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肖军 《犯罪研究》2012,(4):92-102
欧盟联合侦查小组基于欧盟成员国共同侦破某些严重犯罪案件而设立,它在权力与权力、权力与权利、惩罚犯罪与保障人权、诉讼效率与公平的博弈和妥协中逐渐成长。在这一过程中,应该不断地解决国家主权和侦查权关系、侦查权的扩张与限缩、法律缺失或不完善及不统一、与欧盟其他机构关系、信息的收集处理和共享等一系列问题,以期能够更好地发挥其应有效能。这样不仅能完善自身理论、法律和实践中存在的不足和缺陷,也为欧盟乃至整个国际社会的侦查大环境进行优化,同时还可向其他国家和地区提供有关经验以资参考。  相似文献   

社区矫正警察队伍建设问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、社区矫正警察队伍建设概况 随着《刑法修正案(八)》将社区矫正正式规定为刑罚的执行方式,在社区矫正工作不断推向深入的同时,社区矫正工作机构不断正规化,社区矫正工作队伍也不断地发展壮大。截至2011年12月底,全国共有27个省(区、市)司法厅(局)经所在省(区、市)编办批准设立了社区矫正处。  相似文献   

以中层管理团队在企业管理中的作用作为切入点,通过对南京地区高科技创新创业企业中层管理者的问卷调查,基于结构方程模型,研究了企业中层管理团队特征,即团队异质性、团队冲突、团队绩效与企业绩效之间的关系。研究发现,多元化的团队较容易引发团队冲突,但团队冲突的各维度对团队绩效的影响不一致,团队绩效在团队冲突与企业绩效之间存在着有效的中介作用。研究发现为中层管理团队理论提供了一系列基于统计实证的支持;构建的模型框架也为企业管理者决策提供了新的思路,也为将创新创业企业价值评估纳入对中层管理团队的考量提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to determine if the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT), California Psychological Inventory (CPI), and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Organization Behavior (FIRO-B) may be used to identify psychological characteristics of successful SWAT/Tactical Response Team personnel. Thirty-four caucasian male subjects ranging in age between 26 to 45 years served as subjects. Education levels ranged from high school diploma to graduate degrees. Means and standard deviations for assessment instruments are presented. In part two, supervisors rated each participant for their general effectiveness as SWAT/Tactical Response, Team personnel. The highest rated third of subjects was compared with the lowest rated third. The Newman-Keuls test was utilized to maintain the familywise error rate. Univariate ANOVA’S indicated statistically significant differences between the highest and lowest rated groups on CPI scales V2, SO and FM at the 05 level. John T. Super, Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, Behavior Science Unit.  相似文献   

为贯彻落实中央领导同志提出的“首要标准”要求,江西省司法厅在全省监狱劳教系统组织开展了“贯彻首要标准、规范执法行为、提高教育改造质量”专题教育活动。半年多来,整个教育活动成效明显,得到中央领导同志的充分肯定和社会各界的广泛好评。按照部领导指示,为总结推广江西省司法行政系统贯彻落实“首要标准”的经验做法,由司法部监狱局、劳教局组成调研组,对江西省司法行政系统贯彻“首要标准”专题教育活动工作情况进行了深入调研。形成了如下调研报告:  相似文献   

检察官是社会高度分工,司法进化的产物.检察官是执行法律监督的司法官员,它担负着专门法律监督的重任,因此,必须强化对这支队伍的专业化建设.尤其是在我国检察官队伍的专业化建设还存在严重缺陷时,强化此项工作就显得更为紧迫和重要.检察官专业化建设不仅需要我们对现行检察官专业化的基本理论问题和相关配套措施进行冷静分析和理性反思,而且更需要深刻剖析现行检察官专业化建设中存在的问题.  相似文献   

东深分局结合自身的实际、通过近两年的探索和反复的实践,就公安工作如何加强执法规范化、绩效考核科学化、队伍管理精细化、岗位职责标准化等方面进行了大胆有益的尝试.本文就这些方面谈几点粗浅的意见.  相似文献   

马海龙 《行政与法》2010,(11):75-76
在各种社会资源中,高层次专业人才资源是促进经济社会发展的重要推动力,他们既能影响一个企业的生存和发展,也能影响一个国家社会发展的速度及其在世界舞台上的地位和尊严。因此,加强吉林省高层次专业人才队伍建设,应以科学发展观为先导,以更新的理念、更活的政策、更优惠的政策、高效率的为高层次专业人才服务。  相似文献   

解决重大疑难案件的一名特型“国家队员”——访上海市公安司法鉴定中心阳春三月,本刊记者采访了第一批被遴选为国家级司法鉴定机构的上海市公安司法鉴定中心副主任张玉荣主任法医师。记者:张副主任,首先祝贺你们成为我国首批国家级司法鉴定机构。你作为机构的负责人对此有何感想?  相似文献   

This article undertakes an auto-critical analysis of the research team's ethnographic study of Cultural Enterprise Office (CEO), a Scottish creative business support agency. We discuss the team's composition and how this relates to other analyses of ethnographic teamwork. Our research is situated in the wider policy context of the “creative-economic” turn in the UK's research funding. This has been accompanied by increased emphasis on “knowledge exchange” and “impact” in the drive for greater accountability in higher education. The team's evolution in the course of undertaking research is illustrated by reference to four “pivotal moments,” which illustrate how we “performed” knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

我国的社区矫正试点工作自2002年开展以来,得到了社会各界的广泛支持,社会效果初步显现。在现行法律尚未修改的情况下,未建立社区矫正专职工作队伍,试点工作正处于过渡时期的双主体并存模式,即根据现行法律,公安机关是“执法主体”,由司法行政机关担当日常“工作主体”。由公安  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary teams provide an unparalleled opportunity for peacemaking in families within the consensual dispute resolution continuum. This interdisciplinary environment was born out of the integration of Collaborative Law, in which lawyers limit the scope of their services to settlement by way of a signed agreement, and Collaborative Divorce, a team approach to divorce services that includes a lawyer for each party along with a Collaborative Divorce Coach for each party, a neutral financial specialist, and a neutral child specialist. Taken together, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice supports the resolution of legal issues out of court as well as addressing any emotional, relational, or behavioral problems that create obstacles to the successful resolution of the separation process.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Collaborative Practice creates legal representation in a consensual environment limiting services to settlement negotiations by way of a written agreement.
  • The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals includes 5,000 members in twenty‐five countries.
  • Legal representation in a consensual environment together with interdisciplinary teams create endless possibilities for dispute resolution processes.
  • Collaborative Lawyers, Collaborative Divorce Coaches, child specialists, and financial specialists can create custom‐fit interdisciplinary teams that work together out of court to support families through marital transition.
  • Interdisciplinary teams are family centric, bridging appropriate disciplines and resources to the needs of the family to address the vast majority of divorce‐related problems.
  • Divorcing families are moving targets, learning and evolving through the process.
  • Therapeutic teams support families with more complex relational, emotional, and mental health problems to find resolutions out of court.
  • Divorce is a mainstream event in Western culture; we need supportive processes to encourage the best possible outcomes for all family members, especially the children.

This article considers team policing as a method of deploying police manpower and examines the impact of an experiment in one neighborhood in a medium-sized American city. The first section reviews team policing in light of earlier police reforms and sets forth the basic tenets and expectations of team policing as a deployment strategy. Next the design of the quasi-experiment is discussed. The program is evaluated in terms of its impact upon a number of criteria, including attitudes toward the police, the evaluation of police services, clearance rates, and crime rates. While no reduction in crime rates was detected, a favorable impact was made in most other areas.  相似文献   

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