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This essay provides an overview of actor-network theory (ANT) and its potential interest for sociolegal scholars. It focuses on Bruno Latour's 2002 ethnography of La fabrique du droit: une ethnographie du Conseil d'État [The factory of law: an ethnography of the Conseil d'État] (2002b), which provides an analysis of the workings of the French Conseil d'État. The essay seeks to introduce non-French-reading sociolegal researchers to this work and draws out methodological and theoretical implications for research on legal institutions, legal knowledge, and bureaucracies.  相似文献   

Few who have ever observed the workings of a legal office would have witnessed a lawyer engaged in file management. Of course, lawyers, together with their clients, will construct the narrative that makes up the file, but the lawyer will not store it, nor see that it is properly labeled, nor ensure that its contents are in place, nor dust it, nor, finally, remove it for disposal at the end of whatever time is deemed sufficient for it to perform all of its functions. At a time when lawyers are being criticized for their levels of client care this paper explores the opportunities that the handling of the legal file affords for the development of an ethic of care that can then be transposed more broadly across legal practice. The essence of the argument is that the legal file is (as much as the client) a proper object of care, and that the care of the file – its maintenance and management – is an appropriate objective for lawyers, and necessary for the development of a legal profession that is truly ‘client-centered’. The argument is developed in three parts, and is largely informed by Bruno Latour’s works on being and technology as developed in We Have Never Been Modern, Aramis or the Love of Technology, and particularly, in an essay, published in 2002, entitled ‘Technology and Morality: The Ends of the Means’. The first part explores how the handling of the legal file exposes those engaged in this activity to legal histories, legal philosophies and legal ethics. The second part explores the content or nature of the obligation of care owed toward the file by the keeper of the file. It argues that the legal file represents human passions quelled or suppressed by legal conflict, and that ‘technical action’, falling broadly under the rubric of maintenance and handling, are ways in which care is expressed when the object of care is supine, dead or passing. The concluding part advances the care of technology as a means of preventing technological domination, or, in the terms of legal practice, the care of the file as a means of deflecting the development of a file culture.  相似文献   

Social Justice and Environmental Management: An Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social Justice Research -  相似文献   

新文学本土化问题正为学界重视,但是其理论建设却还有待进一步深入。文学本土化问题与文学创作的目的、特点等密切相关,它的基本内涵包括本土内容、本土思想和本土接受几个方面。从文学史看,本土性特点是绝大多数优秀作家作品的重要前提。新文学也有过本土化的探索和实践,但由于多方面原因的限制,其道路曲折,成绩也有限。当前文学本土化最迫切的任务,一是真正客观地认识传统,二是追求对生活的深度表现。当然,文学本土性与现代性的关系不是完全对抗,它们之间有冲突,也有和谐统一之处。新文学需要将以往的现代性中心转移为本土性中心,最基本的工作是回归文学本体和调整与大众的关系。  相似文献   

The study of social justice has always been an interdisciplinary undertaking, but in recent years neurobiologists have joined scholars and scientists from other areas to tackle complex questions concerning fairness, empathy, equality, hierarchy, and ideological conflict and polarization. By synthesizing insights from multiple, mutually informative levels of analysis, it is possible to shed new light on basic biological processes that reflect, inspire, and inhibit the pursuit of a more just society. With this special issue we highlight groundbreaking research on the neurobiology of fairness and social justice, bringing together six articles that address core themes of social justice, including individual variability in definitions of fairness, the genetic basis of economic egalitarianism, neural bases of empathy in environmental and intergroup domains, and the neural and genetic correlates of ideological polarization. Taken in conjunction, these diverse contributions bring multiple theoretical perspectives and research methods to bear on the shared goal of understanding and promoting social justice.  相似文献   



Longitudinal Analysis: An Introduction to the Special Issue  相似文献   

本文从学术史的角度,梳理了区位论和社会区位思想的发展演变。发现它们虽然源于不同的学科,但相互采借,相互影响,在“体系”、“区位”和“中心——边缘”等基本概念外延的扩展和内涵的抽象方面,逐渐走到了一起,形成了一个关于社会结构的区位性研究的统一理论——社会区位论。这一理论用以分析和表达社会结构性质,尤其是中国社合结构性质,将是一个很有解释力的工具。  相似文献   

迅速起诉程序论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迅速起诉程序是指在一定条件下,案件无须公诉审查而使案件直接进入审判程序的有关程序.纵观各国立法实践,在一定轻罪案件中,在被告人放弃预审权利时,现行犯罪案件中,被告人坦白时,检察官认为证据清楚时都可以迅速起诉.我国任何案件进入审判程序都必须经过审查起诉程序.可以考虑一定的轻罪案件,如果犯罪嫌疑人同意立即起诉的,经过检察机关同意可以省略审查起诉程序.  相似文献   

简论社会控制与司法行政的社会作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
梁兴国 《中国司法》2005,3(11):32-36
一、社会控制与司法行政社会是人类摆脱孤立走向联合、摆脱愚昧走向文明的必然选择,恩格斯指出:“由于随着完全形成的人的出现而产生了新的因素——社会。这种发展一方面获得了有力的推动力,另一方面又获得了更确定的方向。①”阶级和国家的出现,使人类社会迈入了更为高级和复杂的社会形态,从而造就了辉煌的文明成果,但与此同时,频繁发生的社会动荡、混乱乃至战争,却又常常对人类文明造成不同程度的破坏,延缓和阻碍社会的发展。“一切政体可以被内部的变故所毁弃,一般地也可以被外力所破坏。②”因此,进行社会控制,达至社会的秩序和稳定,是…  相似文献   

法国侦查制度简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞿丰 《政法学刊》2001,18(2):75-77
侦查制度是指一个国家或地区有关侦查活动的组织、程序、人员方面规则体系的总称。法国侦查制度有其特定的侦查主体、侦查措施、侦查模式。  相似文献   

人文主义法学引论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人文主义法学是指崇尚人的价值、尊重人的本性的法学观点或法学思想体系。人文主义法学的指导思想是将人作为目的。人文主义法学的基本原则及对法律思想的影响表现在如下方面:尊重人的需要和利益原则促进了权利、人权、自由的产生和发展;防范人的恶性原则促进了法治概念、民主政府、分权、法律程序、法律监督的产生和发展;宽容人的弱点原则主张法律对人的行为不宜提出过高的要求;鼓励人的优点原则主张法律允许人们参与法律实践活动、鼓励人的奉献行为。人文主义法学的兴起将促进法学研究和法律实践的发展。  相似文献   

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