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个人言语风格识别应用于案件侦查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人言语风格具有差异性、稳定性、反映性,在案件言语材料中能反映出制作人社会属性和个人属性。实践中,检材言语材料和样本言语材料达到一定条件后,侦查技术人员可通过个人言语风格识别,确定侦查破案的范围及方向,最终确定作案人。  相似文献   

文章立足于言语识别技术的应用现状,在梳理我国言语识别技术发展历史的基础上,提出言语识别技术在未来的发展中应当着重加以解决的几个实际问题。  相似文献   

A recent paper in the Journal of the Forensic Science Society [1] described a well-known statistical method for addressing the problem of discrimination of cat and dog hairs. It used a so-called “parametric” method which assumes that the observations are Normally distributed and estimates the parameters of the distribution from the data. The present paper describes another method of statistical discrimination known as the kernel method which dispenses with the assumption of Normality. The data alone determine the form of the distribution of the data and therefore multimodal or skew distributions may be more accurately modelled. The kernel method is applied to the data given in [1] and the results obtained compare favourably with those given in that paper.  相似文献   

This statistical analysis identifies patterns of change and continuity in the legislative policy of the Russian Federation between 1994 and 2016 and concludes that frequently changing federal laws have negative effects on the stability of the Russian legal system.  相似文献   

个人书面言语风格反映在字词句、标点、语段、语篇等多个方面,在特定的条件下,可运用统计法对上述诸方面的情况进行归类统计,从而对检材与样本的言语风格进行对比分析,进而对其撰稿人进行同一认定.在统计的过程中,应注意比对的条件、材料的选择、统计的程序等问题.  相似文献   

在我国经济与社会快速发展以及同违法犯罪作斗争的新形势下,言语识别技术在侦查以至整个诉讼过程中的作用越来越突出。对汉语语音的声调特征作简要介绍,探讨和阐述了其在言语识别技术中的重要价值:一是汉语方言中调类和调值特征具有突出的差异性,二是通过方言区推广普通话以及外族人和外国人的汉语习得,反映出汉语声调特征具有极强的稳固性。  相似文献   

王惠玲 《法律科学》2008,3(1):57-68
采用定量分析的方法探讨宪法序言形式和内容的实然规定状况具有不可抹杀的意义。定量分析表明,规定宪法序言是普遍的现象,大多宪法序言是有关宪法本身的规定。不同地域、不同发达程度、不同文明、不同法系之间宪法序言的形式和内容差异不显著,但不同国家性质的宪法尽管在是否规定序言上差异不大,但在内容上差异显著,进而影响到序言字数的差异。  相似文献   

Seal blubber oils are used as a source of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in Canada but prohibited in the United States and (FA) European Union. Thus, a reliable method is needed to identify oils originating from seals versus fish. Two lipid profiling methods, fatty acid analysis using gas chromatography and triacylglycerol (TAG) analysis using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, were applied with statistical models to discriminate commercial oils and blubber samples harvested from marine fish and seals. Significant differences were observed among FA profiles, and seal samples differed from each of the fish oils (p ≤ 0.001). FA and TAG profiles were used to discriminate sample groups using a random forest classifier; all samples were classified correctly as seals versus fish using both methods. We propose a two‐step method for the accurate identification of seal oils, with preliminary identification based on FA profile analysis and confirmation with TAG profiles.  相似文献   

左手伪装笔迹鉴定在司法鉴定中是难度较大的鉴定。左手笔迹和右手笔迹因个体大脑言语优势、利手的不同,以及社会规范对书写的制约会形成许多差异。鉴定中应抓住其基本特征,结合个案案情,综合分析与评断。  相似文献   

Several techniques are used to perform an appropriate and reliable human identification. Forensic dentistry has achieved great relevance over the past years. The aim of this article is to report the method used for the identification of a male body found in the colliquative stage of putrefaction. The identification of the victim was succeeded confronting the dental findings found in the corpse with the data present on dental records provided by his dentist. The major elements for the identity′s recognition were a metal core and a prosthetic crown that were being fabricated. These elements associated with the dental records were compelling for the elucidation of the case, and a positive body identification was achieved with high levels of probability. In the present case, cadaveric analysis of stomatognathic system structures achieved a probability value higher than DNA identification techniques, emphasizing the importance of forensic dentistry.  相似文献   

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