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东盟自身合作发展的多元性特征,显示了在东亚区域合作中的智慧,是东亚区域化的核心角色,也是东亚一体化中的主导力量。东盟在不断调整自身战略选择的同时,促使东亚的合作朝着区域一体化方向深入发展,顺应了经济全球化和区域一体化的潮流。  相似文献   

IMF管理失误与国际破产法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晶 《经济与法》2002,(9):43-43
二十世纪九十年代以来,墨西哥、泰国、韩国、俄罗斯及巴西、阿根廷先后爆发金融危机。究其原因各国自身应负首要责任,经济金融政策与宏观经济目标不协调的长期积累必然蕴藏着危机的突发。但越来越多的人意识到,IMF在危机治理中没有发挥其应有的作用,没有充分利用其国际地位和权威性给这些国家以及时、正确的援助,从而使短期流动性失衡演变为大范围的货币危机。  相似文献   

东亚区域合作不同于欧洲的统一观念和制度化建设,主要来自于权力与利益的互动联系,运行中突出市场导向而缺乏制度规范.应认真总结欧洲一体化历程的经验,并与东亚地区合作模式进行比较,以新地区主义视角来探讨适合东亚特色的地区主义合作道路.东亚区域合作应发挥东盟的地区主导作用,完善东盟与中日韩的"10 3"合作机制,共同塑造东亚新地区主义的开放性、协商性和多层次性的特点,实现利益共同体的发展目标.  相似文献   

近年来东亚区域经济合作蓬勃发展,经济一体化进程明显加快,正在形成多层次和多元化的合作机制和格局,但同时也存在着许多制约因素和内在矛盾,因而迫使东亚国家致力于不断加以探索和创新.从其发展趋向来看,东亚区域经济合作必将从目前以对话协商为主走向制度化和一体化道路,逐步实现建立东亚自由贸易区乃至经济共同体的目标.  相似文献   

本文从欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区以及东盟三大典型区域贸易安排争端解决机制的比较着手,分析区域贸易安排争端解决机制的特点以及区域贸易安排争端解决机制的形成对WTO争端解决机制的影响。  相似文献   

危机管理中的区域警务合作机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公安机关是处置各类突发性危机事件的重要力量。由跨区域、跨部门公安机关构成的区域警务合作机制在危机事件处置过程中具有重要作用,是解决危机管理跨部门合作难题的重要路径。区域警务合作的主体包括警务合作协调组织及警务合作专业组织,具有参与主体多元化与任务导向、合作关系中的相互依赖以及以垂直管理为基础,横向协调为支持力量等特点。建构适合我国国情的区域警务合作机制还需探讨理论渊源、环境要素、保障要素等内容。  相似文献   

区域警务合作是国际警务合作的基本形式之一。其基本作用在于符合警务便利原则,有利于预防和控制跨境犯罪,有利于促进区域警察联合与交流,有助于合作各方共同协调行动完成其特定的共同使命。当令世界,区域警务合作有几种比较典型的模式,如欧洲联盟模式、申根协定模式、北欧模式、东欧模式、东盟模式,这些区域警务合作模式各有其特点。其成功经验具有借鉴之处。  相似文献   

长三角区域公共服务以实现区域可持续发展为目标,从区域整体发展的需要出发,通过协商合作提供区域公共服务。在区域经济一体化的背景下,长三角区域公共服务供给有其特有的逻辑。目前,长三角区域公共服务供给模式的困境主要体现在供给主体方面"合作共赢"意识与"集体行动的逻辑"困境、长三角区域公共服务合作协调机制的缺陷以及区域公共服务供给模式单一化等等。区域公共服务供给模式的变革思路主要有:构建多元化的区域公共服务供给模式,构建和完善长三角区域公共服务的协商协调机制,以公共服务均等化的理念为引导,完善区域公共服务利益需求表达机制等。  相似文献   

统一、协调的知识产权保护制度是开展国际贸易的基本环境和条件之一.中国-东盟知识产权保护与合作的进程已经全面启动,但具体的合作机制或制度性安排还有待进一步完善.实现中国-东盟国家间知识产权法律协调的关键,在于建立以政治高层的战略对话为引领,以协调委员会的组织协调为核心,以特别审查机制和执法合作机制为保障的全方位、多层次的知识产权合作机制.  相似文献   

黄莉娜 《北方法学》2011,5(4):98-103
作为中国对外能源合作的重要组成部分,中国与东盟的能源安全合作发展迅速,并已成为中国与东盟经贸合作的重点。但是,由于东南亚出口能源的减少,能源运输通道安全受到的威胁,以及南海问题的国际化,中国与东盟的能源安全合作虽前景广阔但障碍重重。为此,利用联合国条约体系,解决马六甲海峡防盗、反恐和南海问题;借助WTO协议和CAFTA协议,加强能源贸易和投资纪律;以及借鉴ECT和NAFTA,建立专门的能源合作协调机制应是双方未来合作的重要内容。  相似文献   

Traditionally, it has been argued that increased economic competition through free trade agreements would bring about environmental degradation. This study, however, argues that recent international free trade agreements have tended to enhance environmental cooperation among participating countries. This study has examined the process by which East Asian countries have developed mechanisms for the extant level of regional environmental cooperation, particularly highlighting the reasons for commonalities and differences in regional environmental cooperation between ASEAN and the dominant economies in the region. It finds that three factors particularly matter for developing regional environmental cooperative mechanisms: networks of intergovernmental organizations, the strong willingness of political leaders which is often embodied in national strategies for regionalism and the establishment, and the institutionalized linkage—particularly through FTAs—between trade and the environment. Tracing the process of policy evolution within three groups of countries sheds light on the political conditions under which the four entities involved (the ASEAN, Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea) have produced and strengthened cooperative environmental mechanisms among them along with free trade agreements. Focusing especially on the environmental policy changes in Japan, China, and the ROK associated with the creation of its FTAs with ASEAN, the study concludes that each of free trade agreements has incrementally developed environmental cooperation, especially when integrated into a vision for regional integration.  相似文献   

东亚普通法是以古代中国法为质地、中韩日三国独特的交涉为背景而形成的概念。东亚普通法由法典化、儒教法文化、乡约村落法和法学四种要素组成。东亚普通法的发展有赖于东亚人的自觉与成熟态度。  相似文献   

宋晓明 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):108-112
教学质量监控是保证教学质量不断提高的重要手段。教学质量监控体系包含三个基本监控要素,即监控内容、监控组织和监控方式。公安高校的教学质量监控体系存在的问题不容忽视,应该在认真分析存在问题的基础上,有重点、分步骤地加以解决。  相似文献   

A widely held consensus view claims that East Asia has been shifting recently from a market-led to an institution-based form of regional economic integration, primarily as a result of the 1997–1998 financial crisis. Next to post-crisis financial cooperation schemes under the ASEAN+3, the surge of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) involving East Asian countries is thought by some to further substantiate this claim. The objective of the paper is to question the validity of this claim. By examining the current state of play of economic cooperation, in the financial and monetary areas as well as in the trade sphere, the paper highlights the limitations of the formal regional integration movement in East Asia to date, as well as the vastly different dynamics underlying the financial and trade developments. It also explores the changing nature of intra-regional trade and investment linkages and concludes that this new form of interdependence may be instrumental in changing the trade-offs of formal regional economic schemes.  相似文献   

詹建红  张威 《法学研究》2015,(3):139-157
我国现有的侦查权程序性控制表现为以内部自律的科层制控制为主、外部他律的分权式控制为辅的基本制度格局。从制度构造的表象看,传统的线性分工模式、功利导向的控制方式和不彻底的程序性救济,暴露了侦查权程序性控制体系的残缺和现有制度的羸弱。在社会文化和制度环境的作用下,长期的科层制控制和检察监督所形成的固化观念,使我国侦查权的程序性控制陷入了理念上的“内卷化”,并逐步消解着以现有制度为对象而进行的种种机制性改良尝试。立足于未来发展,我国侦查权程序性控制的制度远景应该是建立合乎我国国情的司法审查模式,使侦查权的控制走向彻底的法治化和专业化。在既有的法律框架下,侦查权程序性控制的制度近景则是以非法证据排除规则为后盾,通过与检察监督的衔接,建立审前程序中以检察机关为中心、审判程序中以法院为中心的二阶层控制模式;并通过与案例指导、国家赔偿、司法建议等制度的配套运行,形成制度合力,倒逼侦查方式和技术的改善,进而促进制度远景目标的实现。  相似文献   

目的 基于38-plex InDels族群推断体系研究青海地区汉族、回族及撒拉族的族群成分与遗传结构.方法 使用38-plex InDels复合扩增体系检测3个族群的220份样本并获取InDels位点分型,利用主成分分析、STRUCTURE聚类分析及系统发育树综合分析族群之间的遗传关系,使用族群推断软件DAA v1.0...  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国食品安全法》以及《中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例》的颁布实施,为完善我国食品安全监管体制,改善我国食品安全现状,充分保障公众身体健康和生命安全翻开了新的篇章。笔者于2008年8月受托主持起草并参研重庆市人民政府法制办公室委托起草项目《重庆市食品安全条例》,课题组历时1年,通过深入考察调研、广泛征求意见、经过8次修改,终于完成该《条例》起草工作。该项目已于2009年9月通过立法评审并结题。根据在《条例》起草过程中遇到的重大疑难问题,在食品安全监管模式方面,建议在坚持现有的多部门分段监管的基础上,建立并完善食品安全监管部门之间的协调机制、加大机构之间的协调力度;在食品安全监管部门的职责划分方面,建议对食品安全监管部门的职责划分作出明确、清晰的细化规定;对食品安全风险监测作出了突出监管重点的制度设计,规定风险评估的情形及安全隐患的处理机制;此外应明确各监管部门对"五小"食品的监管职责,构建食品检验结果信息共享机制。  相似文献   

This article discusses the effect of China’s economic rise on East Asian economic integration and concludes that the emergence of China as an increasingly important economic power has made a great contribution to Asian economic integration mainly through four channels: being a main importer and FDI destination country for most Asian countries under the processing export pattern; the renminbi’s more active image in the regional currency cooperation and its potential role as one of the core regional currencies in the future; playing a more important role in the regional political affairs and having an increasing potential to be part of the political core power (together with Japan); the demonstration and stimulative effects made by the motion of the FTA between China and ASEAN.
Liqing ZhangEmail:

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):233-246

Studies of probation and parole officers' attitudes conducted in the 1960s and 1970s indicated respondents' preference for assistance over authority as the most important goal of community supervision. The present research compares results obtained from the 1970s and 1980s applications of the Authority/Assistance Questionnaire and the Correctional Policy Inventory. The findings point not only to increased concern for authority but also to the diminished meaningfulness of the assistance objective. The authors suggest that a new emphasis on surveillance, in which delivery on service is largely a means for monitoring client risk, has “crowded” the rehabilitative ideal.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of exchange rate determination in partially liberalized post-socialist economy that operates under soft budget constraints in nontradable sectors. The model captures the factors that determine the evolution of a country's external balance during the initial phase of economic liberalization. Three types of disturbances are the center of analysis: liberalization of trade and foreign exchange regime, devaluation, and price liberalization. We show that the real exchange rate appreciation may either improve or worsen the trade balance depending on the sources of this appreciation. Thus, we argue that the real exchange rate cannot reflect true country's competitiveness unless all sectors are equally exposed to hard budget constraints. The model implications are further analyzed through the empirical evidence on the relationship between the real exchange rate and trade balance in three selected East European countries.  相似文献   

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