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This article invokes game theory to analyze civilian attempts to push back military influence in two countries where the armed forces have enjoyed strikingly dissimilar levels of power and privilege after the transition of democracy: Argentina and Chile. It finds that civilian governments in both countries have managed to make progress in challenging military prerogatives. But they have made relatively more progress in areas unrelated to human rights. While civilians have had to respect military immunity in the human rights sphere, they have anaged to erode other limitations on popular sovereignty that the officer corps imposed as a condition for leaving power. The resulting accommodation I describe reflects the pragmatic approach to politics that civilian and military leaders have assumed in post-authoritarian Latin America.  相似文献   

Samy Cohen 《安全研究》2013,22(1):153-179
Robert S. McNamara, In Retrospect; The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam. New York: Random House, 1995. xviii, 414 pp./$27.50 cloth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of the contemporary importance for democracy of the relationship between elected leaders and the security forces. It attempts to present a conceptualization and framework to help comprehend what security forces actually do and how they interface with democratic governments. The article aims to extend the conceptual breadth of the literature on civil–military relations beyond control to include two further dimensions – effectiveness and efficiency. The research is based on the authors' experience in conducting programmes for officers and civilians throughout the world in line with at least six different roles and missions of security forces. The conceptualization draws on literature in comparative politics, organization theory, and defence economics, as well as civil–military relations, and security sector reform.  相似文献   

Civil-military relations (CMR) are concerned with the interactions among the people of a state, the political institutions of that state, and the military of the state. In the United States, these interactions can be understood as a bargain regarding the allocation of military prerogatives and responsibilities. A history of US civil-military relations shows that this bargain has been periodically re-negotiated to take account of political, social, technological, or geopolitical changes. Often, such a renegotiation creates civil-military tensions. Yet, always underlying healthy civil-military relations is a fundamental degree of trust and respect between the uniformed military and the other two parties to the civil-military bargain. The absence of such mutual trust and respect has contributed to recent US civil-military tensions.  相似文献   

This article argues that military intervention into politics can only be understood by studying both the nature of threats and of domestic political arrangements. I offer a theory of the military in politics built around the interaction between threat configuration, political institutionalization, and civilian government legitimacy. The argument is tested with paired-comparison case studies of Indian and Pakistani civil-military relations since independence. Despite their similarities at the time of partition, these two militaries took completely different political trajectories. The cases reveal how structures of domestic politics interact with military threat perceptions to explain civilians' ability to maintain varying levels of control over the military.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,俄罗斯(苏联)率先同中国建立外交关系,今年迎来两国建交60周年。苏联解体前,两国既经历了令人难忘的"蜜月暖春",也遭遇过令人痛心的"苦涩严冬"。苏联解体后,中俄两国关系顺利发展,逐渐形成了真正意义上的"战略协作伙伴关系",成为世界上最重要的双边关系之一。展望未来,中俄关系将迎来全面深入发展的春天。  相似文献   

2007年2月13日,由中国社会科学院拉丁美洲研究所、墨西哥外交部和墨西哥驻华使馆联合主办的题为“纪念中国—墨西哥建交35周年:回顾与展望”纪念会在拉美所举行。墨西哥外交部亚太司司长胡利安.本图拉、前墨西哥驻华大使欧亨尼亚.安吉亚诺和李子文出席了纪念会。哥伦比亚、厄瓜  相似文献   

正On July 28,2021,China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) held the Conference on Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi addressed the opening ceremony via video link,CIIS President Xu Bu presided over the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

本文回顾中韩建交以来两国关系发展,着重分析两国关系发展的内在必然性,探讨目前影响中韩两国关系发展的制约因素,展望21世纪中韩关系的发展前景.  相似文献   

为了纪念中欧建交30周年,2005年5月17日由上海欧洲学会和上海外国语大学等单位共同发起主办的“中欧建交30周年学术讨论会”在上海外国语大学举行。学术讨论会题目为:“中欧关系:过去、现在与将来”。来自上海欧洲学会、上海外国语大学、中国欧盟研究会、复旦大学欧洲研究中心、华东师大欧洲研究中心、上海社科院欧洲研究中心、上海国际问题研究所欧洲室、华东理工大学欧洲研究所、同济大学欧盟研究所、上海市国际关系学会、中欧工商学院中欧文苑等欧洲问题研究机构的学者就中欧关系的发展以及存在的问题进行了深入而热烈的讨论。英国驻沪总…  相似文献   

2005年9月28日,是中古建交45周年纪念日。在近半个世纪的两国关系史上,古巴享有数个“拉美之最”。1960年9月28日中古建交,古巴成为美洲国家中最早与新中国建交的国家。次年,当时的古巴总统奥斯瓦尔多·多尔蒂科斯成为访问中国的第一位拉美总统。20世纪60年代初,逾百名中国留学生远赴古巴,古巴成为拉美最早接受中国公派留学生的国家。2003年,古巴成为拉美首个中国公民自费旅游目的地国。这充分印证了两国关系在各自的对外政策中始终占有重要的位置。45年来,中古关系经受住了风云变幻的国际形势的考验,两国和两国人民的深厚友谊历久弥新,两国…  相似文献   

日本第24届参议院选举被称之为战后日本政治史的转折点、历史性突破等,意指通过这次选举,所谓修宪势力在参议院已经达到法定修宪门槛的三分之二。加上由自民党和公明党组成的执政联盟在众议院议席已经超过三分之二,所以修宪已经成为现实可能。但实际上,三分之二在当下日本政坛所具有的真实内涵是复杂的。安倍经济学虽然是这次自民党胜选的重要依托之一,但与其说已经被选民普遍认可,不如说是对安倍政权的缓期执行,以观后效。此外,本次选举进一步印证了日本政治生态的发展趋势,即总体右倾化使自民党重获一党优位地位,以及在自民党内形成安倍一强的状况。通过本次选举,执政基础进一步得到巩固的安倍政权,其对华外交必将更加强硬,也意味着中日关系将有新的变数和面临新的严重挑战。  相似文献   

2006年11月17日,由上海师范大学非洲研究中心和上海市世界史学会联合举办的“纪念中非建交五十周年”学术研讨会在上海师范大学举行。来自上海师大、华东师范大学和上海社会科学院的专家学者近60人与会,中国非洲史研究会副会长、上海师大非洲研究中心主任舒运国教授主持了会议。上海社科院余建华研究员、华东师大历史系沐涛教授和上海师大舒运国教授就中非友好合作关系的历史演进,以及中非合作论坛北京峰会议题做了学术报告。首先,沐涛教授对中非友好关系做了回顾与前瞻。中国和非洲之间的友好交往源远流长,有几千年的悠久历史。沐涛教授认…  相似文献   

发展中国家及其与中国的关系 --纪念万隆会议召开50周年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展中国家是推动国际格局多极化、国际关系民主化、建立公正合理的国际政治、经济新秩序的重要力量,是具有丰富资源、广阔市场、推动世界经济增长的重要力量,解决全球性问题离不开发展中国家的参与,发展中国家的国际地位越来越重要。但是,发展中国家面临的困难和问题也很多。国际格局变化使发展中国家处境艰难,南北差距拉大,发展中国家之间发展也不平衡,拉大了它们经济上的差距。作为发展中国家的一员,中国重视发展同广大发展中国家之间的关系,双方互相尊重、互相支持、团结合作、共同发展。发展中国家是中国外交的重要依托,中国同它们的关系会越来越密切。  相似文献   

Why do some states deploy troops to support UN missions while others do not? Although short from war, peacekeeping entails a military dimension of foreign policy in which uniformed personnel is deployed to accomplish diplomatic and political means. As such, decisions to commit troops to UN operations must have the implicit support of the armed forces in order to take place. Yet, military backing for peacekeeping participation is not universal; some military institutions are more willing to join such missions than others. This article accounts for variations in terms of peacekeeping commitments by focusing on security doctrines and the degree of integration between military and foreign policy roles. It hypothesizes that countries with externally oriented doctrines and integrated foreign and defense policies are more likely to commit troops to the UN than countries with national security doctrines and segregated military and foreign policy roles. Using evidence from the Latin American region, the paper suggests that the decision to engage in UN operations is the result of doctrinal policies and bureaucratic infighting.  相似文献   

不断更新走向成熟的中欧关系--纪念中欧建交30周年   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国和欧盟建交30周年,经贸关系快速稳步发展,双方已互为数一数二的最大贸易伙伴.政治和战略关系不断更新,已结成全面战略伙伴关系,中欧关系正步入成熟、健康、稳定发展的新阶段,处在历史上最好最富有成果的时期.中欧经贸合作和全面战略伙伴关系相辅相成,互为基础,中欧关系的不断深化和加强,有利于国际格局朝着比较均衡的方向发展,中欧共创美好未来,必将在经济全球化、世界多极化、文化多样化的人类文明历史进程中占据重要历史地位.  相似文献   

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