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赋闲在家的女人越来越少还是越来越多,这个问题一度很挑战人们的脑力。职业女性,尤其是虔诚敬业的职业女性,曾经让一部分传统  相似文献   

在乡村,说忙就真的忙起来了,农活如涨起来的潮水,挤成堆、抱成团,一古脑儿地向乡村扑过来,不容你商量,也不由你缓慢应对,这自然是季节在催促的缘故。什么该种,什么该收,季节俨然是乡村高速运转的指挥家在指挥着忙碌的人们。乡  相似文献   

袁瑛 《今日广西》2008,(13):14-15
张天爱是个令人羡慕的女人,当然,这不是指她美丽的外表、显赫的背景以及坐拥三大时装品牌的身价等这些看似迷人的光环。她可以不断地改变,却鲜少犹豫和退却——当一个女人时时在改变和超越“现在的自己”时,这样的女人才是真正美丽的。  相似文献   

何俊 《人民公安》2009,(5):10-13
她们有盈盈笑意,亦有铮铮铁骨:有干探风范,亦有慈母情怀。  相似文献   

杨华 《人民公安》2008,(12):62-62
就是那个长发中分、皮肤白皙、身材高挑、一笑露出一口不太整齐的牙齿的女人,缓缓地走过来,她善意的眼神轻轻地掠过周围的一切,在每一张脸上都作短暂的停留,在每一个物件上都作细致的摩娑。慢慢地,她走近了,几乎到了你的眼前。你看到了她脸上若有若无的几点雀斑,  相似文献   

姜龙飞 《人民公安》2009,(14):62-62
听到“噗嗤”一笑从五公里之外轻轻传来,我就猜到手里握着的是谁的声音了,疲沓的大脑不觉漾起了一丝亢奋。可声音依然懒洋洋地不愿承认。“你是谁呀?你找谁呀?”  相似文献   

春节就要到了,男人们是没多大变化的,该喝酒的喝酒,该吹牛的吹牛,只不过比平时更加悠闲一些。女人不行,她们得开始行动。  相似文献   

欣华 《中国减灾》2010,(4):39-39
她站在不远处的岩石上,不时地翘首向坡下张望。她说,她男人在坡下煤窑里工作,她来这儿,是想早一点看到他从竖井里上到地面上来。  相似文献   

杨宏宁 《新东方》2000,(4):27-29
我怎么也没想到,若干年后,我爱上的那个女孩竟然是当年被哥哥强暴过的那个人,我无法跨越那深重的阴影,更无法割舍纯真的爱情,我该怎么办呢?  相似文献   

灵香草 《今日广西》2008,(17):42-42
这个世界上只有两样事物能令女人永远为之着迷,那就是衣服和爱情。 女人对衣服的执着、耐性,与对待爱情同出一辙。女人对爱情有天生的依赖性,对待衣服也是。衣橱里永远缺少一件完全满意的衣服,正如女人永远缺少一个令自己满意的情人。  相似文献   

An American author’s debut novel explores a cross-culturalexperienceinChina Two teenage boys,separated by culture and connected by the universal experience of growing up in a changing world,search for their identities and learn that what brings people together is more important than what keeps them apart.This is the story of  相似文献   

Beautiful Life     
WAWA is a makeup artist working in the wonderful world of fashion. She can repaint a model's face faster than a Formula 1 team can change four wheels in a pit stop. Originally from Harbin, Wawa has been living in Beijing for five years. She showed a talent for fashion from an early age and delighted in daubing her face with makeup and parading around in her mother's dresses and high heels  相似文献   

Known as "Hawaii of the Orient," Sanya in Hainan Province is the only tropical coastal tourist city, with sunbathed silver-sanded beaches, blue sky, coconut trees, and top quality tourism facilities. Its scenic spots, beautiful landscape and pleasant climate attract tens of thousands of tourists each year. Sanya's best-known scenic spots are nanyahaijiao(The Ends of the Earth),Yalong bay,Luhuitou  相似文献   

The Kushui rose has become a well-known brand that means more money for local farmers The rose is commonly called the flower of love, representing romance and passion.Today,farmers in Yongdeng County  相似文献   

Like many migrant workers,Xu Xiaojun,a 25-year-old kitchen cabinet installer who came to Beijing in 2001 from a small village in central China's Henan Province,hopes to find his way in the city instead of going back to the countryside.  相似文献   

正With the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) having concluded on November 14, a new catchphrase of building a beautiful China has spread across the nation. First proclaimed in the political report by the then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu  相似文献   

china is one of the most ecologically diverse nations on the planet. the variety of fauna is particularly staggering; china is home to 6,500 vertebrat species,  相似文献   

正A physically challenged woman helps and inspires others with her strong-mindedness and self-esteem Dong Ming, a 26-year-old woman in Wuhan City, central China's Hubei Province, has been bound to a wheelchair for 17 years. But that has not prevented her from helping and inspiring others. She  相似文献   

NINGBO is a tranquil coastal city, its 500-km coastline forming a scenic seascape. The HemuduCulture of 7,000 years ago records the lives of ancient ancestors that inhabited the region, and the Sun and the Moon Lakes,dug in the seventh century. are a particularly beautiful sight. The peopleof Ningbo have throughout their history had a deep affinity for the ocean. Two thousand years ago. XU Fu, a necromancer of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.). led a fleet from here. thus becoming the firs…  相似文献   

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