people as desistors. Moreover, we argue that the dynamic definition of desistance has more promise for providing insight into the changes that are the behavioral focus of the desistance process.  相似文献   

Contemporary studies of prosecutorial decision making at the state level are infrequent, and even fewer studies examine the discretionary decisions of federal prosecutors. In addition, virtually no scholarly literature examines the growing overlap between federal and state criminal jurisdiction. This paper advances both theoretical and empirical understandings of the organizational and political contexts in which prosecutorial discretion takes place by exploring the nexus between federal and state criminal jurisdictions. Drawing on interview research in a large urban area with several active federal/state cooperative prosecution programs, we suggest that these cooperative relations open new avenues of discretion for local and federal prosecutors; limit the authority of other court actors, including state judges; and erode the distinctions between federal and local criminal jurisdiction.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of corporate lawyers in the construction and operation of a key area of the Brazilian economy over a thirty‐year period. It looks at three periods in the history of the Brazilian telecoms sector: the fall of state monopoly; global restructuring, neoliberalism, and privatization; and the recent resurgence of state activism. In the first two periods, lawyers worked to facilitate privatization and to create a lightly regulated market for telecoms services that attracted foreign capital. Things changed, however, when the industry was faced with new industrial and social policies. In this period, lawyers oscillated between resisting government intrusion and negotiating engagement with regulators. This sequence of events encompasses changes in the field of state power, hierarchies in the legal profession, and core‐periphery relations, which invite new syntheses of existing theoretical traditions about law, lawyers, and capitalist development in emerging economies.  相似文献   

This article focuses on classic Scandinavian studies of the legal profession. These classic studies, which followed World War II and the development of the Scandinavian welfare states, focused on national developments in the legal profession and its relevance to the development of the states and the markets. The studies are divided into convergence perspectives with Aubert's studies dominating on the one hand, and conflict perspectives with Mathiesen's studies dominating on the other. This article examines their similarities and differences in theoretical backgrounds, methodology and empirical data. It demonstrates how the two research traditions, despite their different theoretical perspectives, build their research on comparatively the same kind of empirical data and methodology and how they reach some of the same conclusions.  相似文献   

The study proposes a taxonomy that maps and organizes various normative (ought) and empirically oriented (is) theories of distributive justice, with the aim of examining possible relations between these two research traditions. The taxonomy distinguishes between theories according to two shared dimensions of content: (a) microjustice versus macrojustice principles and (b) the unidimensional versus multidimensional character of these principles. The combination of these dimensions yields four groups of theories of distributive justice: unidimensional macro (the utilitarian approach); multidimensional macro (Rawls' theory of justice); unidimensional micro (desert and equity theories); and multidimensional micro (Miller's theory and the multiprinciple approach). A fifth group of hybrid theories is identified (including Walzer's and Jasso's theory of justice), which is built upon the layers of the other taxonomy cells, combining elements of macro- and microjustice and emphasizing the multidimensional character of distributive justice. The analysis revealed that the empirical and normative traditions have much in common. In certain cases, as with the utilitarian approach and Rawls' theory, empirical research has sought correspondence between the ought and the is. In other cases, such as with equity theory and the multiprinciple approach, it has used some basic normative ideas and assumptions as its starting point. Nevertheless, these research traditions often develop in parallel ways without sufficient mutual recognition or interaction. The study concludes by considering possible exchanges that may develop between these two traditions, examining to what extent and how philosophical–normative and empirically oriented research can contribute to one another.  相似文献   

传统现代化理论认为,旧有传统是制约现代化进程的主要因素,随着这一进程的不断深入和现代民族—国家的全面兴起,国家权力将逐渐成为主宰乡村社会的主要力量,传统的力量与影响将最终消失。但对花瑶社会近百年来地方传统与国家权力之间的关系所进行的系统考察,却得出与此相反的结论:在传统国家向现代民族—国家的转变过程中,面对国家权力的强力渗透与侵入,地方传统并未全面瓦解和消失,而是依然在这一社会的日常生活和文明延续中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between the national and the European legal orders is affected by the way it is theorised by the national constitutional traditions. This article will explore the opposing constitutional assumptions in Germany that underlie two interpretations of what in Anglo-Saxon countries is known as constitutional law: Staatsrecht and Verfassungsrecht. The two contending visions are generated from different conceptions of the European Union and, especially, the state. The origins of the German constitutional traditions will be historically reconstructed. Although Staatsrecht has historically offered the dominant interpretation of public law, Verfassungsrecht has 'de-mystified' the state. To continue to offer a coherent interpretation Staatsrecht need not abandon the state as its central concept, but will need to re-examine the content of the concept in light of modern forms of constitutionalism and European integration.  相似文献   

The theoretical nature of attachment disorganization within two separate research traditions, are reviewed. Studies of attachment style related to sexual offending are then critically evaluated, with particular reference to the use of the self-report methodology for studying adult attachment styles. Here, it is argued that these studies may not have taken sufficient account of the disorganized attachment style or used a methodology that was able to adequately capture attachment disorganization. In that attachment disorganization could account for some of the known features of sexual offenders, such as aggression and socioaffective problems. We then suggest that if attachment disorganization is found in some serious sexual offenders this could have implications for treatment. Possible ways of increasing the validity of self-reported attachment style are also discussed within this paper.  相似文献   

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