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Few who have ever observed the workings of a legal office would have witnessed a lawyer engaged in file management. Of course, lawyers, together with their clients, will construct the narrative that makes up the file, but the lawyer will not store it, nor see that it is properly labeled, nor ensure that its contents are in place, nor dust it, nor, finally, remove it for disposal at the end of whatever time is deemed sufficient for it to perform all of its functions. At a time when lawyers are being criticized for their levels of client care this paper explores the opportunities that the handling of the legal file affords for the development of an ethic of care that can then be transposed more broadly across legal practice. The essence of the argument is that the legal file is (as much as the client) a proper object of care, and that the care of the file – its maintenance and management – is an appropriate objective for lawyers, and necessary for the development of a legal profession that is truly ‘client-centered’. The argument is developed in three parts, and is largely informed by Bruno Latour’s works on being and technology as developed in We Have Never Been Modern, Aramis or the Love of Technology, and particularly, in an essay, published in 2002, entitled ‘Technology and Morality: The Ends of the Means’. The first part explores how the handling of the legal file exposes those engaged in this activity to legal histories, legal philosophies and legal ethics. The second part explores the content or nature of the obligation of care owed toward the file by the keeper of the file. It argues that the legal file represents human passions quelled or suppressed by legal conflict, and that ‘technical action’, falling broadly under the rubric of maintenance and handling, are ways in which care is expressed when the object of care is supine, dead or passing. The concluding part advances the care of technology as a means of preventing technological domination, or, in the terms of legal practice, the care of the file as a means of deflecting the development of a file culture.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the Conference on Critical Legal Studies (CCLS) has rekindled an important debate about the study of legal ideologies. The work by scholars within this movement is provocative because it demands that we take seriously the contradictory needs and ideological parameters of liberal legalism. The growing body of work associated with this movement has not, however, included a criticism of the ideological underpinnings of legal methods in general and doctrinal analysis in particular. We begin with the premise that scholarship must include a self-critical method.
In Part I—The Political-Economic Constraints of Liberal Legal Scholarship—we explore why questions of methods, i. e. of how one asks and answers questions, has not been a central issue within CCLS. In Part II—Reformulation of Method—we present a beginning toward a framework for developing a self-critical method for understanding legal ideologies.  相似文献   

个人数据权益的多元性,决定了个人数据在不同场景中的权属不同,这意味着对不同权属性质的个人数据,提供的法律保护模式也不同。我国对个人数据的法律保护模式有三种:财产权保护模式、人格权保护模式和平台保护模式。鉴于当前我国数据确权的制度安排尚未完成、数据的人格权保护没有得到公益救济、数据利益的损害赔偿无法实现,有必要对不同权属性质的个人数据作出有针对性的调整方案:在方法论上应突破私法或公法的思维局限,在立法论与数据应用实践层面,对现有的个人数据保护模式作出相应的调整,通过商业秘密保护模式拓宽数据财产权的保护路径,利用个人数据场景化保护模式弥补人格权保护模式的虚置,利用平台保护模式优化数据安全法律保护的制度设计。  相似文献   

仇书勇 《法学论坛》2007,22(2):119-126
现代公司"两权分离"的理论已经得到学界广泛认同.通过考察法人制度发展的历史渊源,探究法人制度的理论精髓,提出所谓"两权分离"中的"所有权"既不是指股东对公司财产的所有权,也不是指股东对公司的所有权,而是指股东对公司股份的所有权."两权分离"应当是指股东对公司股份的所有权与经营权相分离.  相似文献   

本文描述了用于规范法庭科学证言的英美证据法,这些法庭科学证言主要是解释微量物证之匹配的重要性。本文根据即将出版的维基百科全书法庭科学卷部分改编。  相似文献   

追索流失文化遗产的国际实践由来已久,其中通过诉讼的途径进行追索,但通常的诉讼途径为原文化财产来源国在文化市场国内对个人或团体提起诉讼,而在查巴德(Chabad)案中,俄罗斯作为文化财产的来源国却被迫参与到诉讼中,而其所依据的国有化法案却成为文化财产返还的障碍.诉讼结束后,俄罗斯拒绝对法院的判决予以执行,直接导致了两国在文化和外交上的冷战.本文以查巴德案为视角,分析在跨国追索流失文物案件中最突出的两个问题——国家的管辖权与判决的执行问题,并对诉讼以外的其他追索途径进行述评,以期为我国境外文物追索提供借鉴.  相似文献   

D.H. Kaye  吴洪淇 《证据科学》2008,16(4):474-479
本文描述了用于规范法庭科学证言的英美证据法,这些法庭科学证言主要是解释微量物证之匹配的重要性。本文根据即将出版的维基百科全书法庭科学卷部分改编。  相似文献   

国家所有的法律表达及其解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国宪法规定了作为公有制形式之一的国家所有制,却并没有确立其具体的法律实现机制。为满足发展市场经济的现实需要,物权法以国家所有权概念为基础初步建立了国家所有制的物权实现机制。然而,参照私有制-私人所有权模式而从国家所有制导出国家所有权的法学原理并未真正形成。建立在国家所有权概念基础上的物权实现机制,既表现出与国家所有制的疏离,又受宪法国家所有制规范的牵引而犹豫踟蹰,难以全面满足市场经济的实际需要。物权实现机制的尴尬处境,直接或间接地反映了两组要素之间的张力:旨在消灭剥削的社会主义理论-公有制-宪法规范-国家所有制-历史;重在发展生产力的社会主义理论-市场经济-物权法规范-国家所有权-现实和未来。这些张力所固有及由其所引发的制度矛盾和社会问题,需要通过全面深化改革和全面推进依法治国予以解决,当然也需要学术研究提供相关智识支持。  相似文献   

中国公共信息公开法律制度的特点、问题与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共信息公开制度的产生与经济建设直接联系是中国公共信息公开制度的显著特点。目前这一制度的主要问题为 :公开的观念尚未被社会普遍接受 ;公开的目的不明确 ,范围不确定 ;公开的非规范性 ;公开与否属行政裁量权 ,不接受司法审查 ,等等。为促进公共信息公开的发展 ,应当注意解决以下问题 :明确公开的宪法基础并研究其法理基础 ;完善现行制度 ,为以后的立法积累经验 ;制定公共信息公开法 ,促进并规范公共信息公开。  相似文献   

返还拾得物与寻物悬赏广告的法律规制与完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
返还拾得物与履行寻物悬赏广告义务等问题,<中华人民共和国物权法>虽已有规定,但不完善.尤其是有"必有重谢"承诺但没有具体酬金数额的寻物悬赏广告如何履行问题,<中华人民共和国物权法>以及司法解释均未作具体规定.因发布寻物悬赏广告的广告人不履行承诺或广告人与相对人意见不一致引发的纠纷时有发生,司法实践中不便于裁量.通过探析返还拾得物与寻物悬赏广告的法律制度,提出返还拾得物与有效履行寻物悬赏广告义务的建议.以维护相对人合法权益,维护经济生活秩序,促进社会和谐发展.  相似文献   

法益性权利:权利认识新视域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权利由法律明确规定和保护,为权利人享有权利所带来的利益提供了一个确切的范围,同时也为其他主体不侵害该权利提供了一个清晰的警戒线。但法益性权利概念表明,在权利与社会观念相冲突、权利设定存在缺陷以及司法政策选择性保护和限制等场合下,权利也会蜕变为实质上的法益,权利的保护也可能会表现为“弱保护”。研究法益性权利问题有利于廓清权利损害赔偿的灰色地带,拓展权利救济的视域,从而促进权利保护制度的体系建构和完善。  相似文献   

Questions of how and why organizations respond to legal rights are analyzed in several sociolegal research traditions, including studies of legal mobilization, regulation, and neo‐institutionalist accounts of the diffusion of organizational structures. Using original qualitative and quantitative data, this article examines the responses of ten organizations to wheelchair access rights that are found in various provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related state laws. We find that concepts from each of the research traditions are useful in understanding the sources of variance in response among the organizations in our sample. We focus on four key variables: legal mobilization, commitment, professionalization, and routinization. We contend that these variables offer a relatively parsimonious language for studying organizational responses to the law and for aggregating insights from competing approaches in the literature, both of which are essential to advancing our understanding of the conditions under which law changes society.  相似文献   

土地所有权立法之反思:透过历史的映照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地所有权的制度功能在于对封建土地制度的颠覆,在于重建土地权利的个人化、稳定化和自由化。即使像英国那样,不采纳所有权的制度话语,而通过虚化国家所有权和强化土地保有权即土地使用权的方式,同样可以达到确立个人所有权的效果。我国土地权利立法应该在借鉴英美法系的基础上,将使用权而不是所有权作为基础物权。  相似文献   

实用艺术品的法律保护应当是综合性的。其主要的两种法律保护途径是著作权法对实用艺术作品的保护和专利法对产品外观设计专利的保护。商标法和制止商业外观仿冒的规则用于实用艺术品的保护比较困难。反不正当竞争法应增设关于产品形态模仿禁止的规定,以对实用艺术品提供一定时期的有效保护。  相似文献   

Since April 2009 judicial reviews may be dealt with at regional centres and in Cardiff. This change significantly relaxed the hitherto highly centralised system of judicial review in England and Wales. The main aims were to improve access to public law redress by enabling cases to be listed and heard at the most appropriate regional location. Despite recognition of the need to improve regional access, fears exist that this reform will threaten the standing and authority of judicial review in this jurisdiction; that it will contribute to a fragmentation of judicial review and, in the regions, reduce the quality of public law adjudication, legal advice and representation. Drawing on an empirical study on the regional use of judicial review, this paper assesses these matters and considers the early effects of regionalisation on access to judicial review and the development of regional markets for legal services in public law.  相似文献   

根据我国现行个人信息相关立法,知情同意是个人信息收集和使用的普遍前提。通过对个人信息需要保护的利益分析,我们发现,个人信息上不仅附着了信息主体的人格尊严和自由利益,个人信息使用者的利益和公共利益也是个人信息法律制度需要保护的重要利益。基于此,本文认为,知情同意不是且不应成为个人信息处理的唯一合法性基础,在个人信息保护法制定中应首先明确个人信息上的利益,然后根据个人信息上的利益之间的平衡建构个人信息的使用规则,建立多元的合法性基础。  相似文献   

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