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旅游业的可持续发展应包括自然资源的合理开发利用,要求在旅游开发进程中坚持文化完整性、重要生态过程持续性、生物多样性,实现经济效益与社会效益的良性发展.  相似文献   

THE Yan-Huang Art Gallery,located at Yayuncun (theAsian Games Village), isBeijing's first large modernart gallery. It was sponsored bycelebrated Chinese painter, Huang Zhou, and built withdonations from all walks of life, both at home and abroad.Its collection consists mainly of contemporary Chinesepaintings, and also includes ancient Chinese paintings andcalligraphy, cultural relics and other works of art.The Yan-Huang Art Gallery comprises a central lobby,exhibition halls, a multi-fu…  相似文献   

Art Gallery     
HUYongkaiwasborninBeijingin1945.AftergraduatingfromtheCentralAcademyofFineArts,hewasassignedtoteachattheAcademyofFineArtsaffiliatedtoShanghaiUniversity.In1988,hewenttoliveinHongKong.HeisnowamemberoftheChineseArtists'AssociationandtheHongKongArtists'Association,amemberoftheboardofdirectorsoftheWorldOverseasChineseArtists'AssociationandthepresidentoftheHongKongNewFineArtsSociety.HuYongkai'screativeworksfocusonthedepletionofwomenandtheirintrospective,gentleandpeacefulinnerworld.Heha…  相似文献   

Art Gallery     
THE watercolors published in this issue were done by Huang Youwei.born in 1965 in Yueyang , Hunan Province. Since graduating from the fine arts department of the Hunan Binzhou Normal School in 1989,Huang has devoted himself to water color paintings. Although he does not believe life is all roses and sunshine, he has the ability to find beauty in things and in people - to derive hope from the trivialities and vicissitudes of lives. He says, "Many aspects of our livescall touch and stir tho…  相似文献   

Now in its 15th year, the Red Gate was one of the first professional art galleries to have opened in Beijing. So far it has contracted more than 20 Chinese artists, many of them prominent figures in the nation's contemporary art world. The struggles of its founder, Brian Wallace, epitomize the fits-and-starts progress of China's artistic sector over the past two decades. Today, China's art is on the upbeat, as evidenced by growing government aid and public support and increased media coverage. Art exhibitions these days receive more visitors and generate greater revenue than ever before. Along with China's booming auction business, they contribute generously to its thriving art galleries. Yet art is still very much a nascent sector in China. Professional commercial galleries have emerged in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but in small numbers. Chinese galleries have a long way to go as regards accessibility to all.  相似文献   

A SCENDING the ancient stone steps to Red Gate Gallery reveals the quintessential Beijing pan orama. The gallery is housed in Dongbianmen Watchtower, a Ming Dynasty structure straddling the last crumbling vestiges of Beijing's city wall. Like a besieged bastion of the city's imperial past, the watchtower is hemmed in by railway lines and Beijing's Second Ring Road. The glass and steel edifices of the CBD loom in the distance. It's appropriate that this ancient fortress, surrounded by a cornucopia of modern development, houses a gallery that has long been a cultural bastion of a more contemoorary kind.  相似文献   

<正>I was talking to one of my friends recently about a stunning piece of artwork to be found on the Beijing subway."Oh,you mean there is art there?"she asked incredulously.She said she had never noticed and I have to admit that when you see thousands of people rushing daily past these murals,sculptures,calligraphy,painted columns,or special lighting displays—many of them with their noses stuck in their mobile phones—it makes you wonder why anyone actually bothered to put anything up in the fi rst place.  相似文献   

<正>Booming zone in Beijing is morphing from an Eden of creation into a high-end art market 1n 10 years, an abandoned factory complex has developed into one of Beijing’s cultural landmarks, the 798  相似文献   

论中国文艺美学的古今对接之途   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国学人建构的美学体系和开展的美学研究,不能离开中国古典的丰富资源和经验。从问题、范畴、概念入手,探讨其古今对接的可能性的具体、个案研究尤为需要。宏观上的中国古典美学的现代价值建设要奠基于对那些通向现代的古典文艺美学范畴、概念系列的成功清理。  相似文献   

IN the 1980s, Yang Lizhou and his wife Wang Yingchun made their names among Chinese art circles by winning top prize at the China Fine Arts Exhibition with their co-production, The Iron Wall of the Taihang Mountains and The Roaring Yellow River.Yang Lizhou and Wang Yingchun have many coincidental similarities in their lives. They were born in the same month, of the same year (1942), and in the same province (Shanxi). They went to the same schools: the middle school attached to the Xi…  相似文献   

在重写台湾文学史/诗史的文化诉求中,作为新世代著名诗人和理论家的林耀德和杨宗翰,不仅以其创新的诗歌文本标举了新世代精神,而且以其深刻的理论阐述挑战了既成的文学史/涛史秩序和建构,表现出鲜明的现代性追求。林耀德和杨宗翰关于台湾现(当)代“涛史”的论述在体例、分期、史观上存在某些差异性:在林耀德那里,“世代交替”和新世代论述是他重写文学史/涛史的两个支点;而在杨宗翰那里,世代更替已经不再是个问题,因此他更侧重于文学史/诗史的深度思考和实际操作层面。然而,在现代性精神指向上他们却具有惊人的一致性,那就是颠覆,然后重构。  相似文献   

张立 《理论月刊》2006,(9):78-80
面对信息时代、知识经济的来临,处在现代社会的再度演变过程之中,加强艺术设计教育比任何时候都更重要。本文从我国艺术设计教育存在的问题出发,并以文献资料为基础,对高等艺术设计教育的发展进行了深刻的分析与研究,并作出了思考。  相似文献   

王拥军 《思想战线》2004,30(2):62-66
现代艺术是个混杂的概念,它本身反对被归纳和定义。现代艺术是在传统发生断裂、经典模式失去典范效应、共有的理想和目标丧失后,作为艺术的后来者以否定为武器而渴望进入经典艺术殿堂的努力。现代艺术创作具有明显的针对性,诉诸理性的沉思而非直觉的领悟,更需要理论的解释和阐述。  相似文献   

19世纪开辟了艺术世界的独特文化领域,它使天才、独创性、想象、美、崇高、纯粹、自主性、绝对、光晕(aura)、趣味等星丛式的概念成为现代人普遍接受的神话。这些神话建立在二元对立的区隔逻辑上,是文化权力生产和再生产的产物。  相似文献   

CHINESE performance art in Berlin? Un- til now most people would assume that the Peking Opera had come to town. Far from it! It was the National Theatre ofChina traveling to Berlin for the first time to per- form a dramatic adaptation of To Live, Yu Hua's famous novel.  相似文献   

周茜 《思想战线》2007,33(5):61-66
中唐诗人李贺,晚宋词人吴文英,皆以其戛戛独造的艺术成就卓然自立。虽然他们的时代各异、文体有别,但却在艺术表现方面有着相似之处。其一,在语言的铸造上都追求炼字炼句,必新必奇。其二,在色彩的运用上都好以浓墨重彩之笔抒写人生和悲情。其三,在作品的意境美感方面都呈现出奇谲诞幻、哀艳冷隽的特色。对二者艺术风格的比较分析,有助于我们认识李贺诗歌的深远影响、吴文英创作的艺术渊源,以及诗与词的流变。  相似文献   

<正>Kungfu is one of the most popular topics of discussion amongst foreigners talking about China.As a discipline of kungfu with the largest number of practitioners in China,tai chi is gaining popularity worldwide.It is estimated that so far tai chi has spread to more than150 countries and regions,boasting more than 300 million fans.  相似文献   

张文勋 《思想战线》2001,27(3):58-60
中国古代文论的现代性转换,并不是要西化,绝不能离开民族特色这个根,而是要在古代文论与现代文论的融通中实现转换,比如言志抒情理论的延伸与转换、意境理论的发展与运用、文艺社会功能的拓展及其特殊性、神思妙悟式艺术思维的肯定等.  相似文献   

60年代初期 ,在台湾正是传统与现代剧烈碰撞之时。余光中以现代美学的视野 ,对唐代诗人李贺做了深入细致的分析 ,并将其研究心得与创作实践相结合 ,开拓了现代诗歌艺术的境界 ,为中国古诗传统的现代性转化提供了一个极佳范例。  相似文献   

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