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<正>China’s economy grew 6.9 percent in the first half of 2017.This figure somewhat reduces the worry that China’s economic slowdown will cast a shadow over the world economy.In the past two years,the rhetoric about the collapse of China’s economy has continued to resurge from time to time.However,the economic growth of the past one and a half years shows a steady and upbeat momentum.  相似文献   

<正>Development and liberalization of Uzbekistan economy throughout the last two decades are characterized by largescale drastic reforms in the socio-economic system of the country.Increasing investment activities evidence significant improvements in business environment and the sustainable economic growth in recent years.Thus,the volume of capital investments made throughout  相似文献   

正In the past year,along with the deepening of reforms,China has promulgated and vigorously implemented a series of measures in government administration,judicature,anti-corruption,state-owned enterprise and network governance,heralding a new era of development and  相似文献   

Commitment to transparent,efficient startups registration and inclusive market economy headline reforms The Chinese Government released a range of reform and opening up policies,as is customary,ahead of the Third plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist party of China(CpC),which runs  相似文献   

<正>New drug-pricing policy puts patients first China began to lift price ceilings on most pharmaceuticals on June 1,with the goal of creating a more market-driven pricing system that will help keep medical costs in check.According to the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),China’s top economic planner and the body that introduced the new regulations in early May,all  相似文献   

正At the present time,China is in need of economic stimulus,a fact testified to by the struggling branches of some banks and the sluggish manufacturing industry.The country should no longer base its optimistic mood solely on the explosive growth of the information technology(IT)and e-commerce industries.Without the upgrading of its manufacturing sector,China’s economy will  相似文献   

<正>On December 2,an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang,deliberated over the next steps for financial reform and opening up following the yuan’s inclusion into the SDR basket.The meeting deployed pilot projects to carry out financial innovation in several qualified cities.Financial reform test fields designated by the State Council meeting have their own features.  相似文献   

正THE third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee approved a plan that will comprehensively deepen China’s reforms.Few plans in the history of New China have been so powerful or wideranging.It ranks alongside the historic report of the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee of 1978,which marked the onset of the"reform and opening-up"policy.  相似文献   

<正>Official data showed that commodity prices in China have been declining,arousing concerns over deflation risks.In response,there has been much outcry in the market that more monetary easing measures should be adopted to cope with the tendency.Deflation should be treated careful y and more emphasis should be put on bolstering reforms.Several indexes point to the change in prices,including the bulks price index(BPI)  相似文献   

The Chinese government has set the 2014 GDP target at around 7.5 percent on the basis of the current situation in the country, where China is purposely gearing down economic growth, while the overhauling of its economic struc- ture and earlier stimulus policies have just begun to show effect.  相似文献   

The world economy is currently under pressure due to in-depth structural adjustments in the wake of the financial crisis,from which its recovery has been much slower than expected.Some countries are still absorbing the detrimental effects of the crisis such as deep debt and high  相似文献   

<正>In 2016,profi ts of China’s state-owned enterprises(SOEs)grew by 6.7 percent following two years of negative growth.The growth is the highest since 2012,and profit sources have also changed signifi cantly.Revenue from the electronic device,electrical equipment and  相似文献   

依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家是我们党和国家的基本方略。目前 ,“依法办事、依法治理”蔚然成风 ,全国上下法治意识日渐增强。但也有一种说法 :“改革可以冲击一切 ,改革具有特权 ,”而无视法律的权威。改革与法律究竟是一个什么关系 ?  相似文献   

正REFORMS to China’s state-owned enterprise(SOE)have gone through three stages.The first was that leading up to the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee in 1993,when power was decentralized and interests compromised.The second stage was from the  相似文献   

The proactive fiscal policy deserves much of the credit for helping the Chinese economy maintain stable growth in a volatile external environment during 2018.Throughout the year,the fiscal policy was generally expansive,and the government made great efforts to lower taxes and administrative fees.Value-added tax,corporate income tax and personal income tax were all cut,saving an estimated 1.3 trillion yuan ($189.5 billion)in 2018,The scale of fiscal expenditure was also appropriate with the fiscal deficit ratio standing at 2.6 percent.  相似文献   

正Aguideline on better protection of property rights was jointly issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Paf China(CPC)and the State Council in late November 2016.As the first state-level document regarding the issue,it particularly emphasizes equal protection of all kinds of  相似文献   

WANG Yan is the mother of a one-year-old girl. With breastfeeding over, she is at her wits’ end trying to choose a brand of baby formula for her child. The powdered formula her friend bought for her from the Netherlands turned out to be not suited to the child’s physique. She used a Japanese brand at local supermarkets before an unfortunate outbreak of foot and mouth disease  相似文献   

<正>News of public-private partnership(PPP)projects has kept pouring in since the start of the year.More and more local governments are regarding PPP as a major means of attracting investment as they deal with tighter budgets,stricter debt oversight,and slowing economic growth.However,problems  相似文献   

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