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萨拉蒙的第三者政府理论为有效解决我国养老保险隐性债务问题提供了新的理论视角。非政府组织在增强政府宏观管理能力、促进社会新道德发育和推动社会和谐发展等方面具有特殊价值,可通过非政府组织在文化制胜、资金募捐、社会服务等方面的介入,促进养老保险隐性债务问题的解决。  相似文献   

论公共危机管理中的政府能力建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入新世纪以来,公共危机事件频繁发生,对世界各国政府能力提出了考验。就目前实际情况来看,我国政府的危机处理能力较弱。具体体现在:公共危机管理制度缺失、机制混乱、危机管理的主体不明、政策僵化、决策迟缓以及危机管理的社会保障体系滞后等方面。因此,我国政府应加快突发公共危机应急立法步伐,建立有效的公共危机应对机制,健全公共危机管理的保障系统,以提高我国政府公共危机管理能力。  相似文献   

政府危机信息处理的必要性及其有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋君 《行政与法》2006,(7):16-18
社会经济发展中的不确定性是随时存在的,重大危机事件是随机发生的。在危机来临时,在社会危机管理中,信息的重要性是显而易见的。本文在对危机和危机信息相关问题进行阐释的基础上,分析了政府危机信息处理的必要性和重要性,进而为政府危机信息的有效处理提供了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

林野  张一 《行政与法》2007,(4):24-26
政府危机管理,主要是指政府在危机的产生及发展过程中,为减少消除危机带来的各种危害,根据危机管理的计划和程序对危机采取的直接对策。由于各种实发事件的出现,处理不好,直接威胁正常的社会秩序。不仅公众和社会蒙受极大的损失;而且也会使政府的形象和声誉受到损害。本文论述了政府提高危机管理能力的必要性,为构建和谐社会提供了保障。  相似文献   

有效应对危机 推动服务型政府体制创新   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
危机事件以其固有的突发性、破坏性,冲击着现行的公共管理体制及社会秩序,考验着国家的政府管理能力。为了有效应对危机,国家要从法律上确认服务型政府对危机管理的权力及使用边界,政府必须(而且也能够)承担起有效应对危机的责任,实现服务型政府危机管理体制创新。  相似文献   

The present article examines 10-year bond yields convergence between each of the new EU countries and Germany, including a structural break that embodies the effects of the current sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone. The analysis is based on a new definition of bond yields convergence that can be interpreted either as strong or weak monetary policy convergence, depending on whether the conditions of uncovered interest-rate parity and ex-ante purchasing power parity hold or are violated, respectively. The empirical results provide evidence of either strong or weak monetary policy convergence to Germany only for five new countries, namely Croatia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. In contrast, for the rest of the new EU countries the empirical evidence suggests lack of monetary policy convergence to Germany. The latter result could be probably explained by the increased risk premia in these countries, as a result of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

Malpractice and medical liability have been introduced into Greek reality over the last decade. Forensic sciences hold a key role in the investigation of medical liability cases. Along these lines, the medical examiner stands between colleagues and lawyers, who have divergent intentions in the investigation of such cases. This article offers an overview of the rapidly changing reality in Greece and approaches medical liability from the doctor's viewpoint. The role of forensic science and the medical examiner is portrayed, along with the emerging difficulties in the investigation of medical liability cases. Also attempted is an interpretation of the crisis phenomena that are very often seen between doctors and lawyers. However, the intent of this article is to search for ways to turn competition and tension between medical and law professionals into cooperation and understanding for the best interest for both professions and, more importantly, for the community.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the nature of the shocks hitting the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) over the recent years. To this end, we first evaluate the relative importance of symmetric versus asymmetric shocks, and then extract their temporary component. Our final aim would be assessing the vulnerability of the CEECs to temporary and asymmetric shocks, which would be the most harmful case for the operation of a monetary union. Finally, a comparison with the case of the current EMU members is also presented.  相似文献   

政府诚信与信赖利益保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一个政府要在全社会建立起良好的信用氛围,它首先必须自己是一个信用的政府。而要使政府诚信于民,重要的是将政府的权力运行纳入法制轨道。政府诚信也因此不仅仅是一种抽象的道义要求,更是一种具体的法律义务。《行政许可法》第八条规定标志着信赖利益保护原则在我国法律中得到了确认,对建设诚信政府和法治政府具有深远意义。但我国对信赖利益保护制度尚缺乏足够法律构建,诚信政府的法制建设也有待于进一步完善。  相似文献   

Among the problems facing decision makers are those of receiving reliable warnings of nascent crises and of having relevant information which can be brought to bear on unforseen decision problems. This paper describes how computer technology is being used to address both of these problems in a real-time environment. Specifically, computers are being used to manage and analyze the relations among nations in order to forewarn decision makers withad hoc information retrieval and data analysis capabilities. Using computers in this fashion in the foreign policy arena is a recent innovation which may have application in other arenas where decision makers must continually anticipate and adapt to unfolding world situations.  相似文献   

Forensic pathologists frequently consult anthropologists for the identification of skeletonized human remains. These remains may be the result of criminal activity or remains that were unearthed because of erosion, or during construction projects. In some cases, human remains that had been previously buried in a cemetery may be the subject of a forensic investigation. Early recognition of cemetery remains prevents unnecessary efforts and conserves precious resources. One of the key characteristics of cemetery remains is the presence of embalmed tissue. However, there are countries where embalming is not a common practice, and other clues must be sought for identifying previously buried remains. Current funerary customs in Greece and, in particular, the tradition of exhumations result in a large number of misplaced human remains. The present study presents examples of cemetery remains from Greece and offers guidelines for recognizing changes on skeletal remains that may be indicative of a cemetery origin. Location of discovery, condition of the remains, and the types of associated artifacts are all factors that aid forensic anthropologists in identifying cemetery remains.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会视角下的政府能力及其提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建社会主义和谐社会对政府能力提出了新的要求,政府要发挥在构建社会主义和谐社会中的主导作用,必须具备包括维护公平与正义的社会平衡能力等在内的一系列能力。政府有效提升其能力的基本途径包括:确立以人为本的政府管理理念、建设公共服务型政府、建立健全政府管理机制、提高公务员的能力和素质。  相似文献   

我国政府绩效评估存在的难点及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
政府绩效评估的兴起是当今时代全球化、民主化发展趋势的产物。它以服务质量和社会公众需求的满足为第一评价标准,它以加强与改善政府公共责任、提高政府公共服务能力为评估目的。在我国政府绩效评估的理论研究与实践中,要逐步解决“要不要评估”、“评估什么”、“谁来评估”、“怎样评估”等几方面的问题。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a technology that facilitates improved productivity, improved efficiency and lower costs. This technology has the potential to improve the reliability and scalability of organizational systems and leads to an enhanced focus on core business and strategy. Despite the Australian Federal Government's ‘cloud-first’ strategy and policies and the Queensland State Government's ‘digital-first’ strategy, the adoption of cloud services at the local government level has been limited, largely due to a lack of specificity among government regulations and a lack of regulations that provide support to local governments. This empirical study deploys a mixed research method designed to develop a cloud regulations model to assist governments in adopting cloud computing services. By integrating Australian Cloud Policy Frameworks with the extant research on cloud computing, this study conducted 21 field interviews with Information Technology (IT) managers and surveyed 480 IT staff from Australia's 47 local governments. This research paper presents and validates a revised set of factors used to develop government regulations specific to cloud computing adoption. The factors that we found to be statistically significant were cost, quality of services, security, privacy, management, government-based facilitating conditions, and firm-based facilitating conditions regulations. Based on these findings, this research concludes that government regulation is a significant aspect in decision making for the adoption of any new technology such as cloud computing.  相似文献   

论公共服务型政府   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国政府管理创新,是政府定位创新,是政府职能创新,是政府体制创新,是政府管理方式的创新。这种创新既是中国政府适应成熟的市场经济的客观要求,也是中国共产党对执政实践的总结和对执政规律的自觉探索。对于吉林省来讲,想要抓住机遇、加快发展、振兴吉林,富省强民,变“快走”为“快跑”,就必须融入到这场政府管理创新的洪流之中,探索中国政府公共服务理念的重大变化,放眼全球公共管理的最新理念,关注新一届政府“权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋”的“以人为本”的执政观的形成。从推进服务导向、重塑政府间的关系,向地方放权、开展政府全面质量管理,提高政府生产力、重视政府诚信制度的建设和依法行政几个层面探讨中国政府新的公共服务理念的形成。  相似文献   

行政法视野中的金融危机及其应对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周昕  向敏 《行政与法》2009,(7):21-23
行政法在应对金融危机中的作用,主要通过规范政府的行政行为体现出来.行政法能够及时通过立法确认和保障政府宏观调控经济、整顿市场秩序的职权;能够督促政府积极转换职能,提高危机管理水平;能够有效稳定市场秩序,确保交易公平,规范权力运作.因此,在行政法学研究中应积极引入现代公共危机管理理论,健全行政法制,提高政府应对风险的能力.  相似文献   

创建服务型政府问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯雷 《行政与法》2006,(5):20-21
创建服务型政府是一场行政模式的革命,对我国的行政理念、行政体制、行政方式、行政运行机制及公务员素质等提出了严峻挑战。我们应积极的分析服务型政府创建过程中的问题,研究对策,推进创建服务型政府的进程。  相似文献   

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