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基本权利第三人效力,也被称为水平效力、私人效力、基本权利在私法或私人法律关系中的效力等。第三人效力是指,基本权利能否以及在何种程度上可以对诉讼当事人之间的民事实体法律关系产生影响。实践中,公私二元划分是第三人效力探讨的基础;基本权利客观法属性是第三人效力的规范范畴;基本权利人类图像与自由权的多重面向是第三人效力的价值范畴;基本权利保护义务是第三人效力的义务范畴;基本权利取向解释是第三人效力的方法范畴。第三人效力具有体系正义、规范正义和个案正义的诉求,本质上是涵盖不同范畴的结构性效力。提出第三人效力的目的在于国家通过干预社会和消解社会不公正,为私人主体创造秩序和自由。  相似文献   

行政审批与权利转让合同的效力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在合同效力与合同履行相区分的制度平台上,行政审批的法律意义与权利转让合同的效力并非绝对绑定。实现国家管控权利变动的政策目标,存在行政审批与合同效力绑定、行政审批与合同效力区分两条进路。相较于二者绑定的现实选择,依循二者区分的进路,行政审批的法律意义仅在于控制相关合同的履行,由此权利转让合同即使未获审批,亦为有效合同。这便于助推合同机制的运作,相符于比例原则,且有利于合理分配因权利转让合同而产生之风险与负担,防范当事方的机会主义行为,为立法论层面的应然选择。在解释论层面,亦应厘清合同效力的长成逻辑,并采用目的论限缩的解释方法,尽量对现行立法做出权利转让合同效力与行政审批无涉的解释结论。  相似文献   

王晓东  沈维刚 《河北法学》2007,25(11):136-138
宗教作为一种社会意识和文化系统,它几乎与人类文明史上的所有社会形态都结下了"不解之缘".它既有深广多面的精神资源,又有丰厚辉煌的历史文化遗产,同时还是民族融合的纽带.在社会主义社会,它将具有长期性、民族性、群众性、复杂性、国际性等特点.在和谐社会的构建中,具有很强的道德教化作用、社会稳定作用、心理慰藉作用、文化展示作用和对政治文明建设的推动作用,是社会主义和谐社会的有机组成部分.  相似文献   

Previous research has focused on certaintyznty of punishment as one. factor. upon which any dzterrent effect of punishment might be contingent and Auggested that it must reach a critical tipping level before the deterrent effect becomes evident. Using data on index crimes and clearance. rates for. Virginia cities and counties, bupport was found for both the. deterrent effect and the exlstenee of a tipping level. Attention was directed towand a more precise specification of the form of the tipping effect, suggesting that there is a single critical tipping level and that it occurs at a relatively low level of certainty of punihment.  相似文献   

江国华  张倩 《法律科学》2013,31(1):110-119
行政判决的反射效力是一种客观的超越既判力范围的影响力,它内在地包括反射性确定力、反射性拘束力和构成要件效力等.就其法理而言,行政判决在本质上即司法之于行政的合法性判断,其反射效力即源自于这种“合法性判断”本身.在其现实意义上,正是其反射效力而非既判力,延展了行政判决作用的广度和深度,提升了司法审查之于法治国家建设乃至整个社会文明进程之价值.挖掘并正视这种价值,或对近期《行政诉讼法》修改有所裨益.  相似文献   

李锡海 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):51-58
文化环境是指存在于人类主体周围并影响主体活动的各种精神文化条件的总和。文化环境影响犯罪是通过影响人的动物性和文化性的强化和弱化而实现的,就是其作用于个人意识、人格和个人行为的过程。其中尤以家庭文化环境、学校文化环境和社会文化环境对犯罪的影响最大。所以,必须优化各种文化环境,才能从根本上预防犯罪。  相似文献   

论诉讼契约的效力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诉讼契约需具备一定的要件方可生效。生效之诉讼契约对于当事人和法院都具有一定的约束力。法定诉讼契约对于诉讼程序产生直接效力,而非法定诉讼契约仅有间接效力,尚需义务人实施后续诉讼行为方可对诉讼程序产生一定的效力。基于当事人诉讼上之抗辩,对于诉讼性质诉讼契约之违反,法院依照双方约定的有关程序继续进行或者对双方约定的诉讼行为直接予以认可;对于私法性质诉讼契约之违反,法院在审查双方关于实体部分的合意是否合理履行基础上判定该违反行为是否有效。  相似文献   

Procedural justice, in the form of voice and respectful treatment by supervisor, and ethical decision making are examined in this research. Ethical decision making is hypothesized to be a direct function of moral intent, as indicated by willingness to use moral criteria in decision making. Moral intent is, in turn, expected to be a function of the decision-making context, including perceptions of voice, respect and trust between supervisor and subordinate, and moral climate. Individual moral development is also expected to have a positive effect on moral intent. Results generally support the model, with two exceptions. First, perception of voice has a negative effect on moral intent, while caring climate and respectful supervisory relations have the expected positive effect on moral intent. These results suggest either a compensatory model of ethical decision making or a complacency effect. Second, individual characteristics had very little effect on either the decision made or the level of moral intent developed, save for one decision. These results suggest an important overlooked variable, the salience of issues for procedural justice concerns.  相似文献   

内地和香港协议管辖制度在适用范围、形式要件、限制条件、性质认定和效力等方面存在的立法差异,减损了运用协议管辖制度协调两地管辖权冲突的效用。2006年两地有关认可和执行协议管辖的民商事判决的安排的规定虽对协议管辖制度进行了部分整合,但涉及范围有限。应结合国际趋势和立足两地实际立法,探讨两地协议管辖制度整合的可能性并设计相关的制度。  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 19 studies (N = 15,992 offenders) showed a significant inverse relation between more mature moral development and recidivism. Moderator analyses revealed a larger effect size for moral cognition (r = .20) than for moral emotion (r = .11). Effect sizes for production measures (r = .57) were much larger than for recognition measures (r = .16) and unstructured (clinical) judgment (r = .10). Larger effect sizes were found for female delinquents (r = .32) than for male delinquents (r = .21). Only small differences in effect sizes were found between juvenile delinquents (r = .10) and adult delinquents (r = .16). Finally, self-report measures of recidivism revealed much larger effect sizes (r = .32) than official reports of recidivism (r = .09). The discussion focuses on the theoretical and practical meaning of the magnitude of the effect size for the relation between moral development and recidivism.  相似文献   

Studies of female representation in national legislatures have claimed that the gender attitudes of a country's population have an effect on female representation in that country's parliament. This claim is based on the assumption that there is a unidirectional effect of public attitudes on female representation. This article tests that assumption, and hypothesises that in countries with multi-member electoral districts the effect is likely to flow in the opposite direction. When women are nominated, and to some extent elected to parliament, their presence in national politics affects public attitudes towards women in that role. Granger tests of causality in eight European countries and in the United States generally support these hypotheses. The effect flows from public attitudes to female representation in countries with single-seat districts, and in the opposite direction in countries with multi-member districts.  相似文献   

Legislative professionalization typically involves two concomitant processes: increasing institutional resources and increasing careerism among state legislators. These processes, we argue, entail different effects for legislative influence on state administrative agencies. Greater legislative resources serve to increase legislative influence, but greater political careerism among state legislators serves to decrease it. Because these two processes are normally intertwined within the process of legislative professionalization, the net effect of professionalism is uncertain, although our analysis suggests that the negative effect of careerism may outweigh the positive effect of institutional resources. These results have significant implications for the democratic responsiveness of executive branch agencies.  相似文献   

Whether an action is beneficent may depend on its effect on incentives for future behavior of the beneficiary. This strategic consideration makes our moral account of beneficence far more complex than most discussions suggest. Its effect on utilitarian and Kantian moral theories is discussed. In general, strategic incentive considerations recommend institutional rather than individual resolution of many problems, so that moral theory must in part be political and institutional.  相似文献   

刑法的经济分析理论是一种崭新的研究刑法规范设置的成本与效益的理论。伪劣商品犯罪作为谋利型的经济犯罪,其成本与“效益”的关系尤为突出,依据刑法经济分析理论,我国伪劣商品犯罪屡禁不止的原因是国家支付刑罚成本虽高,但因刑种、刑度设置的不合理,以及刑罚确定性低而导致刑罚效益低,致使刑罚的投入量与刑罚效益不对称。要遏制生产、销售这类犯罪,就必须应调整伪劣商品犯罪的刑罚结构,限制自由刑的适用,扩大财产刑的适用范围,增设资格刑,并提高刑罚的确定性,以较低的刑罚成本获取最佳的刑罚效益。  相似文献   

Legal reforms throughout Latin America have increased the transparency of the criminal justice process and improved defendants' rights. Many scholars conjecture that such reforms also improve “good governance” and by extension economic development. Paradoxically, despite such assertions, there are few quantitative studies that examine the precise effect of such legal reforms. Using original data sets, the impact of Chile's criminal law reforms on the rights of criminals and economic development is tested. The results show that Chile's criminal law reform has enhanced defendants' rights by reducing the percent of individuals incarcerated. The reform has had a positive effect on regional economic activity, but little effect on foreign direct investment at the regional level.  相似文献   

陈甦 《法学研究》2020,(3):39-60
公章的意义在于使特定的意思表示与特定的主体相联结,是书面法律行为的重要标识方式。因经济活动中存在真公章无权使用和假公章冒用等现象,公章名义人因此或借此对公章真假及使用效力提出抗辩。但实践中对公章效力的判定却常有偏差,其重要原因之一就是对公章抗辩缺乏系统有效的处理规则。公章抗辩包括公章确认抗辩和公章效力抗辩,公章效力抗辩又可分为真公章效力抗辩和假公章效力抗辩。不同类型的公章抗辩在抗辩事由、举证责任等方面,均有不同的规则内容与处理要点。实务中对公章抗辩的处理与认定,应当有效把握不同公章抗辩类型的基本规则与特殊情形,并妥当辨识及运用公章效力与表见代理或表见代表之间的互证关系。  相似文献   

Sentencing studies have incorporated social context in studying sentencing decisions, but to date the bulk of prior work has focused almost exclusively on county context. An unresolved question is whether there also may be state‐level effects on sentencing. Drawing from the minority threat perspective, we examine (1) whether state‐level racial and ethnic contexts affect sentencing, (2) whether this effect amplifies the effect of county‐level racial and ethnic contexts on sentencing, and (3) whether the interaction of county‐level and state‐level contextual effects is greater for minorities than for whites. Analysis of State Court Processing Statistics and other data indicates that state‐level racial and ethnic contexts are associated with sentencing outcomes and that this effect may differ by outcome (e.g., incarceration versus sentence length) and by type of context (e.g., racial or ethnic). The study's findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

侵权法上因果关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范利平 《现代法学》2004,26(3):126-130
侵权法上的因果关系是民事责任构成要件之一,对于确定民事责任具有不可替代的作用。但因果关系又是多年来一直困扰学者们的一个难题。因果关系的哲学基础与侵权行为法上的因果关系在目的上和范围上都是不同的;因果关系中的原因是违法行为还是过错、还是加害行为,是学者们一直在探讨而且远远没有解决的问题;在因与果的关联性方面,相当因果关系比必然因果关系更为合理,但也不能完全解决个案中因果关系的判断问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines age at first marriage for women and spousal age gap as an indicator for female agency from 1950 to 2005. Using a dataset of 77 LDCs this paper seeks to explore which variables determine differences at a country level in marriage patterns. We look at the influence of urbanisation, education, percentage population of Muslim faith, and family type. We find that education is a key in determining at what age women marry, having as would be expected a positive effect on age at first marriage and depressing spousal age gap. Urbanisation is significant, with a positive effect on age and negative on spousal age gap, although the effect is not very large. The percentage Muslim variable depresses female age at first marriage and increases spousal age gap but only when family type is not controlled for. The initially strong negative effect of percentage population Muslim over the period under consideration on age of first marriage has decreased, which raises some interesting questions about the role of Islam in female empowerment.  相似文献   

法的功能和法的作用辨异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
法的功能和法的作用是形式上相似而实质上有别的两个事物。法的功能是法所固有的内在属性,而法的作用是被赋予和设定的;法的功能是法所固有的稳定属性,而法的作用则需常有变动;法的功能是法所固有的应然属性,而法的作用则具有现实的指向。法的功能主要是描述性的,法律人应把握法的功能的天然禀性,尊重法的规律来发现和表述法的功能,使法的功能的潜质尽可能得以实现,而不要去做形式上所谓“充分发挥”而实质上则属于画蛇添足的徒劳工作。法的作用主要是规定性的,法律人应在充分利用既有条件的基础上,更好地创设和发挥法的作用,使其能够适合国家、社会和公民生活的实际需求。  相似文献   

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