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有关政府与社会关系的问题基本上是在国家与社会关系的框架下讨论的。从政治学视角看,有关我国政府与社会关系的研究主要存在两大体系,一是用西方的市民社会理论来解释中国政社问题,二是从社会结构变迁的角度研究中国政社关系,两大体系都旨在探讨国家与社会关系的各种协调机制。本文所探讨的建国以来我国政社关系的离合变迁,  相似文献   

基于已有研究,政府与社团的行动空间存在诸多重合之处,许多社团表现出行政化特征。但是,现有研究并未解释社团行政化的内在发生机制,也未能进一步对政府与社团的行动策略进行深入分析。通过个案研究,本文认为:政府采取了"吸纳精英"、"机构渗透"及"项目化运作"的隐性控制手段,社团则运用"组织模仿"策略予以回应,以便争取自身发展的各项资源,由此造成的后果是双方在行动逻辑上变得更为趋同,进而导致社团行政化问题的呈现。本文运用具有中国特色的本土概念来解释社团行政化现象,丰富和发展了原有国家与社会关系理论。当然,受限于研究个案的类型,本文结论在应用于其他类型社团组织时存在一定局限性。  相似文献   

国家与社会关系的变迁与发展深刻影响着国家和社会的治理体制与治理结构,新中国成立迄今我国农村国家与社会的关系经历了"一体同构"、"有限分离"到"有机互动"的嬗变历程。转型期,我国农村国家与社会关系呈现出复杂的博弈、互构多种形态,要求我们立足于当前社会发展现实对国家-社会关系发展做出新的解释。梳理国家与社会关系的发展脉络和逻辑演变路径,将国家与社会关系的考察放置在具体的"过程-事件"场域中,引入象山县的"村民说事"乡村治理创新机制,分析我国地方治理中"国家-社会"框架下良性互动相互增权模式,是未来我国农村国家与社会互动的方式形态和发展趋势。  相似文献   

和谐社会视角下实现国家与社会关系的和谐发展,既是历史的传承,又是现实的需要.在新的历史条件下,实现国家与社会关系和谐发展的基本途径是推动党的领导与国家之间、党的领导与社会之间关系的和谐;以国家与社会适度分离为基础,实现国家权力向社会转移;构建"中国公民社会",实现国家与社会的互动共赢.  相似文献   

几近将毕生精力都用在伦理学研究的江万秀认为,作为社会关系的总和,一个人可以不信仰宗教,但不能没有敬畏之心。当下中国道德建设上存在的一个深层痼疾,即社会转型期敬畏之心的普遍缺失。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,随着社会进入转型期,中国的社会生活发生了许多引人瞩目的变化,其中之一就是出现了众多的社会组织,即非政府、非赢利性质的社团组织。现在,世界上社会组织发达的国家按人口计算平均每一百人就有一个社会组织。拥有社会组织的多寡早已成为衡量一个国家社会化程度的重要标志。参与社会组织的多寡也已成为衡量一个人的社会地位的尺度。中国的社团纵向  相似文献   

人类历史演进呈现出国家与社会关系逐步分离的趋势,社会现代化运动加快了这种分化的趋势。中国正在经历着国家与社会关系的现代转型。这种转型是建设价值理性、制度理性和行为理性的过程,是国家与社会关系的理性化。为此,要建立以人本主义为核心的社会价值体系,建立以人权保障为中心的国家制度体系,建立以社会自治为目标的社会管理体系,以实现国家与社会关系的现代转型。  相似文献   

转型期意味着我国国家与社会关系由社会国家化逐渐向国家与社会竞合阶段过渡,意味着政府权力与公共权力的合理定位。然而在社会转型的实际过程中,政府权力与公共权力的关系定位还不甚明晰,边界模糊。因此,厘清政府权力与公共权力之间的关系,对传统的政府权力与公共权力加以调适,乃是转型期社会的重要任务。  相似文献   

以公共性社会关系性质的变化为观察和分析视角,从三个制度维度即社会组织结构、社会联系方式、国家与社会关系,阐释从单位社会的利益组织化架构进入公共社会的利益组织化架构所发生的社会转型和制度变迁,涉及政府治理、社会治理和市场治理等领域的主体型构及其功能界分,其中最为核心的部分是重构基层公共性社会关系,由此可以明辨中国基层治理四十年改革和转型的历史基础和现实发展条件。  相似文献   

国家与社会关系的产生缘起于古希腊时期的广场政治,后来逐渐由一体走向分离。当代许多学者对国家与社会关系的研究重点着眼于对二者之间互动关系的梳理,以及该理论对于国家治理现代化的现实意义。殊不知,理论之争往往不仅仅在于两个理论之间的单纯对立关系,而是由其背后多个理论相互支撑的理论群进行博弈的结果。双方此消彼长,更能顺势者方能占据上风。自由主义自古至今贯穿于西方政治思想史中,而国家与社会关系的发展是与自由主义的发展及其他相关理论并驾齐驱的。  相似文献   

政府向社会组织购买服务作为近年来政府职能转变的重要举措与突出亮点,不仅体现了社会治理方式的创新,更在深层意义上反映了政府与社会关系格局的动态变化。基于2013-2016年A市政府使用“市级社会建设专项资金”购买社会组织服务的短面板数据,对政府购买服务视角下的政社关系重新进行了审视。实证结果表明,包括替代型关系与合作型关系在内的两类理论假设都得到了经验数据的部分支持,在功能替代、功能吸纳以及功能嵌入等不同机制的共同作用下,现阶段中国的政社关系表现为一种兼有替代与合作的复合形态。在对未来政社关系的展望上,认为政社关系的理想状态应当是在双向赋权和利益共容的基础上走向共生,但目前尚无充分理由认为政社关系已实现了从替代到共生的演化。  相似文献   

The question of whether or not religion accounts for variance in the governance of moral issues, between and within countries over time, has long been debated but never conclusively answered. A novel data set encompassing innovative measurements of state regulation of “life‐and‐death” issues and of the religious stratification of society enables us to answer why previous studies reached contradictory results. The time‐series cross‐sectional analysis of 26 countries over 50 years reveals that dominant religious denominations in society indeed influence state governance approaches regarding the issues of abortion and euthanasia. This denominational effect is shown to be contingent on the religiosity of a country's population, but independent from the formal state–church relationship. Lastly, it is shown that the religious effect has an inverse U‐shaped relationship with time, exposing the timeframe of analysis as decisive for inferences drawn in the study of morality policy.  相似文献   

论社会转型时期的民营经济价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会的转型时期,社会所面对的种种问题和困惑,其焦点就是实践活动中所遇到的价值选择问题。正是由于这一理由,在社会转型时期,价值问题就成为哲学的研究核心。“民营经济价值观”是当前哲学价值论转向中的创新观念,应当成为我国社会主义价值观体系中重要的价值观念。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between the two major ethnoreligious communities – the Jews and the Muslims – and the state in France, as reflected in lobbying, electoral behaviour, and public policies. It shows how the evolution of that relationship, an aspect of the politics of ethnicity, religion and multiculturalism, has been both a cause and a consequence of modifications in approaches to secularism, communitarianism and affirmative action. Finally, it deals with the question to what extent this development corresponds to a pluralist or corporatist model of politics and argues that changes in the relationship between state and society suggest an evolving accommodationist pattern increasingly similar to that of the United States.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the current transitional period in Central Europe two issues have been commonly regarded as outstanding: the democratization of national political systems and the transformation of national economies into capitalist ones. However, in the long run, the reintroduction of local self-government may be even more decisive when it comes to the stabilization of the post-socialist societies. Firstly arguing that local self-government is a crucial link between state and civil society, the paper goes on to review the local government system during socialism. This is followed by overviews of attempts to change this system in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. A number of hopes and fears associated with this development are highlighted, then the concluding section discusses the gains to be made for comparative political research by considering the local governments of Central Europe.  相似文献   

During the last 15 years, a shift in the relationship between state and society has been identified that can be characterized by an overall “retreat of the state”. The increasing use of co-operative policy instruments that do both, supplement and replace traditional authoritative measures, is one of the relevant manifestations of this change. However, most recent developments in German environmental policy in general and product-related waste management policy in particular reveal that this is all but an unambiguous tendency. After years of predominantly co-operative policy-approaches, there seems to be a revival of the authoritative state. The article analyses the patterns of change and presents reasons. In doing so, it challenges the popular functionalist hypothesis assuming that co-operative approaches arise from the functional needs of modern policy problems. Quite the contrary, the article draws on institutional factors — the European law in particular — and on party politics for explaining the identified change.  相似文献   

市民社会理念与社会自主性发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了市民社会理念的传统含义及其在当代的变化,认为它实际反映了人们对在市场经济和现代化过程中社会自主性问题的关注.作者分析了中国历史上国家与社会的关系及经济体制的转型、民主政治的建设对社会自主性发展的意义,揭示了社会自主性发展的表现.  相似文献   

田先红 《青年研究》2012,(1):38-49,95
20世纪末赣南农村涌现的弃婴潮和收养高峰在一定程度上消解了国家计划生育政策的实施绩效。弃婴与收养的潮起潮落,不仅折射出村落生育文化的转变,更裹挟着国家与农民关系的转型意味。在这个意义上,计划生育政策背后所隐藏的实际上是国家与农民关系问题,亦即国家权力该如何与数量众多且又高度分散的小农相对接的问题。由此,国家计划生育目标的实现不仅依赖于政策制度的设计,而且要充分考量政策运行的社会基础。  相似文献   

Employees' pro‐social motivation has been shown to be positively related to job satisfaction, especially when the perceived usefulness of the job to society and other people is high. There is, however, a lack of analyses which include both public and private employees, and it has not yet been studied whether the relationships are robust across welfare state regimes. This study therefore examines the moderated relationship between pro‐social motivation and job satisfaction. Using data from the cross‐national 2005 ISSP survey (14 countries, N = 10,630), it confirms that the relationship between pro‐social motivation and job satisfaction is moderated by perceived usefulness of the job for society and other people. Usefulness again depends on the individual's employment sector (public versus private), and this public–private difference in perceived usefulness also varies between different welfare state regimes. This indicates that sector differences in how pro‐social motivation affects job satisfaction depends on the broader institutional context, and the article therefore contributes with important knowledge for the recruitment and retention of motivated and satisfied employees in a period of changing public–private responsibilities in the provision of welfare services.  相似文献   

试析斯大林在党政关系上的畸变及其教训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代初苏共倒台,江山易帜,根本的原因是斯大林时期形成的苏联模式,这一模式的内核应是斯大林在处理党政关系上的畸变。本旨在透过斯大林从理论上对列宁党政关系原则的片面阐释到实践中背离的畸变过程,揭示出作为执政党应吸取的经验教训。  相似文献   

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