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Nanotechnology has attracted significant research, funding, and policy activity in recent years in the US and many other countries. Of particular interest are the locational characteristics of this emerging technology. This study examines the emergence of nanotechnology in the US South to explore questions of regional standing and spatial trajectory, using an exploratory multi-indicator approach. Our research employs an array of 10 indicators of knowledge generation, human capital, R&D funding, and patenting, to uncover developments, clusters, and linkages in nanotechnology emergence. Results indicate that although there is nanotechnology activity in every state in the US South, this activity agglomerates in a few locations. One emerging nanodistrict (North Carolina’s Research Triangle) has prior strengths in high technology research and commercialization, especially based on biotechnology; but other districts (e.g., Oak Ridge Tennessee and Atlanta, Georgia) that have strengths in certain aspects of the nanotechnology research ecosystem have weaknesses in commercialization. The study illustrates how multi-indicator approaches can be developed from existing databases, using customized search techniques, and how the insights from multi-indicator measurement can be used to provide insights for research and innovation policy.
Philip ShapiraEmail:

Research and standardisation in nanotechnology: evidence from Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are science fields which are growing extremely dynamically. Germany occupies the top position in Europe and is only second to the US worldwide, which can be attributed to growing research promotion by the state. Based on a general conceptual framework on the role of different types of standards in the research process and technology life cycle, we argue that the market success of nanotechnology applications depends very much on the development of corresponding standards, which clarify not only terminology, measurement and testing methods, but also regulate safety and health aspects and specify interfaces. Other countries, European and international standardisation organisations have launched first initiatives rather early. However, Germany was not able to translate its excellent starting position in nanotechnology research into a leading position in standardisation initiatives, which pave the way for future commercialisation of nanotechnology and also the basis for the next generation of research activities. Based on a survey among stakeholders of German nanotechnology research, we are able not only to provide a first empirical validation of our conceptual model on the role of standards in the research process, but also to define the major problems at the interface between research and standardisation, and finally, to recommend possible options for their solution.
Knut BlindEmail:

Our contribution to the expanding literature on the globalization of research and innovation is to investigate the extent to which sector-specific developments in an emerging technology (such as increasing interdisciplinarity and complexity) affect inventive activities developed abroad. We look at how technological diversity and scientific excellence of host countries in the field of nanotechnology affect the development of inventive activities by US multinational companies (MNCs). We identify the most active US-based MNCs in nanotechnology-related patenting and examine location decisions of these companies and their international subsidiaries. Econometric results confirm our hypothesis that the technological breadth of host countries positively influences the expected number of inventions developed abroad by US MNCs. Science capabilities of countries also have a positive impact on the decision to invent abroad, while the influence of market specific factors is less clear. We interpret these results as suggesting that host country science capabilities are important to attract innovative activities by MNCs, but as the interdisciplinary and convergent nature of nanotechnology evolves, access to a broadly diversified knowledge base becomes important in increasing the relative attractiveness of host locations.
Philip ShapiraEmail:

Nanotechnology has been proposed as the next general purpose technology and engine for growth for the 21th century. Increasing public R&D investments are foremost reflected in the growth of scientific publications, while nanotechnology still is in an uncertain phase of development with various directions of commercialization pending. This paper focuses on the challenges, modes and outcomes of nanotechnology as an emerging science-based field in Finland. The paper contributes by interrogating how challenges and modes of nanotechnology transfer differ across universities and companies and determine outcomes broadly defined. It uses survey data covering university and company researchers in the Finnish nanotechnology community. The results show significant differences in the perceptions of researchers across these organisations, and highlight specific challenges and modes as determinants of outcomes. The specificities of nanotechnology are also assessed.
Christopher PalmbergEmail:

“Text mining” covers a range of techniques that allow software to extract information from text documents. It is not a new technology, but it has recently received spotlight attention due to the emergence of Big Data. The applications of text mining are very diverse and span multiple disciplines, ranging from biomedicine to legal, business intelligence and security. From a legal perspective, text mining touches upon several areas of law, including contract law, copyright law and database law. This contribution discusses the legal issues encountered during the assembly of texts into so-called “corpora”, as well as the use of such corpora.  相似文献   

法律文本是通过文字表达立法者意图的产物,是法治国家建立法治秩序的直接甚至惟一的依据。文本的基本要求是惟一性以及文字的清晰和严谨。在法律形成的过程中,对于法律文本中的错误,可以根据立法过程的不同阶段,以不同的方式进行修订、解释和修改。我国《宪法》和《立法法》对法律文本及其公布的规定比较简单,需要针对文本形成和公布的不同的阶段加以明确和完善。其内容包括:第一,在国家主席签署前,法律文本应当由立法机关自行撤回勘误处理或修改后按表决文本重新表决处理;第二,在国家主席签署以后,法律文本仅仅涉及一般性的文字的勘误由立法机关通过勘误程序进行修改,涉及对法条意思修改的则需要通过法律修改程序进行修改;第三,媒体公布必须要等权威机关签署公布后才能发布;第四,法律的标准文本公布后,还没有实施的,应当根据法律修改的程序进行。  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(1):43-56
Digital forensics practitioners face a continual increase in the volume of data they must analyze, which exacerbates the problem of finding relevant information in a noisy domain. Current technologies make use of keyword based search to isolate relevant documents and minimize false positives with respect to investigative goals. Unfortunately, selecting appropriate keywords is a complex and challenging task. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) offers a possible way to relax keyword selection by returning topically similar documents. This research compares regular expression search techniques and LDA using the Real Data Corpus (RDC). The RDC, a set of over 2400 disks from real users, is first analyzed to craft effective tests. Three tests are executed with the results indicating that, while LDA search should not be used as a replacement to regular expression search, it does offer benefits. First, it is able to locate documents when few, if any, of the keywords exist within them. Second, it improves data browsing and deals with keyword ambiguity by segmenting the documents into topics.  相似文献   

While there has been much emphasis over the last decade on the science of nanotechnology and on the implications and risks of potential applications, it is now timely to increase attention to the emerging dynamics of nanotechnology commercialization. This paper examines, from a global perspective, where and how corporations are entering into nanotechnology innovation. The paper tests the proposition that a significant shift has occurred in recent years in the orientation of corporate nanotechnology activities—from research discovery to patented applications. It also examines the extent to which the character and structure of corporate nanotechnology activity by country initially reflects national innovation system characteristics and prior public research funding inputs in the stage when discovery is most emphasized. The results indicate that national innovation systems characteristics are significant factors in the commercialization shift of nanotechnology and highlight the importance of innovation system policy factors. We also observe the influence of cross-border international invention linkages, suggesting that national innovation policies also need to be open and international in orientation.  相似文献   

This paper maintains that although there is much interest at the moment in exploring the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of nanotechnology, the ability to do so in a critical and reflective way, in part, depends on how nanotechnology's future is envisioned. It is argued that, at present, this vision is articulated through the novum, a narrative device borrowed from the science fiction (SF) genre. The paper concludes by arguing that the widely shared narratives about nanotechnology's future, structured by the novum, not only limit the types of ELSI questions that can be addressed but also lead to a polarized debate. It is also suggested that the device of the novum also obscures the heterogeneous nature of nanotechnology itself.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effectiveness of university research centers as a Science and Technology policy mechanism. Using the case of nanotechnology, it assesses if establishing dedicated research centers at universities influences their patterns of knowledge production, and specifically the production of commercially relevant nano-knowledge. Based on bibliometric data on patents and publications for a panel of the top patenting US universities (n = 82), the study finds that nano-centers positively impact nano-patent production at universities. Policy and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is a summary of findings of adult age-related craniofacial morphological changes. Our aims are two-fold: (1) through a review of the literature we address the factors influencing craniofacial aging, and (2) the general ways in which a head and face age in adulthood. We present findings on environmental and innate influences on face aging, facial soft tissue age changes, and bony changes in the craniofacial and dentoalveolar skeleton. We then briefly address the relevance of this information to forensic science research and applications, such as the development of computer facial age-progression and face recognition technologies, and contributions to forensic sketch artistry.  相似文献   

The effect of the shape of semiconductor nanocrystals on their performance for visualising latent fingermarks was investigated for the first time. Highly luminescent CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals in rod and spherical shapes were synthesised in organic solvent and transferred to aqueous solution using ligand exchange. The 3-mercaptopropionic acid coated nanorods and nanospheres were characterised using electron microscopy and UV-visible absorbance and luminescence spectrophotometry. A simple and rapid development of fresh to less than a week-old natural fingermarks from 4 donors (male and female) on non-porous surfaces including glass slides, aluminium foil and germanium disks using both CdSe/CdS core/shell nanorods and spherical dots was achieved, wherein nanorods demonstrated an enhanced development of ridge details in comparison to the spherical dots.  相似文献   

龚向前 《河北法学》2006,24(4):62-65
为控制传染病而行使国境卫生检疫主权时必须遵循<国际卫生条例>.<国际卫生条例>在我国的适用采取的是混合模式,即融合了"纳入"与"转化"和其他方法.依据修订后的<国际卫生条例>、<国境卫生检疫法>需要进行全面的变革.此外,我们必须解决国境卫生执法和司法中存在的问题.  相似文献   

康纪田 《行政与法》2014,(4):118-123
非法采矿与侵害矿业环境是孪生关系,山体滑坡、地陷、毁林以及污染水源等损害价值特别巨大。但损害环境从未定罪而仅以非法采矿罪判刑,罪刑不相适应导致违法成本少于非法采矿的收益,催生非法采矿现象蔓延。因此,应认定非法采矿牵连系列矿业环境犯罪形态:毁坏财物罪、污染环境罪、滥伐林木罪以及非法占用耕地罪等。牵连犯罪广泛,不应有统一的处断原则,对于社会危害性较大、牵连关系度松散的非法采矿牵连矿业环境犯罪,应适用数罪并罚原则;对恢复环境、消除危险、填平损失等,还应适用非刑罚措施。  相似文献   

The best interdisciplinary courses are those that not only expand a student’s consciousness but also increase a student’s options. A course in criminal justice and literature can give criminal justice students a broader philosophical basis for work in their profession and metaphors for understanding their discipline. For humanities students, it can reveal the extent to which literature reflects social conditions and criminal justice theories and practices. With this in mind, the authors, professors of criminal justice and English, respectively, designed and taught an experimental course that integrates topics in criminal justice with topics in literature. This article details the philosophies and goals behind this undertaking and describes the specific course objectives, readings and other instructional materials used, and the teaching methods and evaluation procedures employed. Also included are the results of a research survey which explored student perceptions of and reactions to the course. The article concludes by offering suggestions and cautionary advice that would be helpful for those interested in setting up such a curriculum.  相似文献   

浅析中华民国卫生法制之得失   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分别从立法和法律实施的角度评价了中华民国卫生法制之得失,指出了卫生立法上的三项显著成就与四点明显不足,及法律实施过程中的成效与不足。通过对中华民国三十八年卫生法制得失的深入分析,旨在为当今卫生法制建设提供历史参照。  相似文献   

Mental health law has to balance considerations of both justice, and health and welfare. In the political climate of the 1990s mental health services have become targeted on those with serious mental illness, to address the objectives of containing risks and limiting service expenditure. This paper identifies that increasing rates of detention under the Mental Health Act through the 1990s in a particular region, disproportionately involve longer-term detentions (under section 3), men, and people with serious mental illnesses. Those detained are likely to experience social difficulties. Changes in legislation are imminent, and the paper concludes that thought should be given to the amount of statutory intervention in the lives of seriously mentally ill people, and to the principle of reciprocity in relation to those coerced for lesser periods. Services should seek to address the issues of social exclusion which are reflected in the circumstances of those detained.  相似文献   

This essay examines the history of the concept of mental health. Its origin can be traced to Plato, who argued that immorality is to the soul what disease is to the body. The purpose of this argument was to answer those who thought that morality is a set of social conventions, and in that sense, is contrary to nature. Plato responded by turning to those who made a systematic study of nature – the medical writers of his day – and claiming that if proper balance is needed to maintain a healthy body, the same is true of the soul. Thus the natural state of the soul is one in which the various parts agree on which should rule. This does not mean that Plato sought to excuse immoral behavior by treating it as a medical condition, only that he regarded immoral behavior as contrary to nature and thus treatable. Although later attempts to define mental health are not as rigid as Plato's, it is remarkable how many of his insights are still applicable, in particular the claim that morality and mental health, though not identical, are nonetheless linked. A case in point is the experience of wanting something but not liking the fact that you want it. Plato regarded internal conflict of this sort as a paradigm case of psychic dysfunction. I argue that we can regard it as either a moral failing or a mental one.  相似文献   

美国《病人保护和可负担医疗法》围绕扩大保险覆盖面、强化公共项目、提升医疗质量和效率、提高项目透明和廉正度、加强医疗服务人力资源建设和合理化资金投入等对美国医疗体系进行了全面而深入的变革。美国"低成本、全覆盖"的医疗改革可以为中国提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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