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Classwork and homework in early adolescence: The ecology of achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have questioned whether the nation's educational system is adequately preparing children to function productively in today's society. To examine this issue, the present study utilized the Experience Sampling Method to investigate the amount of time young adolescents spent doing classwork and homework, their inner subjective experience while doing so, and their companions while doing homework. The relationship between these variables and students' academic performance was also examined. Results revealed that students spent only 15.5 hours per week engaged in school work and only 6 hours per week doing homework, with increased homework time associated with better academic achievement. In addition, students were found to complete homework primarily alone or in classes, although doing homework with their parents was associated with better academic performance. Lastly, students' affect was found to be relatively neutral when doing classwork, but comparatively more negative while doing homework, particularly when doing homework alone. The implications of these findings for understanding the socializing influence of school are discussed.This research was supported by NIMH grant number MH38324, Stress in Daily Life During Early Adolescence, awarded to Reed Larson. This paper was prepared while the first author was a Schmitt Dissertation Fellow at Loyola University of Chicago.Received her Ph.D. from Loyola University of Chicago, Current Research interest are familial and intrapsychic influences on adolescents' academic performance.Current Research interests are pubertal development, precursors of eating disorders, and the effect of maternal employment on young adolescents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a causal model to examine the ways in which familial and social variables influence identity development in late adolescence. Four hundred and ten 18-to 21-year-old male and female college students at a large Midwestern university completed a questionnaire assessing familial security, familial and social relations, and three dimensions of identity. The resulting causal models indicated that security in familial relations enhanced identity development directly, and also indirectly by initially enhancing adolescents' social confidence and degree of interpersonal affiliation. However, the pattern of interaction among these variables varied with sex and with the specific identity measure used. It is suggested that security in familial relations may provide the support for meaningful exploration and experimentation, and enhance aspects of adolescents' sociability, which, when taken together, may enhance the identity formation process.Parts of the current report were presented at the annual meeting of the Americal Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August 1985. This study was supported in part by NIMH Training Grant MH-14622, and represents a portion of the doctoral dissertation completed at Michigan State University.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from Michigan State University. Current research interest is identity development in adolescence and adulthood.  相似文献   

The special issue on the emergence and maintenance of depression and depressive symptoms is introduced. The special issue considers two typically separate lines of research, one focusing on severe clinical depression and another on depressive symptoms. The biological, social, and cognitive factors contributing to the emergence of depression in adolescence are highlighted in this special issue.Received Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Research interests include biological and social development of adolescents and changes in development over a series of life cycle transitions.Received Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Research interests include biopsychosocial aspects of adoleslcent development.  相似文献   

This study tested a model for developmental transitions in defense use in adolescence based on an integration of psychoanalytic views of adolescence and Loevinger's theory of ego development. Loevinger's test for ego development and the Defense Mechanism Inventory were administered to 31 male and 35 female adolescents. Results supported several hypothesized developmental transitions: decrease in aggression outward defenses (e.g., displacement), increase in turning against the self, and an unpredicted increase in defenses entailing reversal (repression, denial, and reaction formation). Results failed to support a hypothesized increase in intellectualization and a decrease in projection. Results supported ego development over chronological age as a more valid index of maturity to apply to the investigation of the development of defenses. Implications of these findings are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.This research was partially funded by the Psychology Department at Boston UniversityAffiliations at the time when this study was conducted were Department of Psychology, Boston University, and Departments of Psychiatry at Beth Israel and McLean Hospitals/Harvard Medical School. Now Clinical Psychologist, Outpatient Psychiatry Service, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts. Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University. Research interests include ego defenses, psychotherapy research, gender, and sex roles.  相似文献   

Adolescents from four schools (one inner-city, two suburban, and one private) were tested two or three times using the Washington University Sentence Completion Test of Ego Development. Testing intervals ranged from 1.5 to 6 years. About half (N=193) the original pool was retested at twelfth grade. Every sample showed a mean rise in ego level; for six of eight samples that rise was statistically significant. Every pair of testings showed a postive correlation between scores; 10 of 14 correlations were significantly different from zero. Thus both test-retest correlations (about 0.5) and change scores support the hypothesized sequence of ego development. Significant correlation between ego level and intelligence occurred in two schools (0.6 at elementary and junior high grades and 0.4 at twelfth grade), but correlation was about zero in the private school.These studies were supported by Grant MH-05115 and Research Scientist Award MH-00657, both from the National Institute of Mental Health, Public Health Service.Received her Ph.D. from Washington University. Main interest is adolescent development.Received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Main interest is theory and measurement of ego development.  相似文献   

The paper presents the child-raising model of the Israeli kibbutzim and describes the modal kibbutz adolescent. The relation of some of its significant constituents (multiple mothering, peer group living, institutionalization of values, and role expectations) to the course and the outcome of adolescent maturation is reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of the extended psychosocial moratorium are considered, and it is suggested that time-limited adolescence may be a favorable factor on healthy personality growth. Kibbutz experience also seems to disprove the established concept that adolescent turmoil is a developmental necessity. It is hypothesized that the extension of the period of adolescence contributes to turmoil and that, as a result of this, healthy development may be partly endangered.Received M.D. from Vienna University, Austria. Current research interests are adolescent psychopathology and schizophrenia.Received B.S. from Western Reserve University and M.D. from Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School. Current research interests are personality development of kibbutz children, development of children of schizophrenic parents, and other issues of early child development.  相似文献   

网络互动是一种全新的人际互动模式,它改变了人们交往过程中吸引力诸要素的排列顺序,是青年人释放情感的最佳方式,网络互动形成了网络亚文化群体,有利于实现青年人的亲和社会需求。  相似文献   

Based on a national survey of Icelandic adolescents, this study evaluates the effects of social support on self-assessed health. The study compares four support sources, and distinguishes between direct effects and indirect effects through (1) health-related behaviors and (2) different aspects of mental health. The study indicates that parental support has the largest total effect on self-assessed health, followed by friend support, and other adult support. (Sibling support is unrelated.) The total effect of parents is due to their pervasive indirect impact, i.e., supportive parents encourage positive health behaviors and enhance mental health, which results in favorable assessment of own health. In contrast, friends and other adults affect self-assessed health in a more specific, and sometimes negative manner. Also, friends are the only support source having direct effect on self-assessed health. The implication of these results are discussed.This research was partially supported by Grant No. 123230-93 from the University of Iceland Research Fund.Received a Ph.D. in medical sociology from the University of Wisconsin — Madison. Research interests include epidemiology of mental disorder and distress, effects of social support on mental health, and adolescent health-related behaviors and perceptions.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (1) to compare the age-related expectations of parents and adolescents concerning the timing of achievement in a number of developmental tasks, (2) to examine whether personal characteristics of the adolescent affect developmental expectations, and (3) to examine whether discrepancies between the adolescents and the parents expectations are related to the amount of parent-adolescent conflict. The sample consisted of 508 families with adolescents (12–18 years old). During a home visit, a battery of questionnaires was administered individually to mothers, fathers, and adolescents. A new 24-item instrument to assess expectations for adolescents mastery of developmental tasks was developed for this study. Analyses showed that when the expectations of adolescents and those of their parents are compared at aggregate level, parents consistently indicate later ages for the achievement of developmental tasks than adolescents. Although parents have later timetables, parents and adolescents have strikingly similar views of the sequence in which achievement of developmental tasks should occur. The adolescents age appears to be the most potent predictor of developmental timetables, followed by gender, pubertal timing, and temperament, respectively. The amount of conflict within the parent-adolescent relationship was associated with differences in developmental expectations. The utility of the new instrument for research and clinical work is discussed.This research was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Health and Culture (PCOJ).  相似文献   

非公经济领域青年的发展需求目前显得尤为迫切。他们的各种需求随着经济社会的发展不断变化。 非公有经济的发展需要理论的指导、法律的保障、政策的支持,青年可以在促进经济社会的发展中寻找人生的定 位。  相似文献   

Close relationships in adolescence: The case of the kibbutz   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, studies on close relationships among kibbutz adolescents are reviewed. The case of the kibbutz is examined in terms of the balance between relationship with parents and relationship with peers in the kibbutz as compared to the city and moshav, as well as within the kibbutz between communal vs. familial sleeping arrangements. The reviewed studies address three issues: Intimacy with a best friend; self-disclosure and emotional expression toward peers, parents, and figures outside the family; and peer group relations. Studies on intimacy in young adults, married adults, and parent-daughter relationships are considered as pointing to the possible consequences of the patterns observed during adolescence. Differences in intimacy and emotional expression among adolescents in the different settings are interpreted in terms of the effects of structural variables (sleeping arrangement, degree of contact with parents and peers) being a marker for greater peer involvement. It is argued that adolescents are likely to maintain their more inhibited pattern of expression of intimacy into adulthood when they stay in the same setting. Change in the level of expressed intimacy is likely to occur in adulthood, with change of setting. Based on cross-sectional studies, it is speculated that it is possible to close developmental gaps in intimacy at a later stage, thus supporting a situational-based pattern of intimacy and closeness.Received Ph.D. from Cornell University. Research interests include friendship, cross cultural studies, and attachment.Received Ph.D. from York University, Toronto, Canada. Current research interests are in relatedness and loneliness and in psychotherapy research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interrelations between temperament, perceived family and friend support, and depressive symptoms and delinquent activity with a sample of 975 adolescents (¯xage=15.5 years). A difficult temperament index was devised, and manifested significant associations with depressive symptoms and delinquency, as well as with low family and friend support. Moderator and mediator variable models were specified via hierarchical multiple regression equations and path analyses, respectively. There was little support for the moderator variable models; partial support was garnered for the mediational models, indicating that part of the influence of temperamental difficulty on depression and delinquency may be attributable to reduced levels of perceived family and friend support. However, temperamental difficulty also significantly predicted depression and delinquency directly, over and above its indirect influences via perceived family and friend support. The findings were similar for males and females as indicated by simultaneous group structural equation models.This research was supported by NIAAA Grant No. 07861 awarded to the authorReceived a Ph.D. in human development and family studies from the Pennsylvania State University. Major research interests involve the identification of high-risk factors for adolescent substance use and other problem behaviors.  相似文献   

调查资料显示,广东青年对党的十六大精神极为关注,主动进行学习和理解,认为其建设性、广泛性、灵活性、公正性、先进性的特点对中国社会主义现代化事业有极大的推动作用。同时,青年提出要借助十六大的动力,理性分析形势、拓展事业空间、积极创造业绩、提高综合素质,在中国全面建设小康社会的进程中做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

广东省青年志愿服务转型与发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东省青年志愿服务近十年来得到迅速发展,但面临21世纪的社会需求,青年志愿服务必须实现转型。其转型背景包括民间需求强烈、社会资源丰富、政府导向明确、国际影响加大;青年志愿服务的结构转型主要的是建立协调中心、管理组织调整、服务团体分化、鼓励自由组合、完善激励机制;青年志愿服务的发展趋势是日常化、普遍化、持久化、社区化、法制化、科学化.  相似文献   

青年工作转型与发展的研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析国内外青年工作转型与发展对深圳青年工作的启示,以及加入WTO后深圳青年工作的社会背 景、社会形势与社会要求,说明深圳青年工作必须主动改革和创新,才能更好地为社会发展和青年发展服务。  相似文献   

Examined the relation of dependency and self-criticism to social functioning among adolescents. Subjects were 7th–11th graders from a suburban high school who completed the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire for Adolescents (DEQ-A) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP). The results showed that self-criticism was strongly associated with reporting a greater number of interpersonal problems, particularly in the areas of sociability and control. Dependency was only marginally related to interpersonal difficulties. The results also showed that levels of self-criticism tended to decline steadily across the high-school years, whereas levels of dependency followed a U-shaped curvilinear pattern in which it was higher in the early and late high school years relative to the middle years. Finally, the present study provides initial evidence of a reliable, shortened 20-item version of the DEQ-A.This research was funded by a team grant to David Zuroff, Richard Koestner, and Debbie Moskowitz from the Fonds Pour La Formation De Chercheurs Et L'Aide A La Recherche (FCAR-Quebec). Richard Koestner was also funded by a McGill Faculty grant.Received B.A. from McGrill University. Research interests include personality development and psychosocial adjustment.Received Ph.D. from University of Rochester. Research interests include motivation, personality, and life-span development.Received Ph.D. degree from University of Connecticut. Research interests include dependency, self-criticism, and vulnerability to depression.  相似文献   

The socialization of children and adolescents is shaped by how they spend their time. This special issue maps the daily experience of white American 5th–9th graders, describing both the quantities of time they spend in different contexts and the affective states associated with these contexts. Each paper examines a separate segment of daily activity (e.g., schoolwork, talking, sports), employing data from a common study in which 401 participants provided experience sampling reports at random times during their daily lives when cued by a pager. The findings show substantial age and sex differences, indicating significant changes in the daily life space of girls and boys between preadolescence and early adolescence. Implication for socialization to healthy adult adjustment in love, work, and play are discussed in each paper.Received Ph.D. from Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago, Research focuses on daily experience associated with health and psychopathology in adolescence and across the life span.Received Ph.D. from Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago. Current research interests: pubertal development, precursors of eating disorders, and the effects of maternal employment on young adolescents.  相似文献   

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