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HLA-DQA1 typing of 227 randomly selected Northern Italian people by the use of polymerase chain reaction are reported. The combined use of commercial Amplitype HLA-DQalpha system and four sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes allows the definition of 8 alleles and 36 genotypes, arranged according to World Health Organisation nomenclature. Seven of these genotypes are not observed among the analyzed samples. Allele frequencies range from 1.5 to 35.7% and genotype observations do not deviate significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; observed heterozygosity is 0.8238 with an allelic diversity value of 0.79 and the power of discrimination is 0.925. Our Italian population sample shows differences from other Caucasian samples both for allele and genotype frequencies. This locus typing for the 8 defined alleles provides a rapid and sensitive method in individual identification and paternity investigation.  相似文献   

Gene and genotype frequencies in relation to the D1S80 locus were determined in a sample of 197 unrelated individuals (144 Caucasians and 53 Mulattoes), living in the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil. The Mulatto group was composed by mixed individuals who presented at least one negroid physical characteristic or declared themselves to be of mixed (Black-White) ancestry. Nineteen different alleles were detected in the Caucasian sample and 15 among Mulattoes. Alleles 18 and 24 were found to be the most common ones in the Caucasian population with frequencies of 0.173 and 0.357 respectively; the sample heterozygote frequency was estimated in 0.824. Alleles 18, 24, and 28 were found to be the most common alleles among Mulattoes with respective frequencies of 0.150, 0.349, and 0.113; the sample heterozygote frequency was 0.759. Fifty-five different genotypes were detected among Brazilian Caucasians whereas the respective figure among Mulattoes was 31. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in both population samples.  相似文献   

The VNTR 3'APOB and D1S80 loci were studied in a sample of 179 individuals living in the Recanati Area (Central Italy). For 3'APOB, we found 34 genotypes and 11 alleles. The system was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.788 and 0.798 respectively. The discrimination power was 0.96, the a-priori paternity exclusion power was 0.619 and the polymorphism information content was 0.773. For D1S80, we found 45 genotypes and 18 alleles. The system deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.696 and 0.790 respectively. The discrimination power was 0.96, the a-priori paternity exclusion power was 0.617 and PIC was 0.767. The Recanati sample was compared with the general Italian frequencies for the 3'APOB locus. A difference of borderline significance was detected (P = 0.04). For D1S80, the sample was compared with a sample from Southern Italy and no significant difference was detected.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for six DNA polymorphisms have been studied in a population sample from Cantabria (middle north Spain) using the polymerase chain reaction. The HLA-DQA1 locus was analyzed by the reverse dot-blot technique and the other five by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. Six alleles were found for HLA-DQA1. 15 alleles for D1S80, 6 alleles for HUMTHO1 and HUMCSF1PO, 7 for HUMTPOX and 8 alleles for HUMVWA. The 21 repeat allele in HUMVWA had not previously been reported in a Spanish population. The genotype distributions met Hardy-Weinberg expectations for all the systems and some statistical parameters of forensic interest were calculated. Comparisons with other populations revealed significant differences for HLA-DQA1, HUMVWA and HUMTHO1, with interracial differences being more pronounced than between Spanish populations. The HUMVWA system showed the highest forensic efficiency of the six polymorphisms studied.  相似文献   

For the purpose of the population genetics study of the HUMARA locus, the allele, and genotype frequencies were determined in two Chinese population samples (Han-101, Bei-113) using PCR, PAGE, and silver staining. Fourteen alleles were found. The size of amplified fragments were 258 bp-315 bp. The observed heterozygosities were 0.83 in the Han population and 0.73 in the Bei population respectively. The expected heterozygosities were 0.91 in the Han population and 0.97 in the Bei population respectively. Both populations meet Hardy-Weinberg expectation, Han population x2 = 17.7206, df = 11, p > 0.05; Bei population x2 = 7.4268, df = 10, p > 0.05. The discrimination power were 0.95 in females and 0.89 in males in the Han population, 0.94 in females and 0.88 in males in the Bei population. Thus, the allelic frequency data can be used in the personal identification and parentage testing in the forensic science practice. The PCR test established in this study is robust and reproducible.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies of the LDLR, HBGG, GYPA, D7S8, GC, DQA1, and D1S80 loci are presented and genotypes are analyzed for each of four ethnic groups: African Americans (n = 200), US Caucasians (n = 200), US Hispanics (n = 200), and Japanese (n = 89). Hardy-Weinberg genotypic proportions were observed in all but two of the 28 population-locus tests undertaken. Those two instances are attributable to type I statistical error. Gametic equilibrium among loci is an assumption invoked for application of the product rule to utilize the discriminatory power from two or more loci simultaneously. Two statistical methods, a genotype matching statistic and log-linear modeling, were used to evaluate gametic disequilibrium. The match statistic, comparing observed to expected likelihood of genotypic identity for seven loci among pairs of individuals within the database, revealed only one statistically significant deviation among 20 tests. As expected, the probability of match was generally lowest in the test on all ethnic groups combined, indicating that allele frequencies differ among ethnic groups for some of the loci. This was confirmed with the statistic theta to measure ethnic stratification, in which about 0.10 of the genetic variation is apportioned among the four ethnic groups for four of the structural loci (LDLR, HBGG, GC, and DQA1), while for GYPA, D7S8, and D1S80, variation is more uniformly distributed among ethnic groups. Log-linear modeling was also applied to the five PM loci. The most parsimonious log-linear model included only three higher order terms: the two-way interactions of three of the PM loci with ethnic group. These three instances (LDLR, HBGG, and GC) indicated differences in allele frequencies between ethnic groups. No two or higher way interaction (disequilibrium) was observed among loci. In summary, the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg and gametic equilibrium that facilitate the use of the five PM loci, DQA1 and D1S80 in forensic applications are consistent with the allele and genotype frequencies observed in these populations.  相似文献   

All published and unpublished gene frequency data for the PCR-based loci HLA-DQA1, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, GC, and D1S80 that could be located are presented in summary tables. These gene frequencies provide the data necessary for estimating probabilities of chance match according to NRC II guidelines for any DNA profile that includes any combination of these loci for any of the populations. To illustrate the range of polymorphism for combined locus profiles, least and most common profile frequencies were estimated following NRC II guidelines for: the PM loci for all populations for which PM data were available; and for combinations of HLA-DQA1/PM, HLA-DQA1/D1S80, PM/D1S80, and HLA-DQA1/ PM/D1S80 for populations for which data were available for the relevant combinations. The profile frequencies were calculated at theta values of zero and 0.01. Minimum allele frequencies (MAF) were calculated, and are shown, for each data set for which the MAF was greater than the lowest observed allele frequency. Least common profile frequencies were calculated using MAF in those cases to illustrate a conservative estimate. The effect of using MAF versus lowest observed allele frequency in estimating least common profile frequencies is briefly illustrated as well. We finally show that aggregate U.S. gene frequency data for the classical MN and GC polymorphisms for both Caucasian and African-American populations is fully in accord with the DNA-based gene frequency data obtained from PM reverse dot-blot strips for GYPA and GC, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic marker typing based on DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) increasingly is being employed in forensic casework and for paternity testing. Allele frequencies were determined using PCR for 102 unrelated Germans (Rhine area) for the locus D18S51. Twelve alleles were observed, with frequencies ranging from 0.005 (allele 11) to 0.191 (allele 14). The observed heterozygosity was 0.867, and the power of discrimination was 0.968. There was no deviation from expectations under Hardy-Weinberg assumptions (P = 0.451).  相似文献   

HLA-DQA1 and polymarker (LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC) genotypic and allelic frequencies are determined for a population sample of 102 unrelated Basque individuals using PCR-based methodology. All six loci met Hardy-Weinberg expectations in at least two of the three analyses performed (HLA-DQA1 failed to meet Hardy-Weinberg requirements in the heterozygote deficiency test). Three linkage analysis programs (GDA, GENEPOP and LINKDOS) detected possible linkage disequilibrium between LDLR and HBGG and results from one (GDA) indicated a possible non-random association between HBGG and HLA-DQA1 as well. Allelic data for the six loci are compared to that previously established for other populations (18 for polymarker alone, 16 for polymarker plus HLA-DQA1) to determine homogeneity between the Basque sample and these groups. According to the results of G-tests based on these loci, the Tadjik, a nomadic Caucasian group from western Asia, and the Basque residents are the only sample populations surveyed that are homogenous with the Basque sample. Phylogenetic analysis places the Basque sample correctly within the Caucasian cluster.  相似文献   

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