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Widowhood and old age increase the need for support. The analysis of the living arrangements of the elderly demonstrates how that assistance was provided. The example of these three Majorcan communities (Sineu, Vilafranca, and Capdepera) between 1880 and 1965 indicates that the solidarity networks of the family members enabled elderly widows and widowers to live in their own households. Proximity permitted a regular and intensive contact by the members of the family and a continuous exchange of services and help that met the needs of the different generations as in other Mediterranean societies. However, residential proximity did not replace coresidence with married children. Both coresidence and residential proximity were strategies that families employed according to their particular needs and situations. The frequency of complex households and whether headship of the household remained with the older generation were determined by the nature of the inheritance system as well as by the ability of older women to assist with domestic tasks, such as the care of grandchildren. The position of women as usufructuaries or nonproprietors after the death of their husbands helps explain the higher proportion that lived in the households of married children. Widowers, as they owned the house in which they lived, were in a stronger position and retained the headship of the household. From the last decades of the 19th century to the 1960s, the number of widowed who lived alone gradually increased, but daily contact with children was maintained.  相似文献   

Widowhood and old age increase the need for support. The analysis of the living arrangements of the elderly demonstrates how that assistance was provided. The example of these three Majorcan communities (Sineu, Vilafranca, and Capdepera) between 1880 and 1965 indicates that the solidarity networks of the family members enabled elderly widows and widowers to live in their own households. Proximity permitted a regular and intensive contact by the members of the family and a continuous exchange of services and help that met the needs of the different generations as in other Mediterranean societies. However, residential proximity did not replace coresidence with married children. Both coresidence and residential proximity were strategies that families employed according to their particular needs and situations. The frequency of complex households and whether headship of the household remained with the older generation were determined by the nature of the inheritance system as well as by the ability of older women to assist with domestic tasks, such as the care of grandchildren. The position of women as usufructuaries or nonproprietors after the death of their husbands helps explain the higher proportion that lived in the households of married children. Widowers, as they owned the house in which they lived, were in a stronger position and retained the headship of the household. From the last decades of the 19th century to the 1960s, the number of widowed who lived alone gradually increased, but daily contact with children was maintained.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distribution of health care costs among the elderly. Four revenue sources are considered: income taxes, payroll taxes, user fees, and insurance premiums. The empirical work shows that the heavy reliance on direct payments as a means of collecting revenues among the elderly makes their contribution to the health care financing structure more regressive than for the nonelderly.  相似文献   

This paper theoretically develops and empirically tests factors that significantly affect criminal homicide arrest rate patterns in the United States for elderly criminals of the ages 65 years and older, from 1964 to 1985. The analysis reveais that changes in commonly selected economic, demographic, law enforcement, and punishment variables are significantly correlated with elderly criminal homicide arrest rates in a manner consistent with implications from general theoretical models of criminal behavior and with frameworks specifically dealing with criminal homicide.  相似文献   

While records on historical population are available and do exist, the fact that they are so limited in nature is a critical problem. We applied the method of family reconstitution to a Korean household register to deal with these limitations. Based on family reconstitution from five successive registers, we calculated women's age at first childbirth for each social status in two ways: “observed woman's age” at first childbirth = woman's current age–age of her first child, and “estimated woman's age” at first childbirth, which uses linear regression analysis on the basis of positive association between women's age and the age of their firstborn. Our results shed light on the effects of social status and cultural factors on the age at which women in pre-industrial Korea bore their first child.  相似文献   

While records on historical population are available and do exist, the fact that they are so limited in nature is a critical problem. We applied the method of family reconstitution to a Korean household register to deal with these limitations. Based on family reconstitution from five successive registers, we calculated women's age at first childbirth for each social status in two ways: “observed woman's age” at first childbirth = woman's current age–age of her first child, and “estimated woman's age” at first childbirth, which uses linear regression analysis on the basis of positive association between women's age and the age of their firstborn. Our results shed light on the effects of social status and cultural factors on the age at which women in pre-industrial Korea bore their first child.  相似文献   

A rare case of sudden and unexpected death is reported in an 87-year-old woman who was found dead at her home. At autopsy, the most striking finding was of a right-sided direct inguinal hernia containing a 20 mm infarcted Meckel diverticulum, with proximal small intestinal obstruction. Significant stenosing atherosclerosis was present in all three major epicardial coronary arteries, but with no histological evidence of acute or chronic ischemic myocardial damage. Death was attributed to small intestinal obstruction due to direct inguinal herniation (and infarction) of a Meckel diverticulum (a Littre hernia), complicating ischemic heart disease. Although Littre hernias are not a reported cause of sudden death in the elderly, congenital gastrointestinal anomalies may rarely play a significant role in terminal episodes well beyond childhood years. The autopsy assessment of sudden death at any age involves detailed examination of the entire length of the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

韩国老年人福利法的变迁及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林宗浩 《法学论坛》2012,(5):155-160
人口老龄化问题在发达国家早已为人所熟知,进入21世纪,一些发展中国家也开始进入老龄化行列之中,而同属东亚的韩国和我国在很多方面,有着惊人的相似之处,在人口老龄化问题上也不例外。由于两国的老龄化进程相对较快,使得两国在应对老龄化问题上面临了新的挑战。自上世纪60年代后,韩国老年人福利法制的发展与完善对我国相关法制的建立提供了可以借鉴的经验和启示。  相似文献   

后代人权利理论批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘卫先 《法学研究》2010,(6):94-113
当今世界环境学科领域存在着具有广泛影响的“后代人权利”理论。但后代人权利论者用以支持后代人权利的各种证据都无法在逻辑上必然推出后代人享有权利的结论。后代人权利理论赖以成立的预设性前提也是虚构的客观事实。虽然近代以来,传统权利的主体范围确实有所扩展,但这种扩展并非是随意的。权利不可能扩展到后代人权利论者所说的“后代人”身上。环境义务是后代人权利理论的本质,也是后代人权利理论的正确出路和归宿。  相似文献   

MODSE模型的生理生化学及组织形态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨老年多器官功能障碍综合征 (multipleorgandysfunctionsyndromeintheelderly ,MODSE)的生理生化指标及组织形态学变化特点及其意义。方法 本实验采用盲肠结扎穿孔术 (cecalligationpuncture ,CLP)制作MODSE模型和青年多器官功能障碍综合征 (multipleorgandysfunctionsyndrome ,MODS)模型 ,并设立与以上两种模型相应的假手术对照组和未加任何处理的对照组 ;分别于术后 6,12 ,2 4,48和 72h监测生理生化学指标并同时采用常规HE染色法对各重要器官 (心、脑、肺、肝和肾 )的组织形态学变化进行研究。结果 MODSE组在 6h左右就可以观察到器官功能受到损害 ,2 4h左右达高峰且持续的时间很长 ( 72h还持续存在 ) ,而MODS组则在 2 4h左右才会出现器官功能受损且受损严重程度较MODSE组轻微 ,48h达高峰。结论 MODSE模型的器官功能障碍发生率较高 ,其器官结构与功能的损害发生亦较早而且严重 ,此结果为多器官功能衰竭死亡的法医学鉴定提供一定的实验依据。  相似文献   

Based on probate estate inventories from eighteenth-century Kastamonu in north Anatolia, this study examines intergenerational mobility patterns in one Ottoman provincial town. Although the topic is well-studied in many Western contexts, historical and contemporary, we still know little about the ways in which socioeconomic disparities and class identities were transmitted across subsequent generations of parents and children in the Ottoman Empire. In order to explore this issue in a sophisticated fashion, this article introduces quantitative techniques and categories of analysis tailored specifically for Ottoman sources. In addition to other findings, our analysis suggests that Kastamonu in the eighteenth century was vertically and horizontally segmented: Not only were there significant impediments to intergenerational mobility across privileged and underprivileged sectors of the society, such transitions were also infrequent across sub-groups within upper and lower classes. Despite a general lack of intergenerational fluidity at all socioeconomic levels, however, our calculations also reveal that the provincial elite were particularly immobile.  相似文献   

This article argues that Parisian widows, in taking over a guiding role in the household, upset normative gender roles. One result of that change was violence in the household between widows and their adult sons. In asserting their authority, widows found unlikely allies in the institutions of the State, legal structures and the guild system. Ultimately, widows' roles in their families demonstrated the ways that gender roles were fluid in lived experience, as opposed to the ways they were articulated in rhetorical texts.  相似文献   

Using research into the formation of industrial populations in the nineteenth century, this article examines the relationships between immigration and natality in Tilleur, an exemplary locality for studying the industrial revolution in Belgium. The main purpose is to test the general hypothesis positing a distinction between a foundation phase and a maturation phase in the process through which an industrial population is formed. The results are a contribution to the debate about the beginning of the fertility transition in industrial cities, and its relations to differential nuptiality and fertility in light of spatial origins.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine age patterns of migration among adults who resided in Seoul in the early twentieth century. We use information, obtained from the Seoul household registers, on the length of time these adults lived in their current residences to estimate age-specific migration rates and construct migration life tables. Our findings point to the following: First, Seoul residents were quite mobile. On average, during the early twentieth century, Seoul residents moved approximately four times between their primary working ages of 15 and 64. Second, upper-class individuals were more mobile than lower-class individuals. While the upper-class individuals moved approximately five times between ages 15 and 65, the lower-class individuals moved less than three times. This class differential can be explained because Korean bureaucrats experienced frequent duty changes during this period. Third, household composition also affected migration rates. We compare our results with European migration studies and discuss the implications of these finding on urbanization that occurred in early twentieth century Seoul.  相似文献   

新《刑事诉讼法》的立法初衷将监视居住从非羁押性强制措施转变为减少羁押的替代性措施,但具体的条文设计却使监视居住制度产生了内部的分裂:在嫌疑人、被告人自己住所执行的监视居住可以被认为是一种非羁押性的强制措施,但指定居所的监视居住却演变为一种准羁押性的强制措施。我们应立足司法实践,以程序正义与人权保障的价值博弈为切入点,以构建刑事强制措施体系的层次性、完整性为视角,提出通过加强检察机关的监督使该项制度更加完善与更加具有可操作性。  相似文献   

Ukraine used to be one of the most ethnically mixed Soviet republics due to a high level of immigration, mostly from other parts of the Soviet Union. This article uses the sample of households available at IPUMS International to study the information about birthplaces, migration and marriage partners in recently released microdata from the 2001 census. Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991 a large emigration surplus and ethnic estrangement have turned the country into a place with a lower degree of internal migration and ethnic intermarriage. With the exception of the capital Kiev, there was relatively little interchange of migrants between the eastern, Russian-dominated regions and the western regions. The highest degree of intermarriage was among people with at least one partner born abroad, most often in Russia. There is evidence of an elite of migrants from Russia to the Russia-oriented south-eastern provinces, who may feel especially threatened by the Ukrainian nationalistic takeover of power which happened after the Maidan insurrection.  相似文献   

It is sometimes argued that a tacit contract exists between the generations in industrial society that requires that the present structure of Social Security benefits not be altered in any way that would serve to diminish the present benefit levels. The demands of social justice, it is thought, require that Western societies maintain their commitments to Social Security programs, especially to those programs of the type administered in the United States. This paper examines questions of justice pertaining to the aged in contemporary society. It is argued here that the demands of justice pertain not only to the satisfaction of basic needs for subsistence but also to the satisfaction of the need for self-realization. The commitment of capitalist nations like the U.S. to social justice for the aged is analyzed using a theory of justice that is based on Durkheim's political writings on corporatism and the solidarist theory of the Catholic social movement. The corporatist theory of justice would require that public pension systems like Social Security be revised to provide more adequately for the social needs of the working-class aged.  相似文献   

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