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You xueyun 《人权》2006,5(5):9-12
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Draft Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China has been completed and was published for soliciting comments on March 20. In a short period of one month, 191,849 pieces of comments and opinions were received. Prior to the promulgation of the law, this reporter interviewed Mr. Guan Huai, a noted Chinese expert in labor law, professor of the Law School of the Renmin University of China and law advisor to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.  相似文献   

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security(MOHRSS) launched a nationwide campaign to provide employment services to migrant workers,low-income groups and different employers with labor needs.Running from January 21 to March 31,this is one initiative courtesy of the Chinese Government to guarantee job security,a top priority on the central agenda.According to the MOHRSS。  相似文献   

At the request of you, our readers, in this month's issue we are introducing a "Letters to the Editor" column. We value your comments, positive and negative, on our layout, content and pictures, and will make continuous efforts to improve our magazine. We welcome your comments and views on all aspects of China. [We reserve  相似文献   

At the request of you, our readers, this year we are introducing a "Letters to the Editor" column. We value your comments, positive and negative, on our layout, content and pictures and will make continuous efforts to improve our magazine. We welcome your comments and views on all  相似文献   

<正>From February 18-21,2014,a panel of experts,which was established by a resolution of the United Nations Economic and Social Council to draft exemplary strategies and implementation measures for eradicating violence against children in crime prevention and criminal judicature,convened in Bangkok,Thailand,for an intergovernmental experts meeting mainly to discuss the draft.After general discussion,deliberation by the presidium and detailed negotiations,the meeting produced  相似文献   

正In February China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a draft list of vehicles for government purchase.According to this draft,vehicles for official use must be chosen from domestic branded products,and even joint-venture brands are not included in the list. In China,government departments and institutions for public affairs have budgets to  相似文献   

At the request of you, our readers, this year we are introducing a "Letters to the Editor" column. We value your comments, positive and negative, on our layout, content and pictures and will make continuous efforts to improve our magazine. We welcome your comments and views on all aspects of China. [We reserve the right to edit for content, clarity or length.]If your letter or e-mail is published, you receive a gift!  相似文献   

During the annual session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) that concluded on March 14,1,992 of the total 2,236 members at the beginning of their five-year term in China's top advisory body submitted 4,772 proposals. Members of the CPPCC National Committee put forward proposals to offer comments and suggestions on major po- litical and social issues of the country.A proposal can be raised by one member or a group of members;by one or more groups jointly;in the name of a party or non-government group that has joined the CPPCC;or in the name of a sub- committee of the CPPCC National Committee. Out of the proposals that were classified during the conference,1,863 or 41.16 percent were on economic matters;1,405 or 31.04 percent were on education,scientific research,entertainment,health care and sports;and 1,258 proposals or 27.8 percent were on legal affairs and social seeurity. During the pnst five years,the CPPCC National Committee handled over 23,000 proposals,of which 21,843 were sent to government branches in charge of the matters for solution. Following are summaries of some selected proposals.  相似文献   

正A draft of general rules stipulating the basic principles of China’s Civil Code was submitted to the top legislature for its first reading in late June. The passage of the rules wil be the first step in compiling the all-encompassing Civil Code. Over the past decades, China has enacted a number of laws on managing civil affairs, such as the Property Law and the Contract Law,but has yet to integrate them into a comprehensive code.One of the changes in the draft is the  相似文献   

YAN JIA 《人权》2014,(5):36-38
From February 18-21, 2014, a panel of experts, which was established by a resolution of the United Nations Economic and Social Council to draft exemplary strategies and implementation measures for eradicating violence against children in crime prevention and criminal judicature, convened in Bangkok, Thailand, for an intergovernmental experts meeting mainly to discuss the draft. After general discussion, delib- eration by the presidium and detailed negotiations, the meeting produced the report, "Exemplary Strategies and Implementation Measures for Eradicating Violence Against Children in Crime Prevention and Criminal Judicature."  相似文献   

本文对就业歧视和就业排斥这两个概念进行了辨析,提出判断是否存在就业排斥的基本标准是由于制度等原因导致个人不能从事适合自己的工作,而判断是否就业歧视的标准则是用人单位是否在自身经济利益受损的情况下仍然拒绝录用至少相同条件的求职者。根据这样的标准,结合对毕业生和用人单位的深度个案调查,笔者对当前我国大学毕业生求职过程中所遭遇的障碍进行了分析,提出大学毕业生所遭遇的主要是就业排斥,而非就业歧视。相应地,消除这些障碍主要应该从制度变革入手,并具体提出了笔者的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

实施积极的就业政策促进妇女就业与再就业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十年来,中国政府在维护妇女劳动权利、推动就业领域性别平等方面做了大量工作,特别是通过实施积极的就业政策,为女性劳动者实现就业和再就业提供了宽松的环境,成为维护妇女劳动权利、促进妇女就业的有效方法。今后,要进一步完善和实施积极的就业政策,为广大女性劳动者的就业和再就业创造良好的政策条件,实现就业领域的性别平等。  相似文献   

<正>Robert Walters, one of the world’s leading professional specialist recruitment consultancies, has recently released a report on employment opportunities in China’s consumer goods retail industry in the first half of this year. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

我国大陆劳动力供给远远超过劳动力需求。积极拓展境外就业、谋求国际劳务合作是缓解就业压力、增加劳动者收入、缩小贫富差距、促进经济发展的一条重要渠道。当前,拓展境外就业应尽快提高对外劳务合作的技术含量,大力发展技术劳务输出;制订“境外就业保障和促进法”,保障境外就业者权益;改革劳务输出管理体制,成立“境外就业促进局”,建立“一站式”境外就业服务;设立“促进境外就业保障基金”;加速境外劳务市场的自动化、信息化建设,以境外就业的信息化建设促进境外就业的规模扩大和质量提高。  相似文献   

正Widespread concern exists both at home and abroad over potential layoffs accrued in China’s current cycle of cutting overcapacity.The coal,iron and steel industries are bearing the brunt of the ongoing capacity reduction campaign,with the number of employees pending resettlement estimated at 1.8 mil ion. However,such concerns may be unnecessary partly because the Chinese Government won’t allow huge layoffs to  相似文献   

大连外国语学院(以下简称“大外”)秉承“崇德尚文、兼收并蓄”的校训,已经建设发展成为以外语为主的多科性外国语大学。学校的影响与日俱增,学子遍布各地。多年来.大外一直保持着高就业率,走出了一条成功的就业之路。  相似文献   

China has implemented a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately accommodating monetary policy in order to ride out the global financial  相似文献   

随着新世纪知识经济浪潮的迅速到来,全球范围内的新技术革命和科技创新得到了空前的发展.在这种深刻变革的形势下,首都社会经济发展面临许多前所未有的挑战.其中最大的挑战就是,能否在较短的时间内迅速提高整个社会的创新能力.高等院校是实施首都人才发展战略、培养具有创新能力的高素质人才、实现社会经济跨越式发展的重要高地,肩负着时代赋予的重大历史使命,应该发挥思想库、知识库、人才库、信息库的作用,成为推动首都社会经济发展的巨大推动力.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业歧视现象的产生原因包括毕业生自身的原因、用人单位的原因和我国立法管制的缺位。我国现阶段有关就业歧视规制的立法缺陷主要表现在立法规制的不足、行政执法的不足和司法规制的不足三个方面。高校毕业生就业歧视现象违背了法律的公平正义原则、法律面前人人平等的核心价值理念。通过立法手段对高校毕业生就业歧视现象进行法律规制,是维护高等教育的可持续发展,维护高校毕业生的就业权、提高大学生就业率,提升国民生活质量的需要。应尽快制定《反就业歧视法》,并将反就业歧视纳入高校教育和社会教育体系中。  相似文献   

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