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相关市场界定的方法及其缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相关市场的界定方法为经济理论界和反垄断执法机构所重视.界定相关市场的方法可以分为需求交叉弹性法、运输数据法和SSNIP方法.本文旨在介绍这三种相关市场界定方法的理论背景、内涵.分析各种方法在理论上的缺陷和应用时的困难所在,提出不存在一套科学完善的相关市场界定方法,也不存在对各种情况均适合的基础指标.相关市场的界定问题,要服务于我国反垄断工作的中心目标,实施过程中要对具体问题加以具体分析和判断.  相似文献   

The concept of party identification is central to our understanding of electoral behavior. This paper builds upon the functional logic of party identification and asks what occurs when more Germans manage the complexities of politics without needing to rely on habitual party cues—what we label as Apartisans. We track the distribution of party mobilization and cognitive mobilization within the German electorate from 1976 until 2009. Then, we demonstrate the importance of these mobilization patterns by documenting strong differences in electoral commitment, the content of political thinking, and electoral change. The results suggest a secular transformation in the characteristics of the public has led to a more differentiated and dealigned German electorate.  相似文献   


Most scholarship on far-right parties focuses on populism while largely ignoring the role of intellectualism. Disregarding the increasing support by well-educated voters, much of this literature appears to presume that populism and intellectualism in the far-right are separate rather than complementary phenomena. Against this view, this article uses Skinner’s concept of ‘innovating ideologists’ to explore the role of Heideggerian philosophy in the interplay between German New Right (GNR) intellectualism and Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) populism. To do so, Heidegger’s conception of ‘people’ is outlined before turning to the GNR’s use of these concepts in articles, books and speeches, by both GNR intellectuals and leading AfD members. The analysis shows that GNR and AfD actors refer to Heideggerian philosophy both in the context of intellectual circles and to wider audiences to legitimize an exclusive idea of nationhood based not on the illicit idea of race but on a more acceptable idea of history. The findings suggest that intellectualism and populism in the German far-right are closely connected. The article concludes that neglecting GNR intellectualism means underestimating the GNR’s and AfD’s capacity to bring about social change.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):73-81

Heimo Schwilk and Ulrich Schacht (eds.), Die selbstbewusste Nation. ‘Anschwellender Bocksgesang’ und weitere Beiträge zu einer deutschen Debatte. 3rd edn. Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Verlag, 1995. vii+494pp. Ind.  相似文献   

Nass  Klaus Otto 《Publius》1989,19(4):165-184
Although the German federal government is responsible underthe Basic Law for foreign affairs, the Länder may, undercertain circumstances, conclude treaties with the consent ofthe federation. The Länder have also become involved directlyand indirectly in other international activities. European integration,especially through the European Communities (EC), presents theLänder with new challenges. The Länder have soughtmeans to influence the federal government and the EC Commissionand Council of Ministers, in order to protect their sphere ofautonomous decisionmaking, but EC procedures and the realitiesof federal government involvement do not place the Länderin a strong negotiating position.  相似文献   

Deeg  Richard 《Publius》1996,26(1):27-52
As in many other nations, economic globalization underminedthe economic policymaking autonomy of the German federal government.At the same time, it prompted decentralization of other kindsof economic policymaking authority within the federal system.Thus, the Länder have assumed increased responsibilityfor regional economic adjustment through the expansion of regionaleconomic policy networks. The economic impacts of globalizationand the decentralization of economic policymaking, however,combine to promote greater disparities among the Lander. Thesedisparities exacerbate growing competition among the Länderfor investment and publicresources. This, in turn, creates deeperconflict among constituent governments that threatens to weakenfurther the problem-solving capacity of cooperative federalism.  相似文献   

Different Perspectives on the Practice of Leadership   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

正视现实,清醒地认识21世纪所带来的机遇和挑战,是执政的德国社会民主党人和其他政治家共同关注的重要议题,无论是德社民党理事会制定的、提交党代会讨论的纲领草案,还是施罗德--布莱尔宣言,都明确无误地表明,在全球化与德国经济发展、欧盟一体化及其扩展、劳动就业与社会福利,外交与国家安全等单方面,德国的构想和规划已明朗化。认真研究它们,不仅可以加深对德国未来战略的了解,而且对我们制定新世纪规划也具有较强的  相似文献   

Mittleman  Alan 《Publius》2000,30(4):43-70
Despite the progress of Emancipation in the nineteenth century,German Jews were required to to legally recognized Jewish communities.Even after this requirement was lifted, Jewish communal liferemained strong. The community structure that the Prussian stateexpected the Jews to implement was modeled after German civiladministration. This framework, however, resembled both medievalGerman and medieval Jewish models. Thus, German Jews, whilemodernizing their own communal institutions, continued to maintainboth their own and their German neighbors' political traditions.The German Jewish communal constitutions attest to a Jewishpolitical tradition of adaptation to prevailing gentile norms,as well as retention of ancient Jewish elements.  相似文献   

One of the founding principles of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is the prevention of atrocities by punishing those most responsible for them. This paper builds on the literature that has both hailed and critiqued the prospects of the ICC’s ability to deter future atrocities, adding insights from criminology and psychology to enhance the understanding of the ICC’s deterrent capabilities. This will allow for a more careful analysis of how the deterrence process exactly works. The paper then uses these insights to examine the ICC’s experiences over the past 14 years with deterring offenders. The main findings are that, although the ICC can constructively contribute to a normative shift toward accountability and a change in international rules of legitimacy, its prospects for the direct and meaningful deterrence of future atrocities are slim. The current practice of relying on the ICC as a crisis management tool is therefore both unwise and unfair.  相似文献   

Much of the research and scholarship on public administration relies heavily on an ‘outsider’ perspective. There is very little ‘insider’ discussion on the priorities, concerns and personal constructs which influence senior executives’ careers. This small qualitative study captures the perspectives of members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) within Australian public sector agencies and identifies key issues for them as senior executives.  相似文献   

What determines party positions on issues of economic governance? Most previous research has pointed either to the presumed material interests of the parties' clienteles, or to the political institutions that shape electoral competition. Both approaches do well in explaining cross-national variation, but neither can adequately account for changes over time. This article documents German Social Democrats' policy preferences and the underlying discourse on organised capitalism from 1880 onward to highlight the crucial role of historical context. The interests reflected in party positions cannot simply be read off the material environment. Instead, as suggested by constructivist work on preference formation, they depend on theories regarding the causal effect of alterative policy measures. Following Peter Hall, we treat the evolution of such theories as a ‘process structured in space and time’, by illustrating how ‘context factors’ affect the relative salience of the multiple considerations pertaining to organised capital.  相似文献   

Political Corruption: Problems and Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The UK's honour system is a strange mixture of ancient tradition and Victorian invention, and is drifting into obsolescence. Many of its honours recall a vanished imperial past, or maintain increasingly unacceptable demarcations between classes of recipients. However, the high rate of acceptance of honours and the almost universal existence of similar systems throughout the world suggests that people do still value an honours system. But what form should it take? In 2004 two separate reports looked at most elements of the system and produced recommendations, though their impacts were lost in the shadow of the far more dramatic Butler Report. David Cannadine assesses both honours reports and their prospects for adoption at a time when the policy‐makers and government are preoccupied with other issues. He concludes that the time is right for change — in spite of the inevitable opposition from some quarters — given that both Whitehall and Westminster agree that change is necessary.  相似文献   

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