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正中央美术学院女研究生叶子偶然认识一个女刑释人员,这个女人曾因为家暴杀死了丈夫,出狱后一直不敢面对亲人和社会,将自己封闭得严严实实,叶子发现教她绘画时她会渐渐平静下来,并慢慢敞开心扉。由此,叶子想到,能不能通过教绘画对这些有心灵创伤的人进行"美术治疗"呢?于是,她开始走进监狱,通过教绘画和那些对人生完全绝望的犯人进行交流,帮助他们重塑生活信心、驱散心理阴影。2013年10月19日,中央美术  相似文献   

五十年代初,由于教学工作的需要,我在南京市大石桥、五台山两所幼儿园学习研究儿童画;以后逐步以力学小学、一中和宁海中学为基点,除了解美术教育外,便在教养员和老师帮助下大量收集儿童画。另外我从两个儿子的成长过程,从纵的方面注意观察研究儿童绘画的发生、发展和成熟的过程。研究儿童视觉形象的发展和绘画教学的内容、方法,探索幼儿和少年美术教学在新形势下的任务、作用。以下谈谈儿童画教学的几点意见。  相似文献   

儿童绘画能力的发展是遵循着从乱涂→圆圈→线、形的规律进行的。在儿童绘画能力发展诸因素中,起主要作用的是年龄,但环境和教育能对儿童绘画能力起重要作用。男、女性别对儿童绘画发展无明显影响。  相似文献   

边缘儿童是在普通学前教育机构中,游离于集体边缘、言行举止介于正常与异常边缘的儿童.生态系统的失衡是导致边缘儿童产生的根本原因,家庭生态的失衡是儿童边缘化的诱因,同伴欠缺加剧了儿童的边缘化倾向,教师忽视加深了儿童边缘化的程度.游戏是帮助边缘儿童表达问题的重要途径,游戏治疗具有改善边缘儿童现状的功能.通过创设满足儿童需要的新环境,改善与修复已有的生态环境,以"家长参与"、"同伴介入"、"教师关注"等干预方式,修复或改善边缘儿童的生态环境系统,使边缘儿童的问题得以缓解或消除,使边缘儿童因顺应生态系统的平衡而逐渐回归到正常的同伴群体.  相似文献   

或许是历史机缘的巧合,在西北政法大学南校区建设过程中,赫然发现了西汉御史大夫张汤墓遗址,于是校方就势在这个遗址上建立了一个陈列馆。这个陈列馆的建立引发了人们对张汤这个历史人物的极大兴趣,对这个被司马迁列入"酷吏"行列的人物究竟应当给予什么样的评价呢?本文从辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点出发,对西汉历史上"酷吏"张汤的活动进行了客观而系统的叙述与评价。  相似文献   

绘画是造成视觉美感和表达思想感情的一种艺术。幼儿园的绘画教学过程就是通过具体而富于感情的艺术形象,培养儿童的情感,使儿童产生许多新的思想,表现儿童生气勃勃的内心世界。儿童画的往往不是抽象的人,而是他的全部感情形象:这是爸爸坐在床上看书;耶是妈妈在打毛线;解放军叔叔腰上别了一支手枪大踏步地走着。儿童常常边画边发出蹬蹬  相似文献   

美术作为人们精神财富的重要源泉,是社会生活中必不可少的交流媒介。从艺术心理的角度分析美术创造与教学中的张力,可以更好地探究通过美术教育促进学生心理成长,完成审美素养培养的可能性。通过个案研究发现,现实中美术教学与儿童的创作存在目的性、逻辑性与功能性三个层面的张力。因此,需要美术教师通过美术教学向儿童传达审美与艺术教育,按照艺术心理的发展特点,提高儿童发现美、鉴赏美的能力,更为重要的是美术教师与儿童进行意义建构与社会互动,由此促进儿童身体与心理的成长。  相似文献   

陶菊 《法制与社会》2014,(5):191-192
沉浸在自我世界中的自闭症儿童需要一种更为细腻的"语言"融契他们的心灵,为沟通搭建桥梁,指明道路。社会工作者在面对这类儿童时,恰恰需要艺术这样的媒介来铺展对自闭症儿童的服务。本文结合自闭症儿童自身特点分析社会工作中引入艺术治疗的必要性,并从宏观和微观两个方面探究社会工作者对融入艺术治疗的掌控。  相似文献   

以448名中日两国小学4-6年级儿童为研究对象,采用Asher等人研制的儿童孤独感量表、日本田研式精神健康诊断调查表和亲子关系检查量表考察了中日两国父母的教养态度及其与儿童孤独感的关系.结果显示,中日两国父母的"期待"、"严格·干涉"和"不安·溺爱"教养态度存在显著差异.两国男生与女生在"严格·干涉"和"期待"两种教养态度上存在显著差异.两国四年级与五、六年级学生在"严格·干涉"、"期待"和"不安·溺爱"教养态度方面存在显著差异.中国父母的"严格·干涉"、"期待"教养态度与儿童孤独感呈显著正相关.日本父母的教养态度和儿童孤独感呈显著正负相关.  相似文献   

刑罚的内部功能解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周少华 《法律科学》2007,25(3):69-78
刑罚的内部功能,是指刑罚作为刑法系统的一个基本要素,它在刑法系统的建构中所能产生的作用.这是刑罚权以象征性的符号形式作用于刑法系统的其他要素时所发生的功能,它表征刑罚在刑法系统中的地位和作用.刑罚的内部功能主要包括规范定性功能、评价功能、予效功能,它们体现的是刑罚要素在刑法规范构造过程中的原理性的价值,所以,其意义主要在立法过程中得以彰显.  相似文献   

美德是道德教育理论中的一个重要概念,它对儿童道德发展至关重要。美德有四个基本成分:优良品质、中庸之道、意志力和内在的善。美德的这四个基本成分是儿童道德社会化的基础。儿童美德形成的途径主要为:通过儿童道德习惯的养成和移情体验形成儿童优良的品质,创设适当的环境矛盾教孩子学会采用中庸之道做出正确的道德判断和选择,通过意志力的培养帮助儿童克服意志的弱点和形成自律的习惯,通过内在动机的激励帮助儿童形成为获得内在的善而工作和学习的习惯,为儿童未来的道德生活莫定发展的坚实基础。  相似文献   

Although children are being more frequently called as witnesses in court proceedings, they often do not tell the truth. If lying is defined as giving a false statement for personal gain, then lying is only one of several causes for children not giving an accurate account of events. Other reasons include an immature brain, a congenitally acquired defect in the central nervous system, or the presence of an emotional disturbance such as psychosis or hysteria. The desire of a child to please others--that is, parents, therapists, or lawyers--may also result in an invalid statement. These factors and motivations should be considered in trying to interpret a youngster's statement.  相似文献   

To investigate socioemotional influences on children's eyewitness accuracy, we examined children's reports for activities they were motivated to conceal. Forty-eight 3–6-year-old children participated in a standardized play session with their mothers. Half of the children were told by an experimenter not to play with certain toys, but did so at the urging of their mothers, who told their children to keep the play activities secret. The remaining children were not restricted from playing with the toys, nor told by their mothers to keep the play activities secret. Later, all children were interviewed about the activities with free narrative and detailed questions. Half were given an interview that consisted of highly suggestive questions; half were given an interview consisting of specific, less suggestive questions. Results indicated that older children who were instructed to keep events secret withheld more information than did older children not told to keep events secret. Younger children's reports were not significantly affected by the secret manipulation. There were no significant effects associated with interview type. We discuss implications for understanding the development of children's knowledge and use of secrecy, and applications of the research to issues that arise when child witnesses give reports in legal contexts.  相似文献   

This study investigated adults’ judgments of the honesty of children's coached true and fabricated mock testimony. Adults saw video clips of children testifying in a mock court about a true or fabricated event in their lives. They were asked to make an assessment of the truthfulness of the testimony, and respond to questions about their perception of children's credibility. Half of the adults saw children testifying after a competence examination, and the other half saw children testifying without a competence examination. Overall, girls were rated as more competent than boys, and their testimony was more likely to be believed. Younger children were more likely to be rated as incompetent than older children. A factor analysis of adults’ responses revealed six factors which significantly predicted adults’ overall assessment of children's credibility, and their evaluations of children's competence to testify. Adults’ detection accuracy was at chance, with the majority of children rated as truthful. Viewing the competency examination and cross-examination did not improve the adults’ detection accuracy. However, seeing the cross-examination made adults’ less likely to believe children's testimony. The implications of these results for the judicial system are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the role of children's representation in custody and access cases, and in particular, considers whether the Stobridge case came to a correct determination of the most appropriate role for children's counsel. The three possible modes of child representation are considered: amicus curiae, litigation guardian, and advocate. The role of amicus curiae is rejected because it does not provide the child with an opportunity to be heard, thus defeating the purpose of representation. The role of litigation guardian is rejected on the basis that the guardian does not advocate the child's interests unless they are consistent with that of the guardian. The author concludes that Stobridge was correctly decided, and that the role of children's counsel in a custody or access dispute in which the children are capable of directing counsel should be that of advocate.  相似文献   

确认生父之诉是典型的身份关系诉讼,多数国家在立法上将其确立为一种独立的诉讼类型。确认生父之诉的适格原告是子女、子女的母亲或其他亲权人,适格被告通常是父亲,父亲死亡的,可以由他的子女或其他近亲属承继被告资格;在证明责任方面,尽管法院对确认生父之诉实行积极的职权探知,但这不免除当事人的证明责任;确认生父之诉的证明方法主要有间接证明和直接证明,必要时可以采取推定来确定父子关系。  相似文献   

This article proposes that the focus of child custody evaluation and mediation needs to be broadened beyond custody arrangement to consideration of the range of factors that may impact on postdivorce relationships. A review of current social science literature shows that factors such as quality of parent-child relationships and level of parental conflict may be as important as residence schedule in influencing children's postdivorce adjustment. The article offers strategies for involving parents in drafting agreements to guide relationships with each other and with the children. The goal is for parents to thoughtfully tailor relationships and parenting practices to children's needs during the transition from a one-household family to a new family plan.  相似文献   

Most researchers rely exclusively on the reports of protective service workers to determine children's abuse history. In this report, information about children's maltreatment experiences is obtained from protective service workers and three supplementary sources of data: parents, medical records, and clinical observations. Fifty-six children from 34 families receiving protective services for verified reports of physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and/or emotional maltreatment participated in the study, with most children known to have experienced more than one type of abuse. The supplementary data provided important information about the range and severity of children's maltreatment experiences. Review of the parent and medical record data led to identification of 28 children who had additional types of maltreatment experiences that were not reported by their protective services workers—nine cases of physical abuse, two cases of neglect, five cases of sexual abuse, and 12 cases of emotional maltreatment. Supplementary data also revealed information about incidents of specific types of abuse that were more severe than those reported by the children's protective service workers in an additional 24 cases. A method was devised to synthesize information provided from the different sources of data examined in this report to derive 0–4 point ratings of four categories of maltreatment experiences: (1) physical abuse, (3) neglect, (3) sexual abuse, and (4) emotional maltreatment. The Kappa reliability coefficients for each of these scales were .88, .73, .83, and .90, respectively. Data demonstrating the relationship between these maltreatment ratings and various indices of the children's socioemotional and cognitive functioning were also presented to provide preliminary support for the validity of these scales. The findings from this study suggest that multiple sources of data should be examined in order to obtain accurate assessments of children's maltreatment experiences, and that independent raters can synthesize discrepant data to obtain reliable and valid estimates of children's abuse history. Clinical and methodological issues relevant to the improved assessment of children's maltreatment experiences are also discussed.  相似文献   

In an article in the last issue of this Journal, we reportedon a study of parents' and children's views about whether theywould like judges to talk with children in chambers. This articlereports on a related study of the views of Australian judgesconcerning the issue. It explores the reasons that judges gavefor being opposed to or cautiously in favour of having conversationswith children before and after making their decisions. On thebasis of these views, and the views of the parents and childrendiscussed in the earlier article, we propose guidelines on whenand how judges should engage in ‘conversations’with children in chambers if they consider it appropriate todo so.  相似文献   

Research on children's eyewitness testimony demonstrates that interviewer-provided social support given during a mock forensic interview helps children resist an interviewer's misleading suggestions about past events. We proposed and tested 1 potential mechanism underlying support effects: Resistance Efficacy, or children's perceived self-efficacy for resisting an interviewer's suggestions. Eighty-one 6- and 7-year-old children experienced a play event, then were interviewed about the event with misleading and specific questions. Consistent with prior research, children interviewed by a supportive person were more resistant to misleading suggestions than were those interviewed by a nonsupportive person. Although Resistance Efficacy did not mediate the effects of interviewer support in the full sample, additional analyses revealed that Resistance Efficacy may be a mediator for older, but not younger, children. Contrary to predictions, children's preexisting social support reserves were not related to children's interview accuracy nor to perceived Resistance Efficacy. Implications for psychological theory are discussed, as well as implications for understanding and improving children's eyewitness reports.  相似文献   

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