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通过分析资本主义社会中的城乡分离及其阶级对立,马克思的物质变换断裂理论揭示了19世纪资本主义土壤危机产生的社会根源,阐释了共产主义和城乡之间较高层次的综合是恢复人与土地之间物质变换关系的根本选择.马克思的这一理论关乎当今农业发展,对我国城乡建设亦具有启示价值.  相似文献   

John Bellamy Foster and his colleagues have recently argued that the project of ecosocialism should be understood in terms of a “prefigurative” and “first stage” of red-green thinkers whose insights have largely been transcended by their own work on the metabolic rift. Rift scholars have further argued that “second-stage” ecosocialists should push back against “idealist” deviations occurring amongst historical materialists concerned with the production of nature, socionatures and “hybridity,” as well as more or less all engagements with literatures on eco-technological transitions, industrial ecology and the like, which are implicated in supporting “green capitalism.” This paper critically evaluates these claims. In each case, it is argued, rift scholarship is narrowing the possibilities for interdisciplinary engagement and for thinking in dynamic and reconstructive terms about red-green futures. It is our sense that an ecosocialist vision of just transitions has to be conceptualized as a diverse, dynamic, iterative and always incomplete affair. Anthropocene ecosocialisms are inevitably going to involve co-producing, making and remaking hybrid social ecologies on an irreducibly restless, turbulent and warming planet. We argue that what follows from this is the necessity to both critique and recuperate the better insights of hybrid political ecology and ecological modernities.  相似文献   

Jude C. Hays Department of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 e-mail: jchays{at}uiuc.edu e-mail: franzese{at}umich.edu (corresponding author) In this paper, we demonstrate the econometric consequences ofdifferent specification and estimation choices in the analysisof spatially interdependent data and show how to calculate andpresent spatial effect estimates substantively. We considerfour common estimators—nonspatial OLS, spatial OLS, spatial2SLS, and spatial ML. We examine analytically the respectiveomitted-variable and simultaneity biases of nonspatial OLS andspatial OLS in the simplest case and then evaluate the performanceof all four estimators in bias, efficiency, and SE accuracyterms under more realistic conditions using Monte Carlo experiments.We provide empirical illustration, showing how to calculateand present spatial effect estimates effectively, using dataon European governments' active labor market expenditures. Ourmain conclusions are that spatial OLS, despite its simultaneity,performs acceptably under low-to-moderate interdependence strengthand reasonable sample dimensions. Spatial 2SLS or spatial MLmay be advised for other conditions, but, unless interdependenceis truly absent or minuscule, any of the spatial estimatorsunambiguously, and often dramatically, dominates on all threecriteria the nonspatial OLS commonly used currently in empiricalwork in political science. Authors' note: This research was supported in part by NationalScience Foundation grant no. 0318045. We thank Chris Achen,Jim Alt, Kenichi Ariga, Neal Beck, Jake Bowers, Kerwin Charles,Bryce Corrigan, Tom Cusack, David Darmofal, Jakob de Haan, JohnDinardo, Zach Elkins, John Freeman, Fabrizio Gilardi, KristianGleditsch, Mark Hallerberg, John Jackson, Aya Kachi, JonathanKatz, Mark Kayser, Achim Kemmerling, Gary King, Hasan Kirmanoglu,James Kuklinski, Tse-Min Lin, Xiaobo Lu, Walter Mebane, CovadongaMeseguer, Michael Peress, Thomas Pluemper, Dennis Quinn, MeganReif, Frances Rosenbluth, Ken Scheve, Phil Schrodt, Beth Simmons,Duane Swank, Wendy Tam Cho, Craig Volden, Michael Ward, andGregory J. Wawro for useful comments on this and/or other workin our broader project on spatial econometric models in politicalscience. Bryce Corrigan, Aya Kachi, and Xiaobo Lu each providedexcellent research assistance and Kristian Gleditsch, Mark Hallerberg,and Duane Swank also generously shared data. We alone are responsiblefor any errors.  相似文献   

While data analysis and the related skills of data management and data visualization are important skills for undergraduates in the field of political science, the process of learning these skills can also be used to develop critical thinking, encourage active and collaborative learning, and to apply knowledge gained in the classroom. Drawing on our experiences using data work in upper-level courses in International Relations and American Politics, we discuss how data work and quantitative analysis can be incorporated into subject-based (i.e., nonmethods specific) courses, and how it can also enhance critical reasoning skills. An evaluation of this approach using direct and indirect assessment is included.  相似文献   

Today we are often skeptical of the role played by representations of the nation state in constructing and legitimating ways of life and public policies. We portray what once appeared to be neutral, scientific representations of our practices and our heritages as contingent historical objects. How did we become so skeptical? The answer has several parts: developmental historicism dominated the human sciences in the latter half of the nineteenth century; the turn of the century witnessed an epistemic rupture and the rise of a modernist empiricism that came to dominate the social sciences; modernist empiricists reformulated their approach during the latter half of the twentieth century in response to alternative visions of social science; and, finally, the close of the twentieth century also saw the rise of a radical historicism that spread from philosophy and literature to history and even social science. In short, we have become skeptical as we have moved toward a radical historicism that challenges scientism and decenters the grand narratives of yore.  相似文献   

Landmark welfare reform legislation passed in 1996 has been operating by legislative extensions since its expiration in September 2002. At this writing, reauthorization has been derailed by controversy over various legislative proposals. In this article, we contribute to the welfare policy debate by studying the importance of specific policy tools and the role of public administration in the dramatic fall in welfare caseloads from 1996 to 2000. Using administrative and survey data on welfare programs in 44 states, we test our theory that caseload reduction is a function of administrative commitments, policy design, and administrative actions linked to five sets of governance variables: environmental factors, client characteristics, treatments, administrative structures, and managerial roles and actions. We find strong evidence that administrative action to move clients into work, coupled with administrative commitments, can provide important links between policy goals and policy outcomes.  相似文献   

This article introduces the symposium on the representation of immigrant-origin and ethnic minorities in Europe. It argues for the importance of research on this topic, noting the large, established populations of immigrant-origin citizens and their descendants across Western European countries and these minorities’ underrepresentation in elected bodies. Current research gaps concern both empirical knowledge and the theoretical conceptualisation of immigrant and ethnic minority political involvement. The article argues that existing research on representation needs to be extended to suit the cases of immigrants and ethnic minorities. It ends by providing a brief overview of each contribution to the symposium.  相似文献   

“Institutionalized science ethics” refers to the statutory, professional and institution-based ethical standards that guide and constrain scientists' research work. The primary institution responsible for implementing institutionalized science ethics is the Institutional Review Board. We examine the limitations of IRBs and institutionalized science ethics, using bureaucratic theory and, especially, theory related to the development and enactment of rules. We suggest that due to the very character of rules-based systems, improvements in IRB outcomes are unlikely to be achieved through either more or better rules or even by bureaucratic reform. Instead, we suggest that improvements in human subject protection can best be advanced through increased participation. Ours is not a call for more participation by the general public but participation, via “Participant Review Boards” of persons who are eligible, by the protocols of the research in question, to serve as subjects. This provides a level of legitimacy and face validity that cannot be obtained by IRB affiliates, even by “external representatives.” In making these points, we review a recent science ethics controversy, the KKI/Johns Hopkins lead paint study. In spite of being approved by IRBs, the study resulted in a civil lawsuit that reached the Maryland Court of Appeals. The case illustrates the limits of institutionalized science ethics and the bureaucracies created for their enactment. The case also underscores the complex and equivocal nature of the ethical guidelines established under the National Research Act. We are grateful to – for providing helpful comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

随着贺建奎被科以刑责,基因编辑婴儿的争端,在法律上可以说是尘埃落定了。但贺建奎开展的“科学研究”与“技术试验”所触及的科学技术伦理问题,以及相关行动的行政监管问题,依然需要深入讨论。这一方面是因为中国科学技术的迅猛发展,让人们不能不高度担忧中国能否有效管控科技风险的问题;另一方面也是因为科技人员的相关尝试,似乎已经脱离了法律、行政与伦理的约束,变成一匹脱缰野马。前者是预应性思考,后者是现实性考量。贺建奎事件给国人一个提醒:在一个无神论环境中,法律、行政与伦理对科技疾速发展的有力支持和有效约束,已经成为一个需要紧迫应对的重大问题。  相似文献   

In this research note, we examine the nature of, and influences on, parliamentary oversight in Ghana. We find that while macro‐institutions are important when examining good governance and legislative effectiveness, meso‐level institutions (such as oversight tools) are more important than previously acknowledged. We also detect a positive relationship between an increase in legislative oversight facilities and the reputation of parliament and its members, the legitimacy of democracy and political institutions, and the success in curbing corruption. And finally, we confirm that the successful functioning of institutions depends on the presence or absence of specific contextual factors. In the case of Ghana, these factors are a relatively low level of partisanship at the committee level, parliament's ability to find alternative sources of information, and the demand for good governance.  相似文献   


Strategic management (SM) has become prominent on the agenda in several public organizations due to new public management (NPM) reforms. Nevertheless, there are few studies investigating how public organizations apply SM in practice and what tools are used. As a result, calls have been made for such studies. This article can be seen as an attempt to meet this call by presenting a qualitative case study of how SM has been applied in the Swedish Transport Administration (STA), a central government agency in Sweden, and what tools it used in strategy making. By analyzing the micro processes of strategizing at STA, our results indicate that public organizations need to be aware of at least three specific tensions that can enable or constrain strategy making. These tensions are: short v. long-term, parts v. whole, and reactivity v. proactivity.  相似文献   

This article considers how spatial analysis of housing submarkets can advance research into residential segregation. While an emphasis on housing submarkets has been proposed as a new construct for modeling housing prices, its use in analyzing residential segregation has been limited. Recent advances in spatial analysis and geographic information systems present new opportunities for researchers to exploit the potential of housing submarkets as constructs that offer a more precise way to examine residential segregation. The article synthesizes literature related to residential segregation and housing submarkets and demonstrates how to delineate housing submarkets using publicly available data. It examines the spatial distribution of housing submarkets and how the socially disadvantaged are represented across housing submarkets in St. Louis, Missouri, and Cincinnati, Ohio, to conclude that St. Louis's housing market is more polarized and racially segregated than Cincinnati's. Spatial analysis of housing submarkets, in conjunction with archival analysis, provides a promising avenue for identifying residential segregation as a multidimensional phenomenon, and a means to explore local processes of urban inequality.  相似文献   

Ansolabehere  Stephen  Snyder  James M. 《Public Choice》2000,103(3-4):327-336
Spatial models of two-party or two-candidatecompetition almost never have pure-strategy Nashequilibria when the issue space has more than onedimension. This paper shows that the introduction ofvalence issues can create conditions where equilibriaexist, even in a multidimensional setting. We derivesufficient conditions for the existence of equilibria,and characterize the spatial locations of twocompeting parties or candidates when such equilibriaexist. The party with the advantage on the valencedimension will generally take a moderate position onthe positional issues. We consider the implications ofthese results for public perceptions of the parties,incumbency advantages, and realigning elections.  相似文献   


In recent years, debates around development have seen the growing prominence of post-developmentalist proposals, which are driving the anti-capitalist discourse and at the same time serving as a springboard for non-capitalist development proposals. However, the search for an alternative approach to development can disrupt the construction of viable action strategies and dilute important elements of the contributions advanced by the heterodox tradition, mainly Marxist. The aim of this paper is to systematize the limitations of post-developmentalism and articulate a heterodox paradigm that can be measured in tandem with conventional and hegemonic approaches in development studies, such as approaches stressing human development.  相似文献   

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