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正Online resources are gaining popularity but also raising concerns over the reliability of the information on them By Yuan Yuan Paraxylene,also known as PX,is an important but controversial chemical product for industrial use,and has become a topic of debate on the back of protests in Maoming,south China’s Guangdong Province,over  相似文献   

正A well-known American film director working today,Oliver Stone,was invited to attend the Fourth Beijing International Film Festival(BJIFF)between April 16 and 23.During his stay in Beijing,he talked to Beijing Review on film,culture and Sino-American co-production.The following are excerpts from the interview.  相似文献   

中国西南民族关系研究散论   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在民族史研究中,对民族关系主流的问题有"友好合作说"和"战争压迫说",但就中国西南民族关系的主流问题,则表现出各民族在长期的历史发展中,既和平友好、相互吸收,又矛盾冲突、相互排斥这样一个辩证的历史运动过程.就民族融合而言,西南历史上的民族融合在元代以前表现为同源异流为主,元代以后则既有同源异流,也有多源合流和异源异流.此外,整个西南民族关系主要由政治关系、经济关系、文化关系表现出来.  相似文献   

正Construction of Largest Hydropower Station in Tibetan Areas Starts To tap rich water resources in the country’s southwest,China has commenced building the largest hydropower station in its Tibetan areas to date.With a total investment of RMB 66.4 billion,Lianghekou Hydropower Station,which straddles the Yalong River in Sichuan’s Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,has an installed generating capacity of three million kilowatts,and a total reservoir capacity of10.767 billion cubic meters.The fi rst generator is expected  相似文献   

任何文化资源的价值都是解读出来的,是不同的人对之加以不同的介入、选择、改造、重构的结果。本文以贵州著名的历史与民族文化事实为例,作一番探索。  相似文献   

正$1.9 billion The net direct investment received by China’s financial institutions from overseas investors in the third quarter$100 million The number of loans that will be received by southwest China’s Guizhou Province from the World Bank over the next five years for rural development  相似文献   

元代入湖广道的开通,是西南地区出现的重大历史地理事件,具有深远的影响。至明代,普安入黔旧路即元代的入湖广道地位得到进一步提升,导致贵州在西南边疆的战略地位日渐凸显,永乐十一年,贵州建省,今贵阳城市迅速得到发展,并成为贵州地区的政治中心。同时,元代入湖广道的开通,云南地区交通重心东移,造成云南政治中心从滇西大理回归昆明。这一变化,亦成为近代曲靖城市发展的持久动力。而那些远离交通干线、少数民族聚居的两侧山区、僻地逐渐成为经济落后之区。  相似文献   

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