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正HEARING the keyword"performance,"you might think about your favorite drama show,TV series,or key performance index.But our topic today is a different type of performance.Here,what I mean is how you perform in interviews with Chinese HR professionals.Having advised you how to prepare for the pre-interviews in the last article,this time I will go through the interview process to give you more practical tips.Hopefully,you will find them useful when you take to the interview"stage."  相似文献   

I have the privilege of visiting China four or five times a year,usually for business meetings in Beijing,but with the occasional opportunity for a purely social outing.Always,there are surprises.Always,I encounter something new and fascinating.And always,someone observes that still, after all this time,I speak very little Mandarin.My response is  相似文献   

Accor, one of France‘s fastest-growing hotel management groups, has won the management contract for the Sofitel Wanda Beijing, a luxury hotel in the midst of the Wanda Plaza urban development project. Scheduled to open in October 2006, the hotel will be built to the new national ““Platinum 5-star““ standard.  相似文献   

YANG Jie, 23, starts work at his office on Youth Road in Wuhan, Hubei Province at 9 am each day and returns to his dorm to sleep at 10 pm. He eats a modest lunch in the small restaurant downstairs and has a takeaway for supper. It was in the summer of 2005 that Yang Jie and Li Chao opened their Qi Hang Advertising Company. Their small firm deals with large and small concerns alike, and in order to stay solvent, they spend their lives either at the office, where they deal with clients an…  相似文献   

Tsinghua Unisplendour Corporation Limited (THUNIS) is an A-share listed company whose core business is IT and communications. Known as Tsinghua Unisplendour, its stock code is 000938 and its share capital is structured as follows: Tsinghua University holds a 62 percent stake, tradable shares ac- count for 32 percent, while other state-owned shares amount to 6 percent. THUNIS has seen the following milestones in its 17 years of development. 1988: Tsinghua University SciTech General Co…  相似文献   

日前,泉州某企业总经理助理张先生向记者抱怨说,工作真郁闷,一点干劲都没有,老板高高在上,员工跟他提意见他也是从来不采纳,什么事情都是老板一个人说了算,在这里工作除了工资高外,找不到可以吸引自己的地方。张先生说:“在我们这里.企业文化其实就是老板的文化!”  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后。船运进出口货物与日俱增。上海口岸现有各港口、码头近期仍将担纲主角。海运,不仅是货船靠港后的单纯装卸,更涉及到货物贸易商、货代、船公司、船代、港口码头、理货、陆路运输、内河运输、仓库堆场等各个环节;口岸的环境涉及港监、海关、检验检疫、边防、外汇管理、税务等各部门的联动协作,还包括各类单证流转、监督程序、费用结算等配套服务。  相似文献   

Esity graduates has remained a constant headache for the Chinese government since the beginning of the new millennium. MyCOS HR Digital Information Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on the employment situation of university graduates from 2006 to 2008. and its subsequent report, Tire 2009 Employment Blue Book of University Graduates, shows that even when the job market was performing well. the employment rate for fresh graduates remained low. One-third of university graduates and 40 percent of advsnced vocational school graduates only managed to find a job some time after finishing their studies.  相似文献   

曾几何时,中国人还以贫穷为荣呢!在历次政治运动中,贫穷不仅给人以安全感,甚至成为一些人的政治资本。谁要是打国有资产的主意,那就有可能被视为“挖社会主义墙脚”的阶级敌人,那跟下地狱的感觉也差不多了。如今,全社会都换了一个思维,人人以富为荣,面对一批批大款,人们除了羡慕却很少去追究大款们财富的来路。有报道说,这些年,已经有54万家国有企业改制为民营企业;又有报道说,现在的大款有三分之一曾经是国有企业负责人。把国有企业一口吞下,这才是当今迅速致富的捷径之一。如果你已是国有企业的负责人,且有志于此,应该把握以下几点:首先,…  相似文献   

IN early 2005 the newly established China Quanjude (Group) Co., Ltd. began a fresh round of overseas expansion. It is now a transnational catering group,with franchised restaurants in Germany, Myanmar, Oman, Japan and Hong Kong SAR.  相似文献   

重庆宏声印务有限责任公司成立于2001年2月,主要生产卷烟商标及其他印刷品。公司地处重庆涪陵桥南开发区,傍依涪陵长江、乌江码头,紧邻渝涪高速公路,距重庆江北国际机场仅一个小时车程,水、陆、空交通极其便利。厂区目前占地60亩,环境优美整洁,被誉为“花园式工厂”,属涪陵区重点企业。公司固定资产1.67亿元,设备先进,配套完善,其生产设备全部引自德国、意大利、美国、瑞士、法国等世界顶尖印刷设备,烟标年生产能力达70万大箱,独创中国印刷行业卷到卷的生产工艺,形成国内领先的创意设计、制版、凹印、胶印、镭射印刷、UV印刷、反面印  相似文献   

W HEN the Chinese gov- ernment adjusted its policy on liquor con- sumption tax last year, many in the nation’s liquor industry had their own sorrows to drown. The move pushed a number of the smaller players among China’s 38,000 spirits producers towards bank- ruptcy, and forced many others to merge or regroup. In the struggle for survival in ever-fi ercer competition, some state- owned distilleries went private in a bid to boost stagnant growth. This tide of privatization reached its heigh…  相似文献   

RAPID economic growth in China has accelerated urbanization and industrialization, enabling many Chinese people to emerge from poverty. This boom, however, has also had negative impact, most particularly that of pollution. The Shougang (Capital Iron and Steel) Group has long been one of Beijing's leading companies, and next to the Shanghai Baosteel Group Corpora-  相似文献   

为促进我市民营科技企业的进一步发展,首先必须扶持好我市现已生成的民营科技企业,促使其健康发展,并根据现有民营科技企业发展中提出的问题,加强环境建设,改善政府服务,为此,今年上半年我们对我市民营科技企业的现状进行了一定调查,现将其现状和微观分析报告如下。  相似文献   

如果效益滑坡的企业将企业文化推到了穷途末路,难以维继,那么,企业也会如同生存在企业夹缝中的小草,无法照到阳光,难以获得养份,不濒临绝境,但也无法长大。为什么持这样的观点?因为企业文化的魅力与作用会促进企业起死回生和效益复苏。如果将企业文化作为指导企业员工言行的一项潜规则来看,  相似文献   

CHINESE President Hu Jin-tao traveled to Japan on May 6 for a five-day visit, the first state visit by a Chinese president to Japan in 10 years, signaling a historic warming of relations between the two countries. During the trip President Hu held discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, was welcomed by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and also met separately with leaders and representatives of Japan's major political parties.  相似文献   

检察机关查明俞某利用全面负责公司财务的职务便利,开具支票提取现金达265万元之多。他所在公司股东——一家非国有企业将自己股权转让给了另一家国有企业,因此检察机关在向法院起诉时,以此为时间分界,涉案210万元,指控其为职务侵占罪;其余56万元,指控为贪污罪。  相似文献   

正在进行中的业务不得不暂时停顿下来进行集团内部的调整。海派经理眼睁睁地看着自己当时的业务设想在另外一家公司变成了现实。  相似文献   

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