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Netherlands International Law Review - Unlike the ICTY and ICTR Statutes, the Rome Statute of the ICC provides in Article 75 for various forms of court-ordered reparations for the victims of...  相似文献   

The demography of the legal profession has changed rather dramatically in recent decades, yet the consequences of a more racially and ethnically diverse pool of lawyers for the administration of justice have not received significant attention. The present research examines how the racial composition of the local legal profession affects one facet of criminal law: the sentencing of convicted defendants. Building on prior work in the fields of law, stratification, and mobility, we hypothesize that racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing are mitigated where the legal profession is more diverse. In line with this hypothesis, analysis of data from a sample of large urban counties taken between 1990 and 2002 shows that the black-white racial disparity in sentencing attenuates as the number of black attorneys in the county increases, net of the percent black in the county and other possible confounding variables. Comparable results are found for Hispanics. The findings are discussed in the context of a demographically changing legal profession and prior work on racial disparities in the justice system.  相似文献   

行政程序违法的法律后果及其责任   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当今,程序违法的法律后果及其责任追究的困境,在于人为地将程序始终与实体问题纠缠不清,其本质体现为程序独立性的缺乏。为促进正当程序理念在行政管理领域中尽快转化为现实,我国行政程序违法法律后果构建的重点不是多元处理方式的强调,而应是程序违法应予撤销规则的坚持和完善。  相似文献   

段卫华  王强 《河北法学》2006,24(9):83-86
各国产品责任实体法上的冲突,使得涉外产品责任的法律适用对于能否恰当保护当事人合法权益具有重要意义.我国当前还没有调整涉外产品责任法律适用的专门制度,只是笼统地采用了侵权行为法律适用规则.从分析国际产品责任法律适用的发展趋势入手,提出了完善我国涉外产品责任法律适用的建议.  相似文献   

Free will is the foundation of determination of responsibility. Genetic enginnering represented by technologies of gene editing, artificial medical devices and AI have fundamentally challenged the concept of free will and so have significantly influenced determination of legal responsibility. These challenges are fundamental, not instrumental, and can be divided into two aspects in legal philosophy. First, the direct challenge, that is, the emerging technology represented by genetic engineering and artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) has challenged the concept of free will. Second the would-be ultimate challenge, that is, presented by an artificial general intelligence (AGI) agent that is considered to reach humanlevel free will, can be a legal subject, thus taking full legal responsibility. The direct challenge constitutes a new “forgiveness” condition for taking responsibility. The would-be ultimate challenge deserves significant attention, because the concept of free will is not only about human responsibility, but also about human dignity.  相似文献   

Neo-liberalism often reduces pluralism to a social fact based on the collapse of the big ideals that once claimed to stand in for the ideal of humanity. Tolerance of inevitable value diversity is all that can be offered by the rationalized modern western state. This understanding of pluralism is completely inadequate in the post colony. Ernst Cassirer offers a philosophical understanding of symbolic plurality that allows us to respect divergent symbolic forms, including myth and religion. This understanding of pluralism opens the space for respect for the customary law and the great indigenous ideals such as uBuntu which has often been denigrated as mythical and thus outdated or, worse yet, not law at all. This denigration is inseparable from colonial violence, and demands a process of transculturation as integral to this struggle to transform the new South Africa into a society that lives up to the Constitution’s call for the respect of all of its citizens. This respect can only be done if there are serious economic reforms and a challenge to the hegemonic neo-liberal capitalism.
Drucilla CornellEmail:

企业社会责任的理念超脱狭隘的"股东至上主义",是对传统企业理论"个人本位"的修正和补充,企业社会责任更加关注的是企业对社会利益的增进和维护,"社会本位"应当是企业社会责任的理论基础.对于法律并没有强制性要求的行为和义务相关的企业社会责任,无法通过国家强制力来保障实现,但仍然可以通过道德色彩浓厚的"软法"来对其进行规制.在坚持"个人本位"与"社会本位"相结合的原则下,应建立以企业社会责任为导向的自律机制,完善以政府为主导的企业社会责任他律机制.  相似文献   

仲裁员法律责任之检讨(下)——兼评“枉法仲裁罪”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六、枉法仲裁罪之批判赞成者认为,虽然仲裁人员不是司法人员,但其实际上行使了国家授权的一部分司法权力。由于社会上存在着不良风气,司法机关也不是生活在真空当中,因此在司法活动中也一定程度上存在着执法不公、徇私枉法的现象,这种司法不公的现象同样也出现在仲裁活动中。社会上一些人为了让仲裁结果有利于自己,到处托关系,请客送礼,向仲裁人员行贿等现象日益增多。这不  相似文献   

法律人的社会责任--从公益法律诊所的设立谈起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从公益法律诊所的设立出发,探讨了诊所法律教育在中国丰富和拓展的一个方面,即如何在这个过程中正确认识和实现法律人的社会责任的问题。作者认为,公益法律诊所的实践让我们认识到,法律人的社会责任本身是一个在现实处境之下如何运用法律知识和法律人身份积极实现的过程。它需要法律人直面法律职业解决社会问题的优势和困难,而不是空谈道德呼唤。只有这样,才能找到法律人承担社会责任的方式和可能性。在这个意义上,本文对诊所法律教育、法律职业以及中国法治的前景,所采取的是一种务实和谨慎乐观的姿态。  相似文献   

Telling the Difference focuses on two legal opinions from the nineteenth century that carefully distinguish between those who should be racially marked as nonwhite and those who should not. In the first instance, a Michigan judge decides the appropriate blood fraction of African-American heritage that would prohibit a free man from voting. In the second, a New Mexico judge rules that the Native Americans of Cochiti Pueblo are not legally Indians, and therefore not entitled to federal protection of their land. The oracle uses these examples to advance two central claims: that we must pay close attention to the narrative logic of racial identification in order to understand the powerful contradictions still at the heart of our conversations about race, and that in doing so we should consider that race has always been multiply constructed in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the practical importance ofpsychoanalysis for criminology, an importancewhich finds its raison d'être in thenecessity that a subject be response-able for there tobe full legal responsibility. In recognising therequirement for a certain linguistic constellation tobe in evidence – namely that there be a subject ofenunciation who is able to answer for what hearticulates at the level of his statement – thecorrespondence between legal responsibility and thelaw of symbolisation, Lacan's term for theOedipus complex, is addressed. Starting from thefictitious structure of truth and its corollary, thefact that `truth is grounded on the fact that itspeaks', the unconscious emerges as a grammaticalapparatus for the production of meaning. The logic ofexception, indexed on the signifier of theName-of-the-Father, is exposed as the mechanism forthe operation of this grammatical apparatus as it isbrought to bear on the trace of subjective division.I then demonstrate the importance of division for thesubject of law by presenting the deleterious effectsof the dysfunctional grammar of psychosisthrough a study of President Schreber's Memoirs and his use of grammatical devices in orderto institute a constitutional democracy in the realmof God – and thus submit the Father to his Name.  相似文献   

Abstract A remarkable feature of the Union's legal order is the absence of a genuine hierarchy of legal acts—a pre‐established ranking of different types of legal acts in accordance with the democratic legitimacy of their respective authors and adoption procedures, which is used as a means to resolve conflicts among these different types of legal acts. There is however a clear suggestion of such hierarchy in the sequence in which the newly created legal instruments are listed in Article I‐33(1) and in the organisation of the subsequent Articles I‐34 to I‐37 of the European Constitution. In this contribution, the (lost) logic behind the Union's current set of legal instruments is analysed, followed by an examination of the reform of the system of legal instruments carried out in the European Constitution. Lastly, an attempt is made to answer the question as to whether this reform amounts to the establishment of a genuine hierarchy of legal acts in the Union.  相似文献   

梁威  鞠晓东 《行政与法》2006,(1):128-128,F0003
就公证法律责任的主体、承担法律责任的基本原则、及其种类等方面来研究公证人的法律责任,从而规范公证法律行为,构建和完善与国际接轨并符合中国国情的公证法律制度体系。  相似文献   

在电子合同订立的过程中,意思表示是通过技术手段生成并传递的,由此而产生的错误往往是当事人难以控制和更正的。本文认为,应当在保护消费者权益的基础上,区分错误原因并结合具体情况来确定法律责任,并建议制订既有利于促进电子商务发展又便于纠纷解决的法律规范。  相似文献   

法律援助:政府责任与律师义务   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在法律援助的实践中,政府和律师基于不同的根据承担法律援助的责任和义务。对律师提供法律援助义务的强制性规定有可能导致政府责任虚化或为政府转嫁其责任提供根据。倡导律师的职业伦理,建立人权律师制度,有助于强化律师法律援助的义务。  相似文献   

The article offers a brief history of the Critical Legal Conference and the emergence of general jurisprudence as a main theoretical school in legal scholarship. It charts the aesthetic, ethical and the current political phase of the school. In the current situation of economic and political crisis, the intellectual and the critic is called to abandon the facile position of neutrality and assume the responsibility of resistance and radical change.  相似文献   

国际市场的激烈竞争,使企业社会责任的标准化问题上升到国际层面,成为一个需要以"整齐划一"的方式予以解决的国际热点问题。企业社会责任国际标准ISO26000即将诞生。从国际法角度分析企业社会责任国际标准的性质和效力,有助于思考并解决ISO26000制定过程中存在的诸多法律问题。  相似文献   

未成年学生的人身伤害与学校的法律责任   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王新 《河北法学》2000,(3):107-108
未成年学生发生人身伤害的情况时有发生。有的发生在校内,有的发生有上学或放学的路上;有的发生在课上,也有的发生在课间;有的是由于嬉戏所致,有的是学校管理疏漏引发。总之致伤的原因和情况多种多样。由此所引发的未成年学生诉学校损害赔偿的案件也逐年增加。对学校应否承担损害赔偿责任,人们争议颇多。...  相似文献   

论政府环境责任的缺陷与健全   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
蔡守秋 《河北法学》2008,26(3):17-25
政府环境责任的缺陷和不足,是环境保护领域政府失灵、环境法律失灵的一个重要原因。我国政府环境责任的缺陷主要体现在"重政府经济责任,轻政府环境责任"、"重企业环境义务和追究企业环境责任,轻政府环境义务和追究政府环境责任"、"重政府环境权力,轻政府环境义务"等八个方面。通过阐明健全政府环境责任的法理基础、指导思想和原则,提出建立健全政府环境责任的体系和制度的建议。  相似文献   

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