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A case of lethal suicidal intoxication with demeton-S-methyl is reported. Capillary chromatography on wide-bore columns (CP-sil 5, 0.53 mm ID, 1 micron film thickness) was used for the quantitative determinations of this substance in the body fluids and tissues.  相似文献   

A comparative study of 174 homicidal and 105 suicidal sharp force deaths in the Stockholm area is presented in order to identify variables of importance in the differentiation between homicides and suicides. In homicides, a significantly (p<0.05) higher number of cut and stab wounds were seen in the head, upper and lower extremities and a significantly higher number of vertical stab wounds were found in the chest. Lower numbers were seen in the wrist and the crook of the arm. When counting the injured areas, irrespective of the number of injuries, abdominal wounds and horizontal chest stab wounds were also significantly more often found in victims of homicide. Injuries to the back and to the genitals were not seen in suicides. The suicide victims were significantly older and had significantly lower blood alcohol levels. A new variable pointing at a statistically significant difference between homicides and suicides was found: In homicides, stab wounds with a horizontal axis of entrance wound in the chest was found to be less common than those with a vertical axis. Other variables studied were prevalence of defence and tentative wounds, farewell notes and suicidal ideation, earlier parasuicides, venue, gender of the victims and the types of sharp objects used.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old police officer committed suicide in his office by firing a contact shot to the left temple. When the body was found 12 hours later, the German shepherd dog the officer had been in charge of had caused considerable damage on the lower half of the face and the adjacent parts of the neck. The clothing of the suicide was undamaged. Blood traces in the shape of paws were found at the place of death. The wound margins of the postmortem animal injury were nicked and jagged by the canine teeth. The entrance and exit wounds were not affected by the soft tissue defect. The findings gathered are discussed in reference to the relevant literature.  相似文献   

Interest in the relationship between autism and violence has increased in recent years; however, no link has clearly been established between them. Researchers remain curious if autistic people with certain traits (e.g., a history of trauma) are at greater risk of violence than those individuals with autism alone. In this article, we detail two individuals with homicidal ideation (HI) admitted to inpatient psychiatric units who were found to have a diagnosis of autism without language impairment. These cases illustrate the need for mental health providers to consider autism in their differential diagnosis when evaluating an individual with HI. Broadly, we consider how an autistic individual could be susceptible to developing HI and explore treatments specific to autistic individuals that may be helpful in such cases.  相似文献   

Post-mortem subdural ethanol levels have been proposed as a useful test in certain forensic cases involving head trauma, particularly when the time interval from injury to death may have caused a lowering of the blood ethanol concentration to insignificant or undetectable levels. This study of 75 autopsied persons from whom both blood and subdural ethanol levels were obtained, shows the usefulness of the subdural ethanol level, especially where there is a prolonged or unknown post-traumatic time interval. Use of such a test is recommended in these situations.  相似文献   

The population of Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles (133,000) shows a very high prevalence of end-stage renal disease (approximately 1 per 1,000). These patients are often treated chronically with haemodialysis. As the drinking water on the island is prepared by distillation of sea water, the haemodialysis fluid used to be prepared with tap water without further treatment. In 1996, the 27 patients of one of the dialysis centers on the island presented with nausea, vomiting, and hypercalcaemia in a short time span, which was initially diagnosed as 'hard water syndrome'. In spite of treatment with low-calcium dialysate, microcytic anaemia and neurological symptoms developed. Ten patients died of convulsions, sepsis, and coma. As aluminum (Al) intoxication was suspected, Al in serum (AlS) was measured. Ante mortem AlS was 808 microg/l (n = 7; range 359-1189); in the survivors AlS was 255 microg/l (n = 17; range 113-490). Normal AlS is < 10 microg/l, and <50 microg/l in asymptomatic dialyzed patients. The court requested post-mortem toxicological analysis of four patients. Al concentrations in liver, bone, and cerebral cortex were significantly increased as compared with background levels. Al intoxication was, therefore, considered to be the most likely cause of death in these patients. Investigations of the tap water supply revealed that a few weeks before the onset of the symptoms, a water conduit pipe to the dialysis unit had been replaced, which was lined with Al- and Ca-rich cement mortar. These ions leached into the distilled water and caused both Ca- and Al-intoxication through uptake from the dialysate into the patients' circulation. The symptoms of the latter were initially not recognized as they were masked by the symptoms of hypercalcaemia.  相似文献   

In a nursing section for 54 senile, demented inpatients for the period of 3 months, a casual worker committed homicide in 11 cases and attempted homicide in 16 cases by peroral application of lye- and parachlorcresol-containing disinfectants. Autopsies had been performed in nearly all of the fatal cases without detection of the true causes of death. The fatal intoxications could be verified through reexamination of the lung slides and through gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the formalin-fixed tissue specimens.  相似文献   

During autopsy of 26 inpatients with elevated CRP levels (14-536 mg/l) blood was taken from the femoral vessels and analysed for the content of CRP. The post-mortem CRP values were compared with the results of CRP analysis performed within the last 24h before death. This showed that the post-mortem values of CRP in average were reduced with 35% compared to the ante-mortem values. The decrease in CRP levels was not significantly influenced by the time interval from death until blood was drawn for analysis, at least up to 6 days. When blood taken from healthy individuals killed in accidents was analysed, no elevated CRP values were observed, indicating that there is negligible risk for false positive results. It is also shown that frozen blood can be used for CRP analysis if an immunometric kit assay based on whole blood is applied. The results demonstrate that an elevated level of CRP in post-mortem blood is a good marker for an ongoing inflammatory process prior to death. CRP analysis may therefore be a helpful tool in post-mortem examinations, especially in non-hospitalised individuals without medical records.  相似文献   

胃肠外途径投毒的法医学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告13例胃肠外途径投毒的法医学鉴定,其中升汞2例(I.V.),水银1例(I.V.),氰化钾2例(I.M.和乳房下注射各1)、氰化钠1例(I.V.)、一氧化碳2例(吸入)、铬酸酐1例(阴道内塞入)、敌敌畏1例(心包腔内注射)、矮壮素1例(I.M.)、氯丙嗪1例(I.V.)和溴氰菊酯1例(I.V.)。说明经胃肠外途径引起的投毒案例并不罕见,且毒物种类增多,这在法医病理和毒理工作中应引起注意和警惕。  相似文献   

519例他杀刺创的回顾性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对519例他杀刺创致死的案例进行了回顾性研究.结果显示死者的年龄在16至30岁较为突出;1—2处刺创的死者与多于10处者在杀人动机、现场位置、罪犯与死者关系、致死手段以及血液乙醇检出率等方面存在差异;死于急性失血性休克的513例中,467例(90%)检见左心室内膜下出血斑.  相似文献   

As one of the leading causes of traumatic deaths in newborns, infants, and young children, there is no anatomic or microscopic feature that is pathognomonic for asphyxial deaths. Instead, pathologists rely on investigation information, including confessions and/or witness statements, and potential evidence at the scene. Twenty cases of homicidal newborn, infant, and young children asphyxial deaths were reviewed, which included death and police investigation reports and autopsy reports, as well as histology slides of lung sections. This series of homicidal asphyxial deaths highlight that, in a vast majority of such cases, the final cause and manner of death rulings are dependent on confession by the perpetrator. Furthermore, this series highlights the possible role of histology to help forensic pathologists better certify asphyxial deaths. Finally, this series emphasizes important investigation points and considerations at autopsy during the investigation of asphyxial deaths in newborns, infants, and young children.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared performance on neurocognitive measures between violent and nonviolent schizophrenia samples. A better understanding of neurocognitive dysfunction in violent individuals with schizophrenia could increase the efficacy of violence reduction strategies and aid in risk assessment and adjudication processes. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological performance between 25 homicide offenders with schizophrenia and 25 nonviolent schizophrenia controls. The groups were matched for age, race, sex, and handedness. Independent t‐tests and Mann–Whitney U‐tests were used to compare the schizophrenia groups’ performance on measures of cognition, including composite scores assessing domain level functioning and individual neuropsychological tests. Results indicated the violent schizophrenia group performed worse on measures of memory and executive functioning, and the Intellectual Functioning composite score, when compared to the nonviolent schizophrenia sample. These findings replicate previous research documenting neuropsychological deficits specific to violent individuals with schizophrenia and support research implicating fronto‐limbic dysfunction among violent offenders with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The news media tend to sensationalize murders involving multiple methods because of their inherent brutality. Similarly, when addressing a jury, prosecutors often emphasize the most grisly part of a murder to ensure a speedy conviction. This paper reports a case of a teenage boy who was murdered by the use of multiple methods of asphyxia. The methods of asphyxial death and the reconstruction of the sequence of events by the medical experts during the murder trial played an important role in the conviction and ultimate sentencing of the perpetrators.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

The stellate bullet entrance wound is one of the facultative features of a contact shot. For the formation of a star-shaped wound two factors are of special importance: first, an extensive bony support underlying the skin in the entrance region, and second, a strong propellant charge of the cartridge fired. Contact shots to the precordial region usually do not cause stellate entrance wounds, even if high-powered rifle ammunition is used. In the reported case, an injury pattern was observed that was not in line with normal findings and seemed confusing at first. Following a suicidal gunshot to the chest from a sawed-off carbine 98a (cal. 8 x 57 Js), a 4.5 cm wide, gaping bullet entrance wound with radiating tears was found. Instead of the usual pocket, the anterior thoracic wall showed a fist-sized area of destruction with extensive undermining of the subcutis. Not far from the entrance hole, a rib fragment had become displaced retrogradely thus perforating the skin from the inside out. The unusual pattern of findings could be explained by the fact that the barrel had been sawed off: as a result of this manipulation, a considerable part of the propellant charge had been converted outside the barrel, i.e. in the initial section of the bullet path.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 75-year-old hypertensive, diabetic man who presented to the emergency room with symptoms and signs of nausea, acute intoxication, significant alteration in mental status with rapid neurologic deterioration, and blunt impact injuries sustained during a recent altercation with a 36-year-old female companion-caretaker. He denied a history of ethanol abuse or other recent toxic ingestion and had not been diagnosed with or treated for depression. Hospital laboratory tests revealed a metabolic acidosis and a negative urine toxicology screen. He was diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy with metabolic acidosis secondary to metformin. Despite treatments including hemodialysis, he expired after approximately 28 hours of hospitalization. A postmortem anatomic examination revealed recent blunt-impact injuries and cardiac and renal pathology. A subsequent histologic examination revealed the presence of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys and brain, in addition to cardiac and renal pathology. Comprehensive forensic toxicologic testing was performed on antemortem and postmortem samples and revealed lethal levels of ethylene glycol. The cause of death was as a result of acute intoxication by ethylene glycol with another condition of multiple blunt impacts to the head, trunk, and extremities. The manner of death was ruled as homicide. A trial by jury, involving the female companion-caretaker, resulted in her conviction, and she was sentenced to 23 years to life in prison. In this report, we present an unusual case of homicidal ethylene glycol intoxication in which legal proceedings have occurred.  相似文献   

Self-harming behaviors occurring in prison disproportionately consume resources and cause considerable disruption. To date, theoretical paradigms have explained self-injurious behaviors and suicidal processes either via a continuum or dichotomy of self-harm. This current study examines all documented acts of self-harm (n = 1,158) occurring in South Carolina’s 28 prisons over a 50-month period. We test and find support for a tripartite schema of self-harm; differentiated with regard to suicidal processes, self-injurious behaviors, and a ‘mixed group‘ of self-harming behaviors. These groups of behaviors were distinct with regard to situational variables (i.e. body part targeted, injury severity) as well as institutional responses (i.e., medical treatment needed, employment of suicide protocols). Findings indicate that self-injurious behaviors are likely to result in physical injury and/or hospitalizations.  相似文献   

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